Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 429 I’m doing this all for the empire

I think back when I was in Shandan, Handan, I just gave away a sandalwood platform and hundreds of big and small music and dancing girls.

Lu Wei helped him become a minister of Zhao, and later helped him obtain the status of a famous general of Zhao, which was enough to leave his name in the history books.

In contrast, Zhao Yi believed that he owed the other party too much.

It is true that a big reason for this is that Zhao Yi saw the power of Qi and did not dare to become an enemy.

He believed that he was still a member of Zhao. It would be okay if he did not do anything in the Qin State and just enjoyed the blessings. But now he was imprisoned for more than ten years before he was released by Zhao Gao, but soon the area under his jurisdiction would be attacked by the powerful Qi army. Zhao Yi There is no loyalty to Qin at all.

Especially today, a letter from Lu Wei was sent in from outside the city. The content was not to persuade him to surrender, but a simple reminiscence of the past. This made Zhao Yi, who had not felt warmth for more than ten years, couldn't help but recall his encounter with the other party, and felt in his heart While feeling sad, I was also preparing to write a normal reply to the other party.

Although the two sides are at war now, Zhao Yi doesn't think there is any problem with this: excluding his original desire for Lu Wei, the previous wars were too bloody and lacked the spirit of nobility. Now he and Lu Wei are the commander-in-chief of each other. , the exchange of letters just shows the good behavior of ancient benevolent people.

Besides, his reply was really just an ordinary greeting.

But in the eyes of the rest of the Qin army at Hangu Pass, especially Zhou Wen and Wu Chen, the meaning is extraordinary!

Zhao Gao asked two people to monitor Zhao Yi, but Zhao Yi colluded with Lu Wei in public without any pretense, which shocked both of them for a moment.

They are all old foxes who are proficient in undercover methods, but they have no idea what Zhao Yi wants to do.
Such a blatant action did not look like surrendering to the enemy, but what it did was clearly to actively undermine the morale of the Qin army and destroy the trust among the Qin army generals.

Could it be that he is doing something like "being as wise as a fool"?
Shaking his head, Zhou Wen did not interfere. He continued to win over the generals of Hangu Pass and infiltrated his forces into the key positions of Hangu Pass, ready to cooperate with the actions of the heroes in the city at any time.

His status as the leader of Luowang Duanshui allowed him to implement all of this smoothly, but because he did not dare to alert others too much, the progress was slow.

Wu Chen was rare and didn't pay much attention to this matter. He had another view on his situation: as a mercenary, Wu Chen's best thing was to repeatedly jump around to grab the maximum benefit.

The situation in the world has been decided. Zhao Yi and Zhou Wen, the main guards at Hangu Pass, have their own plans. Naturally, he cannot be stupid and let himself be betrayed.

But for Wu Chen, the biggest benefit is to get ahead of Zhao Yi and Zhou Wen?of course not!

He did find out something was wrong with his two colleagues based on his intuition when they got along, but it didn't mean that these two colleagues would rebel against Qin and return to Qi.

The reason is simple: Although Zhao Yi showed the most obvious performance, he was timid and had neither the courage nor the ability to lead an uprising in Hangu Pass, which was full of Qin troops.

More than ten years of prison life seems to have worn away all the spirit of Zhao Gao's last famous general and made him humble. This is probably the biggest reason why Zhao Gao used him: a person with a humble self will not have the ability to bite him. Lord desire.

Not to mention Zhou Wen, he knows all about his grudges with the farmers.

It can only be said that the empire's weak power makes everyone's hearts and minds fluctuate, and not many people really have the courage to betray it.

If the two colleagues will not surrender, then there is a certain danger in his organization to sacrifice, and he cannot do it easily.

Compared with Xianguan, Wu Chen's ambitions were greater. Before implementing his ambitions, he did not want to interfere with anything at Hangu Pass.

The three most powerful generals have little interest in rebelling against Qi, as can be imagined by ordinary soldiers.

It was clear that the Qi army had not formally attacked the city yet, and the morale within the pass dropped rapidly.
"Brother Lu, no, none of my brothers were involved in the Battle of Hanshan, except you." Ji Yan sat cross-legged in front of the desk and carefully read Zhao Yi's reply for Lu Wei. She was very impressed with the Hangu Pass guard who was so cooperative. General, her first feeling was surprise: Such a person could actually survive from the period of the Seven Kingdoms Conflict to the present, and was awarded such a big responsibility by Zhao Gao. I don't know what kind of coincidence it was.

At the end of reading the letter, Zhao Yi actually lamented that he didn't know when he would be able to return to Handan, raise servants, and return to a carefree life.

"Zhao Yi should be over fifty years old, how could he be so naive?"

After putting down the letter, Ji Yan leaned back and came into the arms of His Highness King Qi.

She raised her head and looked down at Lu Wei, her eyes sparkling, her delicate nose twitching slightly, her pale pink lips exhaling slightly, inducing the latter to focus on her face.

Lu, who was sitting calmly, consciously raised his hand and pressed it where it should be pressed. While the latter's breathing became heavier, he said seriously: "Don't you think that his behavior is exactly the best choice for him~"

"Oh?" Ji Yan's gradually blurred eyes flashed with clarity: "With Zhao Yi's identity, if he can survive until the war, can he get a position out of thin air by virtue of his identity?"

Zhao Yi is the representative of the old Zhao clan, the son of the famous Pingyuan Jun, the last famous general of Zhao, and a former friend of His Highness King Qi. If he gets another Hangu Pass surrendered general status, with these blessings, whether it will appease people's hearts or For practical reasons, the consolation of a feudal lord is indeed likely to be granted to him.

Even if Zhao Yi does nothing, he only needs to wait for the Qi army to enter the pass and surrender.

"But the emotions in those letters don't seem to be fake."

"How can a person get so many benefits just by luck and the price is just more than ten years in prison?"

His Highness King Qi snorted, but Ji Yan raised his head for too long, turned around and snuggled closer to him, and boldly bit his neck lightly.

Such charming charm made Lu Wei full of novelty.

"Zhao Yi has many shortcomings, but he is very good at discerning which practices can really bring him benefits. These are subconscious and can even deceive his own superficial thoughts."

"But it doesn't matter. The huge new empire in the future will also have to raise some beautiful vases. It is also good for me that he is willing to cooperate. There is no need to talk about the calculation behind this cooperation. My current identity often depends on my deeds and my heart. enough."

He closed his hand and raised Ji Yan's pretty face. The latter closed his eyes sensibly, but did not wait for the king's next move for a long time.

When he opened his eyes, Lu Wei looked towards the door. Following his gaze, he saw someone pushing the door in.

Being able to enter King Qi's study without permission, one can imagine the special nature of the visitor's identity.


Duan Murong followed the transport team to Caoyang from behind. Duan Murong, who was looking forward to reporting on the medical reserves, saw Lu Wei and Ji Yan messing around, her pupils trembled and her face turned red, and she hurriedly turned to leave.

Although she, Xue Nu and others had played with Lu Wei many times in Daze Mountain, she still couldn't imagine herself in such a scene in front of Xiao Yan'er.
But if you are in control, how can you escape~
Lu Wei had nowhere to vent his inner anger and easily closed the door from the air.
Different combinations of dishes will produce special flavors. As His Highness the King of Qi, he needs to increase his confidence in the stability of the new empire.

The prosperity of the harem is not his business alone. For the sake of the empire, Lu Wei has to work harder. (End of chapter)

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