Chapter 380

Although Qinglong has two pairs of wings behind its back, it can be seen from the structure of its wings and its particularly 'steady' legs that it does not have the ability to fly.

Master Ban pulled the operating lever and firmly drove Qinglong to move towards the center of the Qin army. This action immediately encountered a more violent attack: Qin Jun deliberately shot Qinglong's joints, especially the lower body.

Regardless of whether Master Ban cares about it, Qinglong will definitely not be able to escape, but he cannot leave it to the Qin army to explore!
Assessing the condition of the parts of the machine beast driven under him, and realizing that he was too late for Qinglong to reach the predetermined position, Master Ben was heartbroken and without hesitation directly pressed the button engraved with 'forbidden' above his head.

With a click, the mortise and tenon connection between the cockpit and Qinglong's chest was actively twisted, and the cabin tilted outwards. At the same time, with a bang, the mechanism Qinglong's wings spread up and down and its whole body turned red. Then all the Qin troops were completely surprised. A big explosion suddenly occurred, and the starting point of the explosion was Qinglong Shuo's thigh!

Along with this roar, the cockpit where Master Ban was located was directly ejected into the sky at an angle of 45 degrees by the force of the explosion.
As the only master of mechanism skills left in the Mo family, this is his escape route!

All the rebels fled, and the agency Qinglong exploded. When Ying Zheng walked out of the carriage with a cold face, there were a dozen generals and ministers related to the emperor's defense kneeling outside his carriage.

Including Wang Li and Zhao Gao, who was almost lying on the ground.

Without immediately paying attention to these losers, Ying Zheng took the lead and looked at the center of the chaotic Qinglong explosion.

The entire ground was dyed black, and the surrounding tree trunks and roads were blown off. The army was urgently carrying out cleaning and repair work.

This assassination of himself is far from comparable to the Jingke incident more than ten years ago. In Mount Tai, far away from Xianyang, the arrogance of the anti-Qin rebellion is evident.

This is true in the land of Qilu because there are relatively few wars. How arrogant are the rebels in the land of Yanzhao and Chuyue!

"Did you catch the rebellious member?"

Ying Zheng asked in a cold voice as he gained a better understanding of the world of Qin.

Wang Li broke into a cold sweat on his forehead, lowered his head in salute and lowered his voice: "A wanted order has been issued, and the army is also pursuing him."

"Purchase?" His Majesty the Emperor's two stern words left the imperial general speechless and his head lowered: As a direct descendant of Wang Jian and Wang Ben, Wang Li did not have enough military merit to make himself highly respected. , my character also lacks individuality, so I am completely unable to have the most basic respect from His Majesty like my grandfather and father.

Faced with the emperor's rebuke, which has become more majestic in recent years, he was stunned and speechless.

"Your Majesty, today's bold rebels are still the remnant members of the Mohist family who were not wiped out last year, and they are also joined by Guigu Zongheng. These knights and knights have never obeyed the laws of the court, and their martial arts are quite strong. If the army does not force them in In a desperate situation, all odds can keep people behind.”

Another young minister in civilian attire, who was kneeling on the ground, raised his hands and offered suggestions to Ying Zheng: "The Prime Minister once said that if he wants to destroy him, he must control the rivers and lakes with rivers and lakes. This strategy should continue to be used today."

Ying Zheng glanced at the minister and did not comment on his remarks, but his words vaguely implicated the responsibility on Luo Wang. Luo Wang was a bright and cold blade used by Da Qin to deal with Jianghu: "Zhao Gao, your inseparable six swords Where is the slave?"

"Your Majesty, there is an error in the internal information of the Luowang. The Six Swords slaves were trapped in the bait of the rebels and failed to arrive in time. The slave deserves death."

Zhao Gao did not dare to raise his head and directly admitted that Luo Wang had made mistakes in this operation and asked for punishment.

"A crime worthy of death? Ha." Ying Zheng doesn't need to hear how and what mistakes Luo Wang made. He only needs the results: "Meng Yi, after the Taishan sacrifice, I need to see the results of Luo Wang's inspection."

"I obey the order!" The minister who had just spoken took the initiative and responded calmly. Zhao Gao continued to lie on the ground and trembled all over. A fierce light flashed through his pupils that no one could see.

This time, the rebels' assassination operation was detected in advance and the result was naturally meritorious. However, it failed to prevent the assassination from taking place and was instead convicted.

In the process between merit and crime, Ying Zheng handed it over to Meng Yi of the Meng clan to investigate Luo Weng. The two had some grudges in the past, and Luo Wen obviously had no chance to fool him.

He had to bleed to minimize the impact of his mistake.

On Xiaoyaozi's side, Six Sword Slaves found an opportunity to leave after the large army of Snare Killers arrived: they had a chance to kill all these rebels, and what Six Sword Slaves are best at is killing people, but now His Majesty the Emperor's safety is in danger Dealing with accountability afterwards is the most important thing.Killing a group of rebels will indeed bring merit, but not obeying the red dragon signal flare is a capital crime. It is not difficult to imagine how the two should choose.

After the Six Sword Slaves retreated, Xiaoyaozi was unwilling to stay any longer. His mission had been completed and he needed to retreat next.

But even if the Six Sword Slaves are not around, these groups of killers and earth-level killers are not easy to deal with: the Luowang killer is far more ferocious than the Mohist disciples and ordinary Jianghu rangers. Only Liusha, who is also a killer, Members can respond equally.

The losses would inevitably increase. Of course Xiaoyaozi could retreat by himself without risk, but that would be bad for his reputation.

After today, he will completely lose the support from the Qin State and completely wander around the world. He cannot care about his reputation.

After fighting for a while, under the pressure of the three masters Xiaoyaozi, Chisongzi, and Tian Guang, Chi Lian of Liusha also summoned a large number of poisonous forest snakes to intimidate them. In the end, the main force of the net retreated on their own initiative, and the anti-Qin alliance encountered another heavy blow. loss.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of these snare killers to support the emperor's motorcade, Xiaoyaozi quickly disappeared into the dense forest with the remaining men.

Gai Nie Weizhuang reunited smoothly after escaping for a safe distance. The two then found Gao Jianli, and the three of them then looked for Master Ban's ejection direction together.

Judging from the results, this assassination at least caused Qin a big loss of face. Even if it failed, it could be used as an example to inspire the confidence and courage of anti-Qin people everywhere: they escaped unscathed in an assassination attempt on the tyrant. .

However, the price was the death of the Mo family's last blue dragon. In addition, Xuanwu was lying down waiting for repairs after the last battle in the shipyard prison. The Mo family's four-spirited machine beasts only had a small number of white tigers and a Suzaku.

It is foreseeable that in the absence of a stable base like the Government City, every move the Mo family takes in the future will consume more and more of their stored machinery beasts. In the end, if even the machinery Suzaku is destroyed, then the Mo family can declare be destroyed.

Fighting for consumption, Da Qin can easily crush them no matter how much it wastes its people's power.

It is not appropriate to think about such troubles when the operation is semi-successful. If it is later revealed that Ying Zheng really died in this attack, then it will be worth the high price.

"found it."

Gao Jianli saw a huge "dandelion" covering the treetops in the forest in the distance, and knew that it was the safety umbrella used by Qinglong to land after ejection.

Since the safety umbrella will be opened successfully, there should be no big problem on Master Ban's side.

With the guidance, they quickly found the ejection cabin and pulled out Master Ben, who was covered in blood and in a terrifying coma.

He was still breathing. Although Master Ben was obese, his physical fitness was not bad after dealing with machine arts for many years. This dangerous and untested ejection was successful by him.

Gai Nie withdrew his hand to check the pulse and discussed everyone's next plan: "Next, Ying Zheng will definitely launch an all-out search on the surrounding area, and the search will even expand to the whole country. Mount Tai cannot wait for long."

Gao Jianli carried Master Ban on his back and asked patiently: "Before the operation was carried out, the two of them said that there was a safe place where we could escape from the arrest, but they refused to name the destination. Are they worried that there are still people in the alliance? Spy?"

After many life-and-death actions, the three of them had at least the most basic trust in each other. Therefore, when Zongheng acted as the Riddler in front of everyone, Gao Jianli not only did not ask more questions, but also supported their actions. Now there were only a few of them nearby. He no longer had any scruples.

"It's Sanghai, we want to go back there." Wei Zhuang, who had many conflicts with Gao Jianli's values, suddenly laughed and gave the answer.

"This location shouldn't be a secret." Gao Jianli lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, pursed his lips and continued to ask.

The Mo family's inn in Songhai City has not been exposed yet. It is indeed a safe place, but the answer shouldn't be that simple.

"We have a powerful ally in Songhai City who will join the team. Brother Gao is also very familiar with this ally." Gai Nie's eyes were as pale as lake water: "For him, this assassination of Qin is actually just our vote. .”

(End of this chapter)

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