Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 406 Controlling the Palace

Chapter 406 Controlling the Palace
The bodies of the Six Sword Slaves and the famous swords they belonged to were placed in front of them. Zhao Gao, who had blocked the news of Ying Zheng's death and temporarily controlled the Binhai Palace, knew from the traces of the corpse that Lu Wei had come.

He knew that Lu was very powerful and could silently kill the six sword slaves gathered together in a tightly guarded palace. This was still far beyond Zhao Gao's imagination.

Moreover, Ying Zheng actually did what he said, "The Emperor Star has fallen dimly." He died in front of Zhao Gao and underwent a detailed examination by Xia Wuji. There was no sign of trauma or poisoning, and he died suddenly.

When Zhao Gao saw the inscription on the Stone of Fire half an hour ago, he thought it was just a lie forced on him by Lu Wei.
But now, he, who was the first to grasp the news, quickly took control of the overall situation, and had all night to lay out the next move. It seemed that the power to control the entire empire fell into his hands at once. Such a gift was really...
His mind was surging under the pressure, and Zhao Gao's palms trembled slightly. He still needed to think about what Lu Wei's purpose was?
After all, being able to break into the palace and kill the Six Sword Slaves means that Lu Wei has the ability to break into the palace again tomorrow or the day after tomorrow and kill himself.

And he must also know the news that Ying Zheng is dead. If Lu Wei made the "First Emperor's sudden death" known to the world before Luo Wang supported Hu Hai to take the throne, Luo Wang might not be able to smoothly advance his plan.
Therefore, even if he controls the Binhai Palace, he is still controlled by the farmers and Lu Wei. Only by returning to Xianyang as soon as possible can he truly control the world.

"This is the best choice for Luowang. I'm afraid it is also the choice that Lu Wei wants to see me make." Zhao Gao muttered to himself. He knew that the uprising in the two counties of Chu in the south was the layout of the farmers, and he also knew that the farmers were aligned. The ground penetration was so serious that someone from Lu wanted to force him to leave Songhai and return to Xianyang to clean up the court. The only purpose was to let the farmers control the land of Qi Chu!
This is a deal, a deal that Zhao Gao will not refuse!
"If just cutting off Qi and half of Chu can allow me to gain the power of Qin, Lu Wei, you will regret it!" Zhao Gao thought he had guessed Lu Wei's purpose. A former deserter from Zhao wanted to borrow Founding a country and becoming a king with the strength of a farmer, it must be said that Zhao Gao, who also came from a humble background, appreciated this ambition.

However, Qi and Chu are two failed countries. As long as Luo Wang can fully control the power of Qin, conquering these two places again will be nothing more than history repeating itself.

Even if the Qin State is unable to send troops to attack, then Zhao Gao can still be the leader among thousands of people in the Qin State.

Anyway, no matter how bad the outcome is, it is just that the six kingdoms are restored and the Qin State retreats to Hangu Pass: as long as he can be the king of the Qin State, whether the Qin State is large or small, Zhao Gao, who has been a eunuch for most of his life, can accept it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gao understood the bottom line for what he was going to do next: he would not offend Lu Wei by cleaning up those who influenced him to take power within the Qin State, and he should show his intention to return to Xianyang as soon as possible!

In Songhai City, Li Si and Meng Yi still didn't know what happened at the Binhai Palace.

As the Prime Minister, Li Si drafted an order for Ren Xiao to send troops to quell the rebellion in accordance with the order of His Majesty the Emperor yesterday. Such important matters needed to be implemented as soon as possible after His Majesty's mind was made up. Therefore, he put the order into the Black Dragon File given by Ying Zheng in advance and immediately An envoy was sent to hasten the delivery.

The next mobilization of resources from south to north is a long-term plan and cannot be impatient.

Meng Yi on the other side discovered the body of the secret guard member who was sent to monitor the farmhouse last night. From the judgment report of his professional subordinates, he learned that the murderer had sharp swordsmanship that only the top martial arts masters could achieve.

There is no doubt that their deaths had a lot to do with the farmers.

Meng Yi wanted to capture Lu Wei because of this, but he didn't expect that the farm stronghold on the outside of the city was actually empty. The farmers completed the transfer overnight.

Frowning slightly, Shangqing Mengyi felt a little strange about the farmer's choice: the stronghold in the city can be evacuated, but Daze Mountain cannot escape. What does Lu Wei want to do?
Songhai couldn't find anyone for the time being, and Dazeshan couldn't hold him accountable immediately. After thinking about it to no avail, Meng Yi had to write down the matter first, and prepared to report it to the emperor before handling it: the farmer's suspicion was not small, but the Confucian and Taoist Bian couldn't let it go. He didn't waste time and was about to visit Xiaoshengxian Manor. Suddenly, the emperor summoned him and Meng Yi had to stop what he was doing.

Li Si was also summoned together with Meng Yi. The two were not surprised by this, but they didn't know what else happened after the rebellion in the two counties that made His Majesty urgently summon them to the Binhai Palace.
Regarding Li Si and Meng Yi, the attitude of Zhao Gao, who was summoned by the fake emperor, was to kill one and leave one.

Meng Yi must die. Whether it is his personal enmity with Zhao Gao or the Meng family's attitude of always supporting the eldest son Fusu, it is impossible for him to survive.

What's more, the Shadow Secret Guards led by Meng Yi are another obstacle to Zhao Gao's desire to strictly guard the news of Ying Zheng's death. Meng Yi and this organization are loyal ministers of the Qin Dynasty, but they are destined not to be used in the trap!
As for Li Si, Zhao Gao believed that this person could be of great help to Luo Wang's plan.

Li Sigui was the prime minister, and although he had always been relatively timid in front of Ying Zheng, he could act with dignity and authority in front of other ministers in the court.

It would be very difficult to return to Xianyang from Songhai without Li Si's help to show signs that Ying Zheng is still alive. After all, Zhao Gao is a man of low reputation and his status in the court is even lower. But if the Prime Minister is there, this flaw will be solved Can make up for it perfectly.

Later, when promoting Hu Hai's succession to the throne in Xianyang, Li Si was also able to convince the ministers to make a decision in advance.

As for the final outcome~then he will no longer be needed.And the most important point is that the possibility of Li Si cooperating with the Luowang plan is extremely high. This is the premise of all the above!

Zhao Gao has led Luo Wang under the Prime Minister's residence for many years, and has long known that this Prime Minister is a man of outstanding ability and excessive selfishness.

Once Li Si was jealous of his senior brother Han Fei and worried that Han Fei would replace him if he joined the Qin Dynasty and served in the Qin State. He did not hesitate to use secret means to imprison Han Fei and eventually led to Han Fei's death. This case has long proved that Li Xiangguo was dealing with possible How vicious can you be when it affects your enemies of power.

Fusu and the Meng family lived in harmony, and although Meng Tian came from a family of generals, it was not uncommon for him to worship the prime minister. Li Si would not fail to understand this.

Mr. Xiangguo, who is still in the prime of his power, absolutely does not want to let go of Xiangyin and go home to retire now, and it will make Li Si feel even more humiliated if he is asked to stand behind Meng Tian or even Meng Yi in the court who should be behind him.

The character of this former Chu State official had been in Luo Sheng's plan from the beginning.

"Zhao Gao, what do you think I should do next to convince Li Si?"

When Hu Hai, who had only been in confinement for a few hours, was released and learned that his father died suddenly, he inevitably felt sadness and panic subconsciously in his heart. However, after being provoked by his teacher Zhao Gao with a few words, the boy with different eyes had already begun to imagine what he would become in the future. It's the day of the emperor.

The Lord of the world can do whatever he wants!Hu Hai firmly believes in this.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, everything will be done by your slaves. As long as the Crown Prince promises at the right time that his position will not change, Li Si will definitely join the Prince's family." Zhao Gao respectfully said to Hu Hai.

Although he still called him the 'Crown Prince', his attitude already regarded Hu Hai as the 'Emperor'. This behavior made Hu Hai extremely satisfied: "Well, I'll leave everything to you."

As if he felt that this was not enough, Hu Hai emphasized again: "Don't worry, Li Si is old. In a few years, I will let you be the prime minister. I will not rest assured until the country is handed over to you."

A child, or a puppet child who was supported by him, tried to buy him with promises. This made Zhao Gao feel ridiculous in his heart, but his expression became more respectful: "Serving the prince is a slave's blessing."

His ambition is not just to be a prime minister, even Zhao Gao of Qin State can sell part of it to Lu Wei. His ambition from beginning to end is only the throne!

"His Royal Highness, Lord Zhao Gao, Li Xiangguo and Meng Shangqing have arrived."

"Bring Li Si, Meng Yi will kill him on the spot!" Hu Hai still remembered that Meng Yi once caused him to be scolded by Ying Zheng. He studied Qin's laws very seriously and his killing intention was no worse than that of those killers in the trap.

"No, Your Majesty, I have already arranged for a swordsman. You might as well let the Prime Minister see Meng Yi's fate in person. In this way, he will definitely respect Your Majesty even more."

A combination of soft and hard tactics works well for everyone, whether it is an imperial prime minister or a beggar.

"That's fine." Hu Hai seemed to have thought of something for a moment. He clapped his hands and smiled, taking back his fate and choosing to act on Zhao Gao's suggestion.

This action gave the eunuch who reported the report a clearer understanding of his own position: 'The Eighteenth Prince may not be offended, but the Chief of the Central Chefang Palace must never be offended! '

(End of this chapter)

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