Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 393 Sir Xia Kui can’t say no!

Chapter 393 Sir Xia Kui can’t say no!
'Life has a limit but knowledge not.If there is a limit, then there is no limit, that's it! He who knows it already, that's it!'

Her long hair spread out like a waterfall, and a few strands of the dark highlights and sweat stuck to the side of Xiaomeng's face, giving her a different kind of beauty at this moment.

With his eyes closed and his waist bent, feeling the depth of the water and the heat of the water, the head of Tianzong couldn't help but let out a long and melodious moan, and then began to reflect on his own way.

'The consequences of right and wrong in the world cannot be determined.Although, inaction can determine right and wrong.The most blissful living body is only a few existences of inaction. '

Zhuangzi said that there is no way to determine right and wrong in the world, but there is some truth in it. I just let Lu Wei do what he did, and I didn't find it boring. I just found the fun and truth. '

Slowly opening her eyes, she looked into the aggressive pupils that looked like a smile but not a smile. Xiaomeng's straight and slender calves hooked Lu Wei's waist without any instructions. Her noble face melted like spring snow, and she smiled: "You Not bad.”

Looking down at the Taoist master's charm, under her seemingly provocative words, Master Xia Kui naturally couldn't let himself be looked down upon and bowed down.
The chirping of birds in the bamboo forest gradually started to sound, and the elves who got up early started their busy life for the day. Their chirping made Xiaomeng, who has always been close to nature, frown slightly, and opened his eyes to reveal coldness.

It was a cloudy day today, and the light in the bamboo forest was dim, but I could tell that it was no longer early morning.

Sitting her soft body upright, Lu Wei, who was not far from her, had put on clothes and returned to his identity as a righteous peasant hero. He was practicing his internal skills with a serious face, but it was very different from last night. He was really a hypocrite!
With a few traces of the feelings of an ordinary girl in his heart, Master Xiaomeng slowly arranged his clothes, raising his hands and feet to fully display his proud figure, which made Lu, who had already tasted it, feel vaguely ups and downs.

She took back the Qiuli sword that had been abandoned all night, and turned to look at the green bamboo leaves on the ground that looked like the knots of Xiangfei Bamboo. With a wave of her hand, she would blow away the cherished memory of ordinary women: dust to dust, dust to dust. .

Then he sat in Lu Wei's arms with peace of mind, closed his eyes and said softly: "I'm tired, take me back."

The same request as last night, Xia Kui, who was in a good mood, did not refuse this time.

The female disciple named Yue'er in the Bamboo Forest Villa was still lazing around because her master didn't return last night. Xiaomeng's internal energy was indeed consumed a bit too much last night, and later she relaxed due to the pleasure that consumed her energy. Fell asleep in Lu Wei's arms.

He placed her on the bed in the room to rest, and Xue Ji and Qiu Li hung them on the wall together. Lord Xia Kui did not stay here long because he had to go to the mirage.

The thought of secretly breaking into the mirage that he had always wanted to use to find immortals under the eyes of His Majesty the First Emperor was a bit exciting. However, Lu Wei had long regarded this ship as his own, so it was His Majesty the Emperor who was the first to covet it. Three of them.

Although this ship was built by the Qin State at all costs.
"Ying Zheng sent someone to inquire about the Stone of Enlightenment. I am going to send Da Siming to bring slices of that stone back to Songhai. How do you plan to operate it?"

From the inner room of the Crescent Palace, you can see the astrological platform outside through the dark purple curtain silk gauze.

Although the astrological platform cannot be used because the star chart was destroyed, it is still the dormitory of the Moon God.

As the new leader of the Yin Yang family, although Yueshen is over thirty, his appearance has not changed much from more than ten years ago, only his temperament has become more mature.

She was in her prime, and she was relieved because she got rid of Donghuang, so she naturally changed places to the bed while chatting with the arriving Lu Wei.

The hard work last night did not hinder Mr. Xia Kui's energy. Faced with the moon god's teasing, he naturally would not say that he couldn't do it.

After effectively reliving their past emotions in Handan Danan, the two satisfied people chatted about business.

"Da Siming? Is she reliable?"

Lu Wei caressed the smooth jade back of the Moon Goddess and asked random questions.

Da Siming was the most capable member of the old Yin Yang family. When Sun Yue Xing was not doing anything, Donghuang would personally assign tasks to the Fire Minister.

After the battle in the mirage and the killing of Donghuang, Da Siming was subdued by Shao Siming and handed over to the Moon God together with Yun Zhongjun. Among them, Yun Zhongjun quickly surrendered, but the Moon God did not mention it last time. Da Siming also surrendered.

Moreover, even if Yun Zhongjun surrenders, he will always be imprisoned in the mirage, which is very different from Da Siming being released to activities in Dongjun.

"Everyone in the Yin Yang family will only be loyal to themselves, and I showed her the new heights of Yin Yang. Da Siming is a character who knows the current affairs." Yue Shen nodded and answered his question: "I will also let her If Shao Siming follows, Da Siming will not have the chance to betray."

"In this case." Lu Wei summarized all kinds of information in his mind and quickly found a point from the layout that he could use: "Daze Mountain will promote the main force of the Xiang clan of Chu State to intercept Da Siming's actions , you let her take the opportunity to get rid of this proud family!"

After the Qinglong assassination, Han Xin took all the survivors of the Six Kingdoms who participated in the operation to Daze Mountain. On the way, this ordinary-looking future soldier with patched clothes personally broke the trap among the Six Kingdoms Rangers. The spy Li Liang and others established their authority in front of Kuang Xiu and Chi Lian.

Coupled with the subsequent letters sent by Gao Jianli and Wei Zhuang, the two rivers and lakes forces, the Mo family and Liusha, have settled down. However, the dignitaries of the six countries, mainly the Xiang family, have the pride of their bloodline and have gradually become troublesome.

Although the Nongjia and the Xiang clan had a good relationship in the past, and the Nongjia Siyuetang also took in Mi Lian, the eldest princess of the Chu Kingdom, now, even if the two sides are still walking on the same road, they are destined to become each other's obstacles in the future.

Those who stand in the way will die, this is the unchanging law of the peasant heroes. It is time for Xiang's friends to join their dead country.

It's just that the two sides have friendship after all, but Lu Wei is kind-hearted and can't bear to kill his friends, so he gives this task to the Yin Yang family: "Try to let the Qin army do it. The relationship between the Yin Yang family and the farmer's family is not a secret among the Confucians. No matter how sophisticated my methods are, I can't completely hide them from those smart guys."

"But it's always good to have a reason that looks similar~"

"I will give orders to Da Si and them." Moon Goddess did not have any questions about such a trivial matter. The only thing that concerned her was the question of the First Emperor of the Empire: "According to the dosage you have prepared, Ying Zheng will take five more Yunzhongjun pills." The elixirs and toxins in the body will accumulate to a fatal level, and the time will not exceed ten days at most."

"In just ten days, the master of an empire will fall, and his empire will also fall soon." He sighed with emotion. This time was actually a few days later than what Lu Wei had planned. Fortunately, it was still within the plan. Inside: It’s time for Nanjing County and Fan County to start an uprising.

It was located in a remote area, and when news of the uprising reached Songhai, His Majesty the Emperor would not have any time to issue orders.

The real great era is coming, and it belongs to Lu Wei alone.

"The more times like this, the more careful we must be. It's time to break off the deal between you and Luo Wang." Moon God warned her of her personal opinion.

"It's almost the same. Luo Wang is being pressed very hard by the secret guards. I hope this surprise will make Zhao Gao take revenge even more~"


Lu Wei didn't walk out of the Crescent Palace until noon. Lu Wei, who hadn't eaten the morning, had been working hard since last night. He had just made a decision that would determine the fate of the world. He wanted to reward himself with a delicious meal.

Luna was going to see the eldest young master Siming later, so she stayed in the palace to dress up and couldn't spend much time with her. After all, she was the new leader of the Yin-Yang family and had a lot of things to do.

But when Lu passed a corner in the corridor, he unexpectedly saw Concubine Yan waiting here.

"Meet Xiakui."

Seeing the exquisite-looking Lord Dongjun salute him respectfully, Lu Wei was quite surprised: Concubine Yan ran away in embarrassment after being frivolous by him last time, but today she actually came to find him?
Among them, I am afraid there is fraud!
"What's the matter?" Lu Wei asked calmly, holding his hands behind his back and raising his head.

"Xia Kui came to the mirage early in the morning and has not come out of the Crescent Palace until now. I think Concubine Yan prepared some snacks in the Chaotun Palace before enjoying the meal. I wonder if Xi Kui is willing to enjoy it~"

Concubine Yan's posture was very low, and she was actually a little shy in her words. In addition to the content of what she said, the deep meaning did not need to be stated clearly.

It is true that overexertion is bad for the body, but as a top master, Mr. Xia Kui is not at the point of 'nothing'!

"Alright, you lead the way."

Nodding calmly, Lu Wei never flinched.

(End of this chapter)

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