Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 404 Death of the First Emperor

Chapter 404 The Death of the First Emperor ([-])

The coastal palace was airtight and Lu Wei broke in easily.

He completely suppressed his breath and climbed over the wall. He rarely did such sneaky things. His movements were definitely not as professional as those of Qinggong masters, such as Pirate Zhi, Bai Feng, etc., but the advantage was that he had enough room for mistakes. So there doesn't need to be any tension psychologically.

Lu Wei was admiring the palace of his future residence elegantly and nonchalantly. At a corner, Lu Wei suddenly met the young eunuch approaching. The latter's eyes widened and he was about to shout when he saw the intruder's purple eyes. pupil.
The sudden use of the soul-stirring skill cut off the memory fragments in the young eunuch's mind. When he regained consciousness, he couldn't help but frown and scratch his head in thought. He didn't understand why he stopped, so he simply continued to walk away.

Lu Wei, who was so close, was easily ignored by him.

After going back and forth many times, the intruder Lu Wei came to the long corridor laid out by the stars. Along here and further inward, he went directly to the palace hall.

In terms of straight-line distance, he and Ying Zheng are now no more than a hundred meters apart.

For this reason, the guards posted in the corridor here are more elite than those in the outer layer, including the secondary targets of Lu Wei's entry this time: the Six Sword Slaves.

After His Majesty the Emperor woke up and took the elixir newly prepared by Yun Zhongjun, his body suddenly felt more relaxed than ever before, as if he had just swallowed a real elixir.

The comfort of his body made him feel a lot better. He deliberately asked a few questions about the mirage's departure and learned that everything was ready and he could accept the emperor's order to set off to find the fairy mountain at any time.

After choosing a nearby auspicious day, Ying Zheng nodded and waved off the Yin Yang family's envoys, and learned that Zhao Gao had requested an audience with important information to report.

Ying Zheng subconsciously thought of the inscriptions on the Yinghuo Stone. He ordered the eunuchs to take him to the main hall with a profound vision. He, who was dressed in plain clothes, had already walked out of the bedroom, but he came back again with a thought in his heart. , let the maid change into the emperor's black dragon robe for herself.

The snare was once his most trusted murder weapon, but after the Qinglong assassination case, this murder weapon seemed to have its own consciousness very early?
But if that's all, he can still tolerate a certain degree of change in this murderous weapon: it was he who personally rescued Zhao Gao from Meng Yi's law and chose him as Hu Hai's teacher. It can be said that Luo Wang and Hu Hai Ying Zheng had already expected and acquiesced in his stance.

However, the new development of the situation and the emergence of the Stone of Fire made Ying Zheng make another choice in a short period of time.

Zhao Gao was summoned by the emperor and walked through the corridor and entered the main hall, while the Six Sword Slaves stayed outside and joined the palace's defense system.

Zhen Gang, who was carrying a broad sword, observed the positions of his fellow Shadow Guards, and quietly made adjustments to the layout of the other five sword slaves with hidden gestures.

According to the layout of CRRC Fu Ling, there will be an assassination of a dead man next. This is the opportunity for the Six Sword Slave to perform. Zhen Gang needs to find the best position to cut his throat with one blade at the critical moment!
With careful thought, he led the net's subordinates to avoid all the shadow guards and came to a separate corridor to set up defenses. Zhen Gang hid his figure in the shadows.
Count the time and the assassin is coming soon.
Click, just when his vigilance was at its highest, the sudden stinging feeling in his heart took away all Zhen Gang's strength, his pupils dilated to the extreme, and the commander-in-chief of the Six Sword Slaves used the color of the scarf covering the lower half of his face to look like Like being dotted with darker ink, the dark color spreads from the center to the surroundings
There was a muffled crackling sound in his neck, as if it was blocked by something. His right hand struggled to pull out the sword, but the hilt that was so familiar in the past was as heavy as a mountain today.

Finally, the amount of liquid that the facial tissue could absorb reached its limit, and the excess 'ink' dripped from his chest and fell to the ground. Only then could one see through the starlight that the so-called 'ink' was clearly bright red blood.
Lu Wei, who was standing behind Zhen Gang, felt that the sound was a bit too loud, so he pressed the ice palm Qi on the broad sword behind Zhen Gang to increase the input.

The original cold air froze the water in Zhen Gang's body into ice. The sharpness of the ice pierced Zhen Gang's heart and all his important organs. Blood spurted out from his mouth. As the temperature got lower, those warm The blood froze inside the body before it could even flow out.
The cool night breeze blew gently, and Zhen Gang, whose whole body was frozen into ice cubes and whose surface of the killer suit was still slightly frosty, was already dead.

Six Sword Slave, solved the first one.

Leaning the corpse against the wall, he would be discovered within ten breaths at most, so within ten breaths, Lu Wei had to deal with another one.

This is the emperor's palace. He needs to deal with the Six Sword Slaves as quickly as possible, so he has to use some sneak attacks.

The last time Lu fought against Six Swordsmen was in Daze Mountain nearly seven years ago. In the past seven years, the individual strength of the Six Swordsmen members had not increased at all, but Lu Wei was no longer comparable.The members of the organization who are best at killing are now being hunted!
Master Xia Kui stood where Zhen Gang should have been standing. After taking a look at the position of the Five Sword Slaves, he decisively focused his second target on the young sprite.

The two-handed swordsman is a speculator in the Six Swordsmen. He is standing in the most remote position. Lu Wei pulls out the Sea Swallowing Sword and approaches the target step by step in a blink of an eye.

The Six Sword Slaves were six in one, and their auras were linked to each other. When the commander did not respond with his breath for a long time, the Five Sword Slaves jumped out of the hiding place with sharp eyes, but as soon as the monster among them landed, a sword light struck him from behind. Take his head off!

murderous look!
Only the remaining four swordsmen were unsheathed at the same time. They had no time to see who the attacker was and instinctively surrounded the sneak attacker.

Without Zhen Gang and the Demon King, the remaining Four Sword Slave formations lacked two key links. Especially Zhen Gang's position as the commander and killer could not be filled. They could no longer put up a killing formation. The remaining After all, the four swords of Duan Shui, Chaos Shen, Zhuan Po, and Destroying Soul are not strong enough.
Killing the Six Sword Slaves is a way to force Zhao Gao: after losing the maximum guarantee of force, Zhao Gao will definitely go even crazier to deal with the enemies in the court, so as to make the entire The country has become his safe shell.

Sheathing the sword, the four corpses did not delay Lu Wei for much time. He didn't even clean up the battlefield and went straight towards the palace hall.


"The servant pays homage to His Majesty."

The moment Zhao Gao entered the hall, he glanced at Ying Zheng's face with his peripheral vision, then immediately lowered his head and walked quickly to the front of the hall, knelt on his knees and bowed.

For this reason, he even ignored the Yinghuo Stone box on the emperor's desk, but the result made Zhao Gao solemn: Ying Zheng's complexion was very good, even more radiant than the previous few days, and there was no trace of the "Emperor Star" being dim. 'Signs.

'Ask Xia Wuji later'

"Zhao Gao, what do you have to report?"

Ying Zheng looked at the slave he promoted indifferently. Before deposing him, he wanted to see what other plans Zhao Gao had.

"Your Majesty, I recently found out about the Confucian rebellion. I don't dare to be careless and come to ask for your Majesty's instructions immediately." Zhao Gao cupped his hands and said: "Intelligence shows that Zhang Liang, the third master of the little sage Zhuang, participated in last year's rebellion in Guancheng. gathering, and encouraged the remaining Mohists to come to Songhai after the Mohist government city was destroyed."

"The shopkeeper of an inn, Cook Ding, also became the royal chef of Little Saint Xian Manor under his arrangement. Mr. Fusu happened to come out of Little Saint Xian Manor again before he found the cook Ding."

"Therefore, the slave thinks"

"Is that so?" However, to Zhao Gao's surprise, Ying Zheng was not interested in the Confucian rebellion. Instead, he opened the box containing the Stone of Enlightenment in front of him and interrupted him, saying calmly: "This matter has been resolved naturally. With Meng Yi in charge, Luo Yun doesn’t have to pursue it anymore.”

"This Yinhuo Stone was brought back from Dongjun by the Yin Yang family. Take a look."

As Ying Zheng finished speaking, two elite shadow guards quietly walked out of the shadows, respectfully lowered their heads and carried the box, placed it in front of Zhao Gao who was kneeling, and then retreated out the door.

Such behavior seems to be a cover-up.
However, Zhao Gao could no longer care about these strange things. He was in a state of confusion at the moment, because with just one glance, he could see the strangeness of 'Hu Shiba'.
'Your Majesty wants to kill me? '

(End of this chapter)

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