Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 426 Star Soul Zhang Liang

Chapter 426 Star Soul Zhang Liang
“It’s really surprising to hear that Little Saint Xianzhuang is using all its strength to support His Highness Prince Qi without any retreat~”

In Xingyang City, Xinghun was playing a chess game with Zhang Liang in front of him.

Although the Zuo Protector of the Yin Yang Family has now taken off the uniform of the Yin Yang Family and changed into civilian clothes. His identity is only an ordinary subordinate of King Qi, but the strange patterns on his face and pale skin are still easy to attract people. Attention.

"The Master said: 'Government based on virtue is like Beichen, who lives in his place and is shared by all the stars.' His Royal Highness the King of Qi is highly virtuous and talented. He is dedicated to serving the people without selfish desires. The little sage Zhuang deeply admires him and voluntarily follows his example. It’s nothing unusual.”

Zhang Liang calmly looked at Xinghun, who still had the appearance of a young man, and said with a slight smile: "Isn't the same thing true for the Yin Yang family?"

"The Yin Yang family does support His Highness Prince Qi, but this does not represent my personal attitude, just like the support of Xiaoshengxian Village is not the whole reason for Zifang, right?"

After Xinghun completed the practice of Yin Yang Art to wash away hatred, his feelings for the Yin Yang Family were almost shallow. From the beginning, he only regarded the Yin Yang Family as his last resort. Now that he has other options, he abandons his previous choice. There will be no psychological burden on Star Soul.

There are many reasons why the Yin Yang Family supports Lu Wei, but his own support for Lu Wei is another matter.

The reason why he said this so frankly was because Xinghun believed that Zhang Liang was the same.
"Zifang is a direct descendant of the Zhang family of the former Fifth Prime Minister of Korea. After the world is settled, I wonder if His Highness King Qi will be persuaded to re-implement the enfeoffment and restoration of Korea~"

Xinghun's question goes straight to Zhang Liang's heart.

"Monarchs throughout the ages were born lonely. They not only had to guard against the people, but also against ministers, harems, and children." When asked, Zhang Liang said without any hesitation: "My identity is naturally associated with old Korea. , there are even signs of running for the restoration of the country in the early years, so it’s not surprising that you would have such a problem.”

"But now, although the results of some things have not yet been confirmed, the only one who can make a choice is His Highness King Qi. If I were not stupid, I would not disobey His Highness King Qi's wishes, just like when Ying Zheng was still alive. No one can reverse his decision like that."

“The majesty of the emperor cannot be ignored.”

Linking Lu Wei to Ying Zheng is an inappropriate comparison, especially at this time: Ying Zheng is a tyrant recognized by the world and has no merit at all. Anyone who dares to praise Ying Zheng is defying public opinion.

However, Xinghun and Zhang Liang's chat today had their own purposes, and sincerity was a condition for each other, so it didn't matter.

"Since Yao and Shun, the power of the rulers of the world has always been developing in a trend of continuous concentration. Now you and I can still evaluate the king of Qi. After a thousand years, I am afraid that everyone will be kneeling and obeying the emperor's will." Xinghun walked along Zhang Liang sighed with emotion.

By this time, the two smart people understood each other's intentions, and it was enough to establish a shallow but not fragile alliance.

Today's situation in the world is a foregone conclusion. Although Qi's good situation is all reflected in a 'raid', if there is a big defeat at Hangu Pass, everything will most likely be in vain. But who can make the current situation in Guanzhong The emperor of Qin was Hu Hai and the person in power was Zhao Gao~
In the past, Li Mu of Zhao State was strong, but it was Zhao Qian and Guo Kai who enjoyed themselves in Handan. Therefore, no one in the Qin State doubted the fate of destroying Zhao. Even if Zhao was attacked and defeated many times since [-] BC, no one questioned Ying Zheng. This decision is very similar to the current situation of Qin at this time.

Feng shui has turned to Qin itself, which is a lesson worthy of vigilance.

After the unification of Qi, more problems will arise. Xinghun and Zhang Liang's status in the Qi army at this time is only that of staff advisors, and now they need to cooperate to fight for the right to speak within Qi.

His Highness King Qi is very rational and can make decisions by himself, but he still delegates many matters to his subordinates to the greatest extent possible.

After all, for Lu Wei, as the King of Qi, leading the army into Guanzhong to destroy Qin was enough to take away [-]% of the credit for this troubled time. If he continued to do everything personally, not only would the proportion of credit increase, but the opportunities for subordinates at all levels to make contributions would also increase. They will all disappear, which is absolutely impossible.

If the people below are not allowed to get promotion opportunities, resentment will inevitably rush to him, the King of Qi~
Therefore, grasping the big head and letting the small head go is a balance that Lu Wei deliberately maintains now. He cannot take all the credit and must take the initiative to divide it.But how to divide is also a problem. Lu Wei hopes that those who can put aside their background and stand on the side of the 'Emperor' in their personal capacity will be divided more.

So after giving some hints, Xinghun and Zhang Liang came together.

These two people will become a pair of clean gloves for Lu in the ministers outside the farmhouse. Of course, as a reward, Lu will also give them what they want at the appropriate time.

Hu Hai continued to hide in the palace and enjoy himself, and his desires became even more rampant under the cultivation of omnipotent power.

On this day, he ordered to recruit another group of laborers from the six kingdoms of Kanto to build a new hot spring palace for him.

The territory outside Hangu Pass has long been the territory of the Qi army. Even if the order is issued and obeyed by the counties still under the rule of Qin officials, people cannot be sent into the pass. Therefore, in order to ensure that his plan is not exposed in advance, Zhao Gao secretly recruits The scope was changed to Guanzhong Lao Qin people.

The people of Lao Qin suffered no less than those of the Six Kingdoms of Shandong, but they had been used to it for decades. However, what Hu Hai did this time made them unbearable: the oppression that the people of Lao Qin had always suffered was tightening. on a string.

Since Shang Yang's reform, the empire had been careful to maintain the condition of this string, not to let it break the limit, and to squeeze out the maximum value of labor force from it. But when Hu Hai came, he completely broke the string.

When Li Si got the news, he immediately felt something bad: Firstly, the decree was issued without going through him as the prime minister, and secondly, it seemed that the world was really going to be screwed by them.
In addition, the news from Sanchuan County has not been updated for a long time, which at least means that the Qin spies outside Hangu Pass have lost their sight. If we go by the worst outcome, maybe his eldest son Li You has died.
"Get out of the way, I want to see His Majesty!"

Li Si has rarely shown an upright attitude since the death of the First Emperor: Self-interest belongs to self-interest. If the Qin State completely collapses, then he may change from "one phase through the ages" to a counterexample in the history books!

You must save your reputation!

The best way Li Si can think of now is similar to Zhao Gao's idea, first use Hangu Pass to defend Guanzhong, then relax the punishment appropriately, reduce extravagant construction, manage the internal affairs, and then send out the army to attack again.

With his ability, after obtaining such power, at least he will not make the situation worse.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister, your Majesty is having a banquet in the palace, and you don't see any foreign ministers."

However, the palace guard captain Yan Le, with a straight face and a selfless look, prevented Li Si from barging in to ask for an audience.

The identity and power of the Prime Minister came from the imperial power. Unless Hu Hai summoned him, Li Si would not be able to squeeze through the strong soldiers.

Looking at Yan Leli's attitude with his sword half drawn and his hands clenched into fists, the Prime Minister finally followed his heart and gave in: he wanted to go back and write a memorial to submit to Hu Hai.

Just like the "Book of Remonstrance and Expulsion" written more than 20 years ago!
Li Si has full confidence in his literary talent.

But not long after he returned home, the Qin army surrounded the Prime Minister's Mansion.
Zhao Gao is going to close the net on him.

(End of this chapter)

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