Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 405 Death of the First Emperor

Chapter 405 The Death of the First Emperor ([-])

'No, it's Lu Wei who wants to force me! '

Zhao Gao knew very well who was responsible for the engraving of the Yinghuo Stone. He took the initiative to find the farmer to discuss the matter.

Only farmers have the strength to be the first to find stones in Dong County and complete the carvings. Then, the Yin Yang Family masters will handle the artificial carving marks on the way back to the stone.

The candidate sent by the Yin Yang family this time is Da Siming. Her skull blood handprint is a masculine technique, which is perfectly matched with the Yinghuo Stone, so she can use her inner energy to corrode the edges of the carvings.

Lu Wei deliberately carved "Hu Shiba" to make His Majesty think of re-closing the trap, and then pretended to use "Emperor Star Obscurity" to trick himself into this trap. If he wanted to survive, he must take the initiative to rebel against the empire.
Zhao Gao's slender eyes flashed with a trace of viciousness. This viciousness was not only aimed at Ying Zheng, but also at Lu Wei: these two well-dressed guys, one in the court and the other in the world, are both his enemies!

"Your Majesty, this may be a trace of someone's fault."

Gritting his teeth, Zhao Gao still wanted to struggle: Ying Zheng had a natural trust in God's will because of his search for immortals, and the clues in reality made it difficult for him to say what would happen to Hu Hai if he really believed that the Stone of Enlightenment was God's destiny. It is inevitable that we will no longer be able to parasitize in this empire.

The words on the Yinghuo Stone must have been engraved the day after tomorrow. Even if they have been perfectly polished by the Yin Yang Family, if they are fake, they are fake. A careful inspection will definitely reveal them.

Until now, Zhao Gao did not dare to directly say that this incident was the result of collusion between the farmer's family and the Yin and Yang family, because the farmer's family really held the secret of his rebellion, and he could not escape after the farmer's family was destroyed.

On the contrary, the worst-case scenario right now is that he simply leads Luo Sheng to escape from Qin and join the anti-Qin alliance. In that case, he will need Lu Wei's help even more. From this point of view, no matter what the outcome is, he cannot betray the peasant family, even if Zhao Gao is now The situation is framed by the peasant family. This is something that Ying Zheng must insist on as long as he is alive.

Angrily, he exposed that everything would end together because of the actions of those reckless men. Zhao Gao was a 'sane' careerist who could associate with anyone.

"The combination of the characters of the Stone of Enchantment is exquisite but simple. I think it is not the work of an immortal, but the ambition of a thief!"

"The eighteenth prince has always been well-behaved and smart, and I am dedicated to the country. That's why Your Majesty chose me to be your Qin Lu teacher. I deeply feel the emperor's kindness and do not dare to relax when teaching the prince. I only hope to help the prince to be used by your majesty."

"Master Fusu was framed for an assassination attempt at a dinner party and was demoted to Northern Xinjiang. Now the eighteenth prince has been framed by Yinghuo Shi. The thief's target is directly at the center of the empire. We must investigate deeply!"

In order not to go to the final step immediately, Zhao Gao even rarely expressed a sense of being framed for Fusu, just to get through today.

"Your Majesty, please send me a man to investigate."


However, Ying Zheng remained silent for a long time.

Zhao Gao did not dare to raise his head, gritted his teeth and said again: "The slaves voluntarily hand over the snare and ask them to assist Meng Shangqing in tracing everything."

However, Ying Zheng still remained silent.
Lu Wei, who walked in from outside the hall, casually stared at Zhao Gao's humble appearance, with a smile on his face but said nothing. His eyes only glanced at the Lord of the Heaven and Earth Net who was lying on the ground, and then he boldly went to the hall with the man in gold pattern. The majestic kings in black dragon robes looked at each other.

Ying Zheng is tall, which can be easily seen even if he is sitting cross-legged at this time: It is said that Ying Zheng is eight feet six inches tall. According to the size of the current era, it will reach nearly two meters in later generations, which is taller than Lu. People are slightly taller.

In appearance, the First Emperor had a resolute face with clear lines, revealing a calm and authoritative temperament. His eyes were deep and sharp, as if he could see into people's hearts, making ordinary people afraid to look at them.

The bridge of his nose is high, his lips are tightly closed, and the fingers placed on the table are long and strong, as if he wants to hold the power of the world at any time.

He was indeed an extraordinary figure. Unfortunately, this extraordinary emperor was in very poor physical condition hidden beneath his appearance.To Zhao Gao's words, Ying Zheng didn't want to speak, but couldn't speak. To Lu Wei, a stranger who majestically entered the hall, Ying Zheng couldn't see him, but couldn't move even if he saw his body.

The toxins accumulated over the years, under the influence of the last poison pill, kept the First Emperor in good health for three quarters of an hour. Once this long period of reflection passed, Ying Zheng felt an almost infinite sense of emptiness in his heart. Can't even breathe.

Before the seven kingdoms were unified, the idea of ​​immortality appeared in Ying Zheng's mind. After the world was unified, this idea made him pay a huge price.

But the strangeness that filled his body made him suddenly realize that he was indeed going to die. The cause of his death was probably related to the young man who boldly stared at him behind Zhao Gao, who was kowtowing.

As for the identity of the young man, Ying Zheng no longer needed to guess: it was easy to get lost in the complicated information in the past two days, but it happened at this time that he figured out that this person must be the 'Mirror Duke' who organized the rebellion in the two counties. .

The traitor who intends to overthrow the Qin Dynasty!

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng was filled with anger again. He couldn't move, but he didn't want to lose in the face of the traitor. So the perseverance and unyielding look in his eyes almost burst out, as if Lu Wei's The figure is firmly remembered to death.

However, from Lu Wei's perspective, that unyielding light is just the intertwined light of deep exhaustion and endless nostalgia, the afterglow of the setting sun.

'My name is Lu Wei, a peasant hero and a rebel who has wanted to overthrow your so-called eternal empire since I was 12 years old. "Imitating the Taoist sound of nature to connect the consciousness with Ying Zheng, Lu Wei smiled faintly and said: "Now, I succeeded. '

Ying Zheng's answer was silence.

His finger once pointed at the capitals of the Six Kingdoms in Shandong and conquered them. At this moment, he loosened them feebly and let go of the world.
"His Majesty?"

Zhao Gao, who was kowtowing, couldn't help but raise his head in the silence and tranquility. He couldn't feel Lu Wei behind him turn and leave. He only saw the unprecedented master of this empire fall sideways.
At the same time, the body of the Six Sword Slaves was discovered and the eunuch who hurriedly came to report passed by Master Xia Kui. Then he saw the corpses of two elite Shadow Secret Guards who had fallen at the entrance of His Majesty the Emperor's palace.

The Binhai Palace tonight will definitely not be too lively. Without Ying Zheng's suppression, Zhao Gao will control everything and give the empire to Lu Wei in the future according to Lu Wei's plan.


When Lu Wei returned to the ship on the sea, there were two more people on the ship: the eldest and the young Siming.

He was not surprised. The eldest and young Siming were hiding in the palace hall just now. Ying Zheng arranged for the two of them to exist in order to deal with Zhao Gao's desperate attempt. However, when Lu walked into the hall, the two Simings understood what was going to happen next. It had nothing to do with him, and he simply ignored the emperor's order and left the palace early through a side door.

From the two people's mouths, the Moon Goddess Ji Yan and the other four women knew in advance that the plan was going well, so after waiting for Lu Wei, the women did not ask any more questions, and the ship returned to the mirage the same way it came.

Although Ying Zheng died, Zhao Gao also lost the Six Swordsman, and his sense of security was still lacking.

Next, Zhao Gao did not dare to delay and would definitely find ways to get the emperor's motorcade back to Xianyang as soon as possible and then support Hu Hai to ascend the throne.

The killing within the empire is about to begin. The first person to bleed tomorrow will be Meng Yi. After that, the entire Songhai City will be in danger, and the mirage will be a rare safe place.

After a few days of leisure, I have to go back to Daze Mountain to prepare for the peasant uprising!

"The land is rich in all things, and Shen Nong is immortal. Generals, ministers, princes, it would be better to have seeds." Reciting the simple purpose of the farmer, Lu Wei's eyes swept through the various shapes on the boat, and he started tonight's concubine selection in advance with full of temperament.
(End of this chapter)

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