Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 387 Zhaoxue Changpingjun

Chapter 387 Zhaoxue Changpingjun

Fusu, along with Li Si, Songhai officials, Fu Nian and the moon god dressed as the Eastern Emperor, knelt down to welcome the emperor's arrival.

There were countless vigilant Qin troops and shadow guards and Luowang elites interspersed among them. Each of them had extremely serious faces. The entire Songhai City was silent until Ying Zheng, who was wearing a black dragon robe, stepped out of the carriage. , the tsunami-like shouts of 'Longevity' resounded across the sky and the earth, and even Lu Wei and Zhang Liang in the hills behind Little Sage Village could hear the faint lingering sound.

A little further behind, Zhao Gao squinted at His Majesty the Emperor, who had the sword manual tied around his waist. He held his head high and raised his chest to signal everyone to stand up under the spotlight. The dark crowd rose and fell like waves at the emperor's move, which made him I couldn't help but ripple in my heart:

'Unfortunately, tonight's script has been arranged a long time ago, and this is the only time you have left,'

Staring straight at Fusu at the front of the crowd, Zhao suppressed the desire for power in his heart and habitually put a smile on his lips that said, "Everything is under control" before turning around in the darkness.

The Six Sword Slaves made an exception: Zhao Gao was not qualified to attend the dinner at his level, and although Ying Zheng lifted the prison investigation of Luo Wang after Meng Yi reported, the obvious sense of alienation made Zhao Gao urgently feel that he could not wait. I.

Tonight, his task is just to lead the Six Sword Slaves to guard the surrounding area, which is good. In the destined ending, far away from the center of the drama, Luo Sheng can become the best audience.

'What Lu Wei is doing now is to unabashedly strengthen the power of Luo Wang. It is true that there is an exchange for me to cover the affairs of the Yin and Yang family for him, but no matter what, Luo Wang has gained more and will take the initiative in the end. '

At this time, Zhao Gao thought of the peasant hero again, and his face showed full fear:
'This is not in line with his style. What kind of back-ups does that person have?'

'I am seeking this empire, what is his ultimate goal?'

'No matter what, tonight's cooperation must continue. '

The problem in his heart was not solved at all. Zhao Gao raised his hand and made a gesture to the Six Sword Slaves with an expressionless face. The figures of Zhen Gang and Duan Shui among the Six Sword Slaves immediately disappeared.

The six-in-one combination has rarely been broken up since its establishment. Now there is an undercurrent surging in Songhai City. After the Six Sword Slaves are separated, their individual strength is far from the final word, but there are really no other trustworthy subordinates. He Had to separate the six people.

The risk will be worth it compared to the reward tonight.

Zhen Gang and Duan Shui walked around the corner of the dinner venue to the kitchen. Along the way, they tried to stay in the trap area and not reveal their whereabouts at all.

In the furious royal kitchen, seizing the opportunity with the fewest people around, they quietly shot out hidden weapons and tapped the two cooks' acupuncture points. The scene where the assistants were suddenly attacked shocked the cook Ding. As soon as he reacted, there appeared in front of him. The two-sword slave of Luowang.

The clothes of the snare killer were recognized by the cook Ding at a glance. The kitchen knife in his hand was a muscle memory and he wanted to use a knife to attack. Then he was shocked to hear Zhen Gang say coldly:
"Complex decorations have a destiny to teach the stupid people!"

The blade stopped instantly, and Chef Ding's eyes almost bulged out: he never expected that the person who came to rescue him would actually be a member of the Six Sword Slaves in the snare!
The sentence Zhen just said was the joint code on the paper package of medicinal powder earlier, from "Mozi". Hearing the snare killer read it out, he was shocked and made Cook Ding feel strange.

"Ying Zheng will be here soon. After you finish your work for a while, find an opportunity to go to the back room and we will take you away."

Duanshui was alert to the movement at the door, while Zhen Gang patiently explained to the cook what to do next. Then the two of them took advantage of the first few moments when someone came in from outside the kitchen to untie the chef who had his acupuncture points sealed, and at the same time, the figure suddenly disappeared.

"His Majesty the Emperor is almost at the atrium, why are you still lingering here? Come on, come on!"

The old cook who had just walked in looked at the cook Ding and the two assistants who were scratching their heads in confusion. They were both standing there in a daze. He couldn't help but increase his voice and urged. The cook Ding suppressed the complexity in his heart and agreed with a smile on his face. He patted hard at the same time. Patting the assistant on the head: "You can get distracted even when cutting side dishes. If His Majesty the Emperor gets angry because the food is served late, you know the consequences!"

"Yes, yes, let's speed up now." The two assistants didn't care about the sudden blankness of their brains. They hurriedly shook their heads to keep themselves awake and then picked up the kitchen knives on the table again.
Seeing that there was nothing unexpected, Zhen Gang and Duan Shui secretly sheathed their swords and retreated in the dark.Letting Cook Ding go after the incident was one of the scripts discussed between the peasant hero and the CRRC Fu Ling. Neither party wanted to see the fate of Cook Ding being captured alive, even if Cook Ding himself was confident that he could withstand the Qin army's interrogation.

Only by making him disappear can we avoid future troubles and put all the blame on Fusu. Originally, according to the usual practice in the net, it is the safest and most thorough way to kill people and silence them at this time. But after all, this is a cooperation between the two parties. Zhao Gao cannot but consider it. Due to the attitude of the farmer, he finally chose to let the person go.

Cook Ding is just a cook, so he will be let go if he is let go. There is no need for Luo Wang to have another conflict with the farmer because of such a person at this time.

In comparison, these two confused assistants are just ordinary royal chefs. After the cook Ding leaves, they will still die!
In the bright and colorful hall where the banquet was held, Ying Zheng occupied the main seat, with a solemn expression and extraordinary bearing.

The glass lamps hung in the main hall are crystal clear and complement each other with pearls. The melodious sound of silk and bamboo makes people enchanted.

Below the emperor, there were two rows of subordinates at all levels, led by Li Si on one side, and Fusu Huhai, the first or second eldest son, on the other side.

Fu Nian was also in the seats, and his position was relatively near the front. He didn't know the details of what would happen tonight, but he knew what would definitely happen tonight.

Thinking of Lu Wei's instructions, Fu Nian understood that he only needed to attend the banquet normally and didn't need to worry about anything else.

Donghuang, played by the Moon Goddess, did not appear at the banquet. After participating in the initial reception, she immediately asked to resign and obtained Ying Zheng's approval: The Yin and Yang family has always been like this over the years. They have cooperated with the Qin State, but they have They resolutely refused to participate in the court, and their status as national master was more of a false title. Such performance made Ying Zheng quite satisfied with them.

In addition to Fu Nian at the banquet, the other person who knew what was going to happen next was Hu Hai. His heterochromatic eyes were full of eagerness, and the look he was looking at his 'big brother' in front of him was full of different emotions.

These details did not escape the eyes of His Majesty the First Emperor at the top: the eldest son waited humbly and politely for the banquet to begin, while the eighteenth son ambitiously hid behind and wanted to take over his brother's position. He did not like the behavior of either of them.

Moreover, although Ying Zheng did not know the plan of Luo Wang and the farmer, his intuition told him that this dinner would not be simple.

The reason is simple. Today's dinner was arranged by Fusu. It is said that he also personally found a private chef for the dinner. However, Li Si did not have any involvement in the content of the dinner. This is abnormal enough.

Of course, these alone can't explain anything, because there is no clear evidence pointing to it, but some information collected by Shadow Secret Guard and Luo Wang in advance convinced Ying Zheng to confirm his intuition:

'There is a folk rumor in Songhai: Fusu, the eldest son of the emperor, intends to rebel! '

This news was definitely not released for no reason. Based on Li Si's ability, it is very likely that he heard the rumors in advance and deliberately avoided contact with Fusu. Fusu himself obviously did not have enough information sources for him to hear this. A rumor.

This item is a big deduction.
After the exquisite dishes were served one by one by neatly dressed maids, the banquet officially began. As the eldest son, Fusu first led the ministers to toast to His Majesty the Emperor. As soon as this set of actions ended, there was suddenly a sound outside the palace. There was a strange noise.

The ministers were surprised, but Ying Zheng looked at Fusu's movements faintly: he was also shocked.

Just when the unusual movement outside the palace attracted people's attention, Magistrate Songhai who was sitting at the back suddenly jumped out. He slipped out a short dagger from his sleeve and rushed towards the high-ranking Ying Zheng with a single step.

At the same time he shouted:

"Eliminate violence for all people, and Zhaoxue for Lord Changping!"

(End of this chapter)

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