Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 383: Taking advantage of wine to be willful

Chapter 383: Taking advantage of wine to be willful

A room full of masters with profound inner energy. Any small movements are stimulating. They can be used as the center of the line of sight. Lu Wei's every move is being watched, and he will be exposed if he is not careful.

However, with his current status, although he tried not to be exposed as much as possible, it would not hurt even if he was exposed.

"The damage within the mirage has not yet been repaired, and subsequent annual maintenance is a huge expense. Only a huge empire can maintain its normal operation, and there is no rush to decide its use at the moment."

Sitting forward calmly, Lu Wei touched his chin with one hand and put the other hand under the table naturally: "Speaking of the headquarters of the Yin and Yang family, there are rumors in the world that it is mysterious and unpredictable. I have not even heard of it in Guanzhong." I’ve been there before and am very curious about Xianyang.”

Lu Wei has been traveling around the world for 20 years. Among the capitals of the original seven countries, only Xinzheng, the smallest, and Xianyang, the largest, have not been visited. The capitals of the other five countries have lived more or less in them.

Well, it's white and smooth to the touch. Only one of the four girls is used to bare feet every day.
His eyes swept across that holy and cold face, and his gray-white pupils showed nothing unusual.

He originally thought it was the naughty Xiao Yan'er or the excitement-seeking Luna who was causing trouble, but unexpectedly it was the coldest Xiao Meng.

"Xianyang is magnificent. When the peasant army enters Guanzhong, the Yin and Yang family will try to open the city gate to welcome the army. At that time, Lu Lang will see whatever he wants." Moon God said and turned the topic to the subsequent destruction of Qin. , this is also helpless, their current situation is not completely safe, no matter how good the chance of winning is, there is still the possibility of destruction.

Only by eliminating the only threat can everyone truly feel relieved.

However, given the geographical location of the Qin State, if the rebel army can really reach Xianyang City, it will prove that the situation is irreversible, and there is a high probability that they will surrender without the Yin and Yang family taking action.

"Although I have not entered Guanzhong, it is not that I have no plans in Guanzhong. Xianyang is not a target that requires the Yin and Yang family to take risks."

After making a confident declaration without any shame, Lu Wei felt the slight touch begin to spread on his thigh. He took the initiative to pick up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp to cover up.

Correspondingly, seeing him like this, the cold and quiet eyes on the side were suddenly amused, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly.
Half an hour later, a dinner party that was not so lively but the voices did not stop talking ended. After drinking a bottle of sake, everyone's thoughts became much clearer. But at this time, with the strength of the wine, it was obvious that It's better to be hazy.

The restless teasing actually retreated quickly when he was neither up nor down, which made Mr. Lu feel a little depressed. Fortunately, tonight he didn't need to hold it in like the young man who practiced diligently. He had many choices in the mirage.
In Songhai City, Fusu also had many choices. He was still in an inn. Today was his holiday. In the past, the eldest son of the empire would either study in his mansion or go on a cruise in the countryside to relax.

The reason why Fusu delayed his arrival at Youjian Inn for so long was because he was concentrating on choosing dishes that his father might like.

As the lord of the world, even though Xianyang Palace can enjoy everything, the flavor of Qilu is the freshest when tasted in the land of Qilu.

Fusu had also sent people to inquire about Cook Ding beforehand, and knew that he had the style of a wanderer. This was originally a minus point, but today we actually saw him: a man who can master all the cooking methods of dishes from all regions in the world. How can a celebrity chef, even if he has a humble status, have a low cultural level?

The cook Ding can tell the story behind each dish so that Fusu can even blend into those scenes when he tastes the food. Normally, he would not waste time like this, but today, between delicious food and various cultural stories, Swimming in the middle gave Fusu a relaxation he had never experienced before.

He decided to let Cook Ding serve as the chef to prepare a dinner for his father's arrival.

Xiao Yan'er got up from the ground, stretched out her hand to wipe the corners of her mouth, and handed a pre-packaged dish on the table to Lu Wei with a calm expression: "Xiao Yu hasn't had dinner yet, she must still be recalling her homeland. It would be the best time for Brother Lu to go to comfort him now, so Shushan will definitely support the farmers even more."

Reaching out and stroking Ji Yan's cute long hair, Lu Wei did not refuse, but before leaving, he took out the immortal elixir given to him by Yun Zhongjun: "This is Yun Zhongjun's elixir. You can confirm it with the Moon God." It has medicinal properties, and it should have some effect on your martial arts."

"Yes!" Ji Yan watched him leave, looked down at the delicate box in his hand, turned around and prepared to follow the instructions to find the Moon God.
She had met Luna many times when she was young, but now she had to adopt a different mentality when meeting alone~
Under the Fuso tree, Xiao Yu has really never left here since he boarded the ship.After Mr. Xia Kui, who smelled slightly of alcohol, arrived and stood with the quiet Princess Shushan for a while, Xiao Yu raised his hand to wipe his eyes and said stiffly, "Thank you."

But soon after, her tears suddenly collapsed and flowed uncontrollably, and her whole body was crumbling. Fortunately, Lu Wei held her in time.

Lu Wei actually knew the reason why Xiao Yu was like this earlier: the Fuso sacred tree could not return to Shushan.

This Shushan sacred tree, which has been growing for thousands of years, has been transported thousands of miles from Shushan to Songhai, and it can no longer bear the loss of being transported back again.

It can either be transplanted to the shore nearby, which also has some risks.

Or, just stay in the mirage and continue to prosper.After continuing to accumulate vitality for hundreds of years, the fuso sacred tree may be able to return home.

How cruel this is to the Shu people who have been shrouded under the Fusang sacred tree since they became conscious: they were promised that they could take back the sacred tree, but they were unable to take it back due to practical reasons.

"The mirage is very big. You can have a permanent residence here and treat your feet as the unbreakable Shu Mountain."

Lu Wei was not good at comforting her by softly speaking the words she had thought of in advance, but for a sad girl who had been wandering away for many years, a word of comfort was more important than the content.

Xiao Yu listened hazily to the whispers in her ears, feeling the solid support behind her. Unable to control herself, she turned around and threw herself directly into Master Xia Kui's arms. She completely let go of her tense emotions for a long time and began to cry bitterly. Her voice had already gained some strength. Hoarse.

Patting her back gently, after waiting for a long time but seeing no sign of Xiao Yu stopping, Lu Wei simply tapped her sleeping point. The girl suddenly went limp and lost consciousness.

It's not that he doesn't know how to care about women, but it's just that the feeling of having his chest wet with tears is really uncomfortable.

Besides, there are bystanders
Gently laying Xiao Yu down at the roots of the Fusang sacred tree, Lu Wei raised his eyes to look at the towering treetops: Although he could not see the figure hiding among the thick leaves, his aura would not be false: "Dongjun will come here, It must not be for Princess Shushan."

As his voice fell, Concubine Yan, who smelled slightly of alcohol, appeared behind Lu Wei: "It's the little girl who's disturbing you, Xiakui, who is leaning against his jade to enjoy the fragrance."

Concubine Yan calmly stepped forward, half drunk, and walked past Lu Wei to the sacred fusang tree. She raised her hand and stroked the slightly warm tree trunk. Her eyes were as deep as stars: "Master Xia Kui is still unmarried, but he has more and more confidante. As the future king, I wonder who will be lucky enough to become the queen ~ my good sister, Moon Goddess?"

At the end of the story, the purpose of Concubine Yan's unexpected visit was clear: she came for the Moon God.

As for what it is for the moon god, it remains to be explored.

But today Lu Wei didn't want to go through the tedious test. Looking at the graceful willow-like figure, he had already had lustful thoughts. He walked up quickly to Concubine Yan and threw her against the tree, and then said nothing tough. He kissed the red lips.

I'm drunk, this is a drunken faux pas.

Concubine Yan's mind went blank when faced with such an unexpected attack and indecent assault. She subconsciously gathered the inner energy in her hand and slapped Lu Wei's chest. However, the blow had no effect at all and was easily caught by the strong chest.

The foreign object broke through her red lips and white teeth, and her whole body trembled. Lord Dongjun, who had never been treated like this before, was thinking about the moment she was rescued when she was poisoned by design last year and was imprisoned in the forbidden area of ​​​​the Mo family.
(End of this chapter)

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