Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 403 Death of the First Emperor

Chapter 403 Death of the First Emperor ([-])

"I once saw a special famous sword in Daze Mountain and liked it very much, so I wanted to get it this time."

Tian Guang smiled and stated his purpose.

"What's the name of the sword?"

Lu Wei has indeed unintentionally achieved some achievements in collecting famous swords over the years. Although the number is not large, each one is a fine product:
Hao Cao, Luo, Ganjiang Moye, Mo Mei, Zhenri and non-attacks with special characteristics.

There was originally supposed to be a handful of Xueji, but he returned it to the Taoist family.

The last four of these swords are famous in the world, and although the first two are slightly inferior, they still have their own allusions.

In terms of value, it is difficult to judge them, but since Tian Guang has opened his mouth, except for the special black eyebrows and non-attack, he can spread out all the others generously.

Mo Mei Fei Gong is the great token and supreme weapon of the Mo family. It will return to its original owner like Xue Ji in the future, so it is not appropriate to reappear in the world at this time.

"That famous sword has a one-horned deer carved on the hilt. I wonder if Xiakui is willing to part with it?"

It is 'genuo'.
This is a gorgeous sword with an overall exquisite blade, but Tian Guang's purpose for wanting this sword is obviously not for its role as a weapon.
"Have you made your decision?" A rare expression of emotion appeared in Lu Wei's brows. Even Ji Yan, who was behind him and was ready to take action at any time, was shocked when he heard the sword.

There have been many owners in the history of Zhulu, but no owner has ever taken the initiative to ask for it. "I have already explained the reason to Xia Kui~" Tian Guang nodded and said in a relaxed tone: "The owners of Zhulu are all loyal people. Guang Zi I don’t know what I can do, but I also want to imitate and leave a name for myself when I succeed.”

"This sword is in Daze Mountain. You can ask for it from Lu Yu, the master of Lieshan Hall, when you go west to Guanzhong." Lu Wei stepped forward and took Tian Guang's rough hand, handing the token to him. At the same time, he seemed to be unable to help himself. : "If you change your mind, you might as well take Mo Xie, the fifth-ranked swordsman."

"Xia Kui is too worried." Tian Guang laughed, ignored someone's performance and left the west happily.

"Brother Lu, do you want it?" Ji Yan stepped forward, watching the departing figure of the former hero with Lu Wei, and whispered something cruel.

"No, there is no need for him to deliberately use his attributes to show his loyalty at this time." Shaking his head, Lu Wei withdrew his cold eyes: "What's more, as of now, no one has the ability to change the general trend of the world, even if I suddenly change Ideas will also be pushed forward."

"We continue to go to the mirage and ride a small boat to the seaside palace to witness the end of an era."

"Yes," Ji Yan replied. Nowadays, there are many people who know Lu Wei's ambition. Since the farmer has stepped forward to gather them together and draw a big pie for everyone, if he shrinks from the battle, it will be self-defeating.

Indeed, no one can change the future direction of the world.

The box containing the Stone of Illumination was carried into the main hall by two eunuchs. His Majesty the First Emperor drove away all the people, including the secret guards who secretly protected him: Ying Zheng wanted to deal with this piece of evidence of a special nature alone. get along.

Looking at the exquisite gift box on the table, Ying Zheng arranged his clothes, knelt down with a solemn expression, and pressed his palms on the lid of the box.

He seemed to be able to sense the warmth inside the box. The stone inside was indeed a true gift from heaven. Next, he had to confirm whether the carvings showed signs of human intervention.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be confirmed by professional craftsmen. Although those craftsmen will definitely silence it no matter what the result is, but before that, His Majesty the Emperor wants to take a look for himself.

After pressing the mechanism lock, the box lid automatically opens, and the first thing that catches the eye is a brilliant red light. This glowing stone has been transported from Dongjun to Songhai and still maintains its unusual characteristics.

Regarding this burst of red light, a very short memory in Ying Zheng's mind had a similar impression.

It was more than ten years ago, in the main hall of Xianyang Palace, the envoy from the Yan Kingdom Tu Qiongdeng saw that the special dagger in the hand of Jing Ke was emitting such red light from the crack in the blade!
A slight headache resurfaced, Ying Zheng endured the pain without any intention of retreating, and rolled the Yinghuo Stone in the box 180 degrees. The two columns of deep handwriting were very clear, even written in Qin Xiaozhuan.

But when he ran his fingers across the surface of these words, Ying Zheng could clearly feel that they were not carved with chisels or swords, the smooth cracks were completely natural! "The First Emperor died and the earth was divided, and the one who destroyed the Qin Dynasty was Hu Ye!" His Majesty the Emperor silently recited the writing on it, his eyes suddenly sharp: Different from the cold writing on the surface, seeing the body of the Yinghuo Stone, the intention of the carvings on it was completely hidden. Can't reach the people of the world.

The word 'ye', which is slightly twisted along with the natural texture of the Yinghuo Stone, is clearly a combination of 'eighteen'!

Hu Shiba was the one who destroyed the Qin Dynasty. The meaning of this could not be clearer!

His No. 18 son is Hu Hai, who was punished last night. He is also suspected to be related to the dinner assassination case, the rebellion in the two counties and even the Qinglong assassination case.

So this Yinghuo Stone was not created by Luo Wang to further frame Fusu?
Ying Zheng raised his forehead and stared at the twelve words, his thoughts became complicated again.
Zhao Gao came to the palace at noon and asked to see His Majesty the Emperor.

He didn't know yet that Hu Hai had been punished, nor did he know that the inscriptions on the Yinghuo Stone had been tampered with by Lu Wei in a way that could only be seen by seeing the original body of the Yinghuo Stone.

Zhao Gao came here just to follow Lu Wei's instructions and stay in the palace for a few days.

To this end, he prepared to report some secrets about Confucianism and arrange for the dead men to carry out an assassination that was destined to fail, as an excuse to leave a net to capture the murderer and protect the Holy Driver.

But Ying Zheng didn't see him immediately. According to the eunuch's explanation, His Majesty the Emperor didn't sleep last night until just now, and no one was allowed to disturb him.

Zhao Gao waited patiently. It was four hours at this time, and the time came to night in an instant.

The lights in the palace are brightly lit, and when the lights in the emperor's palace are also lit, it means that His Majesty is awake.

However, unfortunately, the envoy of the Yin and Yang family sent today's portion of the elixir, and he was summoned by Ying Zheng before Zhao Gao.

"This is the last night. I thought you might want to meet Ying Zheng in person. Aren't you curious about what kind of person the master of this empire is?"

On the boat on the sea, Luna also noticed the light that represented Ying Zheng's awakening and asked Lu Wei.

The sea area where the mirage is located will be closed to sea, and this is naturally especially true for this higher-level coastal palace. However, for certain necessary conveniences, there will still be some special ships that can stay within the specified time.

The number of ships with this qualification is very small, but the small ship in the mirage responsible for delivering elixirs to His Majesty has almost absolute freedom.

This is because although Yun Zhongjun usually refines elixirs at a fixed time, there are also occasional times when he is very spiritual and refines new elixirs. Often, the elixirs produced at such times are extremely precious, and some of them lose their medicinal properties as soon as they are practiced. , there can be no delay.

With this ship, Lu Wei was able to get to the place closest to the emperor.

"This is the last poison pill. It will detonate the previous accumulation within half an hour at most after taking it. There will be no chance of survival." Lu Wei looked at the majestic palace not far away. He did have a chance just now. Disguise yourself as a messenger from the Yin Yang family and go see Ying Zheng for the last time.
But, it's not necessary.
Theoretically, all he needs to do is confirm that Ying Zheng is really dead. Taking the risk to enter the heavily guarded palace is actually putting himself in danger of falling short on the eve of victory.
"The emperor has his own way of dying, and should not use weapons rashly. Dying on the path of seeking immortality he pursues is not a bad ending for him, but it is also the silent and biggest ridicule to him."

Lu Wei said seriously: "His ending will be a warning to all future emperors."

"Are you trying to convince yourself?" Xiao Meng, who arrived behind the boat, tilted her head slightly and revealed Lu Wei's thoughts.

Ji Yan didn't say anything, and neither did Concubine Yan: gathering so many experts to crowd into a small boat, if they just wanted to watch the Emperor Star fall from a distance, it would be a bit overwhelming.

After hearing Xiaomeng's words, Lu Wei stood up and came to the bow of the ship. He looked at the palace again with his hands behind his back, and sighed for a long time: "Well, it's over now. It's time for me to see him for the last time."

"I hope I won't be asked to feed him the pill myself."

(End of this chapter)

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