Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 401 The Emperor Star is dark

Chapter 401 The Emperor Star is dark
It was late at night when Li Si and Meng Yi left the seaside palace, and it was already dawn when they drove back to Songhai City.

However, they didn't have time to rest much. Although the little sleep in the carriage was uncomfortable, it provided the necessary recovery energy. As soon as the two returned to their respective houses, they immediately carried out their own tasks.

Li Si must find ways to provide ample food and fodder for Ren Xiao's 20-strong army:
Although there is no need to recruit troops separately this time, the food route of the Southern Army originally used the Lingnan Canal to enter the Li River and the Gui River south, and relied on the waterways in Lingnan to ensure that the food route was unobstructed. Now if the army goes eastward, the food will have to be diverted again after entering Lingnan. For land transportation, the losses in the process must be made up.

How to make up for it will test the ability of Li Si, the prime minister.

Meng Yi wants to follow the "Mirror Gong" clues to track down the conspirators hidden in the Central Plains who intend to overthrow the Qin Dynasty. This has to require the help of Luo Wang.

Luo Wang is a powerful killer organization all over the world. The intelligence capabilities of all parties are stronger than that of the Shadow Secret Guards. Especially in Chu Land and Baiyue Land, this organization has been collecting and investigating long-term information.

So even if Meng Yi never liked Zhao Gao, he still had to take the initiative to summon him.

Of course, Meng Yi first had to confirm that Duke Jing had nothing to do with Luo Wen: although it would be too malicious to link the rebellious leader who harmed Great Qin with his colleagues in the empire, Meng Yi believed that Luo Wen could do such a thing.
As Mirror Gong, Lu Wei knew the details of the uprising in the south in advance than anyone else, and Luowang's message transmission speed was also slightly slower than the Mo family's machine bird, so he knew it earlier than the master of the empire. Within a few hours, I learned that the uprising had succeeded in the first step.

Not long after the Mo family accepted the protection of the farmer and hid in Daze Mountain, someone Lu had already obtained several wooden kites from them.

Compared with the machine Suzaku, the wooden kite's petite and palm-sized body was originally intended to be used as a homing pigeon.

The farmer's research on mechanism techniques from scratch has indeed achieved extraordinary results, but in the past 20 years, Amu has never made a breakthrough in the direction of the sky, and now that the Mohist family is seriously disabled, Master Xia Kui directly uses the doctrine of exploitation.

The Mohists were very vigilant, but their extreme anti-Qin stance had never changed. So when Lu Wei revealed the plan for the southern uprising to Gao Jianli, Xiao Gao, who had already given up his position as leader of the anti-Qin alliance, took the initiative to express his willingness to do so at all costs without saying a word. contributed to the success of this uprising.

In addition to recreating the secrets of the mechanism skills inherited by the Mohist family with the help of the farmer's mechanism workshop, there was also the matter of having Thief Zhi in Dongjun encourage the Xiang family to steal the Yinghuo Stone.

The reason why the Mohists promoted the Xiang family's tragedy was that Gao Jianli was told by Chen Ping that the actions of the nobles of the six countries could delay Qin's armor-piercing soldiers from going south and reduce the pressure after the uprising, but he did not know where the Xiang family would die. A small town.

When Xiao Gao learned about the accident in the small town, news came that the southern uprising had successfully conquered three counties and six counties. Among the mixed emotions of the Mohists, joy finally prevailed:

Incidents such as the government city and the shipyard prison have already caused them to see too many life and death separations. Now, although Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, Long Qie, and Ji Bu died under the sword of the Qin State, they have gained an uprising that has initially gained a foothold. extraordinary.

After the ambush battle in Dongjun Town, Wang Li, who had not received orders from His Majesty the First Emperor, took the initiative to lead his troops to approach Daze Mountain, intending to find direct evidence that the farmers wanted to confront Qin. Then, just like what happened in the small town, he would kill first and report later!

Regarding Wang Li's thoughts, the people in the peasant family who were scheming with him in Licheng were Chen Ping and Han Xin.

Whether it was a strategy or a direct military confrontation after a showdown, Dazeshan was not afraid of his opponents. The plan had reached the final step. Even if Wang Li died suddenly in Licheng, he would not become the next protagonist.

After receiving the Yellow Stone Heavenly Book from Duke Nan of Chu and opening it for the second time, Lu Wei looked at the complete blank inside the exquisite bamboo slips and chose to sink his mind into this wordless Heavenly Book.

The creation created by Huangdi Xuanyuan and Jiang Ziya is undoubtedly a real divine object, but the help it can provide to Lu Wei is limited.The Book of Heaven will play different roles for different people. For example, what Huangdi wanted from the Book of Heaven was the way to defeat Chi You, what Jiang Ziya wanted to get from the Book of Heaven was the way to help the Zhou Dynasty and the Shang Dynasty, and what Lu Wei wanted to get was nothing more. It’s just how to destroy Qin.

He had already made arrangements for the plan to destroy Qin, and the Book of Heaven could only predict good and bad fortune for every step Lu Wei arranged.

For the step of the Jingxian uprising, the Heavenly Book gave a good result, and for the step of poisoning the First Emperor, it was a bad luck. In this way, the direction of tomorrow could not be clearer.

After closing the Book of Heaven, Lu Wei stored it in a secret compartment together with Yongba's Book of War, and then waited quietly for the guest's arrival. Ji Yan was guarding him with the Jing Salamand Sword in his arms.

The sassy Xiao Yaner was fully focused: With Lu Wei's strength, of course he doesn't need extra protection, but he needs to get used to having his subordinates take action in everything.

This time his guest was Zhao Gao again. The master of the dragnet had just come out of the mansion of Shangqing Mengyi. After exchanging places with his double in the alley, he quietly came to this farm stronghold.

If nothing else goes wrong, today will be the last time Lu Wei sees this CRRC official. It may not be long before he becomes the Prime Minister of the Qin Dynasty, and then offers his head and withdraws from this world stage.

"Meng Yi has set his sights on Xia Kui. I tried to prevaricate him a few words, but I'm afraid he won't give up." Zhao Gao's eyes inadvertently swept past the Jingli Sword that should have belonged to the snare, and he The meeting with Meng Yi was briefly described.

Zhao Gao was very anxious, but he just didn't want to show his anxiety in front of Lu Wei. He believed that in the current situation, the more anxious party must be the farmer.

In the original cooperation between the two parties, Zhao Gao had always been in the lower position, but the sudden rebellion in Jingxian County allowed him to see an opportunity.

"Meng Yi plus the Shadow Guards, this combination is Luo Wang's natural enemy. Lord CRRC's power is far superior to that of the other party. There should be an emergency solution."

Lu Wei was unhurried and had no worries about being investigated by Meng Yi.

"The Imperial Minister, a direct descendant of the Meng family, and the younger brother of Meng Tian. If Meng Yi, who has these identities, ends up like Zhang Han, does Xia Kui know what His Majesty the Emperor will do?" Zhao Gao emphasized the word 'Emperor' in a heavy tone. .

"Ying Zheng?" Lu Wei hummed falsely and read the emperor's name calmly. Zhao Gao didn't care at all and listened patiently to what he said next: "The imperial doctor Xia Wuqi is a trap. Didn't he tell you about Ying Zheng?" 's physical condition~"

"Your Majesty is occasionally tired, but your body is still strong." Zhao Gao's answer revealed that he paid more attention to Ying Zheng's body than Lu Wei imagined: "Although there have been abnormalities recently, it is not serious."

"Really? But people from the Yin Yang family told me that the Emperor Star is dark and on the verge of collapse."

Lu Wei's eyes flashed and he said: "Your Excellency, the CRRC Mansion Order, you may as well stay in the Binhai Palace for the next few days, just in case something changes and you can't deal with it~"

(End of this chapter)

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