Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 402 Death of the First Emperor

Chapter 402 Death of the First Emperor ([-])

Walking out of the reception room, a familiar sword energy stared at the master of the dragnet as he left the stronghold through the back door.

It's Gai Nie, a former Imperial colleague.

It seems that Guigu Zongheng’s relationship with farmers is not just a cooperative relationship.

Writing down this accident thoughtfully, Zhao Gao returned to his home and soon learned the news that the Yin Yang family had brought back the Stone of Fire and had sent it to the palace.

Thinking of Lu Wei's dark remarks about the Emperor Star again in his mind, he hesitated and summoned the Six Sword Slaves and chose to set off for the palace.

It is not difficult for Zhao Gao to meet His Majesty the Emperor. He does not even need to be secretive. He can drive out of the city in an honest manner: the net can find a lot of information that needs to be reported secretly.
Inside the seaside palace.

Ying Zheng first received good news from Dongjun and Lingnan yesterday. Later, the rebellion in the two counties was vaguely linked to the Central Plains and even the imperial court through the participation of a Renzong disciple. This made His Majesty the Emperor after Li Si and Meng Yi retired. He also didn't take any rest. He summoned Hu Hai as soon as he finished handling the government affairs of the previous day.

Hu Hai is only 15 years old this year, and he is already a bit greedy for pleasure. He is very resentful about being pulled up from his sleep, but he does not dare to express any of these resentments in front of his father.

He took an awakening pill inside the net in advance and continued to act innocently in an attempt to maintain a good impression on Ying Zheng.

However, today's First Emperor only briefly examined his homework, and then asked Hu Hai his thoughts on what he saw and heard during the Eastern Tour: Hu Hai learned Qin Law very well, but was slightly lacking in other homework, and he didn't have time to do anything about his thoughts on the Eastern Tour. To prepare, I can only make some nonsense based on circumstances.

Even if it was nonsense, Hu Hai tried his best to describe his father in the direction he wanted to hear based on what he had learned about his father over the years. However, Ying Zheng was noncommittal. He frowned and reprimanded Hu Hai for his deliberately likable behavior, and ordered him to shut up and study. During January, no outsiders are allowed except for necessary physical activities.

The golden-blue eyes were full of shock. Hu Hai had learned from Luo Wang in advance that he had to be more behaved in recent days. He obviously didn't violate it, but why was he scolded and punished after being woken up in the middle of the night?

Biting his lip, he respectfully apologized and stepped back, but how could Hu Hai's dissatisfaction be hidden from Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng didn't know some things at first, but he just didn't care. Once he really started to care, how could the first emperor of the empire not even be able to control his own eighteen sons?

"You are much bolder than Fusu if you are angry with me." Ying Zheng calmly increased the punishment on Hu Hai: "During the confinement, the meals will be halved. Proper hunger can make a person clear-headed. I will re-examine you in a few months."

"If you disappoint me again, you can stay in Songhai from now on. This place is very suitable for you."

After casually dealing with Hu Hai, Ying Zheng ordered the serving eunuch to find the latest summary of various schools of thought: After listening to Li Si's information on the rebellion of the two counties, he added that the farmer reported by Wang Li "seemed to be rebellious." , after the Qin army regained successive victories, he decided to completely eliminate the hidden danger of the various schools of thought as soon as possible.

Regardless of the small sects with small scale and influence, the Mohists were destined to perish under the endless arrests after losing the city. The members of the hundreds of sects who still pose a threat to the empire are Confucianism, Taoism, and agriculture.

Fu Nian, the head of the Confucian Little Sage Village, had specifically observed him. Although he had not spoken to him, this person's theory did not have the foundation to resist the empire, and his appearance was loyal and upright. However, his junior brother Zhang Liang was a Korean aristocrat, and he was sitting on the same page. Law, Xiaoshengxianzhuang already has the legal principles to be destroyed.

Zong Xiaoyaozi, a Taoist, is already a well-documented rebel, and there is no obstacle to destroying Taoism. Although Tianzong Xiaomeng seems to obey the empire, the Taoists do not have any ability to negotiate terms with the empire. The location of Taiyi Mountain makes them Under the emperor's watchful eye, he could only accept any demands of the empire.

As for the peasant family, one hundred thousand disciples is a recipe for death, but it is also the most difficult to deal with. However, as long as Ying Zheng does not care about the hearts of these 10 people and those affected by the peasant doctrine, it will be easy to solve it.

After the two counties are pacified, the worst possible outcome is to simply use imperial decrees to force the rebel farmers, and then send troops to annihilate them.

If the various schools of thought care about them, they will have to restrain their hands. Once they don't care, these people's necks will not be more difficult to chop than those of the Six Kingdoms.

"If the imperial rule wants long-term peace and stability, among the five techniques of controlling the people in the Book of Shang Jun, it is not enough to only weaken the people, tire them, humiliate the people and the poor. After the hidden dangers of various schools of thought, the method of 'fooling the people' should be used more intensively."

After imagining the empire's next move, Ying Zheng was still unwilling to rest until the sky was slightly bright, so he read Shang Jun's book again.Although the effect of Yun Zhongjun's elixir has weakened, its staying power is long enough.

It was obvious that he had not slept all night and had consumed a lot of concentration. However, apart from feeling a little tired, His Majesty's brain was as clear as usual as long as he did not lie down.

During breakfast time, someone from the palace reported to the Yin Yang family's chief minister Ming that he wanted to see him: the team that went to Dongjun to bring back the Stone of Fire was back.

With bright eyes, Ying Zheng immediately ended the meal and summoned the other party and the most important stone!
He wanted to see for himself what this extraterrestrial thing looked like with the words "The First Emperor died and the earth was divided" and "Hu Ye was the one who destroyed Qin"!
After Lu Wei met Zhao Gao, he took Ji Yan to the mirage.

Halfway through, he encountered several secret agents of the Shadow Guard who were following him under surveillance, but Ji Yan killed him casually: Meng Yi was a competent Qin State Minister, but next he should be more worried about his own safety instead of focusing on the farm. .

After all, Qin has many talented people, many of whom Lu Wei likes very much. Unfortunately, the Great Wall will soon be destroyed.

Lord Xia Kui has no intention of saving these people, but will only add fuel to the flames, even though some of them have excellent talents and some have outstanding character: 'He is his hero and I am my enemy'.

People like Meng Tian, ​​Meng Yi and even Li Si will never be drawn into Lu Wei's tent, so the best outcome for them is to die early like Zhang Han.

Not only on the Qin side, but also on the anti-Qin alliance, there were quite a few characters who were killed or framed by Lu. Anyone who would defy his will would cease to exist.

On the cliff of Songhai, Lu Wei first met Tian Guang before going to the mirage.

As a stand-in for hiding the identity of the sun, after Xiaoyaozi was killed by the Six Swordsmen of Luowang, Tian Guang and Chisongzi, who didn't know the truth, had no choice but to return to Songhai and be controlled by Master Xiakui.

The identity of Hiding the Sun is no longer useful, so the Hiding Sun Sword is in Lu Wei's hands as one of the collections, but these two people are still useful: especially Tian Guang.

It is worth mentioning that Tian Guang, who has white hair and beard, is the most noble person in Lu Wei's life. Since he first met him outside Jicheng 20 years ago, it was Tian Guang who protected Lu Wei from wind and rain all the way and supported him in the end. He became the leader of the knights, and took the initiative to clean up the powerful Tian family within the farm family, so that he could take over a clean force.

Without these cooperation, Lu Wei might be able to succeed, but it would definitely not be so smooth.

And even now, he is equally valuable to Lu Wei, who is already the number one in the world: After retiring from the position of the leader of heroes, Tian Guang followed Xiaoyaozi's arrangement and entered Lishan, and gained great reputation among the prisoners of Lishan with his own quality. , these reputations gave Tian Guang a possibility. A possibility to imitate King Wu when he defeated Zhou.

"The world is about to undergo drastic changes. The land of the Central Plains is under the control of farmers, and the only vacancy is in Guanzhong."

"Don't worry, Xia Kui, I know what to do." Before Lu Wei could finish his hypocritical words, Tian Guang interrupted him with a rare voice.

At this time, only Tian Guang was alone on the cliff of Songhai. Another companion, Chi Songzi, could not return to Taoism for the time being, so he went to Confucianism. The old man who also implemented the strategy of suspended death had a very harmonious relationship with the Confucian Zhang Liang.

"It's just that as a former hero of the peasant family, I have made great contributions to the peasant family. This return to Lishan is probably the last chance. I want to take this opportunity to ask for something from the hero."

There was a glint in Tian Guang's clear eyes, but what he said was really unwise and violated his image.

Taking advantage of someone's kindness is not a good word. With Tian Guang's efforts, he could have had a happy death in a farmer's family without doing anything.
"Please tell me." Behind him, Ji Yan quietly turned on Momentum, but Lu Wei did not change his expression and continued to speak kindly with a smile on his face.

The fact that Tian Guang can live to this day has already shown that he is a very smart man. It can also be seen from many matters that Tian Guang knows how to advance and retreat. Today, such a person suddenly wants to ask for something from him. This does not offend Lu Wei, but makes him angry. Very surprised:

Now that things have happened, what can Tian Guang want at this time?

(End of this chapter)

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