Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 394 Li Mu goes south

Chapter 394 Li Mu goes south
"The stone of enchantment dropped from heaven says, 'When the First Emperor dies, the earth will be divided.' This is a reminder given to us by God, and we can make use of it."

In the small town at the foot of Daze Mountain, the anti-Qin nobles from the six countries gathered together and listened patiently to Fan Zeng's speech.

"The contents of the Stone of Enchantment not only foreshadowed the ultimate failure of the mirage's search for immortals, but also foreshadowed the end of the Qin Dynasty. Therefore, Ying Zheng did not hesitate to send General Wang Li to massacre all the people who had the Stone of Enchantment fall to the ground, and also sent the elders of the Yin and Yang family. Specialized in escorting.”

His tone did not change when he talked about 'massacre'. At this time, Fan Zeng did not feel that such behavior needed to be emphasized: whether to Qin or anti-Qin, the value of the Yinghuo Stone was higher than that of the common people.

"The heroes of the Mo family have explored the route for escorting the Stone of Enlightenment this time. We have a chance to intercept it in the middle!"

Different from the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, due to the nature of the rivers and lakes, the Mohist family gained greater trust and directly entered the Daze Mountains to accept the protection of farmers. However, despite this, the contact between the two parties was not severed.

Among the Mohist leaders, Thief Zhi, who was known as the King of Thieves, had many contacts with the Xiang family. Among the Mohist people who came later, Yan Yun himself was a member of the nobles of the Six Kingdoms, and was the 'Queen of Yan' at the highest level.

In addition, Mi Lian, the princess of Chu who joined the farmer's family, has been in frequent contact with the nobles of the six countries recently. Although she did not say it clearly in her words, Fan Zeng could tell that the farmer's family was also very interested in this stone, and Mi Lian herself He also showed his eagerness to revive the Chu State, which is a matter of course.

The identities of Yan Yun and Mi Lian determine that they are destined to stand on the opposite side of Qin, so they will naturally gain the trust of the anti-Qin side.

All these signs are driving the anti-Qin alliance to seize the Stone of Fire this time. Fan Zeng is keenly aware of the crisis hidden behind it, but he also believes that this action, like the Green Dragon Assassin Qin last time, must be implemented.

The Stone of Fire is something that the Qin State desperately wants to hide, so the anti-Qin side will naturally destroy the Qin State's plan and make it public!
How can it be possible to pursue a country's national destiny without taking a little risk?

"This time the Qin State sent a hundred battle armor-piercing troops to escort the stone. With our strength alone, even if we include the farmers, there is little hope, right?"

There were reasonable doubts and dissent among the nobles of the Six Kingdoms. Fan Zeng was not surprised. After he and Xiang Liang checked their eyes, the latter was wearing the eye-catching Chu army armor. The snow-like tassels on the bright silver helmet followed his movements with mighty force. swing:

"The content of the Stone of Fire is too shocking. That guy Ying Zheng will never want this matter to be recorded in the history books, so it will not be transported to Songhai with great fanfare."

"The Hundred-War Armor-Piercing Soldier is just a bait on the surface. According to accurate information, the real Stone of Fire will be in the hands of the Yin and Yang elders and escorted by a small team. That's why Master Fan said it is ours." Chance."

Xiang Liang's arms were swinging as he spoke, and the metallic sound belonging to the battle and battlefield emitted from his thick shoulder armor increased his persuasiveness: "We have ways to push the peasants to contain Wang Li. Only the small army of the Yin Yang family will be ours." enemy."

After Xiang expressed his attitude, all the nobles were moved: If the peasant family can really help deal with the most troublesome armor-piercing soldiers and give the credit for winning the Yinghuo Stone to themselves, it is not impossible to give it a try.
"Will the general go south in person?"

Han Xin followed Li Mu, who had white hair and beard, and carefully avoided being hit by the hoe carried by Lord Wu An on his shoulder.

The two of them arrived at a small vegetable field within a few steps. Li Mu was wearing linen clothes. He had just celebrated his [-]th birthday the year before last and was now dressed like an old farmer. He was doing what an old farmer should do.

Li Mu bent down and hoeed the ground without hesitation, and said with a smile: "Master Xia Kui ordered us to raise troops in Jingxian County. Although I am old and have been away from the battlefield for a long time, it is time to be used. Naturally, I can't continue to hide in the big army." Zeshan.”

"Even if I have to be rejected by the hero as being too old and can only serve as a veteran soldier in the vanguard, I don't want to miss this first battle of the volunteers."

"General, you are humble. You are the 'Great General' appointed by the hero. You will be of great use in the future. The troops raised in the south are just a partial army and they are far away. Xin is willing to go on behalf of the general." Han Xin just stayed aside and watched. While Li Mu was working, he had no intention of grabbing a hoe to help: as he said, Li Mu's body was extremely strong and he couldn't grab it, and it would make the old general angry.

"Although it is a partial force, the enemy we have to face will be the main force of the Qin army. Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo are both famous generals of Qin, so they are difficult to deal with."

Listening to this young man with terrible talent who righteously wanted to "suffer" on his behalf, Li Mu laughed and shook his head: "Xia Kui has deployed many generals in Jing County, and they are all proud people. You are not qualified enough and it will be difficult for you in the short term. To convince them, even I can only act as a suppressor."

"The significance of initiating anti-Qin volunteers requires that this battle can only be won, not defeated, and it must be a great victory. Therefore, the attitude of the hero must be stable this time. There will always be room for you to play later, so don't be anxious."

The 'proud generals' Li Mu refers to naturally refer to Peng Yue, Li Zuoche, Yan Shen and others. Although they have been training in the south for many years, Li Mu still has to personally take charge of this actual combat test.

With a military senior as a back-up, the younger generation can act freely.

Once the news of the troops in Tianjing County spreads in a few days, and the troops from the surrounding counties of Qin are defeated, the southern army that is attacking Baiyue will definitely turn around and attack eastward. The thought of fighting Qin again after more than ten years, Li Mu's passion for being a soldier immediately rose.

In the current Qin State, all the veteran generals are withered: Wang Jian, Wang Ben, Meng Wu and other generals of the same generation as Li Mu or the previous generation are no longer there. The leaders of their military are the two juniors, Meng Tian and Wang Li, and further down. After Li Xin participated in the destruction of Qi, he was granted the title of Marquis of Longxi, but he died of illness very early.

Based on this calculation, Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo, the current chief and deputy generals of the Qin Army's Southern Legion, are already one of the pillars of the Qin Army.

Although Li Mu has always been optimistic about Peng Yue and others, a war cannot be decided hastily because of "anticipation". Even he himself did not dare to say that leading the soldiers of Jingxian County to face the regular Qin army could win reliably, let alone fight from a distance. Peng Yue and Li Zuoche provided guarantee.

Soldiers are important matters of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival. We must pay attention to them. We must go all out when facing any opponent!
"So when is the general going to set off? The war is about to begin, and Dazeshan may have some conflicts with the armor-piercing soldiers in the near future. This is the general's old rival force."

There is no loss. Han Xin has endured it for so many years, and his character is extremely unshakable.

He knew that the future peasant uprising would be divided into at least two parts, Jingxian County would only be one of them, and Dazeshan headquarters would be the main force.

After Li Mu went to the south and led his troops to defeat Ren Xiao and Zhao Tuo, he still had to pass through Chu territory and wait until everything was stable and all future troubles were eliminated before heading north to the Central Plains.The offensive goal of the Dazeshan troops will only be successful.

Although the army in Daze Mountain will only be led by Xia Kui himself, Lu Wei will probably not go to the front line to fight in person, and Li Mu is not here, so he is destined to be the vanguard general to attack the city!
"We'll leave tonight." Li Mu stopped hoeing, stood up straight in front of Han Xin, and patted the young man on the shoulder: "As for the Hundred Battles Armor-Piercing Army, you can go to Kuei Hall tomorrow to find Hall Master Chen Ping. He I will tell you the details of Xia Kui’s next plan.”

"Besides, after I leave, you can't let this piece of my land go unused." He put his hand away and stroked his beard with a smile, and Li Mu suddenly stuffed his hoe into Han Xin's arms.

Holding the hoe stick full of pulp with both hands, Han Xin felt the eager expectation of its owner and nodded heavily:
"The general asked me to watch him while he was farming. I am already familiar with those skills!"

In Jingxian County, because of the distance, Xiao He received Lu Wei's 'uprising' order one day later than Dazeshan.

He calmly destroyed the secret message. Coach Li Mu hadn't arrived yet, but the preliminary preparations could already be done.

He sent his disciples to summon Yan Shen, Peng Yue, and Li Zuoche, and asked them to distribute all the armor and weapons in the machine workshop to the disciples. Then Xiao He sent a messenger to Fan County
(End of this chapter)

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