Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 389 Fusu is exiled

Chapter 389 Fusu is exiled
"Your Majesty, with all due respect, there are many doubts in the dinner assassination case. The common point is that they all point to His Highness the eldest son. The rebellious shouting of 'Changping Jun' also explains the reason why the eldest son may have acted. The purpose it goes without saying."

After Meng Yi made up his mind, he boldly analyzed the unexplained metaphors directly: If he didn't do this, no one would be able to defend Fusu, who was still in a coma. When the eldest son came to plead guilty afterwards, His Majesty would have already Once the decision is made, it is too late.

Whether for public or private reasons, Meng Yi did not want to see such a thing happen.

He has been with His Majesty the Emperor for a long time and is considered favored. The fact that he was able to take charge of the Shadow Guard after Zhang Han's death is a proof of this. In addition, with the support of the emperor, this generation of the Meng family has surpassed the Wang family, so he is qualified to express his own opinions. of:

"The identity of Pao Ding is a matter of rebellion in the Mohist family and cannot be simply determined based on a few books. Even if it can be determined, what the empire should be worried about is the collusion between internal traitors and traitors to frame the eldest son."

"Young Master is kind, and you should be punished justly according to the laws of the Qin Dynasty if you fall into the enemy's treacherous plot. However, Lord Changping has been dead for many years, and the remaining parties in Guanzhong have been wiped out many times. The empire has also discovered many secret passages dug by Lord Changping. Among his cronies, there is only one son. The woman has not yet been arrested and brought to justice, and she has absolutely no strength to spare a dead man for the eldest son."

"According to Wei Chen's opinion, the traitorous cry of 'for Changping Jun Zhaoxue' has no deep meaning. It is just to better frame the young master and deceive the attention of the court."

At the end of Meng Yi's speech, he knelt down and held his palms up. He pointed out that the assassination was from within the empire and that the purpose of the assassination was to frame Fusu. If Meng Yi's inference was completely correct, then from the perspective of pure interests , it is not difficult to guess which organization will do this.

And this organization is also capable of making all arrangements for tonight's assassination.

Ying Zheng did not comment on Meng Yi's words, and looked at Zhao Gao. Zhao Gao also knelt down neatly, lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, the snare has no self-awareness. It is just a tool of your Majesty. It is against the treachery of Lord Changping." In your name, I will carry out your Majesty’s instructions at all costs.”

It's a boring act of showing loyalty. Ying Zheng is the master of the world, and the most important thing he needs is loyal subjects to him.

But at least this method won't go wrong.
His Majesty the Emperor looked away. Of course he had his own opinions on this dinner assassination. No party would be completely innocent in this assassination, whether it was Fusu, Li Si, Hu Hai, Luo Wang, or Ying. secret guard.

They either neglected their duties, acquiesced, shielded or participated directly. In the final analysis, it can be described as "party struggle".

Only by handling this issue personally can the rule of Qin be least shaken. The first one starts with Fusu, the direct initiator.
"I have made a decision on this matter. The Shadow Guards and Luo Wang will continue to pursue the investigation along the path of Youjian Inn. They will dig out the cook at any cost, whether dead or alive."

"The minister obeys the order" and "the servant accepts the order"

A steady and sharp voice sounded at the same time, and Ying Zheng continued:
"Meng Yi, when Fusu wakes up, you can personally bring him to see me."

Meng Yi's eyes lit up. His Majesty's words clearly meant that after he explained the development and results of the situation to the eldest son, the eldest son would come back to accept his majesty's accountability. With this understanding in advance, the eldest son would at least not be at a loss. .

This is a signal to treat His Majesty the Eldest Young Master leniently. Of course, the final result still depends on the Eldest Young Master's performance when facing His Majesty's rebuke.

"When you first came to Songhai, you were assassinated by the rebellious Mo family?"

The next day, Fusu waited outside the palace for a long time and was finally summoned by his father.

But Ying Zheng's first sentence was not to ask about the chef, as Fusu expected.

"Reporting to my father, that's right. However, I only sent a substitute to enter Songhai that night. General Zhang Han and General Meng Tian arranged everything." The anxiety in Fusu's heart deepened slightly. He didn't know that his father Why did you mention this matter suddenly? I could only answer honestly.

"So the Mohist family's rebellious action did not succeed?" Ying Zheng was sitting on the bed in white clothes, looking at his eldest son who had knelt down after a long absence, and said in an indifferent tone: "No, they succeeded. Zhang Han died that night, right? Bar?"

Boom, like a thunderbolt hitting Fusu's mind, His Royal Highness, the eldest son of the empire, instantly understood what His Majesty the Emperor meant.

Although the situation was explosive that night when Zhang Han was killed, the reason was that he wanted to plot a rebellion against Qin and was killed. However, combined with the current relationship between Fusu and Pao Ding, another possibility emerged: Could it be Fusu? Su had already colluded with the Mo family and jointly killed Zhang Han.
As for the reason, Zhang Han is the commander of Ying Zheng's secret guard. This reason is already sufficient. For a prince who wants to rebel.

Sweat broke out thickly on Fusu's forehead, and he looked slightly panicked: "Father, this matter, this matter."

Fusu's mind went blank, and he stammered but couldn't say anything, because His Majesty the Emperor's question could just mean something on the surface, or it could mean what he thought.

But no matter which one it is, my performance is not up to standard.
Fusu felt sad in his heart. He also knew what kind of himself Ying Zheng would be satisfied with, but he just couldn't express it.
"You still let me down after all." Ying Zheng glanced at his eldest son's expression. He knew his son very well, understood what Fusu was thinking at the moment, and knew that Fusu was innocent.

However, the weakness that should not have appeared in the emperor's eldest son was exposed, which made him no longer innocent.

His Majesty the Emperor stood up and came to the desk to pick up a pen and start writing. He said in a cold voice: "Go back. The results of your treatment will be sent to you later."

After just one or two simple conversations, Ying Zheng pronounced his verdict on Fusu.

"My son. Follow orders."

Standing up and retreating lonely, what Fusu didn't notice was that his father's always straight back had gradually disappeared, and his neck was even a little bent when he was writing: He was inevitably old, but he didn't People dared to raise it, and even more people still subconsciously believed that His Majesty the Emperor was still powerful due to his tough style.

Putting down the pen and sealing the seal, His Majesty the Emperor, who had almost no sleep last night because he had to deal with delayed political affairs, just squinted for a while in the morning. He reached out and picked up a newly delivered Yunzhongjun elixir and took it without thinking, his brain was so tired. The feeling immediately began to be withdrawn bit by bit.

The situation in Songhai City is far less complicated than that in Xianyang, but Yingzheng's control of Songhai is far from the Xianyang level, so he needs more time to understand the city.

The more affairs there are, the more he needs the assistance of the Yin Yang Family's elixirs.

But fortunately, Ying Zheng believed that as long as he peeled off the cocoons and dealt with the party disputes behind the dinner assassination in order, and then sent away the mirage, there would always be time for peace and quiet.

At that time, a group of civilians will be recruited to build a holiday palace as a memorial to Songhai, which will still be used when the mirage comes back.

There are so many things going on in Songhai City. After all, Songhai people are too comfortable!


"His Majesty the First Emperor has a decree: The prince will help Su to be sent to the county to perform meritorious service, and to assist the internal history Mengtian to defend the border and attack Beihu. Without the emperor's order, he will never return to the imperial capital."

"It seems that Luo Wang won this battle after all."

Zhang Liang stood on the cliff overlooking the vast sea, and said with some emotion: At this point, the next target of the anti-Qin alliance will be Ying Zheng himself.

Different from the previous risky assassinations, this time we strive to kill him with one blow without causing unnecessary trouble.

"Luo Wang hasn't won yet, but Fusu must have lost." Lu Wei was happy to see that his plan was being implemented smoothly and corrected the minor problems in Zhang Liang's words.

"An inn has been investigated, and Little Shengxian Village has not escaped being held accountable. Senior Brother is busy dealing with it, and I'm afraid that Ying Zheng's eyes will inevitably turn to Zhuzi Baijia again."

Zhang Liang shook his head indifferently, looking far away, looking up from the white line at the end of the sea to the clear sky:

"We don't have much time. Gai Nie Weizhuang has tried to contact me several times."

"If I go to see her, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide it from them, and if I don't see her, my past feelings will be hurt. Brother Lu, please be more considerate of the ovary's situation."

"Don't worry Zifang, the farmer's family has also been affected. Meng Yi's investigation of the farmer's family is more thorough than Zhang Han's. I won't drag the matter into trouble." Lord Xiakui turned around: "The farmer's assassination of Ying Zheng happened a long time ago It has already started, and the trap will be more urgent than ours. It will not be easy for Zhao Gao to accept the review of the First Emperor."

"It only takes a little time before Luo Yun's eagerness can no longer be suppressed. Then I will help them solve the last problem."

"And from now on, it will be their turn to solve my trouble~"

(End of this chapter)

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