Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 411 Helping Su Mengtian die

Chapter 411 Helping Su Mengtian die

Gongshu Qiu and a group of elite members of the Gongshu family had been forced to stay in the mirage since the death of Donghuang. They had already been suffocating because they didn't know the truth.

Gongshu Renren was pulled over to sail the ship in Donghuang's plan, but sailing was not their primary hobby.

For a group of mechanics, it was torture to have them do nothing for a month or two, so even the leader of Gongshu Chou, who was always polite to others, started to get irritable at this time.

However, when Xinghun said that he had come to persuade Gongshu Chou to surrender on the orders of Lu Wei, the leader of the peasant family, Gongshu Chou's anger instantly turned into confusion: "What?"

"Ying Zheng is dead, and a new king of Qilu will be established. If the Gongshu family surrenders at this time, they can still receive titles and rewards."

Xinghun briefly explained the changes in the outside world, but the subsequent invitation clearly lacked sincerity and his attitude was not enthusiastic.

Gong Shuqiu had heard of the name Lu Wei, but he never imagined that such a big change had suddenly occurred in the outside world: The First Emperor was dead?Is there going to be a new king in the land of Qilu?Have you become a prisoner?

"This, this, this" Gong Shuqiu's brain, which is extremely smart in the art of mechanism, was short-circuited for a moment. He had a lot to ask, but he didn't know where to start. Fortunately, Xinghun said in an understanding way:
"I am here just to introduce the changes in the outside world to Mr. Gongshu. The Gongshu family still has a lot of time to stay here and think about their position."

He half-turned slowly: "Anyway, the peasant Xia Kui has conquered the Mo family. Mo Ban's display of the Mo family's mechanism skills has gained the Xia Kui's trust. It seems that Lu Wei may not necessarily need the help of the Gongshu family. In that case, don't worry. After all, the Yin-Yang family has a deep cooperation with the public losers, so I can still protect you for the time being."

After that, Xinghun was about to leave.

"Lord Xinghun, please wait a moment!" Gong Shuqiu's brain was still confused, but there was a name in Xinghun's words that he heard very clearly: the Mo family's mechanism technique!
The face of the head of the Gongshu family became uncertain. The Mohist family and the Gongshu family had been fighting for hundreds of years. It was not until his generation that they completely defeated the other party with the help of the power of the Qin State. But now the Mohist family seems to be re-rising with the help of the power of the peasant family. ?
It is unknown what the political situation in the outside world is like. Logically speaking, the Qin State will not suddenly lose the land of Qilu, but there is no need for the Yin and Yang family to deceive themselves. Maybe the wind in the world has really changed, and the peasant uprising has taken control of Qilu.

But no matter what, the most important thing is that no matter whether the peasant family's rebellion can go to the end or not, he and the core disciples of the public losers are restricted in the mirage. Even if the peasant family is going to be defeated, maybe those bastards of the Mo family will know their situation. Will ask for orders to kill himself.

In that case, the ordinary people of the Gongshu family would quickly decline just by relying on the talents left in Xianyang.
Deep down in his heart, Gongshu Qiu actually doesn't care which family he will serve for. What he cares about is that the Gongshu family must surpass the Mo family and pass it on. However, due to his habit over the years, he still puts himself on the Qin side. .

Even so, it is not unacceptable to serve the enemy for a short period of time to protect yourself and the other Gongshu tribesmen in the mirage!

Thinking of this, Gong Shuqiu immediately showed an ugly smile and said: "Master Xinghun, I have made a decision and am willing to work for the farmer. I wonder if you can introduce me to Master Lu Wei?"

"Decided so quickly?" However, Xinghun shook his head, with a regretful tone on Yaoyi's face: "But the peasant hero has returned to Daze Mountain, and the Mohist giant is also there, so the Yin and Yang family can only convey the news to Mr. Gongshu. , during this period, Mr. Gongshu might as well think about it seriously."

"Don't think about it, don't think about it." The calmer Xinghun's attitude became, the more anxious Gongshu Qiu became: "According to what I said, those elm-headed people in the Mo family don't know any mechanism skills. I have personally broken through their mechanism city. Master Xinghun cooperated from the mirage. I have also seen the power of the Overbearing Organ Technique, which is far superior to that of the Mohists!"

"Lord Lu Wei, there is no need to waste time on a bunch of rubbish. My overbearing machine skills are the best in the world!"

"I will convey Mr. Gongshu's wishes." Xinghun turned his back to Gongshuqiu with a smile on his face, and continued to leave in a flash.

"Ah" Gongshu Chou, who was left alone with a sad face, scratched the few hairs he had left, and the anxiety in his heart became stronger: I am a slave to others, and I am a fish. The Gongshu family is grateful for Qin's support over the years, but it is impossible for them to be willing to do it for them. This is a price to pay, and I don’t want to die even if I lose my revenge.

What if the Mo family bewitched that Lu Wei?
The idea of ​​Gongshu Qiu was developing as planned. Xinghun left the holding room and came to the mirage deck. Lu Wei, who he said had returned to Daze Mountain, was here.

"Gongshu Chou's temper can be suppressed two more times, and he will be more well-behaved than anyone else." After expressing his judgment, Xinghun naturally changed the topic to business: "When are you going to lead the Dazeshan uprising?" ?" "In the news from the south, Li Mu believes that he needs to wait until June next year to defeat the Qin Army in the South. The undercover in the northern wolf tribe claims that Zhao Gao wants to wait until Wang Li takes over the Great Wall Army and immediately arrange a victory for him. It is expected to be next spring, so Dazeshan will immediately advertise to the world and hold an uprising after the Great Wall Legion sets off."

Lu Wei nodded with satisfaction at the progress of conquering Gong Shuqiu, and confidently answered his last question.

Xinghun thought after hearing this: "After defeating the Southern Legion, the only opponent left will be Wang Li, who has the power to destroy the wolf clan. This is a powerful enemy."

"How can 30 Great Wall Legions block the hearts and minds of the people of the entire Central Plains." Lu Wei smiled: "In the past, the Six Kingdoms were internally corrupt and intrigued. Now these traditions are being carried forward in Guanzhong. The consistent methods of this aging empire have gradually Lost by themselves.”

Most of the time, the people's hearts are in favor of the winner. Naturally, it is impossible for the farmers to defeat the 30 Great Wall Legion just by expressing the people's wishes in words, but in many cases, this is an unmistakable answer.


The armor-piercing troops of Hundred Battles are mainly infantry, with a relatively small proportion of cavalry being used only as scouts.

However, in order to kill Meng Tian as soon as possible, Wang Li ordered the infantry to speed up, and only led the army's scouts and dragon and tiger cavalry to ride multiple horses, rushing north day and night.

When he came to Shangjun, he took the lead in using the Black Dragon File to master the [-] Anbei town army assigned by Zhao Gao. After obtaining sufficient military support, he came to Meng Tian's general camp as the emperor's special envoy.

Wang Li's actions in Shangjun were not hidden from Meng Tian from the beginning, but with the Black Dragon Scroll and the identity of the emperor's special envoy, even the commander of the Great Wall Army could not send anyone to question or stop him.

It wasn't until Wang Li arrived at his camp that Meng Tian, ​​who was wearing Cang Yun armor, knelt down with Fu Su, who was slightly thin, to receive the imperial edict.

When he heard that he was going to die, Fusu closed his eyes in pain and was shaking, without doubting the content of the imperial edict.

As the eldest son of the empire, Fusu has always suffered a lot of rebuke from the emperor. With the assassination of Songhai dinner, Ying Zheng's words "I will be disappointed after all" deeply surrounded him on the way to being demoted. The idea that he was not loved by his father gradually became ingrained in his mind.

Meng Tian resolutely did not believe that this imperial edict was true: he knew that since His Majesty the Emperor had already demoted the eldest son to the Great Wall Army, he would definitely not issue a death order again, not to mention that he was leading the Great Wall Army to make the northern expedition to the grassland. How could this happen? Do you even want to die for no reason?

This imperial edict must be a forgery!

Meng Tian insisted on writing a letter to His Majesty the Emperor to confirm the authenticity of the order, but Wang Li would not do what he wanted and let the dragon and tiger cavalry arrest Fusu and Meng Tian with a wave of his hand.

The guards around Meng Tian were about to draw their swords, but Wang Li immediately raised the imperial edict and shouted sternly: "Here is your order. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed. Do you want to implicate your family members in the country and be punished with death?"

With the combination of the imperial edict and the dragon and tiger cavalry directly under the royal family, no one dared to step forward.

After Fusu and Mengtian were captured, they were imprisoned in two places respectively. Fusu decided to drink poisoned wine and died soon after, while Mengtian resolutely refused to obey and committed suicide.

"If he doesn't want to be decent, then help him be decent."

Wang Li gave the instructions coldly, not letting this small matter delay his unparalleled military exploits in the grassland!
(End of this chapter)

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