Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 408 I am on top

Chapter 408 I am on top
As soon as Li Si and Meng Yi entered the Binhai Palace, they noticed that there was something slightly wrong with the atmosphere in the palace today. The dragon and tiger cavalry were actually arrayed on guard.

The eunuch who greeted the two people explained that an assassin appeared in the palace last night. This made Li Xiangguo and Meng Shangqing look at each other in confusion and speed up their steps a bit.

Your Majesty has been assassinated twice since entering the Qilu land, and now it has happened for the third time. You can imagine the arrogance of the traitors here, and you can even imagine how your Majesty feels.

They walked through the intricate corridors and arrived at the main hall. Before they entered, the black-armored Qin troops on both sides of the corridor suddenly moved and aimed their spears at their chests.

Li Si and Meng Yi were shocked by their actions: the cold light of the sharp blade suddenly appeared within inches of them, which inevitably made their hearts beat loudly, but when they came to their senses, Li Si immediately threw up his sleeves and angrily shouted: " You are so presumptuous, Meng Shangqing and I are here in response to your Majesty's summons, how dare you stop us?"

The Qin army did not waver in the face of the imperial prime minister's rebuke. These people were stopped here just by His Majesty's orders. No matter who the target was, they would strictly abide by the orders without the commander's orders.

The snare killer commander lurking in the Qin army stared at the righteous Meng Yi with fierce eyes under his mask. After Li Si said this, he stabbed the spear in his hand directly into the chest of the minister without hesitation!

Blood overflowed, and following his movements, several other Qin soldiers also thrust out their spears.
"You guys?" Li Si was horrified. He raised his hands and trembled, his pupils widened as he looked at Meng Yi, who was walking with him just now. Now he could only fall down with dull eyes, and a few drops of Meng Yi's hot blood even splashed onto his own face.
"Oh, why did you scare Mr. Xiangguo?"

At this time, Zhao Gao opened the door of the palace and walked out, looking at Meng Yi who was not dead but still struggling in the middle of the blood on the ground, with a cheerful smile on his lips.

When he looked at Li Si again, his expression changed with emotion: "Don't be alarmed, Your Excellency, the traitor has been found to be in collusion with Qin and rebellious to His Majesty's disadvantage. His Majesty was so angry that he ordered his execution. It has nothing to do with Your Majesty. "

Even Li Si, whose thoughts were slightly disturbed by the scene before him, did not believe this statement. However, looking at the bloody gun tip in the soldier's hand, he suppressed his mood and said calmly: "Where is His Majesty the Emperor? I have something to see you. .”

"Your Majesty is waiting for the Prime Minister in the palace. Please follow me."

Zhao Gao's smile grew stronger, and he bent down to invite Li Si in, and ordered the soldiers: "Drag this dead dog to the back yard and prepare for the punishment of being broken into pieces. The [-]th Prince will see it in person later."

"Follow your orders!" The soldiers dragged Meng Yi, whose vitality was gradually dissipating, away. Li Si couldn't help but choked and followed Zhao Gao into the hall.

After entering the palace, he was shocked to see Hu Hai, who was wearing a black gold dragon robe, sitting on the throne and looking down at him frivolously.

Hu Hai is underage this year, and his figure is no different from that of an ordinary 15-year-old boy. However, the black and gold dragon robe originally belonged to the tall Ying Zheng. Wearing it on Hu Hai made Li Si create an idiom of his own: wearing a crown while wearing a monkey.

"This!" The changes in Li Si's mind today were unprecedentedly complex, even when he was appointed prime minister by the First Emperor a few years ago.

"Lord Xiangguo, my father passed away last night. Before he died, he called me to accept the throne in front of his bed. I wonder what Your Excellency Xiangguo thinks of this decision?"

Hu Hai was satisfied with Li Si's expression. He just wanted to bring a big surprise to the world!

"That's right. When His Majesty the First Emperor made arrangements for his funeral, his servants were also there. The content of the edict was also dictated by His Majesty the First Emperor and written by his servants."

Zhao Gao helped explain their ultimate goal: "It's just that this is not etiquette after all, so the reason why I invite the Prime Minister here today is to ask the Prime Minister to copy another copy as the official version to inform the outside world. After all, everyone in the world doesn't know Mr. Xiangguo's calligraphy skills are the best in the world."

In a short period of time, Li Si quickly calmed down. From the words of Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, he roughly understood everything: these two guys killed the king and usurped the throne!
Throughout hundreds of years of history, this kind of thing has happened quite a few times. Although it is hard to accept that it happened to a hero like His Majesty the First Emperor, wasn't the former No. [-] tyrant of the Spring and Autumn Period Qi Huangong a case in point?
As for the question of whether he should cooperate or not, Meng Yi's fate cannot be determined by his failure to cooperate!

Cooperation must be done, but how to do it? After Li Si felt sad for Ying Zheng for a moment, he immediately thought that this was an opportunity for his own profit.

Just as Zhao Gao guessed, Li Si really doesn't want Fusu to succeed to the throne prematurely. If he gets old and has to retire in another ten years, it won't matter. Maybe he can still leave a good name in history, but now At this point in time, Li Si just wants to monopolize the power!
Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, to be honest, Li Si looked down on these two people a little: a child with a yellow mouth and a lowly eunuch, how could they know how to govern a country?

Not even His Majesty the First Emperor could be better than him in matters of national importance, but he had to do some things according to the wishes of the Emperor during his time. If Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, then he would have the opportunity to monopolize power in the court!

"I wonder, could you allow me to take a look at the content of the edict first?" Li Si had a bias in his mind and asked Zhao Gao calmly. He could tell who the mastermind of this matter was.

"Please check, Mr. Xiangguo." Zhao Gao knew that Li Si was moved and took out the prepared 'Edict of the First Emperor'.

Zhao Gao's calligraphy is also very good, but a slave is just a slave, and after all, he cannot reach the level of elegance.

Li Si read the short edict, and when his eyes looked at the content of "Send death to Fusu and Mengtian", he was no longer surprised. After closing it calmly, he said: "This edict is very different from His Majesty's usual intentions."

When the superior Hu Hai heard this, his eyes widened and he was about to speak, but Zhao Gao took the lead and said with a smile: "Does the Prime Minister want to modify the content of the edict appropriately?" "The emperor's edicts have always been strict in wording and sentence construction, but this edict is a bit casual. I do I need to correct one or two." Li Si seemed to be lost in thought, and after a long time he slowly expressed his intention.

"Please, Mr. Xiangguo, please write." Only then did Hu Hai realize that he should be able to come down.

I thought Li Si was still pretending to be a loyal minister, but he didn't expect that he was so cooperative now!
"In addition, regarding the issue of the death penalty between Master Fusu and Meng Tian, ​​I am afraid it will not be so easy." Li Si continued: "Master Fusu has been attacked by His Majesty not long ago, so he may accept the death penalty, but Meng Tian was the one who was killed by His Majesty during his lifetime. A loving general is a resolute man and will not give in easily."

If Hu Hai wants to succeed, Fusu and Meng Tian must die, otherwise the 30 northern troops led by him and Meng Tian will become a hidden danger in the empire's civil war. Li Si believes that he is dedicated to the country, and the death of these two people is also for the sake of the long-term stability of the empire. The tiniest price.

He had no objection to this item and even took the initiative to help.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiangguo, I have already made arrangements for this matter." Zhao Gao chuckled: "The empire's army is not the private property of the Meng family, and Meng Tian is not the only general in the empire!"

"What does the CRRC Order mean?" Li Si thought of the deeper meaning, but he couldn't say these things.

"Wang Li is accompanying His Majesty on this eastward tour. He is currently leading [-] armor-piercing troops to be stationed in the East County according to His Majesty's order. The Wang family and the Meng family had a relatively harmonious relationship with each other in the previous generation, but the two of this generation A leading figure with deep hatred."

"If a decree is issued asking him to go to the north to die for Mengtian, Wang Li will definitely not refuse."

"Will there be a conflict between the battle-hardened armor-piercing soldiers and the golden fire cavalry?" Li Si asked safely.

"You can send a dragon and tiger cavalry as the emperor's special envoy, and then integrate the Anbei town army to Wang Li's tent in advance. You must know that even the golden fire cavalry is still an army affiliated to the empire. In front of the dragon and tiger cavalry, they I will obey the emperor’s orders~”

The First Emperor's prestige naturally occupies the highest position in the Qin army. Although Wang Li's military exploits are not as good as those of his father and grandfather, the remnants of the Wang family exist in large numbers in the Qin army, and with the emperor's will, it is easy to take over the northern army.

As long as Fusu and Mengtian die, Hu Hai's greatest danger will be eliminated, and the remaining royal brothers will be nothing more than fish on the chopping board!


On the mirage, after Lu Wei talked with Xinghun, he originally wanted to go to Ji Yan to check the spy arrangements of Songhai's farm disciples: after Ying Zheng died, intelligence was sent to Songhai City every hour, telling the Qin State's situation. All movement lines are presented here.

Lu Wei estimated that Zhao Gao would not make any big moves in the first three days. Even if he summoned Li Si and Meng Yi, it would be an internal matter within the Binhai Palace and the news would not spread.

But as soon as he reached the corridor of the accommodation area, a figure rushed towards him.

Sensing the identity of the owner of this aura, Lu Wei did not resist and allowed himself to be thrown against the wall.

The orchid-like breath was very cold. Lu Wei skillfully put his hand around Xiaomeng's waist, but the Taoist leader only asked lightly: "Do you like purple?"

"." Lu Wei couldn't answer. It was obvious that Xiao Meng was dissatisfied with her choice of Moon God and Shao Siming last night.

The most detached Taoist Tianzong leader is also the most jealous one. Such a contrast is not difficult to imagine: Xiaomeng, who pays attention to nature, has always been straightforward about his love.

"I am the future."

"Do not talk nonsense!"

Lord Xia Kui originally wanted to appease the other party, but Xiao Meng blocked his mouth directly, and the two fell down.

"Wait a minute, the floor here is too hard and cold."

"It's okay, you're downstairs this time."

(End of this chapter)

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