Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 419 The army enters Shu

"Have you seen it already?"

Xiang Yu was surprised. He looked at Tianming who was carrying Yuan Hong on his back and asked in disbelief.

"It's natural. Why do you think I punched you today?" Tian Ming said with his hands on his hips proudly: "We are friends, you can tell us what plans you have, but you didn't want to confess even after so many days of opportunities! "

"I'm sorry. I don't want you to get involved in such a dangerous thing. This is what I must do as a Chu soldier. Do you want to stop me?"

Xiang Yu was thinking about the difference in force between himself and Tianming: In terms of strength, he was far superior to his friend, but if the other party used Yuan Hong, it would inevitably get in the way.

"Alas" Tian Ming spread his hands helplessly after hearing his words: "You are so stupid, even if you go to the battlefield, you may be plotted to death by others. If I want to stop you, why do I have to wait until here before taking action~"

"You kid!" Xiang Yu couldn't help but raise his hands and clench his fists in the face of the other party's teasing. Tianming jumped back and distanced himself: "Look, you can't help it after I said a few words to you. Such a character is suitable for you." Going to the battlefield?"

These words are not at all what Tianming should say. In Xiang Yu's impression, the only person who would say such words is Master Fan Fan Zeng.
His heart darkened. Xiang Yu still missed Fan Zeng very much at this time. Thinking of this, his tone became much lower: "Then you are here?"

"Are you going to join the Qi army?" Tianming put his hands on his hips and affirmed: "Of course I will go with you!"

"Are you going too?" Xiang Yu said in disbelief: "That's a battlefield."

"It's because of the battlefield that I went~" Tianming nodded as he should: "Now is the time when the world is in chaos, and we need Hero Tianming to uphold justice!"

"Just you?" Xiang Yu crossed his arms and looked like he didn't believe it. Suddenly he seemed to think of something and said with a smile: "You heard that Mr. Gai is now working as a guard for the King of Qi, so you decided to go Right!"

"So what." Tianming was not depressed at all after being discovered, and took the lead in front of Xiang Yu: "The people supported by uncle must be good people, and the King of Qi who led the army to resist Qin is an even better person! "

"I want to help out too!"

"Is that Miss Yue?" Xiang Yu asked again.

"Yue'er." Tianming's voice slowed down: "I can tell that you are pretending to be drunk and looking for a chance to go out alone. Yue'er is so smart and can definitely see it. She didn't say anything, so she naturally acquiesced to our actions. ."

"The battlefield is too dangerous for her to be with us."

"That's right." Xiang Yu stepped forward and blocked Tianming's neck: "But don't worry, as your eldest brother, I will definitely protect you."

"When I become the general of Qi in the future, I will also make you a marquis! Then we will apologize to Miss Yue together."

"Tch, I don't want to be a prince, I will become the greatest hero in the world in the future!" Tian Ming said proudly.

The pair of friends who had been friends for many years just bickered all the way down the mountain. The night market in Songhai City was still bustling. Since they were wanted, they were going down the mountain. They finally had a chance to have fun for a while, but at this moment, the two of them had no choice but to go down the mountain. The mood lingered too much.

They took the hustle and bustle of the night market indifferently and went out of the city overnight.

In the Little Saint's Villa, Gao Yue was distracted during evening classes. She knew that her two companions had probably left Songhai at this moment.

From the government city to the Little Sage Village, the troubled times will never end, and separation will always be repeated.

'It's time for me to return to my mother. 'The princess of Yan State said slowly and ideally.Now that the Qin State has no time to protect itself, she can get better treatment in Daze Mountain than in Xiaoshengxian Manor.

Moreover, if nothing unexpected happens, she might see Tianming Shaoyu again soon.

After all, those two people must go to Licheng if they want to join the Qi army.

His Highness the King of Qi's army had a smooth march, and it was not until Sanchuan County that it encountered resistance from a larger Qin army.

Li You, the governor of Sanchuan County, is the son of the imperial prime minister Li Si and Princess Shang Qin. He has a high status. The Sanchuan County he controls is where Xingyang, the Guandong grain and grass camp, is located. There are 5000 Qin troops stationed there. [-] civilians are temporarily recruited to march to Xingyang. Li Si asked for power and mobilized [-] county troops from six surrounding counties, bringing the total military strength to [-].

In addition, the six surrounding counties are still recruiting civilians to send a steady stream of supplies to Sanchuan County. It is expected that the final number of Qin troops will exceed [-], making them a combatable enemy.

Lu Wei sent Dianqing to launch a tentative round of attacks. Although they won the victory, the results were not great. Li You's formation was nothing new, but at least the old-fashioned military formation would not make stupid mistakes.

Lu Wei's plan was to enter the customs quickly and not waste time in Xingyang, so while arranging the offensive formation, he used the most effective method: sending people to sneak into Xingyang to carry out the assassination.

This is not a pure historical world. Of course, if the decapitation tactics of martial arts masters can be used, they must use them. Under normal circumstances, they cannot complete this task alone, but having a large army to cover them outside the city is another matter.

Lu Wei has Da Siming and Black Qilin who are proficient in transformation, Robber Zhi who is good at light kung fu, Gai Nie and Gao Jianli who can cut throats with one blade and many others. Of course, the most reliable assassin is King Qi. His Highness himself, but unfortunately, the most unsafe assassin is His Highness King Qi himself.

Lu Wei's position now makes it impossible for him to take risks alone, otherwise if he makes a mistake, the newly born Qi State is likely to fall apart.Let alone Xingyang, this is a price that the whole world cannot pay for. After all, what he wants is the world. If the master of the world is not him, he would rather destroy everything.

The army and the assassination were two-pronged. After entering June, good news came from the south.

Li Mu used two large camps and the Mohist white tiger mechanism beast to stop Ren Xiao's army and trapped the 20 Qin army in the Yishan Mountains for several months. After gaining the naval advantage, as the weather turned hotter, the Qin army Army morale quickly declined.

When Ren Xiao learned that the bandits actually had the Mo family's white tiger mechanism beast, he reluctantly followed the offensive momentum and began to build heavy catapults. He also arranged the heavy crossbows urgently recruited from the rear to lay traps to deal with the mechanism beast. There was a secret force within the Qin army. Set of standard procedures.

The rebel beasts alerted Ren Xiao to the unusual nature of the enemy, but now he could not retreat just because of a few beasts. The Prime Minister's letter was very urgent. He must pacify the two counties as soon as possible and then conquer the Qi. The base camp of the local rebels.

In this way, the Qi army who lost their hometown will definitely be in chaos. By then, the Northern Great Wall Army will also come back, and a single charge will be able to decapitate the puppet king.

Thinking of this, Ren Xiao invested more offensive troops. At this time, Li Mu's ability to coordinate the deployment of troops and supplies was demonstrated. His commanding ability allowed the two county armies with few soldiers to maintain morale and morale for a long time, allowing his own internal forces to maintain their morale. There was no chaos, and Peng Yue would sometimes take mountain roads or waterways to raid the Qin army for supplies and assistance, making the Qin army unable to defend itself.

Our own side made no mistakes and had high morale. Although the Qin army had many soldiers, they were unable to advance or retreat and were constantly disturbed. The pressure on the two county armies in this defensive battle was not small, but it was enough to withstand it.

When the June sun made both sides of the Taiwan Strait sweltering and the Qin army had to retreat deeper into the dense forests to escape the heat, Li Mu, who was well-supplied with the support of Xiao He, decisively launched a fatal blow:
Taking advantage of the absolute naval superiority, Li Mu personally led the Jiangbei army across the river, carried fire starters and sang Chu songs and rushed into the Qin army's central camp where Ren Xiao was located. The Jiangnan army also launched an attack from the east, burning the barbarians. Mountain.

The Qin Army's Jiangbei Army had no ships to cross the river for support, and they were eager to attack the Jiangbei camp but were dispersed by Peng Yue who appeared from the mountainside without a trace. In the end, they could only watch the fire on the south bank of the river burn the sky red.
The exhausted Qin army collapsed instantly in the face of the fire when they faced two county armies that were much smaller than themselves. The Chu people in the Qin army surrendered after hearing the songs of their hometown. Ren Xiao completely lost his ability to control and was forced to flee. Sixty-year-old Li Mu personally led his guards to catch up and kill him.

At the same time, Yu Ziqi in the Shu area mobilized [-] Shushan elites and [-] Shu people to form an army of more than [-] people and attacked Ziyang City from the rear. Although they did not capture it, they also allowed the Shu area to The remaining Qin army had to be on alert and was unable to respond to the Yishan army.

In the end, Ziyang City did not wait for the returning Qin army, but instead waited for the two county armies.

Li Mu defeated Ren Xiao and entered Shu. (End of chapter)

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