Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 414 Lu Wei’s rebellion

Chapter 414 Lu Wei’s rebellion
Fifteen years have passed since the Qin-Zhao War, and the Zhao Kingdom has also been dead for 15 years. Although Zhao Yi still misses his homeland, now he just wants to survive.

At the end of the Qin-Zhao War, because he secretly saved Sima Shang and allowed Sima Shang to operate, Zhao Yi won the title of famous general. However, in fact, after so long, he could not even remember the most basic marching formations. What matters most is Zhao Yi's status as a famous general, but he dare not tell the truth.

However, Luo Wang actually didn't care about Zhao Yi's true level. He imprisoned Zhao Yi for 15 years. Although Zhao Gao never interrogated him personally, the jailer had already reported Zhao Yi's character many times. The internal information of the intelligence database had no doubts about Zhao Yi. The evaluation of ability is not high.

But after all, he is the son of Lord Pingyuan, and has the title of the strongest general in the Zhao Kingdom after Li Mu. These identities are enough.

In addition to Wang Li, Luo Wang had a second opportunity to extend his tentacles to foreign armies.

Hangu Pass is a choke point for Guanzhong. It was in the hands of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period, and the Jin State used it to firmly block the Qin State's way out of the east. However, it fell into the hands of the Qin State during the Warring States Period. Later, several coalition forces attacked Qin and fell at this pass.

Pang Juan, King Wuling of Zhao, Lord Mengchang, Lian Po, Zhao She, Lord Xinling and other famous generals could only look back and sigh.

Hangu Pass is the greatest confidence of the Old Qin people. With this pass, they can go eastward at will, and even if they fail, they can retreat and defend based on Xiongguan.

Of course, such an important place must have an important enough general to be in charge. Zhao Gao cannot fully trust the newly surrendered Zhao Yi, but firstly, Zhao Yi's identity is valuable enough, and secondly, Zhao Yi's character is easy to be manipulated.

With him as a puppet, this core level will be in the hands of Luo Wang instead of Qin~
Oh, and there is a third reason that we can probably think that he is also a 'Zhao' after all. In this era, most people of the same clan can find connections from far or near, so Zhao Gao has a little more trust in him than other subordinates. .

They are all subordinates, and people of the same clan at least sound more reliable.

Zhao Yi has not figured this out after being imprisoned for 15 years. He is still worried about how he will play the role of a 'famous general' alone.

"Hangu Pass is indestructible, and Da Qin has no enemies. No matter how useless I am, I can still work harder with the lieutenant general." Zhao Yi, who was completely hopeless and heartless, secretly made up his mind to make a good friend of the lieutenant general, and respectfully accepted the order to retreat.

Zhao Gao looked at his leaving back, and his keen observation allowed him to make his own judgment about Zhao Yi, so he became more confident about Luo Sheng's control of the imperial military power.

In a war institution like the Qin State, mastering the army means mastering all power.

There are many ridiculous things that Hu Hai is doing now, but the people who support him in the entire imperial court still account for the vast majority. Regardless of his current high status, it is because of Hu Hai's power.

Even if Wang Li is his partner, he will definitely choose Hu Hai, who is only sixteen years old, between Hu Hai and himself.

Therefore, if Zhao Gao wants to continue to fulfill his ambition, he must change this situation.

The Qin Dynasty was founded for more than 500 years. To trample on the status of the Ying surname in the hearts of the Qin people, the country needs to be more chaotic.
The Lishan Mausoleum has not yet been repaired. According to the original historical plan, it will need at least another five years of construction. However, the corpse of the First Emperor cannot wait another five years. Fortunately, the internal structure of the mausoleum has been basically completed, and the burial of the black jade coffin will not be delayed.

On the day of his burial, the First Emperor had many heirs and even more concubines. There were even a large number of women from the Old Six Kingdoms who had never seen His Majesty the Emperor in their lives. Those concubines who had no heirs were all buried together in the palace. In addition, the core of Lishan Mausoleum None of the craftsmen who built the first floor were released because they knew too much.
The laborers and craftsmen on the outer floor were able to survive because they had to continue to complete the tomb, but they were also panic-stricken. They didn't know whether what they knew was too much for the second emperor.

Faced with these panicked labors, the Qin army chose to use whips and spears to solve the problem.

Such a high-pressure environment made Tian Guang, who returned to Lishan Ling, aware of an operational opportunity, so he established a secret organization among the Lishan prisoners.
The prisoners in Lishan now only need one person to raise their arms and shout.
At the same time as the people in Guanzhong were floating, the war between the north and the south began!
After the construction of the Great Wall in the north was completed at all costs, Wang Li led the Great Wall Legion to immediately go out to the fortress and actively seek to fight against the wolves: this was an act of a headless fly on the vast grassland, but there was a reason in the net, and the main position of the wolves was The Qin Army got the punctuation here, and the Wolf Clan's strategy was a clear-cut operation for the Qin Army.The elite Qin army will win extremely easily against such an opponent.

Ren Xiao from the south began to advance with his army after he had stored enough supplies and ships in Ziyang City. The combat experience in Vietnam told him that the smooth flow of food roads and the abundance of food and grass were far more important here than in the Central Plains.

However, this long period of waiting for reserves was not fruitless. From the intelligence sent by the scouts, Ren Xiao learned that the traitor not only did not hide in the two counties, but instead went upstream and advanced the offensive to the Yishan Mountains.

From a military perspective, fighting in Yishan will indeed limit the Qin army's numerical advantage, but the reality of elongated food roads and greed for advancement also gave rise to the biggest flaw in the rebellion: as long as the Qin army breaks through Yishan, Then the rebels on the plain will have no chance to reorganize any resistance.

In other words, the rebels put all their hopes on the possibility of victory in the mountain forest battle. This allowed Ren Xiao to make a basic judgment on the enemy generals: he knew a little about the art of war, but not much. He could only read a few casually. A second-rate strategist.

An enemy who leaves no room for retreat is the favorite opponent of any general.

It is true that the Qin army's performance against the Yue people in mountain forest battles since going south to Baiyue was relatively poor, but that was the result of the Yue people's constant guerrilla warfare and harassment. In addition, the miasma in the mountains and forests of Lingnan was frequent, and the Qin army suffered even more damage. Most diseases are caused by these reasons.

The mountains and forests in Yishan Mountain are also very complex, but it was developed by the Chu State, and the environment is not as extreme as Lingnan. According to the scout reports, these rebels hastily built several earthen cities in Yishan, trying to resist head-on and win. The path of death has been formed!

When Ren Xiao saw the rebellious defense map, he instantly had multiple ways to win.

Dividing the troops into Jiangbei Army, Navy Army and Jiangnan Army, Ren Xiao began his own offensive to quell the rebellion.

In just three days, the forward generals encountered the first rebel stronghold that seemed to be in a hurry, attacked it, and beheaded hundreds of people.

When the news reached the rear, Ren Xiao was satisfied, but also specifically asked the front troops to be more cautious and not to fall into a rebellious ambush just because the arrogant soldiers rushed too fast.

Compared with the Great Wall Army, the Southern Army gained military exploits early due to the enemy's incorrect command.

".Zizi Qin Shu is good at handling magical weapons. He is extremely cruel and poisons the people. A wolf's heart and a dog's behavior are not enough to describe it; snakes and scorpions are the intestines, which is not enough. What should we do with the wolf's nature? Build a path for birds, Abandoning one’s conscience. Sins abound, and both humans and gods are angry.”

When the news of the start of the Civil War reached Daze Mountain, Lu Wei suddenly felt that the time had come, so he deliberately arranged a show about the cruelty of Qin officials as an excuse to kill people openly and impromptuly read to the people at the foot of Daze Mountain on the ridge of Chunzhong's fields. A message against thieves was issued:
"I heard that the Qin Emperor was tyrannical and unjust in his administration. He imposed heavy taxes to satisfy his culprits, imposed harsh punishments to suppress him, and massacred hundreds of families to fool the people. Guizhou was devastated and every living being was devastated."

"The current second emperor, Hu Hai, is greedy and tyrannical. He built the Great Wall to fulfill his desires and imposed tyranny to fulfill his abilities. The people suffered from this and suffered from the Qin day and night, with complaints and complaints!"

"We cultivators work hard day and night to hoe the fields. However, the Qin Emperor's tyranny, heavy taxes and excessive taxes, the farmland is abandoned, and the people are in dire straits. We have to suffer from it, swallow the bitter fruits, and drink the strong wind."

"In the past, the descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties were strong-willed and talented people emerged in large numbers. Today, Lu Wei is not talented. He is willing to raise the flag of righteousness as a peasant hero, attack the unjust, punish the Qin Dynasty, and return the country to all people!"

When hundreds of thousands of Qin army elites were trapped in the war, Lu Wei finally openly rebelled!

The peasant army quickly occupied the entire Qi land, and the world was shocked
(End of this chapter)

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