Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 409 War Preparation

Chapter 409 War Preparation
Zhao Gao followed Lu Wei's plan tacitly.

"His Majesty the First Emperor was so impressed by the world that he urgently returned to Xianyang to build the Climbing Platform" became the reason for the return of this year's Eastern Tour.

The eastward patrol was quite expensive, and it was ridiculous to return to Xianyang without completing the biggest goal of "Phantom Set Sail". The next time we came back, it would be a huge expense.

In addition, the reasons used were not very convincing, and there was a lot of speculation about this in both the world and the court.

But these two issues are not a problem when it comes to the 'order of the First Emperor': Who in the world dares to oppose the decision made by His Majesty the Emperor?
The eldest son Fusu has been exiled to northern Xinjiang!

As a result, the emperor's carriage returned smoothly on the snow when the first snow fell in Songhai this year.

It was difficult to hide Ying Zheng's body and bring it back. Zhao Gao originally wanted to leave it in the coastal palace and retrieve it secretly after Hu Hai quickly returned to the imperial capital and succeeded to the throne. However, this proposal was opposed by both Hu Hai and Li Si: According to the two With such rhetoric, how could the body of the First Emperor be discarded?

One is Ying Zheng's son, and the other is Ying Zheng's prime minister. As long as it does not hinder their interests, they still have the most basic respect for the 'First Emperor'.

Seeing them like this, Zhao Gao was sensible and did not go against the two of them on trivial matters at this time.

However, while taking a carriage from Songhai in the easternmost part of the empire back to Xianyang in Guanzhong, the emperor had to pretend to be alive and eat normally and process official documents, so it was inevitable that the body would rot.

In this regard, Zhao Gao could only use a large amount of spices as a cover-up, because if the incident did not happen suddenly, Luo Wang would have plenty of time to arrange solutions to all future troubles in advance.

The convoy set off soon, but before that, Wang Li and the [-] armor-piercing soldiers who were confronting Daze Mountain in Licheng had already gone north.

The purpose of this imperial general setting his sights on Daze Mountain was to obtain military glory, but the order to help Su Mengtian die and take over the order of 30 northern troops was obviously more important than a mere [-] peasant disciples. Wang Li knew this. Which one is more important?

What's more, he and Luo Wen had a certain degree of cooperation before this. When the Meng family supported Fusu, he supported Hu Hai. With Zhao Gaomi's trust, Wang Li knew that there was an internal cause of Luo Wen in the northern wolf clan. As long as he took charge of the army to attack the wolf clan, Will get the full support of Luowen!
By then, annihilating the wolf clan will be as effective as conquering a country.

The emperor's motorcade and the Hundred Battle Armor-Piercing Soldiers were all gone, and the Luowang organization was all evacuated cleanly. Lu Wei lost control of Zhao Gao, but it also allowed the peasants to attack Qilu without any hindrance.

On the other hand, Moon God and Concubine Yan personally dispatched: The Yin Yang Family headquarters in Xianyang City was assigned a certain evacuation task after the death of Donghuang, but to evacuate the core part, Sun and Moon needed to evacuate It was completed before the emperor's carriage returned to Xianyang.

The time is in a hurry, the emperor's frame will not be in a hurry on the road, and there is a high probability that the snare will not hinder him at this time.

When the Yin Yang Family was in the hands of the Eastern Emperor, it was a tool for the Ji Dynasty to revive the Zhou Dynasty. But after falling into the hands of the Moon God, it would only be used to pursue the limits of Yin Yang magic.

Those resources that should not be controlled by the current Yin and Yang family will be handed over to the farmers.

In the land of Lingnan, Ren Xiao received the Black Dragon File that Luo Wang rushed to deliver. The emperor's order to suppress the rebellion prevented him from resting after just defeating his old rival Yi Xusong. He had to immediately organize his army and set off again.

Zhao Gao knew full well that the masterminds behind the rebellion in the two counties were farmers. However, unlike his obedience in Songhai, he not only did not block Ren Xiao's order to counter the rebellion, but instead allowed the net to be delivered with full force.

The cooperation with Lu Wei will end after he returns to Xianyang. Although he has already made plans to send Qi and half of Chu, it will naturally be more beneficial to Luo Wang if the rebellion in the two counties can be wiped out in advance.

Who would really be willing to give their land to a destined enemy in the future?Even for so-called allies, some small damage is reasonable in this world.

After all, this order was given before Ying Zheng's death. Zhao Gao deliberately pretended not to know, thinking that it would not touch Lu Wei's bottom line.It will take a while for Qin's court to be purged. During this period, places outside Guanzhong can only develop on their own.

Ren Xiao led an army of 20 to attack the two counties. His purpose was not only to attack the two counties, but also to include Dongou and Minyue who had surrendered to the Qin a long time ago and now rebelled with the two counties: the actual results proved that the Yue people were after all They cannot be trusted, and only the premise of swords and guns can teach them true obedience.

For this task, Ren Xiao believes that he can continue to implement his steady and steady strategy in Lingnan:

The mountains and forests of Dongou and Minyue are also very complex, but they are quite different from the land of Lingnan. The Qin army has been suffering in the mountains and forests for many years, and has gradually become familiar with the green mountains and plains. Xu Song was defeated, and Ouyang Yao and Wu Zhu could only hold on for a shorter time.

As for the rebellion in the two counties, Ren Xiao believed that it should not be underestimated, but there was no need to be too cautious. In the past hundred years, the military capabilities of the Qin army had never been doubted. He believed in the strategy of the former general Wang Jian: to crush the enemy with dignity and national power.

With an army of 20 in hand to deal with a mere few tens of thousands of rebels, Ren Xiao believed that his strategy would have no chance of failure.
After the uprising was launched in Jingxian County, under the coordination of Xiao He, the war potential was continuously developed as the most reliable support force on the front line.

The people in Jingxian County are very complex, including local Chu people, southern Yue people, the defeated army of Zhao State in the past, craftsmen of Yan State, etc.

It is not easy for these people with different identities and cultures to unite to actively resist the Qin State. However, within the framework of the peasant family, they all have the same identity as peasant disciples, have a complete household registration management system, etc., so starting with Xiao He's ability is simply in simple mode.

Another person who thinks that Jingxian County starts in a simple mode is the veteran general Li Mu who came from Daze Mountain. He is very satisfied with the current situation that he is commanding an army with well-equipped equipment, sufficient food, and strong soldiers.

Nearly 20 years ago, he was the general of Zhao State. Although the size of the army he led was larger than now, the quality was uneven, and food shortages were common.

Moreover, at that time, there were either earthquakes, severe droughts or locust plagues in Zhao State. In the last few years, Zhao State's only hope was Li Mu, but Li Mu himself could not see any hope.

At that time, Li Mu even had to give his sword 'Zhen Yue' to Lu Wei, who was not yet a knight leader, in exchange for help from the farmers, thinking that Zhao Jun would increase his strength as much as possible.

The most desperate thing was that the king of Zhao at that time was Zhao Qian, and the prime minister was Guo Kai. Apart from Sima Shang, the only assistants left were Zhao Cong and Yan Ju.
Now, the support behind Li Mu is Lu Wei, and Xiao He will take care of his rear. The deputy generals in the army include Peng Yue, Li Zuoche, and Yan Shen, as well as Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang who came to support him later.

Even if the number of soldiers is still not comparable to that of the Qin army, at least Li Mu will not be constrained by problems in the rear and can lead the army to fight the Qin army again without any worries!
"The battle-hardened armor-piercing soldiers have gone north, and the only ones who will come to suppress the rebellion are the Southern Army."

Li Mu looked at the crowd of talented people, and couldn't help but laugh on his face: "Starting from Lingnan, the Qin army has only one offensive line: first go north and advance along the waterway in the upper reaches of the river, and then attack Fanxian County and then use Fanxian County as a base to raise their spirits. Charge up and annihilate us all in one fell swoop.”

"Is it very similar to the strategy used by the former Qin general Wang Jian to conquer Guangling of Chu?" Li Zuoche was a young man and was very active in the battle meeting.

"Yes, Wang Jian brought out a group of outstanding Qin generals." Li Mu sighed with emotion: "In the last battle of Zhao State, I lost to him."

"General Li is being humbled. Wang Jian did not defeat the general in that battle, he only defeated Zhao Cong and Yan Ju." Xiao He said at the right time: "If he could really defeat the general, he would not use counterintuitive tactics."

"A defeat is a defeat, and counterinsurgency is also a part of war. There is no need to look for excuses." Li Mu stroked his beard and shook his head, and his mood suddenly became cheerful again: "But this time the Qin State can no longer resort to counterinsurgency, and Wang Jian has died of old age."

“Looking at it this way, we still don’t know who the final winner will be!”

(End of this chapter)

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