Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 431 The North-South War

Chapter 431 The North-South War
Hundreds of armor-piercing soldiers armed with long spears lined up and charged forward in neat rows. On both sides there were heavy Qin cavalry flanking them. The Qi army could not resist and fled in all directions.

Wang Li stood on a high place, took out the Gongshu family's 'Heavenly Glasses' and observed the fleeing direction of the Qi army. He chuckled and said, "Let the army stop slowly and clean up the battlefield. There is no need to pursue."

Retreating at any time is a very risky thing. Fake defeat rarely really works. The most famous case is Sun Bin's "reduction plan".

Once it fails, the fleeing defeated army is likely to turn the false defeat into a real defeat.

Wang Li observed that there was some order hidden in the chaos of the Qi army's retreat. Obviously, even a true defeat at least showed that the opponent's general was somewhat capable. The worst possibility was that the opponent had set up an ambush on the retreat.

After all, the number of armor-piercing soldiers and some Anbei cavalry was outnumbered by the enemy, so there was no need to take risks.

As his orders were issued layer by layer, Wang Li tapped the 'Heavenly Eye' in his hand and sighed slightly: "It's a pity that the Gongshu family has surrendered to the enemy. Today, there are not many glasses left in our army."

"General, why should you worry? I think these bandit troops are weak. The imperial army will soon wipe them out. By then, the Gongshu family that fell in Songhai will still be under the rule of the empire." Su Jiao, the commander-in-chief of the army, said this The Wang family's legitimate son complimented.

"It's natural." The corner of Wang Li's mouth turned up. Today, the Qi army took the initiative to enter Taiyuan and wanted to ambush the Qin army. However, they were discovered by the armor-piercing scouts and counterattacked: "But the opponent's general's formation is somewhat interesting. , are not simple thieves, we can’t relax yet.”

"How can he be compared with the general." Another general, Shejian, said sincerely. This was not flattery: Wang Li now holds the credit for defeating the wolf clan and can be called the No. 1 general in the empire.

As we all know, the quality of Qin's generals in recent decades has far surpassed that of the six Shandong countries. The unknown man named Han Xin on the other side was not even of noble origin, so no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to compare with Wang Li.

"Yes." Wang Li nodded reservedly: "Young Ma of the bandits, all actions are under the inspection of our scouts. I think if the other party is really smart, they will have no choice but to return to Dai County."

"If that's the case, we will have trouble deciding whether to advance or retreat." Su Jiao also understood that Xianyang's order to the Great Wall Army was to retreat to Guanzhong. Now that Wang Li could send troops to intercept the invading bandits, he had no reason to pursue them into Dai County.

"There may be fraud in this." Shejian analyzed: "It has been several months since the bandit army entered the Yan region. Even if the horse is really young, it can still plunder equipment for more than a thousand horses in the north, but today there is not a single one."

"It's understandable that a group of bumpkins treat their few cavalrymen as treasures." Wang Li crossed his chest and nodded: "Today, the other party will use their only treasure as an ambush."

"Maybe we can take advantage of their thoughts to take advantage of them?" Shejian thought that the general's speculation was very likely, and immediately thought of a way to respond.

Su Jiao nodded in approval.

"No, anyone can do such a thing." Wang Li looked far away. Since he was not using sky glasses, the battlefield was a bit blurry to him at this time.

"With this stingy style of play, we have to wait a few more days to severely damage the rebel army. The time given by Xianyang is limited." Wang Li stretched out his hand and clenched his fist: "How powerful we are, we are fully capable of deciding the outcome in one battle!"

"I see, the general understands!" Su Jiao and She Jian were very familiar with Wang Li. When the latter had leaked so much information, they immediately understood: Han Xin of the Qi Army was showing weakness to the enemy. The general's failure to take advantage of his victory and pursue him today is a sign of weakness to the enemy!
In today's battle, Wang Li only revealed his armor-piercing soldiers and a small number of Anbei cavalry. Not only did he have the strength to fight against the rebels, but he also left space for the rebels to surround him.

Once Han Xin takes the bait, the support from the rear troops is probably on the way to Taiyuan County!
"Is this the front line?"

Jing Tianming put on Qi Jun's green soft armor and looked at the other tall and mighty Tongze nearby, and gradually began to feel excited in his heart unconsciously.This is the battlefield!
It was very inconvenient to operate the long gun that was one height taller than him. Tian Ming waved it with experience: "Is this a lance? Are we going to have horses?"

A few years of working in Little Sage Village have made Tianming's understanding of the world much better, and he will no longer make a fool of himself because of some low-level common sense.

Not only that, because the teachings in Xiaoshengxianzhuang are very complicated, Tianming's knowledge is greatly broadened.

"Yes, this is a high-quality lance." Xiang Yu was very kind to the weapon in his hand. The mountains on horseback were crisscrossed, and it was his natural stage: "We have been assigned to an elite team. As expected, we will be responsible for drilling through the enemy's formation. Responsibilities.”

"Is there a big mission when you come here?" Tianming was very excited.

"Based on your and my abilities, isn't this a matter of course~" Xiang Yu raised his head proudly
"Everyone listen to my orders. Each person has three riders. The target is the west!"

The next day, the cavalry captain's order made Xiang Yu's eyes light up at dawn: West?Does it mean Yunzhong County?
The war in northern Xinjiang has entered the stage of "the first battle is the decisive battle". Han Xin's failure in the first battle made several old farmers hesitate, but no one can guarantee that they will do better than Han Xin when they lead their soldiers to fight against the Great Wall Army.

Once improper operation affects the plans of His Highness King Qi, no one can bear this responsibility.

After Lu Shan returned to his 'second hometown', he spent all his energy on activating the latent disciples of Yandi Luqiu Pavilion. He had no objection to Han Xin as the chief general, and others would not jump out to attack the king. Order to doubt.

In the southern Shu region, after Li Mu entered Shu, he quickly merged with Yu Ziqi in Shushan. With the support of the Shu people, the Qi army, which recruited a large number of soldiers from the Qin army, quickly took control of the Shu region and launched a tentative attack on Hanzhong.

As a result, the Qin army stationed there collapsed in one battle, completely losing the entire Bashu to Qi.

The importance of Bashu to Qin is self-evident. For many years, there has even been a view that "Qin merged with the six kingdoms from Shu". Now that the entire Bashu has been lost, another grain road in Guanzhong has been cut off.

The entire Guanzhong can barely survive by relying on those lands to support the people, but don't forget that there are millions of corvees in Xianyang and Lishan combined to support.

Now even if the Qi State does not enter Guanzhong, just relying on siege can turn the land of the old Qin people into a place of purgatory.

While consolidating the Shu territory, Li Mu no longer continued his anxious expedition to the north. He still had a worry to solve: the [-] Qin troops in the south of Lingnan.

According to His Highness the King of Qi's estimation, Zhao Tuo should cut off the road and stick to Lingnan, but the fact turned out to be that according to reports from the Yue people, Zhao Tuo seemed to have the intention of a northern expedition into Shu.

The [-] Qin army is not a life-and-death enemy to Li Mu now, but it can still be classified as a major enemy.

Only by dealing with the enemies here first can you truly have peace of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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