Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 417 King Qi’s personal expedition

In May of the first year of the Second Emperor, Hu Hai, who had been having a lot of fun, summoned the ministers and issued a decree in advance without consulting Li Si and Zhao Gao: he would build an Epang Palace on the west side of Longshouyuan.

After this large-scale new palace is completed, it will become the palace of the world and the center of the empire.

Li Si and Zhao Gao were both moved in their hearts, but did not stand up at this time, because they both knew very well that refuting the 16-year-old Hu Hai in public in the court would not be effective, and only in private afterwards could it affect the announcement. His Majesty the Second Emperor decided.

But they knew this. Not all other courtiers understood Hu Hai's character. Immediately, some ministers jumped out to publicly dissuade the emperor from ordering:

The expedition of hundreds of thousands of troops and millions of corvees have become a huge pressure on the empire. There are already a large number of corvees in Guanzhong. Most of them are improving the Lishan Mausoleum. If they cannot be mobilized, they can only recruit new people from outside the Guan. But now Qi in the east The capital was restored, and the war even spread to the Yan region. Renxiao in the southern Chu region had been blocked by tens of thousands of rebels for several months, and there was no sign of a breakthrough.

Yan, Qi, and Chu were unable to conscript their people. The remaining three Jin lands were the most severely affected areas during the imperial conquest, and were even less able to afford the construction of Afang Palace.

The empire's top priority today should be to organize its armaments and send troops to exterminate the traitor leaders in Qi.

As soon as the minister said what he meant, Hu Hai's smiling face immediately turned dark: "Rebels? Where can there be rebels in the world of Da Qin?"

Facing the emperor's frightened look, the minister wanted to say more, and immediately a Confucian scholar and doctor jumped out from among the ministers:

"What your Majesty said is true. The whole world is the Qin Dynasty and there are no rebels."

Zhao Gao and Li Si, who had eyes and ears in all directions, flashed their eyes when they saw the identity of the speaker: Shu Sun Tong.

A Confucian scholar with a peculiar position. When most of the Confucian scholars in the court were killed by Hu Hai after he succeeded to the throne because they were close to Fusu, Shusun Tong was able to become the third most trusted person of the emperor in addition to Zhao Gao and Li Si. minister.

He was clearly a Confucian, but he said that "Confucians are difficult to make progress and cannot be put to great use" and deceived their masters and destroyed their ancestors, yet they continued to regard themselves as Confucian scholars.

He also has another identity, that is, he is Kong Kun's disciple, but not many people care about this identity. Prime Minister Li Si also studied under Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

"Any minister in the court who falsely claims that there are rebels in the world should be beheaded!" Shusun said violently:
"His Majesty the First Emperor has long demolished the city walls and forged the world's weapons. Now His Majesty the Second Emperor is sitting in the palace, and strict laws are enforced in the world. The country is stable and the people are prosperous. Who will rebel?"

"The so-called restoration of the Qi State is just a bluff by a few thieves. The local government is actively pursuing it. Please don't worry, Your Majesty!"

These words made Hu Hai, who had "ambitious ambitions and long-term enjoyment of the world", extremely satisfied. He looked at Shusun Tong happily, but when his eyes turned to the minister with "ill-intentioned intentions", he immediately changed to disgust: "It's not appropriate. Words and deeds carry five punishments!"

'Unbecoming speech' means saying something that should not be said, and the Five Punishments are the torture and capital punishment of tattooing, cutting off the nose, breaking off the feet, beheading, and mincing into meat paste, which are executed in sequence. It is just a 'speech crime' and one should not enjoy it. With such treatment, the emperor's purpose in doing so was obviously to serve as a warning to those who said there were rebels outside the gates.

Li Si frowned. He finally felt uncontrollable dissatisfaction with the emperor's behavior, but he didn't know that he had already become the target of others.
In the Yan region, Han Xin, who was granted the title of General of the Northern Expedition, captured Jicheng, the former capital of the Yan Kingdom, without much testing. The peasant disciples had widespread branches in the Yan region, enough to serve as internal agents.But he did not relax at all. Two tests faced the young man in his early 20s.

Wang Li on the northern grassland had already destroyed the royal court of the Wolf Clan, and the Qin army did not suffer much loss due to the trap's jump. The most proud cavalry horses of the Wolf Clan were drowned in the drinking water before they could run. Poison was ordered.

It was almost impossible to do this kind of thing, but Luo Wang has Touman Shanyu's absolute trust, Luo Wang's killer skills are outstanding enough, and Luo Wang's ability to make strange poisons is far beyond imagination. Under these various factors, Luo Wang The impossible became possible.

Wang Li easily obtained the military glory he had dreamed of, and Zhao Cheng conveyed Zhao Gao's instructions to him: Return immediately to attack Yan and Qi.This is the first test that Han Xin has to undergo.

The second level is about the nobles in Yanland who want to elect him as king.
One thing I have to admit is that Han Xin was immediately moved: Qi has a King of Qi, and Yan should naturally have a King of Yan. This has been a tradition for hundreds of years since the Zhou Dynasty.

Moreover, being crowned king is Han Xin's biggest pursuit, and now the opportunity to realize his dream is right in front of him.
The lobbyist of the Yandi nobles saw that Han Xin was moved and felt happy, but then, the general who conquered the north suddenly pulled out his Qianjiao sword and subdued him and held a public trial.

The senior generals of the Qi army who participated in the public trial included Lu Shan, Lu Yu, Yan Bing, Lu Chen and Liu Ji.

From the identities of these people, we can see the reason why Han Xin chose to suppress his greed: although he captured half of Yan, his achievements were limited, and all the soldiers in the army, from ordinary soldiers to generals, belonged to His Highness the King of Qi. If a person proclaims himself king privately, he may not need to be dealt with personally by Lu Wei. He will be kidnapped by his own soldiers and sent back to Qi.

'If you want to be crowned king, you must perform military exploits that no one in the world has any objections to! Han Xinxin made a decision. After interrogation, he personally killed the lobbyist in public, and personally led the army to eliminate all the nobles behind him.

After solving the evil-minded nobles in Yan, the Qi army in Yan was left with the task of resisting the Great Wall Army.

Han Xin brought 3 troops from Daze Mountain, collecting refugees and thieves along the way. After arriving in Jicheng, the total force reached more than [-], but the quality inevitably dropped a lot.

The 30 members of the Great Wall Army are all elites of the Qin Army. You can imagine how difficult it will be to fight this war.
Lu Wei of the Central Route Army organized the affairs of the land and handed them over to the Prime Minister Lu Qing. He led the elite soldiers and [-] troops to the west. Dianqing took the lead and was the first to attack in every battle. The unstoppable momentum was vented, and the army quickly broke through Dongjun and entered Hanoi County. After joining the [-] Taixing Army led by the Zhu family, they approached Xingyang.

There is the Qin Army's Guandong grain and grass camp. If you capture it, you can get enough grain and grass to supplement Xianyang in Guanzhong.

He had arranged everything in advance along the way. From Hangu Pass to Xianyang City, there were people from Lu

In Songhai City, the head of Xiaoshengxian Village, Fu Nian and his uncle Xunzi, both went to Licheng. After being conferred as officials of the Qi State, they managed the political affairs of Qi together. The third junior brother Zhang Liang followed the King of Qi and went out with the army, leaving Yan Lu alone to guard. He works in the academy to take care of the disciples who have not yet left school.

Xiaoshengxianzhuang has served as an official in the Qi Kingdom of the Lu family. The powerful Qin Dynasty has not responded to the uprising here for several months. In addition, the Qi army's attack was welcomed by the people everywhere. The Qin army surrendered without a fight. For a time, the empire The country was almost shaken.

Even if the King of Qi's personal expedition cannot reach Hangu Pass this time, the Qin Dynasty may not be able to protect the areas outside Hangu Pass. In the future, the governance of this country will require a large number of officials. It is rare for Confucianism to stand in advance and win once. We must seize this opportunity. opportunity.

Even the Qin State in the past needed Confucian scholars to fill the court, and His Highness the King of Qi, who has always been on good terms with Confucianists, would not exclude Confucian scholars.

Now the disciples in Xiaoshengxian Village will be the disseminators of Confucianism and need to be taught well.

But there are three special beings that make Yan Lu quite troublesome to manage.

That was at dawn, Gao Yue and Shao Yu, who knew that the Xiang clan was almost wiped out and that Xiang Liang and Fan Zeng were all killed in the battle.

Among these three little ones, Tian Ming and Gao Yue are already 15 years old, and Shao Yu is [-] years old. They are at the age where they are easily impulsive. (End of Chapter)

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