Chapter 381
"The true identity of Zong Xiaoyaozi, a Taoist, is Luo Wang Tian Zi Yi Yi Zhi Sun. As a member of Luo Wang's anti-Qin alliance, he chose to join the rebellion, which made Luo Wang's misjudgment."

Meng Yi questioned and recorded Zhao Gao impartially, without any personal feelings in his tone.

"Exactly. If your Majesty has any other questions, I will answer them all."

The master of the dragnet lowered his eyes slightly, looking very obedient.

At this time, it was already the second day of the assassination. Meng Yi repeated the content of yesterday's interrogation with Zhao Gao today, and there was nothing in the rhetoric that needed to be modified.

However, this certainly does not prove that what Zhao Gao said is true: Meng Yi will truthfully hand over these records to His Majesty, but at the same time he will also give his own judgment on the contents.

For example, in the article "Xiaoyaozi should be rebellious in the net" just now, he wrote the word "suspicious" at the back.

"last question."

Meng Yi was far away from Zhao Gao, and looked at him calmly: "Luo Wang has always been under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister. This time, we tracked the rebels to Mount Tai. What instructions does Prime Minister Li have?"

Hearing this question, Zhao Gao's heart was moved, and he answered naturally: "The Prime Minister is worried about many issues regarding the sailing of the Songhai Mirage, and the only action against the net is to 'serve the country with loyalty'."

"Well" Meng Yi's eyes seemed to want to extend along Zhao Gao's pupils into his heart. After a long time, he took his eyes back and filled in a few words in the document, dried it and closed it: "The content of the interrogation will be presented today. Your Majesty the Emperor, the CRRC Mansion still needs to stay here for a while longer."

"I would like to express my gratitude to you, your superior."

Zhao Gao watched the stern-faced Meng Yi leave and then the door was closed. His pale paws couldn't help but clenched his fists.
Outside the temporary detention room, Meng Yi wanted to continue interrogating the disarmed Six Sword Slaves, but unexpectedly ran into the eighteenth prince Hu Hai who was accompanying him on this eastward tour.

Hu Hai was second only to the eldest son Fusu in favor among many princes. However, compared to Fusu's frequent contact with political affairs, Hu Hai only gained the emperor's favor among those childish things.

Meng Yi was a loyal minister of His Majesty the First Emperor, as were the two Meng brothers, but inevitably, the two brothers respected the eldest son more in terms of standing in line.

"I have met the young master." He saluted Hu Hai neither humble nor arrogant. Since Hu Hai did not hold an official position during the crown ceremony, Meng Yi's etiquette was not enthusiastic enough, but it was not unruly.

"Well." Hu Hai knew very well that the Meng brothers were more optimistic about his eldest brother. He held his head high as a return gift, and then extended a palm to Meng Yi: "The investigation of the case of rebellious and bold assassination of the emperor this time is What's going on? Let me see the record."

"Young Master, respect yourself." Meng Yi refused without any worries: "The case records are in accordance with His Majesty's instructions. During the investigation, they cannot be passed into the hands of anyone except minor officials. Anyone who violates the rules will be executed!"

"Furthermore, this place is an important place for investigation. It would be a bit inappropriate for Young Master to visit. Please come back quickly."

"You!" Hu Hai thought that Meng Yi would not hand over the case records to him, so the main purpose of his coming this time was not for the case records, but to wait for Meng Yi to refuse him to leave and then go see Zhao again. Gao didn't want this road to be blocked in advance: "You are disrespectful, young master, I must tell my father!"

"There is no need for the young master to move around. Any details in the investigation of the case will be reported to the emperor one by one."

Meng Yi can't get enough oil and water.

"Good to you Meng Yi, good, good!"

Hu Hai turned around and left with a gloomy face. Meng Yi didn't take it seriously. He told his subordinates behind him to strictly prohibit any outsiders from coming in again, and then went to the place where Six Sword Slaves were held.

Hu Hai's face was extremely ugly when he returned to his room, but he rarely threw anything to vent his anger.

"It seems that the young master has failed." Yan Le, the unranked killer in the net, touched Hu Hai's sore spot.

"Without Meng Yi's help, I can't contact Zhao Gao." Hu Hai's golden and blue pupils were filled with fierceness: "When I succeed, I will cut Meng Yi into pieces with a thousand knives!"

"It is not unacceptable for the young master to take the risk and fail, but the first thing the young master should do now is to complain to your majesty first." Yan Le suggested calmly.

"Complain? I'm going to let Father give me a lecture!" Hu Hai's teeth itched with hatred. Of course he knew what would happen to him if he complained about this matter.

"But if you don't accept this admonishment, Your Majesty will probably think more." Yan Le stepped forward and increased his voice: "Young master, if you take the initiative, you can define this matter as a child who cares about the teacher." The nonsense caused by your Majesty may not create a bad impression on His Majesty."

"Okay, okay, I'll go, I'll go! It's so verbose!" Hu Hai thought Yan Le's judgment was reasonable, but he still refused to admit weakness.

After sending Hu Hai away, Yan Le lowered his head and muttered: If you don't have a good reputation, how can you send a killer to secretly exchange information with Mr. CRRC?

That's all, do less and make fewer mistakes. Maybe the adults have already arranged it.

Half an hour later, Hu Hai was reprimanded by His Majesty the Emperor and banned from attending the Mount Tai sacrifice.
"Have the results of the investigation come out?"

Late at night, Ying Zheng, who was still correcting the official documents shipped from Xianyang, learned that Meng Yi had asked for an audience and immediately summoned him.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Meng Yi stepped forward and respectfully placed the investigation documents on Ying Zheng's desk, then stood aside and did not step back.

His popularity is evident from this. "Tell me the results."

Ying Zheng didn't look through it, or even raised his head. The official document in his hand was information about the war in southern Xinjiang.

After the death of the original general Tu Sui, Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo changed their initial massacre strategy and continued to attack Baiyue Land with much success.

By immigrating while fighting, they made the Qin army's rear very stable, and with a certain degree of gentleness, more and more defectors among the Yue people became available.

However, the die-hards among the Yue people, such as the leader Yiguo Song, were determined to fight against Qin, so the war in Baiyue could only advance slowly.

"Luo Wang's mistake was an accident, but according to my observation, there were some traces of connivance in the accident." Meng Yi expressed his judgment.

"Is there any evidence?" Ying Zheng didn't seem surprised.

"Zhan Ri betrayed him, and he is likely to have negative consequences for Luo Weng." Meng Yi gave two specific directions: "Master Hu Hai wants to see Zhao Gao today, and Luo Wen's suspicion is probably because of him. "

'Infighting within the empire, fighting for reserves', this kind of direction is very dangerous for Meng Yi who proposed it.

"I know about this." Ying Zheng paused, but put down the war in southern Xinjiang, picked up Meng Yi's investigation report, and looked through it. He missed Hu Hai's topic: "Hiding the sun is Xiaoyaozi, do you think he has something hidden in him?" What’s the reason for the secret of the trap?”

"From the analysis of the traces at the scene and the confessions of Liujian Slave, their mission is likely to include killing Xiaoyaozi together. This intention came about before Xiaoyaozi rebelled."

Meng Yi didn't have a good impression of Zhao Gao. This man should have been executed for triggering the Qin Law, but this time he reported to His Majesty the Emperor that he did not have any personal gain.

Luo Wang is a killer organization, and its nature determines that it cannot be clean. This time, just the investigation of the plan to assassinate Qin can reveal the political factors behind Luo Wang. If a detailed investigation is conducted nationwide, the clues that can be obtained will only be more many.

But the premise of all this is: how does His Majesty view this matter.

When it comes to the fight for the crown prince, this has indeed touched His Majesty's bottom line, but it has not crossed the line.

After all, no matter how fierce these competitions are, the result will ultimately be determined by His Majesty.

"After Zhang Han's death, the Shadow Guards have no one to lead them. Meng Yi, you can manage the Shadow Guards while you are in Songhai."

Sure enough, the emperor did not announce the outcome of Luo Wang's treatment, but handed over the Shadow Secret Guard to him.

The intention is obvious: he wants Meng Yi to find clear evidence.

"I obey the decree!" Meng Yi kowtowed.


In Songhai City, the assassination case of Taishan has been reported here, but there are not many details circulating in the world: only the emperor was assassinated, the assassin smashed the six-wheel drive but failed to assassinate the target, and the emperor was furious and launched a nationwide manhunt. .

Lu Wei knew more details, but he was a person who knew how to keep his mouth shut.

On this day, he suddenly took Ji Yanxiaomeng and the maid Xiaoyu to a teahouse on the busy street. Master Xiakui booked a private room on the second floor.

However, after entering the box, Lu Wei only focused on drinking tea leisurely. On the contrary, Xiao Yu seemed to be very familiar with the environment here and vaguely wanted to say something.

Ji Yan's eyes flashed, and he immediately took the initiative to sit next to her in a warm voice and asked in a low voice the reason.

Although it was in a low voice, the other two people both had deep inner energy. This was actually similar to a public inquiry.

Xiao Yu glanced at Lu Wei and saw that he didn't stop him, so he came to the window and pushed the window open. Through it, he could see that diagonally opposite the teahouse was the 'Youjian Inn' where the Mo family lurked.

She had worked as a waiter in an inn, so she naturally knew the environment around the inn.

Ji Yan also basically knew the map of the city, but because she knew too much, she originally thought about other reasons. It wasn't until Xiao Yu went to open the window that she immediately remembered the more direct geographical location.

"There is an inn where a distinguished guest will be visiting today. We are here to witness it."

The answer to the mystery was revealed, and Lu Wei smiled and continued to sell new stories.

"The people from Taishan are back?" Ji Yan asked curiously.

"No, there is only one distinguished guest in the inn today~His status is high~"

(End of this chapter)

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