"The news of Ying Zheng's death has spread all over the world and Hu Hai succeeded to the throne. It is said that four ministers were killed on the day the car arrived in Xianyang."

Lu Wei raised his hand and stabbed Gai Nie with his Cloud-Piercing Sword. The sword master who had lost Yuan Hong held the unfamiliar long sword with no unfamiliarity in his sword moves. He held the sword in his backhand and raised it diagonally towards the edge of the Swallowing Sea sword, but because of the opponent, Li Da didn't provoke it, and could only barely block the blow.

For the sake of Tianming, Gai Nie could not play much role after working for the farmhouse. Practicing swordsmanship with Master Xia Kui was considered a project in line with his profession.

Excluding the difference in internal energy, Gai Nie is one of the few opponents in the world who can still compete with Lu.

The two of them went back and forth for several rounds, and the sword master kept responding to the topics raised by Master Xia Kui: "Hu Hai is still a child. In some aspects, he is even more naive than Tian Ming. The powerful general of Qin State It will fall into the hands of Li Si and Zhao Gao."

"The clan power of the Qin State has been suppressed during Ying Zheng's lifetime, and now they are unable to change all this."

"It's not just the inability to change." Lu Wei recalled the message that came this morning, and couldn't help but slow down the sword moves in his hand, but Gai Nie did not relax his vigilance because of this. Slow moves have the threat of slow moves:
"Under the premise that Fusu was dead, Hu Hai beheaded his twelve brothers in public in XY Market the day after he succeeded to the throne. Not long after, he killed his six brothers and ten of them in Dongcheng in a way that was almost torture. A famous clan princess was crushed to death with a wheel."

Speaking of this, Lu Wei sighed: He is quite satisfied with Hu Hai's methods. He treats his own flesh and blood brothers the same way. When his position is stable, he will only treat the people more harshly.

Moreover, he had reduced the power of the Qin clan to a completely non-threatening state. Zhao Gao would be even more unscrupulous in taking action in the future.

The situation of the peasant uprising is not only good, it will be great!

Hearing the current situation of Ying Zheng's heirs, Gai Nie felt mixed emotions. Among the young masters and princesses who died tragically, there must be those he watched grow up.
In Xianyang, Zhao Gao, who was granted the title of Lang Zhongling after the new emperor succeeded to the throne, persuaded the second emperor to practice Qin's laws against his clan brothers and ministers who were dissatisfied with the court. He was also re-promoting the backbone of the network.

For example, Wu Chen.

This Jianghu mercenary who once sneaked into the farmhouse as an undercover agent with Zhou Zhang escaped quickly after the incident was exposed, so his strength was intact. When Six Sword Slave was still there, Zhao Gao didn't look down on such a minion at all, but in Xianyang In the process of monitoring the ministers, the military minister performed outstandingly and was ruthless in his methods. He was a useful talent.

After Zhao Gao took the exam, he gave him the Zhengang Sword and granted him the qualification to become the new Six Swordsman.

Of course, Zhao Gao still needs to conduct a loyalty test after this. There are many ways to cultivate dead soldiers in the net, and he is not afraid that Wu Chen, a mercenary who has wandered through Zhao, Yan, Chu, and Qi, will betray him.

After Wu Chen, the other person who was favored by Master Lang Zhongling was Zhou Zhang. Although his right hand was broken, Zhou Zhang had performed well in the north over the years and had gradually become the main force in the wolf clan's net.

Zhou Zhang, who had been rescued by Luowang's secret method, has been greatly consumed by his lifespan. His outstanding talent has now reached the end of the Tianzi level. Although he will not be able to use it for a long time, he can be used in emergencies.

Moreover, he has a mortal feud with the farmer and is very loyal to the snare, making him a tool that can be used with confidence.

However, Zhou Zhang is currently following his younger brother Zhao Cheng in the grassland to control the wolf clan's actions, and he needs to wait for Wang Li to launch an attack before he can return.

"Wang Li needs to be urged to take action. These sons of general families are really dragging their feet. All the traps have been arranged for him to win, and he will postpone the attack until next year."

Zhao Gao's dissatisfaction appears more and more frequently now: unlike before when he was just a lowly slave, although he is now just a 'little man in charge', by virtue of his influence on the second emperor Hu Hai, his power in the empire It can be said that he is inferior to one person!
The ministers who used to look down on his eunuch status were now free to accuse and kill him at will. The elevation of his status made Zhao Gao, who was mentally disabled, suddenly feel lifted up.

Anything that is not in line with Zhao Gao's desired development will cause him to accumulate dissatisfaction.

The Wolf Clan is a card prepared by Luo Wen a long time ago. The purpose is to take advantage of the opportunity to attack the Wolf Clan and create a general who can be used by Luo Wen to control the Qin army. Therefore, this card must be played, and it must be surpassed. The sooner the better.

The reason is still related to Lu Wei.Zhao Gao will never forget that Lu Wei still has [-] disciples preparing for rebellion: now he no longer worries about the evidence of rebellion against Qin in Lu Wei's hands, and he no longer worries that he will be forcibly broken into by Lu Wei with his superb force. Xianyang beheaded him, so he must retaliate as soon as possible.

The farmers are now releasing their accumulated strength to the land of Qilu to turn it into their base camp. Once this is completed, the rebellion will occur immediately. The governors of the eight counties of Qi have lost contact with Xianyang.

"Ren Xiao from the south must also urge us. In just two counties and some barbaric Yue people, it takes so long to prepare. Why do 20 troops need to worry about those ant-like enemies!"

Thinking of the incompetence of these Qin generals, Zhao Gao's pale fingers tapping on the table suddenly stopped and he thought of someone.

There is a famous Zhao general who is still in his hands and has been imprisoned. This person also has some relationship with the farm family and is an old friend of Lu Wei~
"Yan Le needs to guard Xianyang, so he might as well use this person as the external general of Luowang Control~"

The next day, in the Qin court, Zhao Gao personally recommended a young famous general to the second emperor.

"Zhao Yi? Who is this?"

Hu Hai was very interested in going to court for the first few times, but after three days, he immediately became bored with this hard work.

As the second emperor, Hu Hai had no ambitions. The empire was already big enough, and he just wanted to have fun: the palaces and wonders built by the First Emperor during his lifetime were places that he could not break into before. Now Hu Hai can play wherever he wants. You can go anywhere and play with whoever you want.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Yi is the son of Zhao Sheng, the former king of Pingyuan of Zhao State. He was the first general of Zhao State after Li Mu, Lord Wu'an. He once led the Zhao army to organize a defensive battle in Danquang, Handan. His formation ability was even better than that of our great Qin Wucheng Marquis Wang Jian. Greatly admired.”

"Zhao Ren?" Hu Hai waved his hand with interest: "Our Great Qin has no famous generals. It would be merciful not to kill him. Why use him as a general again!"

"Your Majesty, now everyone in the world is from Qin, how can there be any Zhao people?" Zhao Gao laughed and said: "What's more, the Prime Minister once wrote a 'remonstration and expulsion order' for His Majesty the First Emperor. All the treasures in the world belong to Your Majesty." I have investigated this person for many years and confirmed that he is willing to surrender to the empire. Why does your majesty dislike so many of his subjects~"

Zhao Gao mentioned Li Si, and the latter naturally had to give feedback.

Standing up from the head of the group of ministers, Li Sidong prepared his words and agreed with Zhao Gao's proposal. He had no intention of going against his allies who had also appointed the new king on this matter:
Li Si himself has always been satisfied with this article. He believes that this article can be passed down through the ages, and it is a good thing that it is mentioned now.

Secondly, he still had some impression of Zhao Yi's name.Although more than ten years have passed since the destruction of Zhao State, Zhao Yi did bring some trouble to the Qin army after Li Mu.

In addition, as the son of Lord Pingyuan, he also came from a famous family and was worthy of serving in Qin.

Seeing what Li Si said, Hu Hai agreed to appoint Zhao Yi as general. The other ministers had nothing to do with him, and most of them had similar ideas to Li Si and believed that Zhao Yi was talented, so no one objected.

"Hangu Pass is your first appointment. You know what to do, right?"

After going to court, Zhao Gao threw the appointment document to Zhao Yi, who was kneeling on the ground, and gave instructions lightly.

Zhao Yi was wearing linen clothes, and even though he had been bathed three times before coming to see Zhao Gao, he still had a slight odor.

"Mr. Lang, please rest assured. I am guarding Hangu Pass. No one is allowed to enter or exit without your order!"

After being imprisoned in a dark prison for ten years, Zhao Yi behaved extremely obediently after seeing the light of day again, pretending to be calm and said (End of Chapter)

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