Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 382 Restless

Chapter 382 Restless
Nowadays, there are many high-status people in Songhai City, but there is only one most noble one...for now.


Xiao Yu and Ji Yan, who were guarding the window, looked at the noble master who got off the carriage. The latter called out his name. This made Xiao Meng, who had been meditating quietly since entering the teahouse, also open his eyelids and his eyes immediately opened. Looking towards Lu Wei:

Both women still remember what he said when returning from the mirage, "Fusu will assassinate Ying Zheng."

Youjian Inn is a hidden stronghold of the Mohist family. The assassination of Emperor Taishan was reported not long ago. Fusu came to Youjian Inn at this time. Could it be that...
"Judging from the eldest son's behavior all the time, can he have such thoughts?" Ji Yan expressed doubts about this. Although she was not familiar with Fusu, Fusu's "generousness" was known throughout the world. spread.

Xiaomeng knew even less about Fusu, because she didn't care about Fusu himself, so it didn't matter what happened to the eldest son. The reason why she became interested was because Xiaomeng thought that Fusu's actions would affect Lu Wei's plan. Influence.

As for Xiao Yu, she couldn't do anything. Songhai City was basically in a state of fog for her, so she could only remain silent.

When the eldest son of the empire came to visit, the innkeeper, Cook Ding, naturally came out to welcome him in. It was this action that made Ji Yan even more suspicious of Fusu's purpose: it was most likely not related to assassinating Qin, but because of this, Fusu The situation will be very dangerous.

"Someone wants to use the Mo family to frame Fusu?" She asked with half speculation and half certainty.

"No" Lu Wei shook his head: "He is setting himself up."

Every move of the eldest son of the empire will represent the future direction of this country. The frame-up that Fusu will encounter next cannot be hidden from Ying Zheng's eyes, but Fusu's response methods seem likely to disappoint Ying Zheng.

If the hidden dangers cannot be eliminated in advance or the most basic thing is to prove his innocence afterwards, even the eldest son of the empire will not receive public protection from His Majesty the First Emperor.

"Fusu does not lack ability, but also has a certain amount of courage. Such a person can never be established as a prince because he lacks the means to properly display his ability and courage."

"The scandal that broke out on the eldest son will involve most of Ying Zheng's energy immediately after arriving at Songhai, and during this critical period, the Yin Yang Family and Luo Wang will do everything well."

Lu Wei calmly announced the script of the next drama to be staged in Songhai City, while in an inn, Fusu was still elegantly testing Chef Ding's cooking skills, preparing to use this famous chef in Qilu to succeed his father. .

There was no need for him, the young master, to do such trivial matters. It was Zhang Liang's words that made him interested in this inn during the chat when Mr. Zhuang Funian, the young sage, invited Fusu to a banquet not long ago.

Originally, Luo Wang, Li Si, and even Xiaomeng were arranged as back-up players to ensure that the relationship between Fusu and Youjian Inn was unclear. However, Zhang Liang's grasp of Fusu's psychology was extremely clear, with just a few sentences. So he was tempted, and all those plans were saved.

"You called me out, shouldn't it be just because of these trivial matters?" Xiaomeng asked bluntly after hearing Lu Wei's words and wondering what role she could play in this.

The real answer to this question is that Lu Wei was worried that Fusu would be displeased by Chef Ding's impoliteness, so he and Xiao Meng showed up at the critical moment and entered the inn just in case. However, since Fusu didn't come out for a long time, it means that Chef Ding had already thought of it. If there is a way to attract the attention of the eldest son, then this backup plan will naturally not be used.

Lu also decisively changed the reason: "I need to go to the mirage later. Xiao Yu will go to see their sacred Fuso tree in Shu Mountain. You go with me."

His tone was reasonable, but it did not arouse any objection from Ji Yan and Xiaomeng. Xiao Yu even blinked at him with gratitude.

Going to the mirage is a temporary decision, but there is indeed something to do when going to the mirage, and it is still an extremely important thing.

Under the persuasion of the Moon God, Yun Zhongjun has been willing to become Master Lu's lackey, so that he doesn't have to be secretive to poison the elixir refined by His Majesty the Emperor. Lu Wei watches the actions of Yun Zhongjun, who is refining the elixir in an honest and upright manner. Add those medicinal powders that are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye into the alchemy furnace in a timely manner.Yun Zhongjun couldn't help but frowned at the unnecessary step that affected the smoothness of his alchemy process, but as soon as Master Xia Kui raised his eyes to look at him, the elder Jin immediately showed a flattering and harmless smile. .

You know, even when facing the First Emperor Ying Zheng, Yun Zhongjun would show a certain degree of pride as an alchemy master when refining alchemy. But the difference between Lu Wei and Ying Zheng is: Ying Zheng's dissatisfied majesty is certainly scary, but this In terms of majesty and physical palm power, it is not worth mentioning.

Once the elixir was prepared, it was immediately sealed in a box and sent to Taishan in a hurry so that His Majesty the Emperor could take it regularly.

During the period when Donghuang imprisoned Sun Moon Star, the poisoning process was missing a few periods, so we had to increase the dosage to make up for it~
After everything was done, Yun Zhongjun came to Lu Wei with smile lines on his face, and took out a treasure box from his arms, opening it to reveal three silver pills:
"I didn't know that the adults came here suddenly, and I didn't have time to prepare gifts. Fortunately, a few days ago, when I was awakened by the Moon God and joined the farmer's family, I was inspired to refine three real-life pills that expand the muscles and veins. I hope you will accept them. "

"Yes." Lu Wei stared at the three round and full pills carefully and nodded: "He is indeed the best alchemist in the world. These pills can be called works of art regardless of their efficacy."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir!" Yun Zhongjun hurriedly kowtowed. In order to survive, his obedience was rare even for Lu Wei.

After accepting the gift and sending away the newly acquired dog, Master Xia Kui went to the Chaotun Hall above the mirage, without disturbing Xiao Yu who was secretly feeling sad under the Fuso Sacred Tree.

Chaotun Palace is the residence of Concubine Dongjun Yan. Since both Toad Palace and Crescent Palace were damaged to a certain extent, the Moon God chose to hold the reception dinner here.

The decoration of the entire Chaotun Hall is trying its best to imitate the legendary place where the Sun God rises. The gorgeous decorations are spread out without hesitation, and only a few elegant incense burners raise misty smoke.

On the round table as bright as the sun, exquisite dishes and fine wines have been prepared. Lu Wei is sitting at the head of the table. On either side of him are the Moon God, Dong Jun, Ji Yan and Xiao Meng of the Yin Yang family.

"Ying Zheng sent a black dragon file to Mirage yesterday. Judging from the content, it seems that he did not know about Mirage's departure."

When the Moon God saw that everyone who was qualified to attend today's dinner had arrived, she clapped her hands and waved away the boys and girls who were supposed to be serving the immortals. Her lips parted lightly, but she was talking about serious matters from the beginning.

"I have my own arrangements for this matter. Ying Zheng will not have the energy to come to the mirage to inspect it in person. You can just concentrate on renovating the inside of the Yin Yang family."

Lu Wei filled himself up with wine and changed the topic with a smile: "No matter what the empire is about tonight, just chat."

After he said a word, Chaotun Palace immediately became silent.
Yueshen, Dongjun, and Xiaomeng are not characters who can chat about gossip. If they are asked to start a conversation, they will obviously only get this result.

Ji Yan observed the tranquility of the air, chuckled and poured himself a drink. Yan Yan smiled and said to Lu Wei: "Brother Lu is right. He said that from now on, there is no need to set sail to search for immortals in the mirage. This empire The product of ten years of effort, will the Yin and Yang family move to this mirage from Xianyang as their headquarters?"

By the end of the sentence, her eyes were looking at the Moon God with a gleam of curiosity.

"The next step of the Yin-Yang Family will be to fully assist the farmer in completing the competition. Although the Yin-Yang Family is responsible for supervising the construction of the mirage, its owner is not the Yin-Yang Family." The corner of Yueshen's lips curled up symbolically when faced with Xiao Yan'er's question. But the tone of answering questions was still flat.

"The headquarters of the Yin Yang family will still be on land, this mirage. What does Lu Lang plan to use it for?"

The topic returned to Lu Wei. Lu Wei pretended to think, but his attention was slightly distracted: under the table, there was a restless little foot that boldly stretched out to his leg at this time.
(End of this chapter)

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