Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 425 He Can Be Replaced

Chapter 425 He Can Be Replaced

"Let him become the Eastern Emperor?"

Concubine Yan turned her head and looked at A Qian, who was meditating on the cliff, and raised the corner of her mouth: "Lu Wei is actually willing? You are actually willing?"

As the eldest son of King Qi, A Qian naturally has the hope of being entrusted with further advancement after this war is over, as long as there are no other competitors.

But for him to become Donghuang is almost equivalent to voluntarily giving up that position.

It is not that the head of the Jianghu forces cannot become the emperor. Lu Wei himself was the Qi King who ascended to the throne of Qi King from a peasant family, but the Yin Yang family is obviously a special exception.

The heirs of the new empire can be mediocre or even tyrannical, but they cannot be nagging all day long.

"The tragedy of Ying Zheng's heirs is a microcosm of thousands of years of history. Do you think it will be cut off with Fu Su and Hu Hai?" Moon God said calmly: "The Yin Yang family pursues the great road and maintains the same lineage as the empire. Yuan will be able to rest with the empire in the future."

"The price is that if the empire perishes, it will also perish with it." Concubine Yan's eyes flickered.

"That will be more than ten or even dozens of generations later." Moon God raised his head and looked at the moon: "We do our best, and at most it will only affect the next two or three generations of disciples, and further away, we will have our own rules for the operation of heaven and earth. To execute.”


He rubbed his chin and looked at the exquisite city sign that had been urgently replaced. At first glance, it was obvious that the precious wood and production craftsmanship did not match the 'short' city wall.

Tianming leaned his arm on Xiang Yu's shoulder, pointed at 'Licheng' with his hand and said with disdain: "After all the hard work, we finally got here. The old man on the road obviously pointed us to the right way, but in the end, you still led us in the wrong direction and hurt us. Went into a swamp."

"This." Xiang Yu was slightly embarrassed. Under the gaze of his companions, he raised his hand and clenched his fist and coughed twice: "I am using examples to teach you the first principle after leaving the academy: don't easily trust other people's guidance. "

"But the road is obviously correct."

"My 'other' refers to myself!"

Xiang Yu chuckled and shook Tian Ming's support with a shake of his shoulder. The latter stumbled and almost fell down.

"Wai, what are you doing!"

"This is the second principle: don't trust others easily~"

Xiang Yu laughed and made a joke, no longer caring about his companions, and took the lead towards the city gate.

'According to the old man I met on the road, soldiers are sent to the front line at the beginning of every month. It's still the middle of the month. If you join the Qi Army earlier and perform better, you may be able to set off immediately next month! '

"Okay, how dare you do this to your boss."

Tianming helped Yuan Hong behind him and chased after him with bared teeth and claws.

After the two people approached the city gate, they looked at the upright armored guards with serious expressions on their faces: This is the identity they will obtain next.
"Yue'er, what's the matter?"

The Princess of Qi, Lu He, also went out on the street today for a "private visit in private".

After holding back in Daze Mountain for more than ten years, she was finally able to go down the mountain freely. She was very happy about the prosperity of the world and was curious about everything: even though Licheng was not a big city.

But it doesn't matter, because of Lu Wei's efforts, she doesn't have much time left to have "little knowledge"~
There were two little followers who came out with the eldest princess. One of them was Gao Yue who had returned from Xiaoshengxian Manor.

The girl came to Licheng one step earlier than the lost Tianming Shaoyu. Under the arrangement of her mother Yan Yun, she got the opportunity to get close to Lu He. "I met two friends. They probably didn't expect that I would be here."

Gao Yue's eyes passed through a merchant street and accurately focused on Tianming Xiang Yu who was passing by without realizing it.

"Oh?" Lu He smiled gently: "How about giving them a surprise?"

"No, Your Highness Princess."

Another accompanying attendant suddenly spoke: "Your status does not allow you to meet foreigners at this time. Moreover, Yue'er's two friends have special fates. In my opinion, it is best not to disturb their actions."

Xu Fu was only seven years old this year, but he looked like a young adult and warned Lu He and Gao Yue, who were older than him, with a straight face.

As a disciple of the former Donghuang, Xu Fu met Donghuang only a few times and only received some basic teachings. Later, the teacher died.
The new leader of the Yin-Yang family, Master Yueshen, continued to accept her as a disciple and re-pointed her in the direction of Yin-Yang. Xu Fu's peerless talent began to explode, and she easily surpassed her 'incompetent father' and became the Yin-Yang. Candidate for future Dharma protector of the family.

She was a playmate who was begged by Lu He to be his companion, but Yuki-onna, who was eager for her beloved daughter, also specifically granted jurisdiction over her.

The only Qi-gazing technique that Xu Wang had learned reached a leap with Xu Fu. After several performances, Lu He and Gao Yue were convinced of her words.

Now that Xu Fu said this, the two girls did not mention the matter of summoning Tianming Xiang Yu again: since they had another chance, they couldn't ruin it now.

Xiang Yu, who had no idea that he had been judged by the geniuses of the Yin and Yang family, was still not lost in the city. The two successfully found the government and applied to join the Qi army, and were taken to the military camp outside the city for training.

With their physical fitness, they could cope with the training easily, and they were quickly appreciated by the officers of the Qi army: as a martial arts sect, the Nong family had many internal masters, and after the restoration of the Qi State and the rebellion against the Qin Dynasty, the masters of the martial arts came to Licheng to join the Qi army. There were not a few, so the two of them were quickly promoted to senior officers and went with the army to the North Route Army at the beginning of next month.

It was a bit regretful that he could not go to the middle line led by King Qi himself, but as long as he could defeat the Qin army, Xiang Yu had no problem with it.

It is said that the commander-in-chief of the North Route Army was a young general who had only joined the peasant family for two years before the uprising. Because of his outstanding talents, he was selected by His Highness the King of Qi to directly lead an army. This made many knights-errants who thought that their talents were underappreciated wanted to imitate him.

'Han Xin?' This is also the reason why Xiang Yu came to the Qi Army. Here he has the opportunity to revive the Xiang family. Otherwise, if it were his home country of Chu, it would be extremely difficult to start from scratch: 'He can replace it! '

Han Xin didn't know that his position was being watched by a pawn named Xiang Yu who was far away in Daze Mountain. He was currently setting up an army formation against Wang Li.

Wang Li's Great Wall Army had indeed returned with a great victory, but the good news was that the other party was in a hurry to return to Guanzhong and seemed to have no intention of fighting with the Yan Qi army.

How could Han Xin miss this opportunity: preventing his enemies from doing something would definitely benefit himself.

Therefore, he took the initiative and showed signs that he was going to lead his army into Taiyuan County. Wang Li, who was in Shang County, couldn't help but led the armor-piercing soldiers and the Anbei Town Army to attack.

These two elites combined have [-] capable soldiers. Compared with the [-] troops selected by Han Xin, although they do not have an advantage in numbers, they have well-equipped weapons and equipment. The most important thing is: the Qin army has many cavalry.

Farmers can hide troops, but it is not easy to hide horses. After raising troops, the lack of cavalry is indeed a big problem.

Moreover, although the Great Wall Army was returning to Guanzhong through the Hetao in an orderly manner, the Qin army that had not evacuated from Shangjun could still come to support Wang Li at any time. Based on Han Xin's judgment, he estimated that the Qin army that could come to support could still number one hundred thousand.

In other words, he must be prepared to resist the 18 Great Wall Legion at any time.

Of course, at that point, regardless of the victory or defeat on the battlefield, Wang Li's retreat plan will be delayed for a few more months. By then, His Highness the King of Qi may have led his army into Guanzhong, and Han Xin can also make a great effort to contain it.

But if I could swallow Wang Li, wouldn’t my credit be even greater~
(End of this chapter)

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