Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 392 Trial Taoist Master

Chapter 392 Trial Taoist Master
Two figures in green clothes stood facing each other in the bamboo forest on the outskirts of Songhai. The spinning and falling bamboo leaves would be bounced away instantly when they came within a foot of each other.

Invisible strong inner energy surrounds the two of them in the bamboo forest, and an inevitable battle is about to begin.

Xiaomeng's two strands of black hair hang down from her temples. Her gray-white eyes are coldly looking at the opponent not far away. She pulls out the Qiuli Sword and holds it in front of her. The purple-red ethereal aura of the famous sword itself slowly rises from the sword grid to The tip of the sword made Qiuli's delicate and slender figure even more gorgeous and cold.

The blue and white sleeves swayed gently with the flow of the inner air. She gently touched the green and white fingers of her left hand held under Qiu Li, and the purple sword energy instantly turned into blue and white. At the same time, with the 'blue moon' behind Xiao Meng, , the rustling sound of the bamboo forest blown by the night wind suddenly stopped, and the sky and the earth began to lose color.

Lu Wei held Xueji in his hand, with a calm look on his face. After Xiaomeng cast Heaven and Earth Eclipse and his body turned into blue mist and disappeared, he had to be a little more solemn. The gems embedded in the head and grid of Xueji's sword exuded a lavender luster, which was a perfect match for him. There was a horizontal slash in front of him.

Xue Ji does not have a sword edge, so it should not have the function of 'cutting', but artificial methods can be used to give it all the functions it should have as a sword.

Bang, Xiao Meng appeared in a flash and was just within the attack range of Xue Ji. She raised her sword to block, and the blue Tai Chi flashed past where the two swords met. However, due to the huge difference in strength, Xiao Meng Still had to retreat a second time to relieve force.

The toes actively rotated during the retreat, and the dark bamboo leaf pattern was clearly visible on the unfolded skirt. Such an elegant turn was not a meaningless performance. The whisk tassel on the head of Qiuli's sword took the opportunity to throw out a vortex of inner energy, and with it Those slender bamboo leaves gathered together and stabbed Mr. Lu who was motionless.

This seemingly ordinary blow actually brought together two internal forces, Wanchuan Qiushui and Xinruozhishui. The Tai Chi composed of bamboo leaves suddenly exploded when it approached Lu Wei, showing the momentum of thousands of arrows.

Lu Wei smiled slightly and let go of Xue Ji. The slender sword stood in the air. The gemstone grid of the long sword rotated under the control of the inner energy in his palm. The sword energy extended on the sword body and hilt, forming a black and white sword that resembled a cat or a tiger. The Tai Chi shield stood in front of those bamboo leaves, blocking all attacks.

Xiaomeng saw that he could not break through his opponent's defense, so while increasing the external output of Tiandibai, he waved his Qiuli and once again pulled down large pieces of colorless bamboo leaves from the heights of the bamboo forest to increase the frequency of attacks.

The pressure of the eclipse of heaven and earth has limited effect on Lu Wei, but the continuous offensive did make his Tai Chi shield begin to break: each bamboo leaf contains two layers of Xiaomeng's inner energy, and they are absorbed one by one. The combination of opposite output modes makes the bamboo leaf blade extremely sharp.

Boom, in the end the entire Tai Chi shield was exploded, and the escaping inner energy set off a storm in the bamboo forest under the control of Tiandi Ecolor. Even the ring of strong bamboos closest to the center of the battle was broken at the waist, making a crisp crunching sound. Lu Wei and Xiaomeng, who were closer, were directly affected by the aftermath. You can imagine the force.

What's more troublesome for Lu Wei is that he also has to deal with Xiaomeng's bamboo leaves.

Faced with these impacts, Master Xia Kui is very good at using violence to solve them: he sucked in his inner energy and grasped the hilt of Xue Ji's sword again, forcefully injecting a large amount of inner energy into this famous Taoist sword, and used the long-lost Youdie swordsmanship to move The bees attracted the butterflies and struck out with a sword. The nearly infinite inner energy turned into invisible threads and pierced through each bamboo leaf in an indistinct number. Finally, they were all connected together and floated still in mid-air.

With a flash of his body, he rushed directly in front of Xiao Meng, who was briefly shocked by the power of the sword. The latter realized it later, woke up, raised his sword and stabbed, but Lu Wei easily turned his head to avoid it and grabbed his wrist. Unwilling to be captured, the sect leader forcibly twisted his wrist and sent Qiuli's sword towards his throat.

He had to let go and dodge. After the latter broke free, he immediately pushed forward and kicked his leg to push him farther away, but his ankle was accurately grabbed.
Lu Wei's lips curled up with a smile and he tugged hard. Xiaomeng, who was standing on one high-heeled shoe, immediately became unsteady and was forced to pounce forward and fall into his arms.

Qiu Li and Xue Ji were both thrown to the ground. Lu Wei hugged the waist of the head master of Tianzong with slightly messy hair and announced the result of the competition:

"you lose."

"Xue Ji will belong to Taoism, why do you have to use force to try~"

"How much strength did you use?" The wrist of her right hand was injured and swollen during the forceful twisting. Xiaomeng was forced to use her left hand to push the long hair that was somewhat blocking her vision behind her ear, biting her lip and asked.

"I will try my best to compete with any opponent." Facing Qingxiang's questioning look in his arms, Lu Wei continued to add with a smile: "It's just that the understatement can easily make the opponent's pressure increase because they can't see clearly, so I will always I deliberately don't show my pressure." "Really?" The suspicion in his cold pupils has not dissipated. The only credible thing in his words is that 'can't see through' is true.

"My inner energy is a little exhausted, please carry me back."

Closing her eyes as she was used to, she put her head against Lu Wei's chest. Xiaomeng's tone was much more casual than usual, and she said stiffly.

"Is that so?" Lu Wei felt the softness in his arms and turned around to look around. The bamboo leaves were scrawled all over the ground but still beautiful. He suddenly smiled: "Tianzong pays attention to being close to nature. You and I are here to discuss swords, so why not Just rest here."

Xiaomeng's delicate body tensed up upon hearing this, and after realizing that she was put on the ground, she quickly returned to her usual aloofness.

Her gray eyes stared at the hot breath close to her, and she said proudly, "That's okay," and then she took the initiative to wrap her arms around Lu Wei's neck, and their lips touched each other.
After trying Taoist Xue Ji, I’m going to try Taoist Master again.

A fireball flashed across the night sky, and with such dazzling brilliance, even people as far away as Songhai could see its falling figure in the west.

One day later, a piece of top-secret information sent from Dongjun made the atmosphere in Songhai, which had just experienced the dinner assassination, become solemn again.

"Hu Ye is the one who destroyed the Qin Dynasty?" Ying Zheng was living in the palace of Sanghai. He clenched his fists at the inscriptions on the Yinghuo Stone reported in the intelligence report: the last sentence of "the Emperor died and was divided" was not pronounced by him.

The astrologer from the Yin Yang Family was immediately summoned. The astrologer's answer made His Majesty the Emperor's gaze become even more stern, so that Li Si, who arrived later, couldn't help but bend a few more degrees than before after noticing His Majesty's mood.

"Look at it."

The eunuchs sent the top-secret information to Li Si. When Li Si saw the dramatic changes in the names of the twelve large characters, he almost tore the cloth of the record with his palm.

Kneeling to the ground without hesitation, Li Si suggested in a suppressed tone: "Your Majesty, this matter is very important. Please kill everyone who has seen the Yinghuo Stone in East County."

"I have sent Wang Li to handle this matter." Ying Zheng said calmly: "I have also sent Meng Yi to bring back the latest information from the North as soon as possible."

"So, what do the Yin and Yang family think of the Yinghuo Stone?" Li Si's brain continued to race.

"The Yin and Yang family will personally send people to Dongjun to escort the Yinghuo Stone to Songhai. There is no problem with the stone itself." Ying Zheng couldn't sit still. He stood up and wandered slowly in the high hall: "When you go back, mobilize more food, grass and Recruits, prepare for Meng Tian’s large-scale march out of the fortress.”

"I will do it immediately." Li Si heard His Majesty the Emperor's intention and quickly retreated.

"The barbarians want to destroy the Qin Dynasty, they are simply wishful thinking!" Ying Zheng's thoughts have been running for a long time. The reason why the Zhou Dynasty declined was because King Zhou You abolished the direct descendants and established concubines, which caused the princes to collude with foreign tribes to besiege the capital.

Now that there are signs of internal strife within Da Qin, he punished Fusu, and God immediately dropped the Stone of Enlightenment. Is this an early warning?
Moreover, "Hu Ye was the one who destroyed Qin", "Hu Ye...", Ying Zheng always felt that this "also" was a bit weird.

Shaking his head, no matter what, as long as Da Qin kills the Hu people first, then the content of the Yinghuo Stone will no longer exist!
(End of this chapter)

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