Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 423 Are you good at guessing?

Chapter 423 Are you good at guessing?

"Mr. Wei Zhuang, is there anything you can teach me?"

Not everyone can take it easy when faced with shark teeth. At least for Wei Zhuang himself, Zhao Tuo's reaction lived up to his status as the deputy general of the Southern Army.

Because they did not dare to live with the Yue people, the temporary earth cities built in the Lingnan area were laxly defended, which made the invasion of Liusha much easier.

Wearing a black robe of local linen from Baiyue, Chi Lian's fiery figure is even more charming under the cover of the large robe, which can easily make people's hearts beat faster and salivation form in their mouths.

However, the similar symptoms of the two Qin soldiers at the door obviously had nothing to do with it: the breath of the red chain snake wrapped around their bodies was the sound closest to death they had heard since they were born.

The cold, rough snake skin rubbing against their necks was an uncomfortable feeling, but they did not dare to raise their hands or make a sound to anger the vicious woman in front of them.

These two Chi Lian snakes are both local indigenous people in Lingnan. Chi Lian made friends with them very smoothly. Baiyue is really a good place for her~
"Do you recognize me?" Wei Zhuang, who was also shrouded in the same black robe, was really poorly disguised. His appearance with long white hair hanging down on his chest was difficult to see even in the land of Baiyue: "It seems The empire took Liusha’s wanted notice very seriously and sent it all to General Zhao.”

In fact, even if Wei Zhuang completely covers his appearance, the shark-tooth sword in his hand cannot deceive anyone.

Zhao Tuo did not dare to talk more about the wanted order, so he said: "The name of Guigu's disciples has been something Tuo has longed for since he was a child."

"Really?" Wei Zhuang raised his lips under the brim of his hat: "I don't like this answer."

After saying these words, from Zhao Tuo's perspective, the shark-tooth sword seemed to be handed forward, but when he blinked again, it did not change in position.

"But since General Zhao recognizes me, the next thing will be easy to discuss."

Wei Zhuang calmly sheathed his sword, and the sword energy drew several fire-like rays of light in the air.

The sheathing of the sharp blade that could kill him in front of him relieved Zhao Tuo's tension slightly, but he did not dare to be careless: if the person in front of him wanted to kill him, he might not need that sword.

"Please give me some advice from Mr. Wei Zhuang."

Zhao Tuo bowed respectfully.

Liusha was a rebel wanted by the empire. Zhao Tuo's actions seemed a little too cowardly, but in order to survive, there was no shame.

Not everyone can survive under the Shark Tooth Sword. Everyone who achieves such an achievement is either stronger than Wei Zhuang or still has the value of existence.

"Ren Xiao has been defeated. You should already know this news."

After the other party nodded silently, Wei Zhuang continued: "In today's world, Qin and Qi are fighting in the Central Plains. As the successor general of the Southern Army after Ren Xiao's death, you built a city in Baiyue to guard the pass and cut off the main transportation routes. It is obvious that you are not loyal to that country. empire."

"The soldiers, laborers, and immigrants sent by the empire to capture Baiyue cost millions of people. Today, the 20-strong army of Ren Xiao in the Central Plains has been defeated. Even if I go north, I am no match for the Qi army."

Zhao Tuo raised his eyebrows and quickly retorted: "If I lose again, my hard work for many years to conquer Baiyue will be in vain. This is not only a loss for the empire, but also a loss for the entire China."

"Although there are some selfish excuses in this reason, it is also the best choice at the moment."

As he spoke, Zhao Tuo felt full of regret for his laxity in being restrained by the quicksand attack tonight. If he had been in the Central Plains, he would never have made such a mistake.

In the past, Lord Wu'an Bai Qi was killed by a martial arts master after his death. Since then, how to prevent assassination has become a compulsory course for army leaders.

Some are like Li Mu: their martial arts skills are extremely high, so naturally they are not afraid of assassination.

If you don't have that kind of talent, you can only hire trusted experts to protect you.

If you can't even do this, you can only formulate a strict prevention plan.The Central Plains has outstanding people and many masters. Although Baiyue has many capable people and strangers among the Yue people, it is still just a small path. It is easy to react after the initial discomfort, and it is far from being comparable to the Central Plains.

"Really?" When Wei Zhuang heard Zhao Tuo's excuse for himself, he sneered and said slowly, "What if there is another choice?"

"Is this why Mr. Wei Zhuang traveled thousands of miles to come to the Land of Baiyue?"

Zhao Tuo reacted quickly and asked boldly.

"Good question." Wei Zhuang's tall and burly figure was like a still mountain: "Since you like guessing so much, why not guess the specific content of this reason~"

The solemn aura made Zhao Tuo breathless for a moment. Although it was only for that moment, it still reminded him that his life was not in his hands at this moment.

A soldier who suddenly broke in from the door screamed in fright when he saw the scene inside the room. Then the next second, a white feather pierced his neck and he collapsed.
Bai Feng was half lying on the beam, wearing a gorgeous white feather suit. He was the only one among the three who didn't wear a hemp cloak: that would affect his mood.

The footsteps of the deceased had actually been heard a long time ago. Bai Feng didn't take action until now. It was obvious that he had the intention of playing tricks and deliberately used blood to warn Zhao Tuo.
Quicksand is not a kind organization!

Compared with Zhao Tuo, Sanchuan County Governor Li You's head had been thrown at the gate of the County Governor's Mansion.

The person who carried out this task was Gai Nie, who was much kinder than Wei Zhuang.

Ge Nie rarely kills targets who can avoid killing them, but Li You is not within this range, so he draws his sword.

Li Si and Gai Nie had worked together in Qin for nearly 20 years, but their relationship could only be regarded as ordinary colleagues. He would not feel guilty for killing his son Gai Nie.

After all, due to his personality, this sword master has always had few friends. To put it bluntly, there is only one, and that is Jing Ke.

After Jing Ke died, there was no one left.

When Li You's head was discovered by the people from the governor's mansion, the morale in the entire Xingyang City completely collapsed: the reason why everyone still stayed in Xingyang was because Li You was the eldest son of the Prime Minister.

As long as you hold on, the Prime Minister will definitely send reinforcements.

But now, Li Youyi is dead, and if they are not punished, it will be regarded as Qin Lu's mercy. How can there be reinforcements?
The commotion extended from the governor's house to the city wall. The Qi army adopted a standard three-quenched siege of Xingyang, leaving the east gate open, and their escape from there was also to Qi's forces.

The night battle took place in the north of the city. Officials and even soldiers who were affected by Li You's death and became desperate dropped their weapons and rushed towards the only way out.

Chen Ping, who stayed in the south of the city to put pressure on Xingyang City, noticed this early on. In fact, the fact that Li You's murder spread so quickly throughout Xingyang City was due to the spies he sent to actively spread the news.

As expected, even if the Qi army does not attack Xingyang tonight, many people will be trampled to death at the east gate.

"Da Qi is kind. You all could have lived, but now you die here because of your own reasons. It's sad, it's sad." '

Turning around and returning to the camp, Chen Ping still had many things to deal with.

In Caoyang City under Hangu Pass, there are already agents operating all kinds of true and false news.
In the north of the city, the riots in Xingyang City were some distance away from the battlefield. Lu Wei didn't know it, but he didn't care either: he had said beforehand that assassinating Li You was just a casual move, and such a method could not always succeed.

Victory more often comes from defeating your opponent on the battlefield.

When the contact point between Xingyang and Aocang was attacked at night, Xingyang sent reinforcements. Aocang was expected to defend according to the established procedures, but the messenger from Li You ordered them to send troops to rescue.

The visitor was holding a tiger talisman, and Aocang's guard immediately sent out troops according to the order. However, shortly after the main force left, a Qi army suddenly appeared and Aocang was caught off guard.

The leader was the tall and mighty Chongqing who held two swords. He knocked away the Qin army's first resistance with his body alone.
(End of this chapter)

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