Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 418 Xiang Yu comes out

Chapter 418 Xiang Yu comes out
Yuan Hong's sword is not flashy, but anyone with a little more knowledge can see that it is special.

The environment in Xiaoshengxian Village is generally harmonious, but not all Confucian disciples below are gentlemen, and bullying and cliques occasionally occur.

Among the three little ones, Tianming was bullied a lot because of his out-of-the-way personality and unlike Gao Yue and Shao Yu. The relationship between famous Confucian students is very bad.

Now Tianming suddenly holds a famous sword in his hand. The famous character Yuan Hong is still engraved on the sword. Although Songhai is now under the jurisdiction of the Lu family's Qi State, and all the wanted orders of the Qin State have been torn up, there is no guarantee that those Confucian students will not He would snatch Tianming's sword away and claim it was a 'friendly gift'.

Zhang Liang paid attention to this before leaving during the King of Qi's personal expedition. He chose to believe in the abilities of the three little ones, while Yan Lu, who was left in charge of the Xiaoshengxian Village, practiced the Zuowangxin method and had no plans to serve in the State of Qi. The management style is more disorganized.

If a sword robbery really happened, he would help get it back, but only if Tianming was willing to come for help.

If the atrocity hadn't happened in front of him and Tianming was too angry to ask for help, so the matter wouldn't have become a big deal, Yan Lu wouldn't have paid much attention.

"You will definitely reprimand me when the head brother comes back." Yan Lu sighed slightly. It was not easy to manage hundreds of disciples. There were some things he knew he was not doing well enough, but he seemed to be leisurely and had already reached the limit of his abilities.

No matter how hard we try to be 'promising', it will bring nothing but bigger problems.

Thinking of this, Yan Lu picked up the book in his hand and read it carefully: he could only manage himself well, and he could only try his best to do other things.

Of course, Fu Nian, who left, knew what kind of person his second junior brother was, but he still entrusted Little Saint Xian Manor to him. The reason was very simple: firstly, according to the rules, Yan Lu should be in charge when he was away, and secondly, Yan Lu should be in charge. It's not the best, but it won't make the development of Xiaoshengxian Village worse.

As for the disciples in the village who may have started to become dissolute because of the relaxation of management. Confucianism has the support of His Highness the King of Qi, and there will be no shortage of opportunities to recruit disciples with excellent moral character in the future. The current indulgence is precisely weeding out a group of prodigal sons who lack the ability to manage themselves.

Confucianism is currently developing rapidly. If these 'prodigal sons' are not eliminated now and become officials in the future, they are likely to become worms within Confucianism and damage the reputation of Confucianism externally!
As for the special status of the three little ones getting the Yuan Hong Sword, Fu Nian’s view is very straightforward: Zimu, Ziyou and other Confucian disciples who have a poor relationship with Zi Ming cannot really defeat the three little ones, and the sword will be stolen by Zi Ming. Protect yourself.

The reality was pretty much what he imagined.

After getting Yuan Hong, Tian Ming, whose pseudonym is Zi Ming, began to take the initiative to practice swordsmanship even without the care of his uncle. His advantage also came into play at this time, that is, once he really made up his mind to do something, he would do it. Be able to work tirelessly to achieve this goal.

And when Dong Jun from the Yin Yang family in the mirage came to visit Little Saint Xian Manor to lift the sleeping curse seal for him, Tian Ming fully unleashed his potential.

In a short period of time, he gained some insights into swordsmanship and no longer became the clown in the Confucian swordsmanship class. Gui Gu Zongjing's swordsmanship allowed him to defend his uncle's Yuanhong even without the help of Gao Yue and Shao Yu.

Compared to him, the decadent Shao Yu deserves more attention
Shaoyu learned that Xiang Liang, Fan Zeng, Long Qie and other companions were killed by the Qin army after the Lu family established the Qi State. Among the "crimes" of violent Qin announced by the farmers, there was even the slaughter of small towns to trap and kill the Xiang family. This one.

Gao Yue learned the news from Zhang Liang in advance. His mother Yan Yun was the communication channel between the farmer's family and the Mohist family in Daze Mountain. His two uncles were generals of the South Route Army and North Route Army respectively. Naturally, he felt at first about this. excited.

At that time, Tianming was only happy about the establishment of Qi State, the anti-Qin rebel army. Only Shaoyu was stunned and suddenly collapsed on the ground, and was helped back by two friends who reacted worriedly.

'Shao Yu actually didn't lose control of his emotions because of his rage.'

Gao Yue was still happy at the time, but what happened later made her and Tianming even more worried: Shao Yu actually started drinking because of this!He is drunk all day long and is no longer interested in anything outside. It seems that his entire spiritual world has collapsed and he does not go out or talk much.
Tianming and Gao Yue often come to visit him, but Shao Yu always smells of alcohol and rarely pays attention to them.

That night Tianming finally couldn't hold it back anymore and stepped forward and punched him in an attempt to use the pain to cheer up the former high-spirited young master of the Xiang family, but Shao Yu just looked at him indifferently and continued to raise the wine jar.

Even though they wanted to have sex again at dawn, Gao Yue couldn't stand it anymore and dragged her away. The three of them still didn't talk to each other today.
When the two friends left, even though his face was in pain, Tian Ming didn't act lightly or harshly. Shao Yu, who was covered in wine stains, still looked apologetically in the direction of the door, and then stood up quickly.

He was pretending to be drunk, not just today, but for the past few days.

Its purpose is exactly for this time!
"Tianming and Miss Yue must be very disappointed with me now, but I'm sorry."

Shao Yu took off his clothes and changed into a pair of night clothes. The two companions had just left and they would definitely not come back.

"There are evening classes today. The second master will give lectures in person. If I don't go, Miss Yue will ask for leave for me. It's a good opportunity to leave Little Saint's Manor!"

He clenched his fist and twisted his wrist, with a faint hint of anger in his eyes: "Qin Gou, here I come!"

Taking only some dry food with him, Shao Yu opened the door, poked his head out to make sure that no Confucian disciples were paying attention, and then secretly left the housing area.

Once again, he came to the foot of the courtyard where he and Tianming wanted to climb over the wall to leave last time. This time, no one would stop him. He jumped and left the safe zone where he had stayed for two years.
Shao Yu is going to join the army and join the Qi army!
He is the young master of the Xiang family. Xiang Yu, even without the platform of the Xiang family and the relationship with the Chu State, can still rely on his own strength to make a name for himself in the army!
The ancestors of the Xiang family were able to grow into the strongest clan and generals in the Chu State after the Xiang State was destroyed. Xiang Yu was able to restart the achievements of his ancestors in the Qi State!
Revenge against Qin and revitalize the Xiang clan was Xiang Yu's firm goal after learning that all the Xiang clan members were killed.

But Tianming and Gao Yue would definitely stop him. After losing his family, Xiang Yu didn't want to lose his last friend, so he came up with this method of pretending to be decadent and leaving without saying goodbye.

"When I become the general of Qi, I will personally apologize to you again."

Looking back at the high wall of Xiaoshengxian Village, Xiang Yu walked down the mountain with heavy steps.

Halfway up the mountain, a hidden weapon suddenly hit him. Xiang Yu turned around and took it with his fist, only to find that it was just an ordinary small stone.

"Why, have I forgotten your eldest brother?"

A young man in a ranger uniform was sitting on the treetops by the roadside, with a long sword slung behind him. He looked at him with a smile on his face and jumped down.

"Tianming?" Xiang Yu looked at the visitor in shock. He didn't expect that it was his friend who had just punched him.
"Why, are you surprised~"

Tianming didn't look angry at all just now, and walked forward unsteadily: "Your acting skills are good, but when you meet the hero Tianming, after all, they are a bit behind~"

(End of this chapter)

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