Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 384 Heavy Chapter Sanghai

Chapter 384 Return to Songhai
"I will take those people to Daze Mountain. As for Master Xiaoyao," Han Xin is still wearing the coarse linen gray clothes. Compared with the last time he was in Songhai City, the biggest change in this clothes is that it has one more Patch everywhere.

Following closely behind him was a subordinate, a black unicorn half-covered in a cloak. He was originally a counter-quicksand killer and now belongs to a farmer's family.

The person talking to Han Xin in front of him was Xiaoyaozi.

"According to the agreement with our adults, Master Xiaoyao can go to Songhai."

"Sanghai." Xiaoyaozi looked solemnly: "'Yes' means that I have other choices?"

"Of course." Han Xin smiled and nodded: "The farmers never force allies. If Master Xiaoyao has other things to do, we will not stop him."

There was no emotion in Han Xin's eyes, which made Xiaoyaozi uncertain about the authenticity of what the young man said.

Several days have passed since Qinglong Assassinated Qin. Unlike Zongheng, Gao Jianli, and Master Ban on the other side who went to Songhai with clear goals, Xiaoyaozi led the Jianghu Rangers and people from the Six Kingdoms such as the Mo family and the Xiang family to flee in the dense forest. Hiding from the pursuit of the Qin army, he finally found the black unicorn near the place agreed in advance.

Because the people who had snagged the trap earlier suddenly caught up with them, Tian Guang took Chi Songzi to lure them away. Therefore, under the leadership of Hei Qilin, Xiaoyaozi went deeper alone to see Han Xin.

Xiaoyaozi would not object to Han Xin's intention to take away the Mo family and others: they are valuable to him, but they are also a burden. It would be best if they could be taken away by the farmer at the moment.

Xiaoyaozi is more concerned about his future fate: he can no longer stay in Luowang, but he is free.

In this way, he can now either give up and return to his boyhood dream, leave everything behind, and venture into the world again, or he can go all the way to the end on the road against Qin.
Before becoming Zhidri, and even for a long time after becoming Zhidri, Xiaoyaozi pursued only the former. He was once a Guanzhong Ranger who was dedicated to the right path!
But I don't know since when, the toxins of Luo Wang have completely invaded Xiaoyaozi's body. He has become the leader of the Taoist family, and he can never go back to the unscrupulous time he had when he was 20 years old.

Taking back the identity of the leader of the Renzong that was deprived by the Qin State is a goal that he can still see, so he will choose the latter.

"No need." Xiaoyaozi sighed while stroking his beard with his sword behind his back: "Although the assassination of Qin failed, more and more righteous people will fight against Qin inspired by this action. I will go to Songhai to continue the cause of righteousness. !”

"That's fine." Han Xin smiled even brighter: "Master Xiaoyao also has two companions. They can go to Songhai together."

The other party mentioned Tian Guang and Chisongzi, to which Xiaoyaozi just hummed and said nothing: after his identity as a cover-up was exposed and he was removed from the net, the three of them were responsible for acting as cover-up at different points in time. The group suddenly felt awkward.

Chisongzi agreed to feign death to become Xiaoyaozi's helper in order to protect the Taoist family, while Tian Guang also joined him in order to protect the peasant family and survive.

But now, the reason for the three people to be together has disappeared along with the mysterious identity of Zhanri. Therefore, in Xiaoyaozi's view, Chisongzi has no choice but to return to Taoism and follow Bei Mingzi in retreat, and even if Tian Guang is in the farmhouse When all the Tian family lineage is cleared by Lu Wei, as long as he is willing to give in, the farm family will have a safe escape route.

Only himself, without any backer or background.
In the Jianghu world, personal strength is indeed important, but without the backing of a big force, you will eventually be in danger at any time.

"I am not the only one who has been planted by Luo Wang in the anti-Qin alliance. There will be at least three Luo Wang spies among the ranger assistants who come from all directions. Be careful when you take them back to Daze Mountain. .”

Before taking Han Xin and Hei Qilin back to the main force to hand over power, Xiaoyaozi gave them a special warning on the way: The dragnet and the earth net are all-pervasive. Even the powerful forces of various schools of thought will have their nets invaded, let alone these groups of rangers. Talk a lot.

Especially if Luo Wang knew in advance that there was sufficient preparation time for this operation.

"Don't worry, Master Xiaoyao. Farmers are good at killing traitors." Han Xin was noncommittal. Lu Wei had already given a clue before he arrived. There was a thread, and he was very confident in peeling off the cocoon.In this anti-Qin alliance to assassinate Qin, Xiaoyaozi is the nominal leader, but at the same time he must be assisted by the Mohist commander, Liusha Tianwang, and Xiang generals. Therefore, even if Xiaoyaozi takes the initiative to accept the concession, most people want to Taking over power is never easy.

It was also for this reason that Lu Wei specially sent Han Xin.

Farewell to the respected former head of the Taoist clan with his eyes, Han Xin turned around to face the scrutinizing gazes of Kuang Xiu, Chi Lian, and Xiang Liang, and calmly cleared his throat and spoke.
Xiaoyaozi, who left, was in no hurry to head eastward to Songhai. He wanted to find Chisongzi and Tian Guang who were leading the enemy away first.

Their situation is indeed embarrassing, but the power of the three of them cannot be underestimated and they cannot be given up easily.

However, not long after following the secret communication code of the three people, Xiaoyaozi suddenly noticed a terrifying murderous intention appearing near him.

He immediately drew his sword and was on alert. What was rare was that this murderous intention did not launch a sneak attack, but appeared unhurriedly and surrounded him one by one.

Xiaoyaozi's face was stiff with the familiar figures of the Six Paths: Luowang Six Sword Slave!

In Songhai City, in the mirage, Xiao Yu opened his eyes slightly confused, only to find that he was no longer under the Fuso tree, but woke up in a quiet room.

What happened last night was vaguely recalled in her mind. She remembered that she threw herself into Lu Xiakui's arms and cried, and then she didn't remember anything.
With a slightly red face, Xiao Yu sat up and immediately found that her clothes had not changed. Then she wanted to go out and take a look, but as she shook her head, a golden leaf on the open window sill attracted her attention.

Walking straight to the window, Xiao Yu's eyes flickered and he was surprised to find that the window of this room opened directly to the fuso tree on the ship.
What Lu Wei said last night was reminded of her again, and the girl couldn't help but pick up the leaves on the window and cover it with both hands on her chest.
In the Toad Palace, which had been simply repaired, Yue Shen heard Dong Jun's footsteps. He had no intention of turning around and said coldly: "Your breath is very messy."

Concubine Yan didn't answer, she just came to stand beside Moon God for a long time with a complicated look on her face.

A sneer appeared on Moon God's lips: "He left before the sun rose, but you seem to have stayed up all night."

"The discomfort is temporary." Concubine Yan finally shook her head and replied, "I am no longer the little girl I was 15 years ago."

"I hope so." Moon God's eyes still inevitably revealed a few different emotions, and he turned around and left coldly.

Guigu Zongheng and Gao Jianli could even assassinate the emperor's chariot, and naturally they would not pay attention to such trivial matters as being covered with wanted notices in Songhai City.

However, under the guidance of the peasant disciples, they met Lu Wei, the leader of the knights, outside the city.

"Congratulations on your safe return. I believe your name will soon spread throughout the world~"

Lu Wei, who was smiling and relaxed, and the three people who looked a little tired showed obvious contrasts.Zongheng and Gao Jianli are both top-notch masters in the world. It is normal for them to be able to do this, which proves that Qin's counterattack ability is still not weak.

"I can't bear Lu Xiakui's compliments, so let's talk about your next plan." Wei Zhuang's eyes were unblinking, eager to get to the point.

When Gai Nie saw his junior brother speaking, he had to stop his plan to exchange a few polite words.

Gao Jianli also shut up. He met Lu Wei again. He had thought of many curious questions on the way, but when they were face to face, after holding it in for a long time, he couldn't even ask a question.
(End of this chapter)

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