Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 399 The first rebellion in the world

Chapter 399 The first rebellion in the world
"Your Majesty, please report urgently from Dongjun and Baiyue."

The serving eunuch bowed his head and walked into the palace of the First Emperor, and presented two important pieces of military information to the royal desk.

Ying Zheng corrected official documents for an hour after dinner. Feeling a little weak, he took a recovery pill sent by Mirage. He went to the window and blew in the sea breeze for a while. The moist water vapor was driven by the wind. Very refreshing on the face.

For this empire, the capital is where the emperor is, especially when officials know that the current emperor has a particularly strong desire for power.

Every day, official documents from the entire empire would be sent to Songhai instead of Xianyang. Even many matters in Xianyang itself would be sent to Songhai when they were in doubt. Everything in the world would pass through the hands of Ying Zheng.

There were many things going on during this trip eastward, and Ying Zheng felt vaguely that the effect of Yunzhongjun's elixir was not as effective as before. According to the imperial doctor Xia Wuji, this was due to the unsuitable climate and soil and the tiredness, which was much worse than in Xianyang. The result is normal.

When Ying Zheng heard what Xia Wuche, who had played a great role in Jing Ke's assassination, said, he felt slightly relieved and at the same time thought about urging the mirage to set sail as soon as possible.

However, due to the matter of the Yinghuo Stone and the urgent need to coordinate the war in Northern Xinjiang, His Majesty the Emperor temporarily restrained his intention of summoning Yun Zhongjun.

Suddenly, another battle report came from Dongjun and Baiyue. Ying Zheng did not neglect it and returned to his desk to read it himself.

Baiyue and Dongjun were far apart, so it was quite a coincidence that the battle reports could be sent at the same time.

When His Majesty the Emperor thought of this, he suddenly glared at the serving eunuch and asked solemnly: "Did the messengers from Dongjun and Baiyue arrive at the Songhai realm at the same time?"

"Your Majesty, yes." The eunuch knelt down and kowtowed and replied: "The battle report from Dongjun was personally delivered by the general's personal soldiers, who are still in Songhai City at the moment."

"Due to Baiyue's remote location, communication has been specially escorted by Luowen, and there was no delay along the way."

There was no doubt in the tone of the eunuch's reply. Even if the battle report sent at the same time was not a coincidence, it would be useless to ask him.

Ying Zheng withdrew his gaze solemnly, raised his hand and opened the battle report from East County first: The land of Baiyue has been in dispute for many years, but Lieutenant Tu Sui died there in battle. The urgent battle report is naturally not unimportant, but it can be compared with the battle report from the Central Plains. Compared with the glowing stone dropped from the ground, the priority is still much lower.

Good news came from the East County war report: the disciples sent by the Yin Yang family when escorting the Stone of Enlightenment accidentally discovered the conspiracy of the anti-Qin rebels to seize the throne halfway, so they took the initiative to cooperate with Wang Li, and both parties performed a show together. The drama caught the anti-Qin rebellion by surprise.

General Wang Li beheaded Xiang Yan's second son Xiang Liang and many members of the Xiang clan on the spot, who had resisted the empire many times. The Xiang clan was almost extinct according to the list, and the remaining remnants of the Chu Kingdom were completely wiped out in this battle.

The escort team that followed the battle report was a little slower and was expected to arrive tomorrow.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but smile when he saw such a smooth battle report. After experiencing two assassinations in succession, the execution of Xiang Shifu, one of the culprits of the first assassination, was undoubtedly good news at the right time, but the follow-up of the battle report There was some evidence that the Dazeshan farm family was vaguely complicit in the conspiracy, which made his smile just flash across his face.Will the Mohist family be followed by the peasant family? Are all these schools of thought all enemies of Great Qin?

"I remember that the leader of the peasant family is in Sanghai?" There was no emotion in the faint voice. The eunuch who had received Zhao Gao's instructions in advance answered truthfully: "Your Majesty, the leader of the peasant family, Lu Wei, has been invited by Li Xiangguo since the beginning of the year. After getting up to Songhai, I have not yet returned to Daze Mountain."

"What did he do in Songhai?" Ying Zheng continued to ask.

"Lu Wei, the leader of the peasant knight-errant, had close contacts with Xiaoshengxian Village at the beginning of Songhai. Later, after the son Fusu invited Taoist Tianzong Master Xiaomeng to accompany him, he also took the initiative to discuss Taoism with Master Xiaomeng several times."

"Farmer, Confucian, Taoist?" Ying Zheng's voice became deeper and deeper as he thought about it. The relationship between various schools of thought has never been so good before. If you insist on speaking, these academic conflicts have always existed.

In the past, they might have politely said hello when they met, but that was all.

After putting down the battle report from Dongjun, Ying Zheng kept the affairs of the various schools of thought in mind and planned to deal with them later, then he picked up the battle report from Baiyue.

The battle report sent by Ren Xiao turned out to be good news: Yi Xusong, the leader of the Xiou Tribal Alliance with the strongest anti-Qin will among Baiyue, fell into the trap of the Qin army and was pierced by thousands of arrows and died. The Qin army took the opportunity to launch an attack and defeated The Vietnamese army, which hurriedly fought, broke through the mountain pass and penetrated into a large section of the Vietnamese mountain forest.

Next, we will pursue the victory and the results will be further expanded.

Yi Xusong was not only a stubborn anti-Qin leader, but also the confidence of the Yue people to resist. Once he died, the remaining Yue people would no longer have a strong will to fight. After many years of war in the Baiyue Land, it is likely that the war will finally end.

After receiving this report, His Majesty the Emperor immediately put aside the unhappiness of the various schools of thought for the time being. The campaign against the Baiyue Land held back a large amount of Qin's manpower, material and financial resources. The cost of one stone of food is almost equal to ten stones. The losses along the way are far greater than the actual consumption on the front line. While the Yue people can eat fish and beasts raw, the Qin people cannot get supplies from the Yue people at all.

As long as Baiyue surrenders, most of these troops who have been marching south for many years can withdraw to the Central Plains, either to suppress the mobs that have already begun to rebel, or to let Meng Tian attack the grasslands to kill the wolves!
The farmer's one hundred thousand disciples must be on guard. Without Baiyue's consumption, the Qin army could have marched to Daze Mountain to force the farmer to surrender and dismantle them!
Ying Zheng felt relieved for a while, but at this moment, the rapid footsteps outside the palace made him frown slightly. It turned out that a young eunuch came to present another urgent newspaper.

It was an urgent military order from Chu. It had just been delivered. This gave His Majesty the Emperor some bad intuition: Da Qin had no ongoing war against Chu. Could it be that such a hastily sent war report was...
The discerning serving eunuch immediately took the battle report from the young eunuch's hand quickly, lowered his head and handed it to the desk of the First Emperor. Ying Zheng opened it, and the content above made him instantly angry after he had just received two pieces of good news. stand up.

The rapid emotional ups and downs in a short period of time made His Majesty the Emperor suddenly have a headache again. Ying Zheng felt that his vision went dark, his left hand supported his head and his upper body was trembling. The serving eunuch quickly took out another pill from Yun Zhongjun on the table. The medicine was fed to Ying Zheng, and the effect was immediate and effective within ten seconds, but Ying Zheng closed his eyes and did not fully recover until a quarter of an hour later.

Looking at the battle report sent from Chu Di again, Ying Zheng stood up and coldly asked the eunuchs to summon Li Si and Meng Yi immediately.

'Jingxian and Fanxian, located in the south of the Yangtze River, called for rebellion in the name of the Princess of Chu. The leader of the thief was named Jinggong. Yuejun Ouyang Yao and Wu Zhu responded. Thirty thousand rebels raged in Jiujiang County, Guzhang County, and Donghai County. , many counties have been robbed. '

In the Qin world, a rebellion suddenly emerged with thirty thousand soldiers.
(End of this chapter)

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