Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 397 Chen Ping and Han Xin

Chapter 397 Chen Ping and Han Xin
'Soldiers who, deception also.Therefore, when it is possible, it is shown that it cannot be used, when it is used, it is shown that it is not used, when it is close, it is shown that it is far, and when it is far, it is shown that it is close. '

The caravan leader who was transformed from Da Siming looked at the small town ahead that lacked an ordinary atmosphere, and inexplicably thought of a famous saying belonging to a military strategist.

A war is often very simple in Sun Tzu's eyes: if it has the most winning conditions, it will win, if not, it will lose.

As for how to seize the winning conditions, that is another course.

In today's ambush battle, it seems that our side is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of time, location and people. The conditions for victory are close to zero. The victory seems to have been completely grasped by the anti-Qin alliance. However, all of these are intentional. Showing weakness, generals like the Xiang family who played with the art of war were caught in the trap from the beginning by the trick of their best art of war.

It's just that this time the "trick" that Da Siming performed was not just to kill the enemy in front of her. Otherwise, she would not have to act as a bait at all. What would come here would be Wang Li's army.

As a yin-yang elder whose hands are faster than her brain, Da Siming likes this kind of process that does not require using her brain but just letting go, especially when she can kill to her heart's content during this process.
Licking her lips, looking at the position of the sun to determine the approximate time, she led her men into the ambush of the Anti-Qin Alliance.
In the mountain forest a little further away, four beautiful figures watched the disguised caravan enter the town as planned, but they had no intention of following them together. They just stayed on the outside.

Shao Siming and his predecessor Shao Siming, sisters Hei and Bai, have only one mission today: to prevent the extra survivors from taking advantage of the chaos and escaping.

As for the fourth woman besides the three young Simings, she came on her own initiative.She has the status of a representative of the farm family. Even the young commanders cannot refute her and have to take care of her.

With the town as the center and in all directions further away, the elite Qin Army squad also carefully surrounded the town after the appointed time.

Looking closely, the bright silver armor and beast masks reveal that they are all elite armor-piercing soldiers belonging to Wang Li.
"The goal of this operation is not only to deal with these disobedient allies, but also to make Qin proud of this great victory. For this reason, we do not hesitate to expose the anti-Qin intentions of the farmers. All we pursue is to shirk all the blame to ensure that People’s hearts.”

Han Xin learned to play Go during the years when he followed Chu Nan Gong, and with his intelligence and military talent, he easily achieved success in the chess game. But today, the opponent he is playing against is equally good at this game, and even has a far-reaching layout. Even more treacherous than him, the talented strangers from the farm are indeed the foundation for success.

As a chess player, the most important thing is to understand your position on the chess board.As a chess player, 'giving up' is one of the most basic common sense.

If the Xiang clan is regarded as a node on the New Cross on the chessboard, abandoning this node will certainly allow the opponent to seize the opportunity to attack aggressively and gain an advantage, but it will also free one's moves from being restricted by its existence.

According to the current situation, Han Xin decided to 'give up' based on reality.

As soon as he gave up, his opponent really attacked.

"Master Xia Kui's vision is unparalleled by anyone. You and I are just agents and part of the chess pieces."

Chen Ping knew much more about the young man in front of him than Han Xin imagined. Chen Ping even held secret consultations with the old general Li Mu many times for Han Xin, and determined that the young man's ambitions were probably a bit too high and he was powerful and capable. They also persistently pursue a personality that corresponds to their abilities. In addition to being useful, such people also have hidden dangers.

Chen Ping has clearly seen Lu Wei's ambitions over the years. He knows that Lu Wei will not give Han Xin the limit he wants. Since the master is like this, Chen Ping will beat the subordinate from time to time:
"Creating an incident in Licheng to attract Wang Li to confront him was what the peasant family promised Xiang and other dignitaries from the Six Kingdoms must do. However, because of the advance notification from the Yin Yang Family, Wang Li not only took the bait calmly, but also took the initiative to make the performance lively. This is from On the plus side, it has also made the name of the farm family that has been low-key for a long time."

"The gang of ranger bandits formed by the Xiang family and the dignitaries of the Six Kingdoms only has a few hundred people at most. This number is really difficult for the Yin Yang family team to deal with, but Wang Li wants to deploy a team of hundreds of armor-piercing soldiers with the same number of battles. With foreign aid, the offensive and defensive momentum changes.”

"And since we are local snakes in East County and took the initiative to undertake the investigation mission, Xiang didn't expect that we would suddenly attack them, so he naturally trusted the strength of the farmer. As long as no one warned him, Wang Li's action would be natural. It's perfect." Han Xin sighed with emotion. It was really sad to think about being betrayed by one of his own people. The old nobles of the six countries were suffering from all this pitifully. "Fan Zeng is not that easy to deal with. How can he put all his bets on us~" He smiled and continued to strangle Han Xin's black ones. Chen Ping said calmly: "He has arranged an extra layer of vigilance just in case. One, it’s just a pity that this layer of vigilance is also ours.”

"Princess of Chu State? I heard." Han Xin guessed what Chen Ping was referring to, but he was interrupted by Chen Ping making a 'silence' gesture in the middle of his sentence: "How can subordinates inquire about your lord's private affairs?" You’ll be angry if you hear that.”

"Yes, it is indeed Han Xin who made a mistake." Han Xin nodded and picked up the wine on the side of the chessboard and drank three glasses of wine as self-punishment. Chen Ping did not say anything more about this, but he planned to truthfully record the incident and report it in the book. To Lu Wei.

As the eyes of the farmer, Chen Ping knows very well that he must be impartial and impartial on the basis of 'see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,' so that he can gain long-term trust and security, and there must be no luck. psychology.

"No strategy will be perfect, but as long as no one who doesn't deserve to live in that town survives today, and the farm family has a value that cannot be given up to the anti-Qin alliance, no one will care about the life or death of those high-ranking nobles. say what."

Chen Ping summarized the murder of Xiang.

"Yes, and the only remaining representative of the Chu State will spare no effort to stand on the side of the farmers." Han Xin received the warning and had to change Mi Lian's princess name to a more neutral 'representative': "Ming Ming All the victims have given up on tracing, so what can outsiders say~"

The conversation came to an end, and so did the chess game, but unfortunately, what was different from Han Xin's expectation was that he, who knew how to be willing, eventually lost to Chen Ping, who was relentlessly attacking.

Facing Han Xin's slightly embarrassed expression, Chen Ping said seriously: "You have lost the chess game, but don't forget that the real person in charge is Mr. Xia Kui."

'But as far as I know, Master Xia Kui's chess skills are not very good.'

Han Xin rationally did not say this sentence. After all, people who are not good at chess also have a way to be undefeated: that is to fly the chessboard directly.

Anyway, that person is very powerful and is not afraid of the opponent getting angry and taking action: although the method of flipping the chessboard is very poor, and if used too much, he will no longer find anyone to play chess, but if the goal is to gain the world, any method will become a matter of course.

And as long as he wins in the end, there is no need to worry about anyone dare to refuse his invitation, and there will be people to help him debate those despicable pasts.

Although Han Xinxin didn't say anything out loud, Chen Ping could faintly see the clues in his expression: He also planned to leave it to Lord Xia Kui to decide whether to slander or not.


In Songhai City, Lu Wei only assigned tasks to the Daze Mountain side and did not keep a close eye on them: both the peasant family and the Yin Yang family were his people, and he only wanted the final result no matter how the drama on both sides developed.

The curiosity of the exploration process has become impossible for him to cover everything after he became the hero. After reaching this height, he can see too many things in the world.

And because of his strong strength and power, Lu Wei has enough room for error. Even if Chen Ping messes up everything, he can easily complete the backstop.

Even Gai Nie's visit when he was eating grapes fed by Ji Yan in the stronghold did not exceed his expectations.
(End of this chapter)

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