Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 398 Betrayal

Chapter 398 Betrayal
Gai Nie came alone. After the battle in Guancheng, he was rarely separated from his junior brother Wei Zhuang, who had reached cooperation. He also lost Yuan Hong in his hand and only took a standard long sword at random.

As the number one swordsman in the world, he cannot live without a weapon, but this weapon does not necessarily need to be Yuan Hong.

Walking up to the second floor of the farmhouse with the guarding disciples looking in awe, Genie met the owner of this place in the reception room.

Not in the mood to admire the decoration and layout of the room, he got straight to the point: "Lu Xiakui, I'm here for the sleeping curse seal on my friend's son Tianming."

Lu Wei himself did not know whether Gai Nie could lift the curse seal. He guessed that there was a high probability that he could not: Onmyoji was an unpopular art that was more professional than kendo.

However, based on the strength shown by the peasant family, Lu Wei was the only one in the world who could establish complex contacts with all forces under the premise that he could not get help from the Qin State.

Faced with that indifferent expression, Gai Nie then took the initiative to give out his bargaining chip: he raised and straightened his arm, and held the sword in front of him.
As Ying Zheng's former swordsmanship teacher, Gai Nie can only offer one value.

This was not a fair deal, because Tianming's importance to Gai Nie was not of the same magnitude as the benefits Gai Nie could bring to the farmer's family, but Lu Wei still agreed to the sword master's request.

Fairness or not is an issue that Gai Nie has to consider, but for Lord Xia Kui, the "Sword Master"'s hard-earned solution to save Tianming only requires his words to be solved by Concubine Yan.

The sleeping curse seal will have different results and symptoms depending on the casting method. Therefore, unless you are a master of Yin and Yang who is far more powerful than the person who cast the curse, it will be difficult to crack the key point, and Concubine Yan is the one who cast the curse. Personally, no one knows Tianming's method of casting curses better than Concubine Yan, and no one is more familiar with the method of undoing the curse than Concubine Yan.

The 'problem' itself is not a problem, it is the inability of the responder that makes it a 'problem'.

In a remote town hundreds of kilometers west of Songhai City, Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng encountered such a 'problem'.
The volley of random arrows coming from all directions caused the alliance of nobles from the six countries surrounding the Yin Yang family team to immediately panic. When the armor-piercing soldiers in bright silver armor appeared in their sights, everyone who was still arrogant just now became even more confused. A look of horror emerged:
The images of the ruined walls and ruins of the Qin army that once destroyed the city were like the cruelest flames reappearing from the depths of their hearts. The strength of the Qin army would never be erased from their minds as long as they did not experience a defeat on the battlefield. .

What's more, the army that appeared this time was Wang's armor-piercing soldiers who had experienced hundreds of battles. They had followed Wang Jian and Wang Ben to destroy the five kingdoms!
"What's going on?" Xiang Liang, who was standing high up, stared with wide eyes as his well-planned ambush dispersed in a hurry. As a result, Da Si Ming, who had been defending his true colors, was not only out of danger, but also attacked. Following the fleeing nobles of the Six Kingdoms, they launched a counterattack, and the offensive and defensive momentum was completely switched for a while.

"We were betrayed!" behind him, the old Fan Zeng turned pale and said in pain.

This old man who had worked for the Xiang family for many years eliminated all possibilities in just a moment, and the remaining result, no matter how unbelievable, could only be the only answer.

"The farmers are connected with the Qin State!" He made a fist with his deep-grained, rough and dry palm and smashed it against the wall. With his divergent thinking, Fan Zeng could fully imagine that if all his actions were known in advance by the Qin State, he would have enough power. What a seamless encirclement and suppression campaign the Qin Guoguo prepared.

The only doubt is why they still need to send such a decoy into the town, but the real crisis makes it too late for Fan Zeng to think through all these details. Even if it is a near-death situation, he must try his best to find that glimmer of hope. The possibility of survival.Now their first priority is to reorganize the chaotic people in the town to resist, not to allow the enemy to massacre them, and to arrange for Ji Bu, who is highly skilled in dexterity, to escape immediately and spread the word about what happened in the town!
Not long after Da Siming led the fake caravan into the town, she deliberately sold out a flaw and went to a tavern to rest. As expected, she was quickly attacked by the remaining nobles of the Six Kingdoms. In the early stage, she was still able to suppress her violent murderous intention and fight with the Yin and Yang family in accordance with the order. The disciples stood firm together, but when the reinforcements arrived, Da Siming, who could no longer hold back his murderous intent, decisively abandoned the defense line formed with his disciples and rushed into the enemy's crowd.
In fact, not everyone among the rangers summoned by the nobles of the Six Nations can stop this Yin-Yang elder who is very popular in all aspects: as long as they can face up to Da Siming's tricky Yin-Yang skills that are difficult to prevent.

Da Siming's overall strength is not very strong, at least not up to the first echelon level in Jianghu. However, the blood-red skull and blood handprints are really eye-catching. People whose blood has been burnt by Yin-Yang magic die tragically, and it is easy to It makes those with bad character become timid before fighting.
Taking away several enemy lives with a wave of his hand, Da Siming aimed his sharp eyes at the inn room on the third floor where Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were hiding according to the rebellious actions of these Six Nations.

That's where the important leaders of these rebellions are located~
With a cruel smile, she flew towards the target, but was stopped halfway by an equally fiery young general wielding a spear: Judging from the armor, the commander recognized that the opponent was the Tenglong of the Chu Kingdom who had a bounty on his head. The new leader of the Legion is Long Qie.

"Obviously they all end up with the same fate, but since someone insists on jumping in line, let me deal with you first~" The scarlet palms were full of energy, and the sneer of the Yin and Yang elders finished speaking and then charged towards Long Qie again.

Long Qie could tell at the moment of the fight that his strength was no match for the other party. However, as a soldier of the Chu State, he knew the responsibilities of a soldier very well and had no hesitation in fighting against Da Siming with the killing skills of the military formation.
As Ji Bu gritted his teeth, only the last order issued by Xiang Liang was left in Ji Bu's mind. As the commander of the Shadow Tiger Legion, he had already escaped once on the Qinchu battlefield in the past, and today was the second time.

But what was different from the last time was that after the Chu State was defeated in the Battle of Qin and Chu, Ji Bu knew that the Chu State still had strength outside and that the Chu State still had hope of restoring its land and rivers. But today he watched Long Qie being killed by the red-handed woman with his own eyes. Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were also targeted. If nothing else happened, he would be the only one left alive in Qin's ambush on the small town this time.
The main force of the Xiang family, the strongest clan in Chu State, was completely wiped out. Who else could he put his hope in?By the way, there is also Young Master Xiang who is in Little Sage Village!

That's right, Xiang still has a seed!
Ji Bu's empty eyes brightened a little again, but when he thought of Fan Zeng's last words, he felt a little desperate.
'Farmers will actually collude with Qin'

Ji Bu had a glimpse of the peasant family's strength. The largest force in the world today colluded with the violent Qin, and the world would be completely plunged into darkness.

'Anyway, my sister and the two princesses are still at the farmhouse. I want to pick them up and take them to Songhai to explain everything to the Confucian Mr. Zhang Liang! '
Shaking his head, he encouraged himself to cheer up: If there is anyone else in the anti-Qin alliance who can be trusted, Zhang Liang, who performed well in the government city, is Ji Bu's only choice.


After escaping for several miles to the east, Ji Bu suddenly heard a familiar call calling his name.

Recognizing the owner of the voice, he stopped in surprise and turned around to see that it was indeed Princess Mi Lian.

"Your Royal Highness, Farmer"

Ji Bu hurriedly wanted to get closer to Mi Lian, who was here for some reason but was smiling gently, but he only took a few steps closer when three murderous intents in the forest instantly locked onto his figure. Shao Siming and the Black and White sisters blocked their way in vain. Ji Bu relaxed and took all the escape angles.

After the death of Chu, this "Yi Nuo Qian Jin" thief who excelled in light martial arts lost his best weapon.
In response, Mi Lian's smile faded, and she turned around and left without hesitation, leaving the awakened Ji Bu to face death alone in pain.
(End of this chapter)

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