Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 427 Lishan Plan

After Li Si was arrested and imprisoned, the jailers tortured him without explanation.

When he was young, Li Si dared to break into Lu Buwei's carriage and recommend himself to him when he first came out of Xiaoshengxianzhuang, which shows that he has no shortage of courage.

But everyone has it when they are young and vigorous. When the aging Prime Minister faces the torture of the empire, his delicate body and brain can write good articles and handle the world's political affairs well, but he cannot resist the torture.

To get a prisoner to surrender in a trap, there are so many ways that you can't imagine
"Li Si really wants to rebel!"

Boom, an angry Hu Hai threw away the evidence of the Li Si family's rebellion presented by Zhao Gao, and slapped it hard on the table. All the servants in the Prime Minister's Mansion who came to 'report and testify' were frightened by the sound, and they all turned to face each other. The ground, trembling all over.

"Your Majesty, I have arrested Li Si and sent decent people to obtain more conclusive evidence from him."

Zhao Gao lowered his head and smiled, reporting to Hu Hai.

Zhao Gao admired Li Xiangguo's talent very much, but unfortunately, he would not side with Luo Wang, and it was too late. There was no extra time for an internal power struggle, so he could only use violence to solve the matter quickly.

"Trial! When he opens his mouth, I will listen to him tell his crime in person!" Hu Hai continued to flip the table off in anger, stood up and was disgusted with these annoying things, and wanted to go to the harem through the side door to have some fun.

Yan Le, who was guarding the door, seized the moment and suddenly entered the palace and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, the Right Prime Minister Feng Quji and General Feng Jie are asking for an audience. They said they are here for Li Si."

"No!" Hu Hai, who was furious, was full of hostility towards Liang Feng's visit and did not look back: "Zhao Gao, you go handle it!"

"Your Majesty, I obey the order!" Zhao Gao bowed, feeling very satisfied with his arrangement.

Feng Quji and Feng Jie, the descendants of Feng Ting who had dedicated their party to the Zhao State and became the trigger for the Changping War, now have high prestige in the Qin court, second only to a few ministers such as Li Si and Meng Tian during the First Emperor's period.

But unfortunately, they have never been trusted by Hu Hai. To get rid of these two people, we only need to borrow the aftermath of the Li Si case.

Both of them have upright personalities. It doesn't take much effort to trap such people, they will force themselves to death!

Sure enough, when Feng Quji and Feng Jie learned that they were going to be punished, they cried bitterly that "the generals will not be humiliated" and took the initiative to draw their swords to commit suicide, allowing Zhao Gao to easily accuse them of colluding with Li Si and committing suicide in fear of crime.

At that time, in addition to the two people who committed suicide at the gate of the palace, there was another person passing by who witnessed all this with his own eyes.

The grief for his family and country in his heart could not be increased, but Ziying still had to smile to please Zhao Gao and implement his plan.
"Xingyang has been defeated. The Qi army will definitely camp in Caoyang next. Hangu Pass is the last barrier in the pass. You and the three of you cannot slack off."

The negotiations between Zhao Cheng and Qi State on Hangu Pass came to no result. The other party also took advantage of this time to stabilize their arrangements in Xingyang and Aocang. From the analysis of the military formation, they must attack the pass by force.

Looking at Zhao Yi, Zhou Zhang and Wu Chen in front of him, Zhao Cheng asked them to guard the pass and never attack, and then prepared to return to Xianyang.

There is no need to talk to Qi State.

After Li Si, the obstacle dog, was resolved, there was no obstacle for Zhao Gao to ascend to the position of prime minister.

For Luo Wang, the higher the position, the more closely the lower levels must be monitored. Zhao Gao, an outsider, has limited trust, so he needs his own brother to watch over the officials for him.

"Yes!" The three people who have become the guards of Hangu Pass are all higher than Baishen Zhao Cheng, but they have to kowtow to this man.

After all, with the other party's status, I am afraid that he will soon become a big shot at the level of Jiuqing in Xianyang.

"The Great Wall Army retreating south will come to help you soon. You just need to hold on for more than a month."

Because of the heavy responsibility, Zhao Cheng repeatedly reminded Zhao Yi and others.

The current Hangu Pass defenders are indeed somewhat scarce in strength and can only rely on the city wall to hold on, but as long as the 30 Great Wall Legion arrives, everything will be fine.
"Hangu Pass is truly the most dangerous place in mountains and rivers."

After the Qi army arrived in Caoyang, the King of Qi personally led the armored troops to inspect Hangu Pass from a distance. The tall and steep city wall was indeed disappointing at first glance.

In front of such a 'military fortress', personal strength is really insignificant. If you want to open the city gate, it seems that the only option is to attack by force.

In the past, Lian Po, Zhao She, Wei Wuji and other famous generals were defeated in front of the pass. They looked at the mountains and sighed. Kuang Zhang, the only famous Qi general who broke through Hangu Pass, also spent three years gathering the elites of Qi, Han and Wei.

Now that the Hangu Pass is empty, the Qi army will rely on the power of the Mohist and Gongshu factions to attack. It will definitely not take three years, but it will take several months. At that time, waiting for the Great Wall Legion to come to support will be extremely stressful.If you want to win quickly, you can only take action from inside Hangu Pass. Zhou Wen did not hesitate to break his arm and sacrifice his lurking to lay a chess piece for the farmer in advance.

But before using this chess piece, Lu Wei wanted to start with Zhao Yi.

And, that person in Guanzhong.

Outside the Lishan Mausoleum, Tian Guang, who had pale hair and beard, escaped from the sight of the supervisor Qin Jun and found an opportunity to talk secretly with several muscular laborers.

Such an opportunity would never have been available a year ago, but now, more than half of the Qin army guarding Lishan Mountain has been transferred to support Hangu Pass. The remaining Qin army's defense will inevitably relax, which gives the prisoner opportunity for them to connect.

"Boss Tian, ​​is there any news from outside?"

A strong man looked at Tian Guang expectantly.

"The Qi army arrived in Xingyang more than ten days ago and will soon arrive at Hangu Pass."

It is not easy to communicate with the outside world in Lishan, and there is a serious lag in receiving messages. This is mainly because Tian Guang has too few people he can trust in Guanzhong, and he has to sneak out at night to do many things himself.

But Tian Guang knew very well what he wanted to do now.

"It seems that His Highness King Qi has put a lot of pressure on Bao Qin. I have been lazy for a long time today without being discovered." Another strong man rubbed his hands and was very excited about Tian Guang's news. He unconsciously added " In a tone of admiration.

These Lishan prisoners have little knowledge, and they have no idea what the general trend of the world is, but they are particularly good at trying to make their lives better.

If they can be lazy, they will never do more work.

If they can get more food, they can easily betray their companions and report to the Qin army.

One can imagine the difficulty of managing such 70 prisoners and the difficulty of planning their uprising.

To conquer these people, the most effective way is benefits, and they must be benefits that can be obtained immediately. The vast majority of them will not look too far away, and it can even be said that they have no consciousness to look too far away.

This is not a problem for Tian Guang. As a former peasant hero, he has been in the world for decades. He is very good at interacting with these ignorant lower-class people and gangsters.

Tian Guang worked here for five years after the death of Chu. After the death of the First Emperor, he came back to run the business. There were only six people in front of him who he could trust in Lishan.

These people all have a blood feud with the Qin State, and they also have a common hobby of practicing martial arts.

For Tian Guang, it is too easy for him to satisfy such a hobby, and he does not even need to use the farmer's skills to harm the interests of the farmer.

"Boss Tian, ​​should we implement the plan and cooperate with His Highness King Qi's actions?" The only dwarf prisoner among the six people asked positively with a smile.

After hearing this, several other people immediately looked at Tian Guang, looking forward to his answer.

Originally, the reason for obeying Boss Tian was that Boss Tian was of noble character and could teach martial arts to sinners like them who were born as untouchables.

Not long ago, I learned that Boss Tian was able to get in touch with the leader of the rebel army, His Royal Highness King Qi. In addition, the number of guards at Lishan Mausoleum has indeed been reduced a lot, and no one knows whether their fate will be executed like those inner-level craftsmen of Lishan, no matter how ignorant they are. , some thoughts emerged from their minds involuntarily.

Even because of ignorance, they don't know how difficult what they have to do is.

"Yes, if we can launch an uprising in Lishan Mountain, march straight from Guanzhong to Hangu Pass, and welcome His Highness the King of Qi to enter the Pass, we will be prosperous and wealthy in the future."

It's not that simple to rebel, but Tian Guang knows that for these prisoners, it's useless to talk complicated.

It is better to directly mobilize your emotions, and you will be more likely to succeed.

Even if it fails and the uprising is impossible, then just a chaotic riot. It will not be that easy to suppress the 70 prisoners in Guanzhong! (End of chapter)

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