Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 385 Anti-Qin Leader

Chapter 385 Anti-Qin Leader
"There are many contradictions within the empire, and the one that is about to surface is Luo Sheng's heart for power."

"The direct purpose of Ying Zheng's coming to Songhai is to launch the Mirage, but he may not have taken the opportunity to test his successor's thoughts. Therefore, you must already know the key to the next dispute in Songhai City."

Gui Gu Zongheng could not have predicted this information with his ability. However, when Lu Wei told them, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang did not interrupt them. Instead, they waited patiently for him to finish, and then Wei Zhuang said:

"Luo Wang will manipulate Songhai City, so how will the farmers seek benefits from this power struggle? Aren't Lu Xiakui and Luo Wang good partners~"

"There is some connection between the farmer and the snare, but everyone knows that this connection will not last long. Now the handle I can use to control the snare will not play any role after this power struggle, no matter what the outcome of this power struggle is. "

In the normal development of the competition between Fusu and Hu Hai, many changes may occur, but for now, Fusu has the support of Ying Zheng. Even if Ying Zheng also likes Hu Hai, this love is not enough to entrust Jiangshan. .

The same is true even for Fusu. Although Yingzheng's migraines come and go, his body can still support him in processing official documents until late at night. When he is tired, he can take Yun Zhongjun's elixir to cheer up his spirit. , which made His Majesty the Emperor very satisfied with his energy.

In addition, Ying Zheng also wants to seek immortality in Mirage, and he obviously has no intention of handing over the hilt of power soon.

It's just that Fusu's age and his status as the eldest son have reached the age of learning to govern the country, so Fusu must master some abilities, but Hu Hai does not need to master them at this time.

The greatest monarch during the Qin Dynasty, King Zhaoxiang, reigned for 56 years and died at the age of 75.Ying Zheng established himself as the 'beginning' of the Qin Dynasty, and his judgment of himself was at least the template of King Zhaoxiang. Even if his plan to find the immortal was shattered, he, who was only in his forties, believed that he could still rule the empire for another 30 years. .

In this case, the example of why the successor should establish King Zhao Wuling so early is enough to teach future monarchs a harsh lesson in how to deal with father-son relationships.

Therefore, regarding Fu Su's character, Ying Zheng's attitude will be in line with the complexity of human nature and will never be just simple likes and dislikes.

Of course, if Fusu can be more tough and show the abilities that an eldest son should have on this basis, then Ying Zheng will be more satisfied, but he also has to judge this degree well. This is a troublesome thing. Being low-key will lead to rebuke and even danger, but this is also a compulsory course for princes and princes of all generations and cannot be avoided.

Especially when the prince's father has a very strong character.

Now the internal struggle in the Qin State is gradually becoming apparent. With Ying Zheng's intelligence, it is impossible not to see that Hu Hai has ideas about that position. However, both of them are his own children, and he will not object or stop it.

Each according to his own means is probably Ying Zheng's attitude: he has too many sons, and now only these two are fighting, but in ten years, the grown-up group will all fight.

If immortality is really not possible, the person who will eventually succeed him will be the strongest among his descendants.

But what Ying Zheng didn't expect was that he would not be able to survive as he thought, and the patience of the people in the world would not have no limit.
The cooperation between the farmers and Luo Wang originated from the last time Lu Wei took Zongheng, Xiao Meng and others to break into Luo Wang's Sanghai headquarters. That time Lu Wei got hold of the clues about Luo Wang's betrayal of the empire, which Zhao Gao was never willing to reveal. The fatal threat is also the basis for certain cooperation between Lu Wei and Zhao Gao.

If Hu Hai fails in this struggle, then what Luo Wen did will be exposed, which will lead to the destruction of Luo Wen and affect the farmers.

If Fusu fails in this struggle, Zhao Gao will support Hu Hai to succeed as history has. It is impossible for the emperor Hu Hai to be able to clean up Zhao Gao because of the evidence of the trap in the hands of the peasants. The result must be that the winner traps the trap. Directly mobilize troops to destroy Daze Mountain.

Gai Nie could understand these two points without Lu Wei having to explain them, so the swordsman nodded after Lu Xiakui expressed his attitude: "Farmers participating in this internal struggle within the empire are wading into danger no matter how you look at it. , I wonder what other plans Xia Kui has to reverse the situation, can we help?"

"No, you are actually not strong enough to participate in what will happen next in Songhai City." Lu Wei said bluntly.

"Oh?" Wei Zhuang raised his eyebrows slightly and immediately countered: "Xia Kui called us here just to use his own strength to humiliate our anti-Qin alliance?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Lu Wei smiled lightly and faced the gazes of the three people without any intention of flinching: "Since I am here to see you and the time for greetings has passed, sincerity is the basis of our cooperation." "You While saying that we are not strong enough to participate in Songhai City, you still want to cooperate with us?" Wei Zhuang raised the corner of his mouth: "It's really interesting."

"The more friends the better, right~" Lu Wei generously ignored Wei Zhuang's tit-for-tat and explained patiently:

"You yourself know very well how strong you are. Although you cannot participate in my plan in Songhai, if you act as a spoiler or become an accidental meddler in Songhai, you may still destroy my plan. Considering this One thing, I take the initiative to pull you into the ranks of allies, even if you only have a name, it is more controllable than leaving it outside, isn't it~"

Seeing Lu Wei speaking frankly about those words that only had blunt benefits, Gao Jianli, who had been silent, looked at the face that was vaguely similar to that of more than ten years ago, and felt deeply in his heart.

Time has really changed so many things
Different from Gao Jianli's entanglement, Gai Nie and Wei Zhuang were very satisfied with Lu Wei's answer: at this time, the unpleasant truth saves time more than those twisted words.

"If we refuse, will you kill us and eliminate everyone who will interfere with your plan?" Gai Nie squeezed Yuan Hong's hand.

"I haven't thought about this issue. After all, your choice is only me, so you won't refuse, right?" Lu Wei raised his head confidently. He did not comment on Gai Nie's question.

"So what can we get?" Wei Zhuang quickly entered the benefit stage.

"The mirage will no longer set sail, what's the news~" Lu Wei said lightly in one sentence as reward.

The mirage will no longer set sail, what does this mean?
According to information from an inn, the mirage at the dock suddenly went out to sea some time ago. Could it be related to this incident?
"The anti-Qin alliance has only left Songhai for a short time, but great changes have taken place here, and Zifang has not sent any news for a long time." Wei Zhuang thought more. After they left Songhai, what could they do in the city? The only source of information left is an inn.

Did something happen in the Little Sage Village?
The cooperation with Zongheng only achieved one intention, but this was enough. In contrast, Lu Wei and Gao Jianli showed more friendship when chatting alone.

"I already know what happened to the Mo family. The anti-Qin forces will be taken over by the peasant family and continue to organize. The Moh family has been resisting for many years. It's time to stop and slow down."

After smoothing the flamboyance at the corners of his eyebrows, Lu Wei patted Gao Jianli's shoulder and said with emotion.

Seeing him like this, Gao Jianli felt as if he had received the carillon presented by Lu Wei for the first time 20 years ago, and he opened his heart: "The Mo family is unfortunate, and I, a giant, am even more incompetent, and I am ashamed of my ancestors."

"The wild fire will not burn out, but the spring breeze will blow again. Don't worry, the Mohist family will get better." Lu Wei smiled gently: "The foundation of the Mohist family lies in the Mohist scriptures and the art of mechanism. The most important thing for the Mohist family now is to reunite you." I will help you pass on your machine skills."

"Daze Mountain is so big. There are hundreds of thousands of peasant disciples. I will allocate a piece of land for the Mo family in Daze Mountain. You can re-train disciples in Daze Mountain first, so that you can continue to contribute to the resistance against the violent Qin in the future."

"Brother Lu." Gao Jianli heard that Lu Wei wanted to use the farmhouse to protect the Mo family, and couldn't help but feel warm in his heart: "How can this..."

"All schools of thought share the same spirit!" Lu Wei shook his head and interrupted loudly without waiting for him to finish: "The spirit of Mo Xia is spread all over the world. Although I am the leader of the peasant family, I never want to see the Mo family go to a dead end. .”

"Those who work for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow. The Mohist family should not be involved in the upcoming events in Songhai City. You can safely lead the Mohist disciples to wait for my good news in Daze Mountain!"

"I dare not reject Brother Lu's kindness!" Gao Jianli clasped his fists respectfully and did not refuse.

He was really not suitable as a leader, especially the leader of the anti-Qin alliance involving many parties. Now that Lu Wei, who was respected by him, decided to stand up and immediately abdicate in favor of others.

(End of this chapter)

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