Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 410 Wei Zhuang Reflects

Chapter 410 Wei Zhuang Reflects

As time went by, news of the uprising in the two counties gradually spread to the Central Plains, causing a wave of confusion in people's hearts.

The reason why the First Emperor returned to Xianyang from Songhai was vaguely due to the need to deal with the rebellion in the eyes of the world.

It had only been a few years since the founding of the Qin Dynasty, but the thought of Qin's long-lasting suffering has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Taishan's assassination of Qin and Songhai's assassination at the dinner party both excited the world. Now a blatant uprising soon appeared, and the prestige of Qin was greatly affected for a time. Small blow.

Some heroes were so excited that they brought their own food and went to the two counties to seek refuge.

However, the response at the common people level is average. Only those who really can't survive will take the risk. Everyone knows that the two counties will be the center of the war. It has not been a few years since the powerful Chu State was destroyed, and the uprising in the two counties Everyone recognized the feat, but they refused to accompany him to death.

Although life is hard now, for most people they can still survive. The psychology of these people needs to be broken by more harsh means after Hu Hai succeeds to the throne.
Wei Zhuang, who separated from his senior brother Ge Nie in Songhai, was also very interested in the uprising. He retrieved Chi Lian and Baifeng from Daze Mountain and went straight to the south.

Liusha's only two subordinates were recognized by him.

Not long ago, in the last meeting between Sang Hai and Zhang Liang, Wei Zhuang was hit hard: his former Korean companion has now chosen another path, especially since he has always recognized Zhang Liang's ability and vision.
The farmer's hero was indeed far ahead of him.
Judging by time, it is clear that both of them started to develop their forces more than 20 years ago, and Wei Zhuang is even much older than the other.

At the beginning, Wei Zhuang came out as a disciple of Guigu and made many powerful friends in Korea. He soon founded Liusha with Han Fei, Zi Nu and others in the prosperous Xinzheng. At that time, Liusha's enemies or friends were either princes or nobles. They It can be said that he is a young hero who has some influence in Korea and even the world.

And Lu Wei was just a deserter from the Zhao Kingdom and went to the countryside. He had no power and power. In Luqiu Pavilion, he was still suppressed by the Xu family of Jicheng. His status in the farmhouse in the first two years was at most the same as that of the poisonous scorpion sect that Wei Zhuang casually killed. The others are similar.

But in the subsequent development, Liusha has been restricted to fighting Ji Wuye in South Korea for several years. During this period, his strength has increased, and he has also come into contact with Ying Zheng, who has not yet taken charge of the government. However, Liusha has not made any qualitative progress.

However, Lu Wei took advantage of the competition for the general manager of Gonggongtang and rose to the top. In just a few months, he not only became the general manager of the farm, but also became the designated successor of the master of Gonggongtang. From then on, Lu Wei won the position of The equal status of Liusha in Jianghu.

Then Han Fei died in Qin, Liusha suffered a major blow, and after a few years of wandering, he successfully reduced himself to a pure killer.

At this time, Lu Wei not only became the number one master in the farming family, but also expanded the power of Gonggongtang to Zhao and Wei, developing from the bottom of the Six Halls to the top of the Six Halls.

Although in the future Liusha can develop from an organization that has only been established for more than ten years to a killer group that scares the world, with only insufficient foundation compared to hundreds of major sects in terms of strength, this is already the limit of Liusha.

Among killer groups, it's no match for the Snare.At the Jianghu level, it is not as convenient as the various schools of thought.

The biggest reason for all this is that Quicksand is too small after all, there are not enough killers at the lower level, and there is no fixed and stable base. The development limit of a wandering organization has reached this point.

The biggest problem causing this is Wei Zhuang's own 'strong man theory'.

Only strong people can become friends or trade partners with him and Liusha, and only targets that Wei Zhuang considers 'interesting' can join Liusha.

But Wei Zhuang is proud of his high vision. There are indeed many people in the world who can be recognized by him, but few of those people will join an organization like Liusha. They all have better choices.

The best example of this is Zhang Liang joining Xiaoshengxian Village.

This also resulted in the fact that the backbone of Quicksand was always the group of people before Korea's demise, unable to expand.

The elite cannot be replaced by the ordinary, but the ordinary will always be the majority.

In this regard, Wei Zhuang's reflection after separation from his senior brother was that he was not strong enough and Liusha's elite strategy was not thorough enough.

'If I can get stronger power and have the ability to control the world's current situation, then my right to speak will naturally increase, and those ignorant sentient beings will naturally obey the quicksand orders. ''Extreme is not the problem of quicksand, not being extreme enough is the problem. '

Under this theory, the uprising in the two counties was judged by Wei Zhuang as an opportunity to demonstrate Liusha's strength.

After all, war is naturally the stage where strategists play their role.
It would take several more months for the Qin army to suppress the uprising. As Li Mu had judged, Ren Xiao organized his army and headed north to Shu, where he was preparing to launch a land and water offensive by taking advantage of the Yangtze River's natural transportation properties.

A steady stream of supplies has been transported to Ziyang City in Qutang Gorge. The terrain here is steep, the canyon is narrow, and the water is thick. It is a destination that is extremely difficult for the rebels to attack.

This city will be the starting point for the counterinsurgency army.

If the original historical development is followed, Ziyang City will be changed to another famous name after more than 200 years: Baidi City!
In Shushan, the land of Shu, Yu Ziqi returned to his hometown and won the hearts of the Shu people in the name of Yu Yuan's guard. He quickly pulled out an elite team of 2000 people, secretly lurking in the area controlled by the Qin army, ready to respond to the Central Plains at any time.

He received the news of the uprising in the two counties, and he also received the letter from his sister Xiaoyu.

The news that his sister explained in the letter, "Xia Kui has captured Yun Zhongjun and promised to send him to Shushan in the future" excited him. At the end, his sister Xiaoyu specifically stated that "Shushan must obey the orders of the farmers", although he gave in slightly. He was a little strange, but he planned to do it.

Shushan and Qin are mortal enemies. They cannot defeat Qin on their own, so they can only rely on stronger anti-Qin forces.

Because of the need to suppress the uprising in the two counties, the Qin army transported all the supplies into Shu to secure the rear area. Yu Ziqi saw a chance for Shushan to play a major role!
He then took the initiative to send an envoy to contact Jingxian County, allowing the Shushan army to become Li Mu's secret force in the rear of the Qin army.

Regarding this extra surprise card, Li Mu suddenly felt that the advantage of the war was constantly tilting to his side. Qin's behavior in the past when he forced Shushan just to get a fusang sacred tree from the mirage would cause them endless suffering in the future.

"According to reports from Yue spies, Ren Xiao took away most of the Qin army in Lingnan this time. It is expected that the number will not be less than 10, and may even reach 30 at most, which is a huge force."

The Yue people, like the Shu people, are on the side of the two counties, so the traces of the Qin army will be clear throughout the process. However, due to the low quality of the Yue people, it is difficult for them to detect the specific number of the Qin army. .

However, Li Mu didn't care. The current war conditions had already tilted the victory in his favor. He already had a strategy on how to fight this battle: "The terrain around Fan County is flat. Although there are mountains in the north for defense, it is difficult to resist the Qin army." To encircle us, we need to push the battlefield to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River."

"What do you mean by General Li?" Yan Shen looked at the map spread on the table. His eyes extended along the flat plains, and he caught sight of the Yishan Mountains in Dongting County. The mountains here stretch for hundreds of miles:
"Hindering the Qin army in Yishan? Not only will we immediately launch an attack on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to capture Changsha County as soon as possible, but the supply line for future operations will be extended by half for us."

"Jingxian and Fanxian have strong navies, and our water transportation is smooth. If there are only [-] troops heading north, I can raise good logistics for you." Xiao He immediately expressed his opinion after hearing this. He does not need to go to the front line, but no one dares to play a role. Look down upon.

"This is enough." Li Mu nodded and said: "The army's formation in the mountainous area cannot be deployed, and the Qin army's strength advantage will be weakened to the greatest extent. An army of [-] will be able to block the Qin army in the Yishan mountain area."

"Master Ban of the Mo family arrived at our machine workshop some time ago. I talked with him. He can transform our machine cattle production line to produce transportation and construction machine beasts. With the help of the Qin army's gathering period, the machine beasts have the ability Build a city out of flat ground.”

"The only top priority is to lead the army to attack Changsha County and Dongting County. All generals must attack with all their strength. The sooner they are captured, the longer it will take for us to deploy our defense lines."

"Yes!" Li Mu made a decision. Yan Shen, Li Zuoche and Peng Yue accepted the order without any doubts.

After the Qin forces retreated from Songhai City, Lu Wei still had one last thing to solve.

The Gongshu family who were imprisoned in the mirage, including Gongshu Chou himself!
Mohist organization, walking with wood and stone; bronze opening, asking Gongshu.

The role of mechanism technology in war is irreplaceable. The Mohist family is now in the hands of Master Xia Kui. As long as the Gongshu family is conquered again, the anti-Qin alliance's technology will overtake the Qin army in the next military operation.

And even if the worst outcome is the worst, even if Lu Wei doesn't get the Gongshu family, Qin will definitely lose them~
(End of this chapter)

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