Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 415 His Royal Highness King Qi

Chapter 415 His Royal Highness King Qi
The two counties were actually the first to rebel in the world, but the only ones who declared this to the world and issued a public proclamation clearly stating their purpose was to "defeat the unjust and punish the Qin Dynasty".

Lu Wei openly and openly placed the peasant family and the Qin State in life-and-death opposition. The day after the announcement of the proclamation, the eight counties of Qi and Lu surrendered. Eight county governors who originally belonged to the Qin State took the initiative to petition Lu to become the king of Qi. Big seat.

Lu Wei was humble and refused, and voluntarily asked to find the bloodline of the old Qi royal family and become the king of Qi, but nothing was found in Qilu.

The Tian family, the original royal family of Qi State, was not exterminated after the fall of Qi. A considerable part of them were scattered among the people and became the armed forces of landlords in various places.

However, these noble royal bloodlines were obedient and died not long ago. They were indeed incapable of competing with Lu Wei, but they were afraid that some ambitious people would use them as an excuse, so the Tian family bloodline openly eradicated itself.

If someone claims to be the Tian royal family appears again in the future, it must be a fake!

For many days, no one of Tian's bloodline could be found, and the uprising situation could not be delayed. After the request of the eight county governors, one hundred thousand disciples of the peasant family made a group request for Master Xia Kui to become the king of Qi, until the Confucian representative of Qilu: After Fu Nian, the head of Xiaoshengxian Village, Xunzi, the Confucian sage, and Kong Yu, the eighth grandson of Confucius, all expressed their support for the farmers, Lu Weicai sighed and accepted the wishes of the people.

"I hope you will not resign from your great responsibilities in the world."

Kong Yu paid obeisance to His Highness King Qi in public. If Xiaoshengxianzhuang could not fully represent Confucianism, then the appearance of this descendant of Confucius would completely tilt the hearts of Confucian scholars all over the world to Lu Wei's side.

Kong Yu, now 50 years old, is a staunch anti-Qin element. He once lived in Wei and had good relations with Zhang Er and Chen Yu. After Wei was destroyed, he fled to Qi.

Unlike the descendants of Confucius hundreds of years later, Kong Kun, as a Confucian scholar, had a strong spirit. In the original time and space, in a few years, this Confucian master would immediately join Chen Sheng and Wu Kuang's uprising team. In the end, he died in the rebel army fighting Zhang Han.

Now it was the peasant family who took the lead in rebelling against the Qin Dynasty, so there was no need for Zhang Er and Chen Yu, who had already joined the peasant family, to invite him, so Kong Yu came on his own initiative.

Xiaoshengxianzhuang and Lu Wei have always had an agreement, and their arrival is a given, so there is no need to be particularly surprised.

"Alas, the gentleman invites you, and the people invite you, and Wei dare not refuse it anymore." Lu Wei helped Kong Kun and sighed. When Ji Yan heard this, he immediately looked at his disciples to hold up the Qi King's robe that someone tried on last night. Come up.

With the support of Duozhu, the Taoist, His Highness the King of Qi officially ascended the throne and issued a military order on the spot: Han Xin and Yan Bing would be the main and deputy generals respectively, and Lu Shan, Lu Yu and others would lead a partial division north to attack Yan. His Highness the King of Qi would personally Lead the main force of farmers to march westward to attack the three Jin lands!
At the same time, the rebels from the two southern counties were recruited, led by Ziwu, to open up contact with Chu.

The three-pronged army vowed to sweep across the Central Plains
When the news of "bandits" in Guandong reached Xianyang, Li Si was the first person to feel worried: the peasant family's one hundred thousand disciples actually completely captured the land of Qi and restored the state of Qi within a few days. This is no longer ordinary. If you rebel, you must use heavy blows to completely crush the enemy, so as to avoid possible imitation in the future.

But the field legions that Da Qin could freely mobilize were really out of troops.

The 30 troops of the Great Wall Legion have already set off to the grasslands and are difficult to recall halfway.

The southern army has 20 troops guarding the Lingnan area that was finally captured, and [-] troops are quelling the rebellion in the two counties. The latest battle report is a series of battles and victories, defeating more than a dozen enemy camps in the Yishan Mountains hundreds of miles away. , beheading thousands.

Ren Xiao was just one step away from breaking through Yishan. Once he entered Changsha County, he would be in an undefended land.

At this time, it was impossible to stop and attack Qidi and leave the Chu thieves a chance to breathe.

The food consumed by the northern and southern armies was astronomical. In addition, with the loss of half of Chu and the entire Qi, Qin's grain harvest this year will be reduced a lot. Once Qi rebels and breaks out of Qi, the empire will The losses will be greater.

Fortunately, the Xingyang granary, the largest in the empire, is still safe, and the reserves inside can last for a long time.

Excluding these two armies, the [-] forbidden troops in Xianyang City are an elite team with strong combat power, but they cannot be easily mobilized. This is the final foundation of the empire.

There are still tens of thousands of defenders at Hangu Pass, and these cannot be moved lightly. Once the attack fails, Hangu Pass will become an empty city.

No matter how majestic the pass is, it can be defeated without enough troops to defend it.

Without the support of the field legions, it would be very difficult for the county soldiers close to Qi to defend their territory.

The hope now can only be placed on the Southern Army. As long as Ren Xiao pacifies the two counties as soon as possible, he can go south and then north along the Yangtze River to attack the new Qi State.As for the issue of re-recruiting the legion, Li Si would not use this trick unless it was a last resort: with millions of corvees in the entire empire, it is difficult to recruit troops, and the distribution of weapons and the provision of food are also big problems. .

After writing a urging letter to Ren Xiao, Li Si immediately went to the palace.

Hu Hai has a tendency to ignore things, which is not bad for Li Si, but he still needs to report important military and state affairs to His Majesty the Emperor.

However, just when he arrived outside the palace, Li Si learned from the guards that the emperor had gone on a drive and would not see the ministers for the next few days.

With his brows furrowed, Li Si looked up at the tall palace wall and had to go back home to make his own solution.

As soon as he left, a trap killer immediately passed the news to Zhao Gao in the palace.

It's true that Hu Hai went out to play, but he was the one who persuaded him to go out to play.

The memorials accumulated in the palace were handled by Luo Wang on behalf of His Majesty the Second Emperor.

Of course, Zhao Gao understood the seriousness of the peasant uprising on Qidi, but he did not need to let Hu Hai know about these things. Therefore, Hu Hai had no solution if he knew about it. On the contrary, it might cause Zhao Gao's status to be lowered in his mind.

After all, as Zhao Gao said, the Holy Emperor rules from the ground up, and His Majesty the Emperor can have fun, and there will be no problems in the internal affairs of the court with their group of loyal ministers and good generals.

"Let Lu Wei be proud for a few days. After Ren Xiao and Wang Li win, an army of 50 will attack the farm. What can he do to resist it?"


Wang Li, who was worried about Li Si and Zhao Gao, was still on his way north, while Ren Xiao, who was winning all the way, inevitably developed some pride in looking down on his opponents.

Winning a war is the best guarantee of morale for an army. After winning many games in a row and setting up rebellious ambushes several times, Ren Xiao felt that his opponent's generals were at the end of their rope. Even if Ren Xiao didn't want to be conceited, The officers and men in the army inevitably became arrogant.

This is a general trend as a whole. Ren Xiao not only cannot solve it, but is also affected by the atmosphere in the military.

Not long after, we will arrive at the last rebel camp in the Yishan Mountains that the scouts detected. If we break it, we will enter the flat Changsha County!

On the two-county coalition side, Peng Yue, Li Zuoche, and Yan Shen were not depressed by the successive defeats, because as the situation became clearer, the three of them all thought of a classic battle example from the past, also fought by Li Mu: The Great Destruction of the Wolf Clan. The Battle of the North with [-] Horsemen.

In that battle, Li Mu used the lives of tens of thousands of livestock and nearly [-] Zhao soldiers as bait to attract the main force of the wolf tribe into the Zhao army's ambush, and finally surrounded and annihilated the powerful wolf tribe's cavalry with the main force of the infantry.

Compared with that battle, Li Mu now uses a dozen simple camps and thousands of soldiers at a huge cost to achieve a similar goal:

First, he was arrogant to the Qin army.

Secondly, it gave Ren Xiao wrong judgment of facts.

The lives of the soldiers who were sacrificed in the process were regrettable and innocent, but in this era, the fate of ordinary soldiers in the army is destined to be like this. They are the necessary price for the superior generals to complete their goals.

Li Mu could greet them during normal patrols, but he would never show mercy when he needed to sacrifice them.

"Ren Xiao's caution has been weakened to the minimum. Now it's time to give the Qin army a blow."

The army suffered a losing streak, but the morale of the two county coalition forces was not lowered by the failure on the front line. This was one of the reasons why Li Mu was able to use such sacrificial tactics.

The old general stroked his white beard and nodded to Peng Yue: The navy will be the key to turning defeat into victory.
(End of this chapter)

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