Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 422 Night Battle

Chapter 422 Night Battle
"He wants Hangu Pass?"

Zhao Gao didn't feel offended after receiving Lu Wei's reply. It is true that he would never give it out of Hangu Pass.

But since the other party is willing to talk, it can at least delay time for himself.

"Ah Cheng, you go and negotiate with him. Hangu Pass is a different price."

Zhao Gao called his younger brother Zhao Cheng, who had returned from northern Xinjiang, and gave careful instructions.

"Do you really want to shut down Hangu to those rebellious people?" Zhao Cheng asked hesitantly.

"Of course it's impossible. You try to raise the price, but in the process you relax a little bit and give us an attitude that we are willing to consider."

"Yes." After Zhao Cheng withdrew, the military minister who had become Zhengang and Zhou Zhang who had become Duanshui came in and knelt down to report: "Sir, your Majesty is having a banquet. According to your instructions, he sent someone to inform Li Xiangguo to pay his respects. "

"Very good. Your Majesty is most annoyed by interruptions during banquets. Li Si is particularly anxious because Li You is trapped, so he will inevitably lose some sense of proportion in his words. If this happens a few more times, he will be disliked by Your Majesty."

Zhao Gao nodded with satisfaction: "You can go to Hangu Pass."

"Follow your lord's orders."

Wu Chen and Zhou Zhang went to Hangu Pass to assist Zhao Yi in defending the city. The two men had a deep grudge against the peasant family. Especially Zhou Zhang, who personally killed two of the peasant family's hall masters. Even from the peasant family's perspective, Tian Meng was killed by him.

The relationship between mortal enemies made their position trustworthy. With Wu Chen and Zhou Zhang around, Hangu Pass would never surrender in the face of Qi's foreign enemies, who were mainly farmers.

As for Li Si, after he loses all Hu Hai's trust, and then he submits the evidence of Li You's troop deployment, the fate of the Prime Minister will be doomed.

"Let Yan Le protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor these days."

After issuing three orders in a row, the only thing Zhao Gao was unsure about was the attitude of Lu Wei outside the pass.

According to the information, this guy started to be an enemy of Luo Wang when he was 13 years old. He covered a farmer's caravan and killed a killer Luo Wang backbone.

Analyzing the opponent's early investigation of the action trajectory, Zhuang Jia of Zhuangshan was probably killed by him.

The subsequent conflict between the two parties became more and more intense until the eve of his becoming the hero.

These experiences have made Zhao Gao have lower and lower expectations for the net to target farmers:
At the beginning, Luo Wang took the initiative to calculate the position of leader of the peasant family.

Then Luo Wang wanted to limit the power of the farmers to Qi Di.

Going a step further, he was pointed at a sword by Lu Wei in Songhai and had to cooperate.

When the First Emperor died, Zhao Gao still thought that at worst he would cut off Qi and half of Chu.

Now, the other party has actually asked for Hangu Pass.
Thinking of this, Zhao Gao regretted it extremely: If he had sent a sky-level snare instead of a killing-level snare when designing the farmhouse, he would have killed the 13-year-old Lu Wei who was still working in Luqiuge on the trade road ahead of time. , where would the things happening now happen?
"Wang Li and the Great Wall Army have returned to Shangjun. From Hetao to Beidijun, we can return to Guanzhong. I will have nothing to worry about after the 30 troops return."

The Great Wall Corps, which Zhao Gao had high hopes for, did arrive in Shangjun, but Wang Li was very dissatisfied with the order to return to Guanzhong via the Hetao.

In other words, he was very disdainful of the retreat itself.

Marquis Wu Cheng of the empire had just wiped out the grasslands and completed the orders of His Majesty the First Emperor during his lifetime. It can be said that his achievements were no less than those of his father Wang Bi.Now the Six Kingdoms have resumed their rebellion, but it has only been less than half a year. How can the peasant army organized in such a short period of time compare with the elite soldiers of the empire?

Wang Li thought that as long as he gave an order to first destroy the Qi army in Yan, then go south to wipe out the three Jins, then destroy Qi, and finally the army entered Chu, the rebels could be easily destroyed.

At that time he will surpass his grandfather Wang Jian.

Why go to the embarrassing situation of guarding Hangu Pass?
But there was no way, Wang Li couldn't convince Zhao Gao, so he could only follow the other party's strategy: all the food routes for the Great Wall Army were allocated from Guanzhong.

Originally, a large part of Aocang's grain would be transported along the corridor, but the Qi army sent a cavalry division to intercept it north of the Yellow River, and this grain road was cut off.

I heard that these rebels only had [-] cavalry in their entire army. Such an opponent made Wang Lisizhi laugh: both the Anbei Town Army in the Great Wall Legion and the Golden Fire Cavalry who suffered heavy losses in the attack on the wolves could easily defeat them.

'A man lives between heaven and earth.'

Thinking of this, Wang Li clenched his fist fiercely and slapped the table. The guard at the door was shocked and heard him shout: "The whole army packs up and heads east to return to Guanzhong immediately!"

However, in the end, he chose to obey the order.

Zhao Gao not only represents Luo Sheng, he also represents His Majesty the Emperor.

Although His Majesty the Emperor does not seem to be as majestic as the previous Emperor, and not everything he does is in line with Wang Li's views, he is the sole master of the empire after all.
However, Wang Li wanted to leave, but Han Xin took the initiative to enter Yanmen County from Yandi and tried to go south to Taiyuan.

From these large counties outside the wall, the rebels had the opportunity to obtain horse farms.

After Wang Li learned about it, he ordered the front troops to withdraw first. He planned to lead his armor-piercing troops to fight the battle in person before leaving.

I guess it won't take too long.


In the Xingyang area, the Qi army's attack began again. Li You looked haggard and arranged support according to the script.

Although Li Si came from a humble background, Li You had a basically prosperous life as far as he could remember. However, when he grew up, all he learned was Legalism and the occasional Confucian classic, and he was not proficient in commanding military formations.

The target of the opponent's attack this time was the connection between the northern section of Xingyang and Aocang. Li You knew that the enemy's goal was the grain road, so the arrangement he had planned in advance was at least comprehensive, if not subtle.

But in a war, the purpose of all military use is to achieve victory. The so-called cutting off the grain road is just a means to achieve this goal. Focusing only on the grain road, Li You ignored the threats in Xingyang. .

Late at night, the yin and yang blood fingerprints ignited the blood of a Qin soldier, and the twisted black-armored Qin soldier's body fell down in the street with a silent cry of pain.

Not far away, the black unicorn's unicorn thorn also pierced the neck of a Qin soldier. After the two eliminated their opponents, their bodies transformed for a while, turning into the appearance of a dead person, and continued patrolling.

In the darkness, Gai Nie and Daozhi, a pair of unlikely partners, used their cover to approach the county governor's mansion step by step.
Outside the city, Lu Wei personally supervised tonight's battle.

Night attacks were not easy for both defenders and attackers in this era, but the Qin army was mixed with a large number of temporarily recruited civilians, and the psychological panic of these people could easily spread to the entire army.

This is largely due to the fact that although Li You had no problem arranging his troops, he never considered cultivating military morale.

Especially the strategy of blindly retreating has aggravated the fear of the soldiers at the bottom: they don't know how many enemies there are outside, they only know that the generals above are very nervous every time the Qi army arrives.
Break through Aocang tonight and capture Xingyang tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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