Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 428 Rebellion

Some gossip began to spread among the Lishan prisoners.

'When the First Emperor's Mausoleum is repaired, the Qin army will execute all the prisoners as sacrificial burials to ensure that no one will leak the structure of the Emperor's Mausoleum. '

The rumor that 70 people were executed at one time is too false: most of the laborers here are just coolies, not as familiar with the structure of the underground palace as craftsmen, and most of them are concentrated in the outer layer, too far away from the main palace.

Compared with execution, it is obviously more valuable to transfer these people to work elsewhere.

But who can expect these laborers who have been oppressed all their lives to think so much?
They could personally experience the strictness and violence of Qin's laws. The second emperor ordered the first emperor to be buried in the harem, and the craftsmen were buried in the harem. They could also see it.

People believed that the emperor of this empire could do such a thing, so with just a slight provocation, the rumors would quickly spread to the entire Lishan Mausoleum area!

The restless situation was not hidden. When Sima Xin, the commander-in-chief guarding the Qin army, heard the news, he immediately thought that someone was fishing in troubled waters. He had the ability to follow the clues, but he was unable to execute the mastermind behind the scenes.
As a member of the former Shadow Guards, the Shadow Guards experienced two commanders, Zhang Han and Meng Yi, before being completely abolished by His Majesty the newly enthroned Second Emperor.

The emperor only needs a trap, and most of the remaining members of the Shadow Guard will end up not very good.
Sima Xin was lucky. Because he stayed in Xianyang for a long time and did not directly conflict with Luo Wang, he escaped the death penalty for participating in Meng Yi's rebellion. Therefore, after the Shadow Secret Guard was abolished, he was only demoted to Lishan as a supervisor.

"Right now, Lishan's guards are slack and there is a shortage of soldiers. If a riot breaks out, you and I may be killed here."

Calling Dong Yi, who had a similar encounter with him, Sima Xin said anxiously.

"Why not issue a proclamation to reassure the public?" Dong Yi is the protagonist of the allusion of "Bingbi Zhishu" and a descendant of Dong Hu, Taishi of the Jin Dynasty. He has some ancestral righteousness in his heart, but not much
He couldn't continue talking in the middle of his sentence. These prisoners were not characters who could reason, so Dong Yi changed his words: "We might as well arrest some violent criminals and explain the canonical punishment as a deterrent."

The only choices left to them were to reward them with benefits or to threaten them with severe punishments. Both of them were demoted from junior high schools. There was no way they could have any money to reward them. They could only scare these prisoners first, and then send someone to report urgently to Xianyang. .

When Dong Yi came over, he first saw Sima Xin facing out the window, full of hesitation. He thought he was at a loss because of panic, so he actively offered suggestions to comfort his colleague.

"Xianyang only has [-] troops. They still have to defend the palace. How can they have any spare power to rescue you and me?" Sima Xin shook his head.

His attitude immediately made Dong Yi understand: he already had an idea, and he was just calling him to persuade him to join.

That's why I hesitated before.
"Then what do you think?" Dong Yi held the hilt of the sword at his waist with his right hand, carefully looked at the furnishings in the room, and asked solemnly. This action fell into the eyes of Sima Xin, who did not take it seriously and continued: "You and I both He is an old member of General Zhang Han and is not liked by Zhao Gao. The only ending in his life is either to build a mausoleum in Mount Li or to build roads in the north, with no future left."

"Not only that, if there is a riot in Lishan this time, even if you and I can escape, we will definitely be killed by Zhao Gao for dereliction of duty."

"It's true. What can be done about it?" Dong Yi silently put down his right hand and asked with a sigh.

Even if glory and wealth can be ignored, who can ignore life, and even the life of family and family?
Therefore, he deliberately ignored Sima Xin's remarks about his hint of disloyalty to the empire.

"Today the empire has lost all its land in the six kingdoms of Shandong. The King of Qi outside the pass has arrived at the Hangu Pass. In the southern Chu region, Renhao's 20-strong army has been wiped out. It can be said that it is a life-or-death situation."

Sima Xin began to gradually reveal his true intentions: "Although His Majesty is the emperor today, all the real power is in the hands of the villain Zhao Gao. In recent days, he has brutally killed Prime Minister Li Si, Feng Quji, and General Feng Jie. It can be said that he is acting against the will." , bringing harm to the world!"

"With such a traitor in power, even if the Hangu Pass is strong, it will be difficult to hold on to the empire. If you and I don't make changes, I'm afraid we will have to meet His Majesty the First Emperor before such a rebellious minister."

"." Dong Yi didn't speak. Sima Xin's purpose in saying so much was just to emphasize the current situation of the two of them, and he hadn't clearly stated a way to survive.

Although the other party has implicitly expressed something.
Seeing his long silence, Sima Xin continued his efforts: "Instead of dying in vain, you and I should lead the Lishan army and the prisoners to surrender to His Highness the King of Qi, welcome the King of Qi into the pass, and then follow him into Xianyang, and ask His Highness to kill Zhao Gao. If His Majesty the First Emperor is so spiritual, he will surely appreciate you and me!"

"The King of Qi is far away from the customs, and you and I have too little power. How can we communicate and express our loyalty?" Dong Yi knew what he was doing, so he pretended to be stupid and cooperated with Sima Xin's performance.

The other party is actually so familiar with things outside Hangu Pass. The reason can only be
But, so what, now the situation between the two of them is indeed on the verge of death, and they cannot give up any hope of survival!
"Well," Sima Xin said in a long tone, turning to look out the window: "What do you think, Mr. Tian?"

As he finished speaking, Tian Guang nimbly jumped out from outside and stared at the two people with a smile on his face.

Dong Yi was not surprised, but he noticed a fresh wound on the neck of the old man whom Sima Xin called 'Mr. Tian'.

It wasn't deep, it probably only scratched a layer of the opponent's skin, and there was still some reddish traces of blood left nearby.

'This is the mastermind behind spreading rumors in Lishan this time. Sima Xin has outstanding abilities and caught him anyway. Apparently he had a confrontation with him and even used weapons.'

'I didn't expect that this would be someone from His Highness King Qi who was far away from the pass. '

Dong Yi was alert and made some speculations about the reason why Sima Xin suddenly proposed to surrender to the King of Qi: Although the murderer who instigated the prisoners was caught, the fact that he had been instigated cannot be changed, not to mention that even if the undercurrent calmed down this time , who knows if there will be a next time.

What's more, judging from the emergency transfer of Lishan soldiers, the King of Qi is really about to reach Hangu Pass. What will happen if he comes in and learns that his subordinates have been killed.
'So, Sima Xin found out that the murderer who put him in danger became the only one who could save him, so he decisively chose to follow his advice and join King Qi.'

'First use the Lishan prisoners, and then use the prisoners to intimidate us, what a good method! '

"Who is this?" Dong Yi still frowned and asked curiously, even though he had already figured everything out.

The integrity that belonged to his ancestors and was not afraid of swords and guns was crushed to death, and what was left was only the hard work of acting to stay alive.

"He's just an unknown person in Xia Tiandu." Tian Guang gave his pseudonym and acted as if he was just an old man, but the cleverness of his move to climb over the window just now was seen by Sima Xin and Dong Ying. inside.

"He is a former farmer's disciple who had some friendship with His Highness the King of Qi, so he came to serve as a lobbyist in Guanzhong for him."

Hearing these words, Sima Xin and Dong Yi couldn't help but stand in awe: Are they actually friends with His Highness the King of Qi himself?
"Tian Lao, please sit down. It was because of Lao Tian's enlightenment that I was able to clear up the clouds and see the sun." Sima Xin diligently stepped forward and helped Tian Guang sit down in his seat. Tian Guang did not refuse: To these two Qin Army captains, he would go beyond The more you put on the show, the more confident you will be.

"Brother Dong Yi must now understand Mr. Tian's good intentions and will definitely make the right choice."

Speaking, Sima Xin looked at his colleagues.

Dong Yi watched an old man dressed as a prisoner being treated so respectfully by Sima Xin, and he couldn't help but feel a little strange in his heart: especially since the other man was from the King of Qi, fighting to the death with Qin, and the two of them were Qin generals for generations.
But in his heart, he bent down, clasped his fists, and nodded, saying, "Our hearts go to King Qi, and we will ask Mr. Tian to give you instructions."

The Lishan prisoners could threaten the Qin army's generals, and the Qin army's generals could also restrain these prisoners. Taking advantage of the relationship between the two parties, Tian Guang pulled up the banner of Lu Wei and successfully gained the trust of both parties, greatly increasing the success rate of the uprising.

'Sima Xin values ​​self-interest and follows the crowd, while Dong Yi has a slight bottom line. The two of them can also become mutual restraints. I can make good use of this. '

A flash of consciousness flashed through his mind, and Tian Guang said with a smile: "Very good, with today's decision, when His Highness King Qi enters the border, it may not be impossible to become a marquis~"

The picture needs to be big. As for whether they can be granted the title of marquis. If Sima Xin and Dong Yi have really done enough, Lu Xiaozi will not begrudge the title.
In Hangu Pass, Zhao Yi already knew that the King of Qi outside the city was Lu Wei, who had been friends with him in the past. The other party had treated him well when he took him into farming.

Now, he wants to make an enemy of him, and he still acts as a general of Qin, which makes Zhao Yi feel a little guilty (End of Chapter)

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