Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 420 Zhao Tuo from the South

"What should we do now?"

Looking at the fire in Yishan, Chi Lian stepped forward and came to Wei Zhuang's side. In Liusha's original intention, this war was an opportunity to be included in the plan. As a result, the Qi State in Daze Mountain was established and the rebels in the two counties immediately announced their defection. This makes the identity of the mastermind behind the rebellion self-evident.

The first person to revolt, Duke Jing, and the peasant hero who initiated the anti-Qin movement were the same person: Lu Wei.

The subsequent confrontation between the two county armies and the Qin army did not leave Liusha a chance to intervene, so he defeated Ren Xiao and gained a good opportunity to enter Shu. The defeat of the 20 southern army made Qin's demise a step further.

Now Qin has lost its deer, but the only one pursuing it is Lu Wei. The other remaining parties of the six countries and the powerful and powerful people in various places do not want to establish an independent army, but because of the general trend of the world, farmers are almost everywhere. It may also be liquidated afterwards.

In the past, the two emperors of Qin, Qi, and East and West had only passed 70 years ago, but other forces at that time were not completely powerless to resist, and now it is still these two countries that can compete for the world.

Quicksand's own strength is insufficient, and the clear-cut world situation does not give anyone a chance to fish in troubled waters. If they don't want to miss this big change, then they'd better find someone to join them.

No matter how he thought about it, if he had to make this choice, Liusha seemed to have no choice but to admit his mistake and return to the farm: everyone in the Qin State was shouting for a fight, and the name of the violent Qin would not be forgotten even if it took another hundred or even a thousand years. In addition, the troops from the two counties entered If the Queen of Shu captures Hanzhong, she will be able to seek opportunities to invade Guanzhong from the south.
If it were a few years ago, even if there was such a chance, the probability of success would be extremely low. Everyone knows that the road to Shu is difficult, but Qin State currently lacks its own military strength and is facing the threat of the main force of Qi State in the east. It does not have enough strength to defend Shu specifically. Northern Expedition.

Attacked from two sides, if His Highness the King of Qi detaches another army to attack Wuguan, it will be a three-way pressure, and the Great Wall Army will definitely not be able to rescue them.

The collapse of the huge empire is a foregone conclusion in the eyes of any knowledgeable person. Although it seems to be only a few months on the surface, the hidden dangers actually started from the beginning of its unification, and can even be traced back to the beginning of its destruction of Korea.
Chi Lian has not forgotten the memory of Korea, and she still remembers Wei Zhuang's promise: "Give yourself a better Korea." '

But now, she was unwilling to continue to watch over an impossible thing.

"Not everyone in the Qin State supports it, and not everyone opposes it. Correspondingly, the same is true in the New Qi State."

The reason why Bai Feng insisted on chasing the quicksand was unclear to him: Mo Ya, who was temporarily regarded as his teacher, pointed Bai Feng in the direction of the 'broken' sky before he died. On that day, he did not rescue Mo Ya, nor did he save Bai Feng. To save the woman who died in his arms.

Now, he still has no ability to save the quicksand that is doomed to destruction, but Bai Feng does not give up, and makes a rare suggestion: "The reason why those local dignitaries dare not stand on their own is because their individual strength is too weak. If someone can break up the fragmented The dignitaries are integrated."

"It's useless." Wei Zhuang said lightly: "Those cowards who rule one side can never decide victory, they can only choose victory."

"When Qin comes, they surrender to Qin. When Qi comes, they surrender to Qi. It seems that they will never lose and can keep the family alive. But if the people in power are willing, even an ordinary husband can use the country's power Power brought them down."

"At best, they are just a group of poor speculators. They will help whoever wins."

Chi Lian's eyes dimmed slightly after hearing this. Since Wei Zhuang used 'poor speculators' to describe them, he would definitely not make the same choice as those people. In other words, he would not put down his pride and join Lu Wei: " Then we choose Qin? The cooperation between Liusha and Luowang is rarely harmonious." "No, we can do those things that speculators dare not do." What Qin has done in these years is destined to perish. This country is destined to perish. At that time, surrendering to Qin was undoubtedly a dead end.

"Shall we follow suit and go back to Xinzheng to raise troops?" Chi Lian said hesitantly: "That place is currently within the battlefield of Lu Wei and Li You."

"No." Wei Zhuang coldly denied her guess: "Don't forget, there is another army that will be ignored for a long time."

"What do you mean?" The former Korean Princess Honglian's mind became confused.

"The land of Baiyue!" Wei Zhuang answered. Although Ren Xiao's 20 army lost, there was still Zhao Tuo's [-] army in Lingnan.

If these [-] soldiers do not go north to participate in the war in the Central Plains, they will not be regarded as a thorn in others' eyes in a short time. This gives Wei Zhuang a chance to at least try.

"Baiyue." Chi Lian was stunned and then smiled charmingly: "I remember that we had dealt with them in Korea and became friends with some of them."

"Yes, now, the experience of dealing with the Yue people is our advantage." Wei Zhuang turned around and no longer looked at the Yishan Fire. Now he only had the last choice left, and this choice determined the outcome of Quicksand
Li Mu from the south led his army to invade Shu, which was good news for Lu Wei. At the same time, it also urged him to hurry up and capture Xingyang.

It is inappropriate for this reputation of being the first to enter the customs to fall into the hands of any outsider. Only if it is obtained by His Highness, King Qi, will there be no worries.

Thinking of this, he patted the head of the great commander under him. The elder Huo of the Yin and Yang family, who was especially proficient in the art of change, naturally could not escape the despotic power of His Highness King Qi.

Da Siming, who had transformed into her original appearance, took off the clothes that seemed to her to be strange clothes, choked down what was in her mouth, and walked out of the military tent in the appearance of a soldier of the Qi army: she was here to report on the assassination of Li You. By the way, performing the secrets of Yin-Yang to His Highness King Qi was also an official matter to promote the spread of Yin-Yang in the new empire in the future.

"Xingyang and Aocang are backed by the Yellow River. After tonight's raid cuts off the connection between these two places, it's time for the agency Suzaku to airborne to find opportunities for the assassination team to enter the city!"

Sun Tzu's Art of War states that attacking the city is the first priority. There are many soldiers and supplies in Aocang, Xingyang, so it is even more difficult to attack by force.

However, if the connection between the two places can be interrupted, it will lead to a situation where one place has food but no danger, and the other place has danger and no food. Li You took this into consideration and deployed heavy troops at the connection point between the two places. Once attacked, Both places can send troops to support, but this will ultimately give up the initiative on the battlefield.

Lu Wei had already thought of a way to break through, but just like Li Mu waiting for Ren Xiao anxiously, he also had to wait, but now he could only implement it in advance
Li You's regular defense gave the Qi army a certain amount of trouble. However, in Guanzhong, the farmer's good 'ally' Luo Wang took the initiative to help him break through this difficulty.

Zhao Gao takes action against Li Si (end of chapter)

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