Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 391 The Conflict of the Three Little Ones

Chapter 391 The Conflict of the Three Little Ones
"Tianming, Shaoyu, Third Master has already said that Songhai City is very dangerous now. You are all wanted and cannot go out!"

In the Little Saint's Manor in Songhai City, Gao Yue opened her hands, making her expression as fierce as possible, and blocked Tianming and Shaoyu who quietly came to the corner of the back garden.

"Third Master knew that you would be unable to hold back, and he specifically ordered me to keep an eye on you. As expected, he was right."

The girl's eyes were round, her pupils as bright and fresh as the moon. The two people who were caught looked embarrassed. Tianming touched the back of their heads and said sarcastically: "Yue'er, we are just going out to have fun, nothing will happen."

Shaoyu also tried to laugh: "Yes, Miss Yue, we haven't been out since we came to Songhai from Fusu. It's been too long, and there's no such danger outside. Let's be careful." There won’t be any problem~”

"That tyrant Ying Zheng has come to Songhai. Qin's elite bodyguards, shadow guards, Luo Sheng and other spies must be all over Songhai. Your appearance has been drawn on the wanted poster. These are all huge orders, how can we not be discovered if we are careful, so stop fooling around."

Gao Yue shook her head violently, her eyes swept over Tianming and then stared at Shaoyu: "Forget it Tianming, Shaoyu, you are the young master of the Xiang family, you should know the seriousness of this matter, how can you not persuade him but instead Mixed together!"

"What do you mean by 'forget it'! Besides, why can't we go to the streets to play when Ying Zheng comes? Yue'er, Songhai City doesn't belong to the tyrant alone!" Tianming heard Gao Yue's words and whispered. He shouted, obviously unconvinced.

"Yes, Miss Yue, Songhai City is the Songhai City of the people of the world. Ying Zheng, a tyrant and a thief, wants to control the mouths and feet of the people of the world. We must not give in because of his violence. Come on!" Shao Yu appreciated Tian Ming's rare words that fit his point of view, and struck while the iron was hot: "He wants everyone in the world to obey his ideas, but I don't!"

"His superiority, I will definitely be able to replace him in the future!"

"Tianming! Shaoyu!" Gao Yue became angry because of the two people's stubbornness. The girl bit her lip and retracted her open hand. She stepped forward and approached the two companions. Her tone became more restrained and she tried to gently dissuade her: " Have you forgotten Mr. Gai and Master Fan’s instructions to be patient when they sent us to Little Saint’s Village?”

"Miss Yue, please stop trying to persuade me." Neither party could convince the other for a while. Shao Yu's expression turned cold and his whole body became solemn: "It is for Uncle Liang and Master Fan that I have to go out."

"That's right, Yue'er, I'm doing this for uncle. Aren't Yue'er worried about Aunt Yan?" Tianming also rarely became serious: "There has been no news from the outside for a long time. Last time, uncle said that they were going to assassinate the tyrant. Let's We wait patiently."

"But now the tyrant has arrived in Songhai, but there is no news about the uncle and the others. We can't wait any longer!"

The seriousness of the two people made Gao Yue pause. He didn't know what to say, so he could only stretch out his arms to block them in front of them: "Then you two can't go out alone. We can ask the Third Master."

Seeing that Gao Yue refused to give up, Shao Yu felt helpless and suddenly grabbed one of Gao Yue's arms, and used the other hand to slash the side of her neck with a knife: "Miss Yue, I'm offended."

Seeing that he was too weak, he simply wanted to knock Gao Yue out directly, but he was only halfway through the set of actions when the numbness from Shao Yu's hand that grabbed Gao Yue's arm made his whole body stiff, and Gao Yue was He subconsciously fought back and was knocked unconscious.
Tian Ming on the other side reacted blankly when he saw this, and wanted to step forward to help, but soon Gao Yue tapped his sleeping point easily.
'Oops, I used Yin Yang magic on Shao Yu. After subduing the two companions, Gao Yue became even more troubled: Onmyoji is characterized by being tricky and difficult to prevent, especially when there is physical contact, but because of this, its results are easy to detect.

'No way, I can't watch Shao Yu and Tian Ming go out like this, I'd better go find the Third Master. '

After removing the spell effect from Shao Yu and tapping the sleeping point, he panted and moved the two of them to the corridor to prevent them from catching cold from lying on the soil for a long time. Then Gao Yue immediately went to find Zhang Liang.

After a while, the girl arrived with the third master of the Confucian family. Gao Yue originally wanted to remove Tianming Shaoyu's acupoints by himself, but Zhang Liang quickly completed this step first.

"I wonder if the third master can see the aura of Yin Yang in Shao Yu's body." Gao Yue was a little worried. She had found a reason for herself, but once the fact that she knew Yin Yang was exposed, her mother would definitely do the same. implicated.

Tianming Shaoyu woke up faintly, and when he opened his eyes, Zhang Liang looked down at him with a gentle smile. The two of them stood up straight in a hurry. They didn't have any resentment towards Gao Yue who called Zhang Liang, but felt a little ashamed: on the one hand, this was because Tianming Shaoyu knew that Gao Yue was concerned about their safety, but more importantly, the two of them unexpectedly attacked a girl two on one and lost.
Zhang Liang didn't seem to notice some of the Yin Yang skills remaining in Shao Yu's body, and said calmly: "Didn't I tell you before? It's very dangerous outside now. Not only will you not be able to do anything when you go out, but you will become your uncle, Uncle Liang, and Fan Master, they are a burden."

"But Third Master, uncle, how are they doing now? What's the situation like outside?" Tianming was very stubborn: "You haven't told us the results. We are very worried, so we can only think about going out to see for ourselves." Young Master Yu also had the same attitude: "Third Master, Master Fan taught me that 'a general who knows his troops is the one who knows the orders of the people and is the one who is responsible for the safety of the country'. Now I, the young master of the Xiang family, don't even know where my own soldiers are, how can I It’s worthy of your status.”

"What you said is right." Zhang Liang was not angry when he was rebutted. He nodded with a smile and actually agreed with the two opinions first, and then said: "But, in yesterday's class, I taught you, 'Everything will be done if you don't hesitate. Damn it, you guys went out in a hurry, have you thought about what to do after you go out?"

"This is 'Soldiers cost more to win than last.' If we leave quickly and return quickly, we will naturally catch Qin off guard and not have time to capture us." Shao Yu tried to use Sun Tzu's Art of War to defend himself: "This is the 'good warrior' , its momentum is dangerous, its knots are short; its momentum is like a crossbow, its knots are like a machine.'"

"There is also a saying in Sun Tzu's Art of War that 'Those who do not know the plans of the princes cannot make friends; those who do not know the shapes of mountains, forests, dangers, and swamps cannot march; those who do not use guides cannot obtain advantageous terrain.'" Zhang Liang also refuted Sun Tzu's Art of War. After returning to Shao Yu, as for Tian Ming, he could barely understand it, but it would be difficult for him to quote famous quotes and argue.

"You guys should go back to the dormitory. We have classes in the afternoon." Zhang Liang saw Shao Yu's expression struggling and shook his head slightly: "As for the news about Mr. Gai, General Xiang Liang, and Master Fan, I will give you a satisfactory answer tomorrow."

"Really?" Tianming and Shaoyu's eyes widened.

"A gentleman's words~" Zhang Liang smiled and nodded.

"It's hard to chase a horse!" The two of them still believed in the third master's character, and it was obviously impossible to leave over the wall now.

Tianming Shaoyu came to Gao Yue again and looked at the girl with her hands on her hips and her head humming softly. The two of them bowed their heads and apologized, promising not to be willful from now on (within today). They successfully reconciled and walked back together.

Looking at the backs of the three little ones until they disappeared, the smile on Zhang Liang's face gradually faded, and he sighed slightly and whispered to himself: "It's time to meet Brother Gai and Brother Wei Zhuang after hiding for a long time."

The Confucians and the peasants have a larger and more successful plan, and this plan itself has only one main body. The other nobles of the six countries and the scattered restoration forces are not regarded as the core of the plan. Wei Zhuang is the staunch Korean heavyweight. Zhang Liang was originally a spirited person, but after so many years, his heart had already changed.

Earlier, he even planned to accept Qin. It was Qin's tyranny that made Zhang Liang give up this idea. Now that a new attempt has appeared, he wants to take another gamble.

'Brother Wei Zhuang's character, he will not allow himself to be excluded from this plan. In the future, he may become Brother Lu's enemy. This is just asking for death. '

Zhang Liangzhong made a calculated move towards the side entrance of Little Sage Village: with his status, he could go out blatantly.

'The era of political strategists is passing. In a unified empire, vertical and horizontal manipulation can only be a means and will not become the most mainstream doctrine. The precedent brought by the Qin State will become the goal pursued by subsequent emperors, even if Ying Zheng himself is not worth learning from. , but the prototype of this empire is destined to be inherited. '

Shaking his head and temporarily putting aside his unnecessary thoughts, Zhang Liang thought about his promise to the two little ones:

Naturally, Tianming was concerned about Gai Nie and there would be no problem. He could bring back Gai Nie's token to stabilize the child.

As for Shao Yu, the Xiang family and the rest of the Mo family will be in Daze Mountain at the moment. The Mo family will be very stable with Gao Jianli around, but it's hard to say for the Xiang family.

This arrogant 'strongest clan in Chu State' will not be easily subdued. If they cannot be subdued, then they may have an accident.

Mr. Lu has always been gentle and polite in Confucianism, but the senior farmers who were his benefactors are all dead. It is conceivable whether those who opposed him will survive.
Finally, there is the issue of Gao Yue. Lu Wei has publicly explained the role of this girl to Fu Nian, and it is not Zhang Liang's turn to take care of it yet: Onmyoji is no longer weird and scary, and they will all become alternative accomplices of the farmers.

(End of this chapter)

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