Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 386 Another assassination attempt

Chapter 386 Another assassination attempt
Early in the morning, elite dragon and tiger cavalry came to Songhai and announced to the waiting Fusu and Li Si that the emperor's carriage would arrive at Shenshi. Songhai City was immediately under martial law.

The whole Songhai had been preparing for this day for several months, but even so, Fusu was still a little nervous and worried about making mistakes.

In contrast, Li Si was much more calm and promulgated the predetermined orders in a matter-of-fact manner.

He has participated in larger scenes and has rich experience in handling such matters. As long as there is no problem with the Daqin system itself, then there will be no mistakes in the etiquette preparations carried out according to this system.

The owner of an inn and the leader of the Mohist clan, Chef Ding, also changed his appearance today: if he wants to cook for His Majesty the Emperor, he can no longer show his secular image of bare chest and abdomen. He must wear a strict uniform and his scrawled beard must be shaved off in advance.

Today's chef is quite restrained, completely different from his optimistic attitude of proactively greeting the palace cooks with a smile after being invited by Fusu. Everyone is not surprised: after all, he is going to be tested tonight.

As the temporary chef, Chef Ding will be rewarded by Fusu for his good performance today. However, if there is an accident, it will be difficult to say whether he can survive because of the mercy of His Majesty the Emperor.

It is true that Cook Ding was upset, but it was not because the emperor was coming: he would not be nervous when cooking under any circumstances as long as he held the kitchen knife in his hand. Cook Ding was quite confident in himself in this skill, even if the diners were the largest in the Mohist family. Enemy Ying Zheng!

What really upset him was when he walked out of his residence early in the morning and a package of suspicious powder was stuffed into his hand by a passing eunuch.

From the moment Fusu decided to use Cook Ding, Cook Ding was cut off from the outside world, and all his belongings were confiscated and replaced before being placed in the royal kitchen. No outsiders or foreign objects could interfere here.

He didn't know whether this was a blessing or a curse at first. As a cook, it was all he could do to get information for the Mohist family. Now that he was suddenly in such a situation, Cook Ding did not have enough wisdom to make additional changes that were in the interests of the Mohist family.

Therefore, Cook Ding's original plan was just to prepare the dinner honestly and not care about anything else.

But when the sleeping powder with the Mohist secret language written on it was delivered to him, and the instructions were written in detail on the paper package, Cook Ding's plan changed.
'The level of the secret language is the Juzi Order. Did Xiao Gao arrange someone to contact me?'

'Can we, the Mohists, actually have the ability to insert internal support into the tightly defended imperial kitchen of Qin? '

Cook Ding did not doubt the possibility that the secret language was a decoy. This was not because the secret language was extremely confidential, but because the enemy had no need to do so.

The enemy of the Mo family is the State of Qin, but if the State of Qin knew Cook Ding's true identity and could just put him in prison, why should he order him to drug him at the dinner party to welcome Ying Zheng? And even if this was really a trap, Cook Ding would never want to Missed opportunity.

He was unable to participate in the operation of Qinglong to assassinate Qin because he was not strong enough. Now another operation to assassinate Qin was placed in front of Cook Ding. The method was still simple cooking.
Cook Ding firmly decided to act according to the order on the paper package: it said that he would be taken out of danger as soon as the banquet started to avoid being captured by the Qin army, but it didn't matter, no matter whether he could leave after taking action or not, He has to do it!
His Majesty the Emperor's palace is not in Songhai City, but on a seashore under martial law outside the city, where there is a large palace complex.

Songhai City is not small, but after all, it cannot reach the scale of hosting the Lord of the World.

Therefore, the emperor would only have banquets in Songhai, but would not stay too much in Songhai after the banquet.

In this way, if someone wanted to assassinate Ying Zheng in this area, the best time would be when he returns to the palace after the dinner.

But this distance was too short, and there were not many places where people could ambush. The Qin State naturally took this into consideration. All places where people could ambush were bulldozed and troops were stationed in advance.

It is impossible to assassinate in the middle, and the chance of assassinating inside Songhai City or the palace is even slimmer.
Jing Ke's assassination of Qin was the limit of what ordinary people could do, while Qinglong's assassination of Qin relied on the power of the machine beast.

The former has no chance to do it again, and the latter cannot hide in the city or palace in advance even if there is a green dragon.

"But if the man responsible for the assassination comes from within the Qin army, and there is an opportunity to administer the medicine in the imperial kitchen, then the assassination will take shape." At the commanding heights of the back hill of Xiaoshengxian Manor, Lu Wei and Zhang Liang held a banquet, following the example of the last Qian Ji The case of Mr. Lou is here to have a good time over wine and talk.

As the head of Xiaoshengxian Village, Fu Nian is the most indispensable and important figure in Songhai City. It is natural that he should accompany Fusu to welcome the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor.

Although Songhai City was under martial law early in the morning, it did not prevent Lu Wei from being at Little Saint Xianzhuang before the martial law was imposed.

"Brother Lu played a major role in the success of Luo Sheng's operation." Zhang Liang first poured wine for the farmer's master, and then himself: "Brother Lu had eliminated all possibilities for Luo Sheng in advance. He also actively contacted Shopkeeper Ding for them. Even if the target of such an assassination is really Ying Zheng, the success rate is no less than [-]%."

"It's a pity that Luo Wang is unwilling. Their primary target is still Fusu."

Speaking of this, Zhang Liang shook his head with regret.

"Use Fusu to contain Ying Zheng's energy, so that what we do on the mirage will not be immediately noticed by Ying Zheng. Therefore, this transaction seems to be a slight advantage, but it is also indispensable to us. We cannot use it as a trap. Let’s look at it as a simple division of interests.”

Drink warm wine slowly, Lu Wei said nonchalantly.

"Indeed, if Luo Wen hadn't taken action, Fusu and Li Si's report would have been seen by Ying Zheng before Qinglong assassinated him." Zhang Liang said in a serious tone: "Luo Wen was connected with the peasant family, and he was actually able to bring down the supreme emperor of this empire. It can be deceived, even if the facts are right in front of you, it’s hard for Liang to believe it.”

"Yingzheng's ability is indeed among the best among kings, but he has had too many things to do since the beginning of the year."

"Imperial government affairs, preparations for the Eastern Inspection, the wolves in the north, Baiyue in the south, Zhang Han's death, the voyage from the mirage, the Qinglong assassination, and the internal fighting among the heirs. Each of these information will affect Yingzheng's energy for a long time, and he cannot concentrate on it. If any old thing is solved immediately, new problems will appear quickly, which seriously paralyzes his ability to respond."

Lu Wei looked further: "In the final analysis, the emergence of these problems has shown that the empire's rule has begun to falter. We need to add another fire to him on this basis."

Zhang Liang agreed with Lu Wei's judgment, but he was also a little worried: "Fusu has a lot of support among the Qin government and the public. After tonight's assassination involves Fusu, it will definitely cause some turmoil in Xianyang. But as long as Ying Zheng is still there. , these turbulences won’t be too big.”

"So, if Ying Zheng dies suddenly and mysteriously, guess what will happen next to this country?"

"If Ying Zheng dies. If Luo Wang wants to help Hu Hai secure his position, he will definitely kill him in the court. Brother Lu, will he join forces with Luo Wang to kill Ying Zheng next?" Zhang Liang's hand paused in scooping up the wine. I think it is very possible to speculate on the general trend, but there are still many problems in the details.

Since Qinglong assassinated Qin, although Ying Zheng still used Zhao Gao and Luo Wang, he had already had doubts about this organization, and this doubt would be even greater after tonight.

Luo Wang will definitely want to kill Ying Zheng after tonight, but Luo Wang will not be in such a hurry. Secondly, they may not have the chance to do it. Thirdly, even if he does it, Zhao Gao will try his best to make it perfect.

After all, if His Majesty the First Emperor was assassinated, the explanation would not be so easy. As long as the peasant family has a hint of suspicion of involvement, the net will immediately throw the blame on the peasant family. In this way, even if Zhao Gao wants to clean the court, he will first Farmers worship flags as a tool to win the hearts and minds of the people of Lao Qin.

There were too many variables in Ying Zheng's assassination. Only if he died naturally, at least on the surface, and the incident happened suddenly and few people knew about it, would the fight be concentrated within the Qin State.

"How could I hand over the handle to the destined enemy~" Lu Wei laughed and denied Zhang Liang's guess: "Maybe there will be 'God's help' for such a wonderful thing~"

(End of this chapter)

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