Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 390 The Stone of Confusion

Chapter 390 The Stone of Confusion
Ying Zheng's decision was not a simple punishment. Fusu was exiled to northern Xinjiang to be with Meng Tian. At least in Meng Yi's opinion, this result was not bad.

The power struggle within the empire has begun. His Royal Highness the eldest son's personality is not adapted to such a political environment, so he can gain critical development opportunities by staying far away: with his eldest brother Meng Tian in Shangjun, a frame-up like the Songhai dinner assassination will never happen. Takes place under the protection of the Golden Fire Cavalry.

Since the wolf tribe's barbarian vanguard was defeated last time, they can only carry out harassing battles with scattered troops. Their strength is far from the level that threatens the rule of the Qin Dynasty. After the Great Wall in various places has been connected for thousands of miles, the Qin army's attack has become even more advanced. Can attack, retreat or defend.

Without internal collusion for hundreds of years, the barbarians could only be beaten by Yan and Zhao when they were seven points away from the Central Plains on their own. Now they will only be more vulnerable in front of the unified Qin.

Without any threat, the eldest son can be involved in the military and political affairs of a county to his heart's content and get full training.

As for the issue of 'no return without an edict', the assassination case has just happened and His Majesty the Emperor is still in Songhai, so this issue cannot be broken for the time being.

But as long as His Majesty returns to Xianyang, the ministers who support the eldest son will exert their efforts. If the eldest son performs some meritorious service in the north, after the repair of the Great Wall is completed, His Majesty will issue an order to recall him after seeing his growth.

It's just that the eldest son will feel uncomfortable when he is exiled. The eldest brother will also comfort him.

Meng Yi no longer worried about Fusu. When he first came to Songhai, he focused his energy on tracing the source of the internal struggles within the empire and the anti-Qin rebels.

These two things can actually be combined into one. Various clues in the dinner assassination case have pointed out that there is a powerful force within the empire that is colluding with rebellion and intending to do evil. Meng Yi decisively turned his attention to this rebel within the empire. He looked towards the snare.

It is true that Luowang has played an indelible role and made a lot of achievements in His Majesty's takeover of power and the conquest of the Six Kingdoms since His Majesty took office. However, Luowang is obviously an organization under Li Si's rule, and its closeness to the [-]th Prince is not a secret among the government and the public. .

The direct supervisor of Luo Wang is Zhao Gao, the Qin Lu teacher of the eighteenth prince.

The struggle for power in the empire is not water without a source. If we say who has gained the greatest benefit after the eldest son was framed, it is undoubtedly the eighteenth prince. In addition to the doubts exposed by Luo Weng in the Taishan assassination case, Meng Yi can be sure that there is a problem with Luo Wen.

But once you get involved with the [-]th Crown Prince, some things cannot be forced upon you: His Majesty the Emperor cannot possibly see through the problem, but His Majesty still allows the net to continue to investigate outside. This shows that the target of His Majesty's test is not just to support the eldest son. Su, the eighteenth prince Hu Hai is also being assessed.

No current young master is suitable for the position of imperial prince, but from another perspective, any young master is possible.

And Meng Yi firmly believed that he needed to exclude the eighteenth prince for the emperor: for selfish reasons, the Meng family and the eldest son had always had a friendly relationship.As a public servant, a young man who hired a killer organization and conspired to frame his eldest brother became the emperor, and was destined to be disliked by the ministers.

"The key point is Xiaoyaozi in the Qinglong Assassination Case and Cook Ding in the Dinner Party Assassination Case. The former has no clues, but the latter can be traced from Confucianism, and Confucianism is closely related to the peasant family, so the peasant family cannot let it go. "

Meng Yi established the direction of the investigation and immediately began to make arrangements. There was a huge difference between him and Zhang Han: Zhang Han was more of a military general and would personally lead the team in every investigation, while Meng Yi was more of a civil servant and more often directed his subordinates to act.

"Xue Ji?" Lu Wei read out the slender and unique famous sword that Zhao Gao took out in front of him, already knowing Xiaoyaozi's fate in his heart.

"Thanks to the help of Xiakui, the net can solve this traitor." Zhao Gao's attitude towards Lu Wei was as respectful as the last time he was arrested. He came to the farm stronghold today to stabilize Lu, so his tone was quite friendly. : "Xueji is a Taoist token. This thing is just a collection in Luowang. It will surely play a greater role in the hands of Xia Kui."

Zhao Gao knew that Lu Wei and Xiao Meng worked closely together.

Xue Ji is ranked sixth in the Feng Beard Sword Book Ranking, and has the meaning of being a master given by Taoism. Originally, after obtaining the net, it will not be just used as an ordinary collection. They can use it to cultivate another highly respected figure in Taoism. Nei Ying: Not to mention reaching Xiaoyaozi's position as head of the human sect, at least becoming an elder is not a problem.

But if Xiaomeng can learn about Xue Ji's whereabouts from Lu Wei, this plan will not work.

In this case, it is better to hand it over to Lu Wei and let Lu Wei exchange interests with Xiao Meng, and Luo Wang will get some help from the farmer.

Since Mr. Zhao said this, Lu was disrespectful. "After taking Xue Ji without any hesitation, Lu Wei drew his sword out of its sheath in front of him. As the inner energy entered, the clear sound of the sword made the bystander Zhao Gao feel more fearful: This kind of sword energy was stronger than Xiaoyaozi himself. powerful.

However, it lacks the charm of "Tao", only simple sharpness and sharpness.

But it is more than enough for killing people. The deceased does not need to understand the 'Tao' from the sword that killed him.Most people who are dying just want to continue living and don't care about anything else.

"Master Zhao must not be here simply to send a gift. Since the gift has been delivered, let's talk about your plan." Xue Ji is a good sword, but it is not suitable for Lu Wei's kendo. It is far less comfortable to use than Tun Hai, so He quickly put it back into the scabbard and turned his attention back to Zhao Gao.

Zhao Gao came to him, definitely to make Luo Wang as slow as possible before Meng Yi caught him.

"Xia Kui is so heroic, but Zhao Gao is stingy." Zhao Gao took advantage of the situation and said: "Since Xi Kui has taken control of the Yin Yang Family, he must also know what will happen in Dongjun in the next few days~"

"Yinghuo Shouxin? Master Zhao is using this to delay time." Lu Wei nodded. The moon god's astrological law has indeed discovered the meteorite that will land in Dongjun these days.

On the east side of Dongjun is Daze Mountain, so it is greatly influenced by farmers. Therefore, there is a high probability that this stone will be discovered first by farmers' disciples.

"Yinghuo is coming from the sky. It can be seen that God is promoting the cooperation between Luowang and farmers." Zhao Gao said his plan: "After the dinner assassination, Fusu was rushed to guard the north, which made His Majesty the First Emperor continue to pursue Songhai. , so no matter whether it’s a trap or a mirage, the secrets can’t be kept secret for too long. Fortunately, with the presence of this glowing stone, the empire’s attention will be drawn away again. Isn’t this God helping us?”

"The Luowang has some influence on the northern wolf clan. Through this, we can do something about the Stone of Fire."

As Zhao Gao spoke, he raised his hand and wrote several words in succession on the table: Although there were no traces left, Lu Wei could tell that they were 'Hu, the one who destroyed Qin'.

"When Fusu arrives in the north, the wolf clan will immediately go south, and the Yinghuo Stone dropped from the sky has the prophecy of 'Hu Ye is the one who will destroy Qin'. Does Mr. Zhao want to kill Fusu all~"

"His Majesty the Emperor believes in immortals and gods. Otherwise, how can His Majesty's mind be temporarily withdrawn from Songhai." Zhao Gao did not deny his guess: "Luo Wang is now closely monitored by the Shadow Secret Guard. The matter of the Yinghuo Stone, There is no more suitable person than a farmer to take care of it, what do you think, Xia Kui?"

"Okay, no, I want to add a few more words." Lu Wei agreed with a smile, and started writing in vain. The number of words was two more than Zhao Gao's.

Zhao Gao read out the content with a serious look on his face: "Will the First Emperor be divided after his death?"

"Ying Zheng pursues immortality, so the word 'death' will definitely stimulate him~"


Zhao Gao left with satisfaction. The Yinghuo Stone could buy critical time. Although Lu Wei's cooperation was still unclear, Luo Wang had no other choice.

As expected, not long after Zhao Gaocai walked out of the farm stronghold, he met the deputy shadow guard 'Wu Wuxin' passing by and asked him what he was doing.

Luo Wang and the Shadow Secret Guard were originally at the same level, and Luo Wang even gained much more trust from His Majesty earlier than the Shadow Secret Guard. However, Meng Yi was the Imperial Minister after all, and after the Qinglong assassination case, Luo Wang's senior officials were scrutinized by him, so that he was short-term. In a short period of time, the Shadow Guards had surpassed the Snare.

"I asked the farmer's hero about some things related to rebellion. The power of the farmer is the leader of all schools, so we must pay attention to it."

Zhao Gao answered the questions with a smile, and saw that the other party took out a small notebook and charcoal pen to record the information impartially, but Zhao Gao's expression did not change.

"I see, we will report this matter to Qing Meng, you can leave."

The deputy envoy of the Shadow Guard deliberately spoke arrogantly, but Zhao Gao just said "yes" and left in a low-key manner. This reaction made the deputy even more vigilant and recorded it.

Looking at the second floor of the farmhouse, he thought again and again but still did not go in to confirm whether Zhao Gao's remarks were true:
This is not in Meng Shangqing's order.

(End of this chapter)

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