Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 421 New Transactions

The Qi army has already reached Xingyang, and one step further is Hangu Pass.

Zhao Gao did not expect that the situation would deteriorate so quickly. The land of Yan and Zhao almost surrendered before the Qi army arrived. The eastern counties of Wei also tried to resist but failed and simply allowed the Qi army to roam their own territory. .

The Chu region itself took a wait-and-see attitude towards the Qi troops in the two counties. They even pretended to resist when the First Emperor was there. As soon as they heard that the Second Emperor had returned to Xianyang and the Qi State was reestablished, the two counties of Changsha and Dongting Rather than being defeated by the Qi army, it is better to say that the local county guards took the initiative to give up the Yangtze River as a battlefield between Qin and Qi.

A fire in Yishan destroyed the 20-strong southern army, and counties in the south and north of the Yangtze River instantly understood that they were about to change their masters. They obediently waited for Xiao He of Jingxian County to send officials to sort out local household registrations and mountain and geological maps.

The Chu region is remote, and the local small nobles have the greatest power over the region among the Seven Kingdoms. It has only been less than ten years since they surrendered to Qin after they were defeated in Shouchun, and now there is no psychological burden for them to surrender to Qi.

Shouchun's Qin army did not resist when Xiao He sent a partial force and surrendered.The tall city walls here have long been demolished. It is unreasonable to expect the local Chu people to support Qin in the war even though they know there are other options. Moreover, these Qin troops are also living a hard life, and the proportion of Chu people among the middle and lower-class soldiers is Very big.

Qi and Chu were corrupted, and the three Jins were in danger. The only hope for the Yan Dynasty was the Great Wall Army, but Zhao Gao no longer counted on the Great Wall Army to win.

Not counting South Korea, it would have taken Wang Jian and Wang Ben ten years to conquer the five kingdoms. Just attacking the Chu State required the recruitment of 60 troops. Wang Li’s own abilities were not as good as those of his grandfather and father. The Great Wall Army in his hands was not as good as the original army that attacked Chu. Compared with the military strength, there is no advantage, and the combat power does not have the advantage.
Such a risky attack is likely to be submerged in the homeland of the Six Nations.

Why not take advantage of the fact that the grain transport tunnel on Zhao's ground is still there and quickly withdraw from the north to Guanzhong to defend Hangu Pass!
In this way, if the Qin Dynasty rests for a hundred years and replaces the Qin State with the Ying surname with the Qin State with the surname Zhao Gao, it may not be able to unify the world again.

Could it be that the Six Kingdoms of Shandong, which even the First Emperor could not govern well, could be managed by Lu Wei, a lowly deserter and his descendants?
The top priority now is to defend Guanzhong, so those factors that are not conducive to Guanzhong and to controlling Qin must be resolved as soon as possible.

Li Si is the first one. This person has gained a certain amount of trust from Hu Hai. Although he is not as good as himself, he cannot stay after all.
"Li Xiangguo, Han Fei, who was highly praised by his father during his lifetime, once said: 'Kings in ancient times were always hard-working', but is becoming an emperor just for hard work?"

In the side hall of the palace, Hu Hai summoned Li Si and asked him how to become an emperor.

However, the process was a little different from what Li Si imagined: "In my opinion, it's all the incompetence of those so-called wise men!"

Hu Hai's words were astonishing, and Li Si stroked his beard. He couldn't comment on this for a long time.

"A truly wise emperor should let the world adapt to him. If an emperor cannot even satisfy his own pleasure, how can he govern the world well." His Majesty the Second Emperor nodded naturally and continued: "That's what I want to be. A wise emperor, what can Li Xiangguo teach me?"

"This" Li Si felt the emperor's attentive and eager gaze and said hesitantly: "Han Fei's theory does have many mistakes. Your Majesty might as well practice the 'technique of supervising and blaming'."

"What is 'supervision and accountability'?" Hu Hai was excited.

"His Majesty, the Emperor, should indulge in his passions and do not have to work hard. As long as he supervises his subordinates, rewards lightly and punishes heavily, he will be able to maintain his position of honor for a long time, hold on to power, and benefit the world."

Li Si took a step back and bent down and cupped his hands: "Your Majesty is so solemn that you don't have to do everything personally like Yao and Shun. Otherwise, as the emperor, you will have to work harder than the common people. Isn't it putting the cart before the horse?"

"Okay, this is good!" Hu Hai clapped his hands and was very satisfied with Li Si's words. He smiled and asked him to formulate a plan for this and promulgate it in the country.

As soon as the Prime Minister left, Zhao Gao walked out from behind the screen in the side hall and respectfully saluted His Majesty the Second Emperor.

"No need." Hu Hai waved his hand, looked in the direction of the palace entrance, and said with a smile: "The Prime Minister is still willing to worry about me, Zhao Gao, do you think this test is not enough?"

"Your Majesty, does your Majesty know why the Prime Minister is uneasy today?" Zhao Gao calmly spoke out the words he had prepared long ago when faced with Hu Hai's inquiry. "Oh?" Hu Hai did notice that Li Si was hesitant today, but he was so uneasy that he didn't notice it: "What did you find?"

"Your Majesty, Li You, the eldest son of Li Xiangguo, is the governor of Sanchuan County. Today Luowang discovered that Lord Xiangguo secretly issued an order to have the governors of multiple counties transport money, food and soldiers to Sanchuan County. The number of Qin troops gathered in Sanchuan County now exceeds One hundred thousand, and the grain and grass dependence on Aocang is countless. And Xingyang is only one step away from Hangu Pass~"

"You want to say that Li Si is treason?" Hu Hai's eyes flashed with disbelief: "He is already the prime minister, does he still want to be the emperor?"

"Have you forgotten, Your Majesty, all the sons of Prime Minister Li are imperial princesses, and all the daughters are married to imperial princes?" Zhao Gao reminded.

This is a fact. Li Si has been trusted by Yingzheng since he took refuge with Lu Buwei, the then prime minister, Wenxinhou, more than 20 years ago, and the favors bestowed upon him are extremely rich and noble.

But after Hu Hai succeeded to the throne, almost all of his brothers and sisters were killed by him.
Even though Hu Hai didn't think he was wrong and Li Si didn't object, who knows what he was thinking?
The fact that there were thieves outside the customs was a consensus gained at the meeting that day at the cost of the life of a minister. Now the evidence that Li You was entangled with the army was conclusive. With a little investigation, Li Si could be convicted of treason.

'Perhaps we can communicate with Lu Wei again. I will get the land of Qin, and he will get the six countries of Shandong. This is a good deal. '

"Is that so? Zhao Gao, Luo Wang has already obtained the evidence?" Hu Hai was still hesitant.

"Your Majesty, please wait for a few days and the evidence will arrive~"


"Zhao Gao wants to cooperate with me again?"

His Royal Highness King Qi, who had laid out the offensive strategy, looked at the snare messenger kneeling under the tent and chuckled: "What does he want?"

"His Royal Highness, King Qi, what Sir Lang Zhongling means is that your Highness can get the east of Hangu Pass, and the west will fall into Luowang."

The Luowen Killer, who was only at the Earth Level, tensed his muscles under the lock of Ji Yan's sword energy. This task required him to go deep into the Qi army to pay homage to the King of Qi, who was attracting world attention. His superiors gave it to him, and he had no right to refuse.

Since entering the military camp, his life no longer belongs to him, but is determined by the words of the King of Qi.

"anything else?"

After Lu Wei said these words, the Snare Killer suddenly trembled all over, wondering what he had imagined.

"Sanchuan County Governor Li You, Lang Zhongling hopes that His Highness King Qi can kill him or hand him over to the net."

After waiting for a few breaths, he suppressed his trembling and said.

"Okay~" Lu Wei didn't expect that his domineering spirit would develop quite quickly, so he smiled slightly:
"But I want to visit Guguan!" (End of this chapter)

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