Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 412 Returning to Xianyang

The news that Fu Su and Meng Tian were sentenced to death was also concealed because Hu Hai had not yet returned to Xianyang and it was not time to spread these things.

Wang Li's subsequent process of taking over the Great Wall Legion went smoothly. Wang's background and the emperor's order gave him the greatest support. Except for the faint resentment among the Golden Fire Cavalry, he had complete control over the other armies.

For an elite unit like the Golden Fire Cavalry that was closely related to the Meng clan, Wang Li did not rush like he did with Fu Su and Meng Tian, ​​but retained enough patience.

Although he was greedy for merit, his family's military training was not bad. He knew very well that if he pressed forward in a hurry, he would probably cause a mutiny in the Golden Fire Cavalry.

'With the authority of the general, there will be plenty of opportunities to deal with them slowly in the future! '

Wang Li looked at the northern military defense map in the general's tent, with a dangerous smile on his face, and then frowned:
"According to the emperor's order, the middle section of the Great Wall must be connected before March next year. Why is the progress in the report so slow!"

"Report to the general." The general in charge of the army stood behind the brazier in the camp and said tremblingly when he was being questioned. The flames and sparks exploded and crackled: "The season has entered winter now. It has always been cold in the north, and this winter is particularly special. It’s cold, so.”

"Cold?" Wang Li snorted angrily when he heard this statement: "Is cold more terrifying than decapitation?"

"Pass my order. Not only must the Great Wall be completed, it must be completed two months earlier than scheduled!"

"Here" a few cold sweats broke out on the forehead of the supervising general because of fear: "General, even if the civilian laborers recruited work for an hour more than the stipulated time every day, I'm afraid they won't be able to meet your expectations."

"If the civilians are not enough, then we will go to fight again. If one hour is not enough, we will add two more hours. This is a military order, and there must be no delay!"

Wang Li picked up the warm wine on the table and drank it in one gulp. Half of the wine dripped from his bright silver armor and flowed to the ground because he moved too quickly: "Your Majesty only wants results, and I also only want results. If next January If you can't complete this task, you can find a Feng Shui treasure land for yourself and your family inside the Great Wall!"

"Yes, the end will be completed!" The superintendent general gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee. Wang Li's attitude of not allowing any mistakes left him no room for maneuver. The threats he received here made him whip his subordinates harder.
"At this year's farmers' annual meeting, I want to meet the county governors of the eight counties of Jiaodong, Jiaoxi, Linzi, Jibei, Boyang, Langya, Chengyang and Xue."

In Daze Mountain, Lu Wei, who had returned from Songhai, was also giving instructions to the heads of the farmhouses under the hall.

The eight counties he just ordered basically cover the original territory of Qi. If the peasants want to use Qi as their base to revolt, the governors of these eight counties must be dealt with in advance.

"Follow your orders." Chen Ping, the master of Kuei Hall, and Lu Yu, the master of Lieshan Hall, stepped forward to accept the order. They had been infiltrating the eight county governors for a long time. With the influence of the farmers in Qidi Power, this is not difficult to do.

As the two spy chiefs of the farmhouse, Chen Ping and Lu Yu were in charge of the outside and the inside. They were promoted to their current positions by Lu Wei and were his absolute confidants.

"Gonggongtang should pay attention to connecting with the mirage of Songhai, where a large amount of medicinal materials are stored, and arrange for manpower to transport them back to Daze Mountain as soon as possible. When the war breaks out next year, the demand for wound medicine will be extremely huge. This is the responsibility of Gonggongtang. "

"Well, don't worry, Xiagui. I will make sure that there are enough medicines in Daze Mountain." Duan Murong, who took over the position of master Nian Duan, treated Lu Wei strictly as a Xiagui in formal occasions, and was even more determined to carry out the tasks assigned by him. .

Gonggongtang once had a wide range of businesses when it was in the hands of Lu Wei, but later many businesses were gradually separated. This change has been significantly accelerated in recent years.

The former head of the medical family, Nian Duan, had been the head of the hall for several years and recently decided to resign. Even Duan Murong could not persuade him. In order to prevent Lu Wei from worrying about this, the little medical fairy took over the position himself, and it was Lu who decided to resign. Green assistant.

In total, Lu Qing, who has white hair and beard, has been serving the third hall master as the general manager of Gonggong Hall since he was abducted by Lu in his thirties.

Fortunately, the affairs in Gonggongtang have been reduced a lot now, otherwise he would definitely not be able to work as hard as he did when he was young.

After having arranged the affairs of the three most important halls, he did not need any special instructions from him for the remaining three halls: the Zhu family, the leader of the Shennong Hall, was still subduing bandits in the Taihang Mountains. These bandits were enough to pull out an army of more than [-] people to attack Zhao. The land would play an important role in the future, so he could not return lightly. The Shennong Hall in Daze Mountain therefore appointed an acting hall master: not Liu Ji, the general manager, but Lu Shan, who was born in Gonggong Hall and was also a close confidant of Lu Wei.

Liu Ji has been very open-minded in these years and has been staying on the outskirts of Daze Mountain doing management work. When faced with the opportunity to act as the hall leader, he not only decisively declined, but also took the initiative to recommend Lu Shan to the position.

He and the group of people on the mountain are not very good at playing now, and the casino on the mountain has also been moved, so Liu Ji simply stays on the second line in an open-minded way.

The mission of Shennongtang is to farm, which is the foundation of the farm. As the leader of the army, Lu Wei must often intervene, but he is relieved to have Ashan in charge.

The leader of Chiyoutang is Dianqing. This honest and honest leader of the Armored Sect is now responsible for the defense of the entire Daze Mountain. He also has some military training responsibilities. The Armored Army, mainly formed by the disciples of the Armored Sect, is a Heavy infantry, Lu Wei general Fan Kuai was also transferred to this unit.

The elite troops trained by Chi Youtang and Li Mu, which exist independently from Gonggongtang, will be the main force of the peasantry's military in next year's uprising.

Although the last leader of the Siyue Hall was Ji Yan, Ji Yan had been following Lu Wei everywhere in the past two years, so the specific affairs were managed by Mi Lian instead. Her status as the princess of Chu State allowed her to have a good relationship with the Six Nations. The remnant had a huge advantage, and these advantageous connections quickly turned into money flowing into Daze Mountain from the caravan trade.

The six farm halls each perform their duties. Preparations for the uprising have been going on for many years, and now the final warm-up is underway.


When the emperor's carriage returned to the Guanzhong of the old Qin people, the ministers who stayed in Xianyang knelt down outside the city to greet him, not His Majesty the First Emperor, but the control of the net.

Luo Wen, who is dressed in black spider clothes, closely monitors the movements of all courtiers. Their number is rarely seen in this world.

This is the first time since the establishment of Luowang that killers of all levels have gathered on such a scale to perform the same task.

In fact, not only were all the Luowang evacuated as Lu Wei saw, but in order to control the power of the Qin State, all Luowang organizations across the country were concentrated in Guanzhong by Zhao Gao.

However, the embarrassing thing is that the current snare does not have a top-notch killer.
Xuanjian, Jingshao, Zhanri, Liujian Slave, these Tianzi First Classes are dying out one by one without anyone being able to replenish them for a long time. The death of Liujian Slave this year has caused the number of Tianzi First Classes to be completely eliminated.

Luo Wang has lost its high-level combat power and no longer has an absolute deterrent to other forces at the Jianghu level, so it is better to withdraw.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as we can get the power of the Qin State, the mere slaves will have as much as they want in the future!

"Everyone, Your Majesty is tired and needs to go back to the palace first. You will be summoned later. Please wait calmly for now."

Prime Minister Li Si walked out of the carriage. His appearance made the court ministers feel a little relieved, but everyone was still solemn in their hearts: there would be strong implications behind any disturbance in the imperial court. Now His Majesty the Emperor suddenly summoned so many surveillance nets. ministers, but he himself did not show up
In addition, Fusu was demoted and the carriage returned in a hurry, could it be...
The ministers all had their own guesses, and there was no shortage of smart people in the court. However, most people kept silent at this time and waited for the next step, but some people just wanted to wait for such an opportunity.

Chunyu Yue, former doctor of Qi State, Confucian disciple and Fusu teacher, risked his life and took a step forward:
"Your Majesty, I beg your Majesty to withdraw the decree that demoted the eldest son!"

After Chunyu Yue finished speaking, several more Confucian scholars and doctors stood up and expressed their support.

Li Si at the front of the emperor's carriage, Hu Hai, and Zhao Gao in the carriage all narrowed their eyes at the same time because of Chunyu Yue and others' actions. (End of this chapter)

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