Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 432 Don’t dare to put the world first

"You mean they are heading north under the banner of anti-Qin?"

Yan Shen opened his mouth in surprise, and Mei Rui, a Yue who entered the hall, nodded repeatedly: "Yes, according to our people's tracking, Zhao Tuo's army suddenly changed their flags when they walked out of Lingnan, and then continued to march towards Shu. Come here."

"An anti-Qin ally of 10 people." Wu Bin, who stood at the head of the military tent, rubbed his chin and speculated on Zhao Tuo's approach: "This may be more troublesome to deal with than [-] enemy troops. .”

"Do they want to enter Shu under the pretext of anti-Qin?" Yu Ziqi is the representative of Shushan and now wears Qi army armor: "But we are not fools. How can we really do it just because Zhao Tuo temporarily changed the flag? Treat them as allies and continue to attack him according to the original plan!"

In his opinion, the Lingnan Qin army originally acted hurriedly to launch the Northern Expedition, but at the critical moment they suddenly said that the goal of their Northern Expedition was their homeland of Qin and not the opposing Qi army. Who would believe such nonsense.

"No." Li Mu, who was sitting in the chief general's seat, had piercing eyes and his whole body was full of energy: "We are an anti-Qin rebel army, how can we launch an attack on our allies?"

"Please report this matter to the king and ask him to make a decision."

Li Mu's views were very conservative, but his position was accepted by everyone, and no one dared to make a mistake in his decision to "please report to Lu Wei", so no generals opposed his decision.

However, if the force continues like this, the Qi army may not be able to attack Guanzhong from Hanzhong.

'No matter how Zhao Tuo is dealt with, the main energy of the army will be placed in the direction of Lingnan. '

Wu Bin was thoughtful and had a better understanding of the superior Li Mu: It seems that the experience of the Zhao Kingdom in the past has made this veteran general more diplomatic.
"The three treasures of Taoism: the first is compassion, the second is frugality, and the third is not daring to be the first in the world."

"Being kind makes you brave; being frugal makes you broad; not daring to be the first in the world makes you a leader."

Xiaomeng flicked the Qiu Li whisk in her arms, and sat upright to spread the influence of Taoism to His Highness King Qi.

The experience in Sang Hai made the Taoist Tianzong completely tied to Qi's carriage. Xiaomeng returned to Tianzong with Xueji afterwards, but soon came to the Qi army again with several Tianzong elders.

In the past, the general trend of the world belonged to Qin, and Taiyi Mountain also belonged to Qin, so Taoism supported the state of Qin. Now the tree of the state of Qin is about to fall, and coupled with personal factors, there is no obstacle for Xiaomeng to make the decision to abandon the old and welcome the new.

Master Bei Mingzi, who has a high status in Taoism, did not show up. This behavior already acquiesced to Xiaomeng's decision.

In addition to the Tianzong, Xiaomeng also received support from the Human Zong this time.

The mountain gate of the Renzong had been controlled by a small group of Qin troops before. When the First Emperor was here, this small group of elites could intimidate the huge Renzong and forced them to practice behind closed doors. But now, Xiaomeng personally killed the Qin captain. The remaining Qin soldiers could only scatter and flee.

Xianyang did not have the energy to continue the Taoist family. Even though Zhao Gao noticed the Taoist threat as soon as he returned to Xianyang, he did not send anyone to encircle and suppress the place.

First, Taoism was unable to play a decisive role in this war.Secondly, people always have to leave some escape route for themselves.

When the Qin State was strong, its traps were used wantonly. When the Qin State declined, it would have to offend less opponents that it should not have to offend.

Xiaomeng's provocative behavior was ignored by the empire, leaving only the souls of those unlucky Qin soldiers to float back to their hometown.

Renzong was very excited when he learned about the changes in the outside world: Although Xiaoyaozi was hiding the sun, his worldly thoughts before being exposed were the common ideas of most people in Renzong.

Under this concept, the more Renzong disciples saw about the world, the deeper their anti-Qin thoughts became.

In addition, this year is supposed to be the time for Taoist heaven and man to discuss swords. However, the strength gap between the remaining contemporary elders of the Ren sect and Xiaomeng is far away. The next generation of disciples is even more embarrassing: Xiao He and Chen Ping are also members of the Taoist sect, but they He was very low-key when he was a student, but he left early after completing his studies, and his reputation was not known.

Having no choice but to admit defeat, and knowing that Tianzong planned to support the Qi State, Renzong temporarily cooperated with the Tianzong, with Xiaomeng as the representative to negotiate with the Qi State on behalf of the entire Taoism.The right path to Hangu Pass has become a battlefield and cannot be passed by ordinary people, so these Taoist masters took the wild route over mountains and ridges.

The influence of Taoism mainly lies in doctrine. Small landowners, nobles and some scattered officials partially agree with Taoist ideas. Therefore, after the establishment of the new empire, the existence of Taoism can help the court stabilize local forces. That is when they can play their role. .

Nowadays, Taoism's nominal support serves more to prove that "the Taoist will get more help".

But for Taoists, this was a good opportunity to penetrate Taoist influence into the new empire.

All schools of thought have their own wisdom, so Lu Wei took the time to listen properly to show a certain degree of attention.

"'Compassion' means benevolence and righteousness. Only by having a broad mind and thinking about all people can you move forward bravely."

"'Frugality' means being humble and restrained, so that you can accommodate thousands of people and recruit wise men."

"'Dare not dare to be the first for the world' means not daring to put personal interests above the interests of all people. Only by paying attention to the voices of the people can we grow."

Xiaomeng looked indifferent and continued slowly: "Qin She was kind and brave, thrifty and broad, and he was the first to give up, so he died!"

"I hope you can learn Qin's lessons and keep the Three Treasures in mind, so that you can build a truly great empire."

She has a special personality and is one of the rare people who did not change the title of His Royal Highness King Qi just because Lu Wei's status changed.

"I have been taught." Mr. Lu finished the Taoist course with a serious face. He privately thought that he could not be truly selfless in his heart, but in order to achieve success, his approach had always been to at least pretend to be kind, thrifty, and not dare to be the first for the world. .

Now that victory is imminent, these measures still have to be implemented on the surface. In the history of the previous life, the empire that replaced Qin used Taoism as its governance strategy in the early stage, which does make sense.

Seriously speaking, Lu Wei has no experience in running a country. His experience in running a farm is more about putting the right people in the right place.

Even though he has a strong ability to review data, except in his early days as the master of Luqiu Pavilion, he rarely obtained data personally.

But it's not too late to start formally learning to govern an empire.

After exiting Xiaomeng's room and letting her meditate, Lu Wei led his guards to the front line of Hangu Pass.

Looking at the sluggish Qin army's defense, even though the attack had only lasted less than ten days, the Qi army could often get close to the top of the city wall.

It seems that as long as they climb up to block an attack from the Qin army, they will lose their fighting spirit and flee in all directions, and this pass will be broken.

Zhao Gao's plan to withdraw the Great Wall Legion failed in time. Without Hangu Pass, it would be of little significance even if all the 30-strong army that defeated the Wolf Clan were withdrawn from Guanzhong.

Having judged the facts in his mind, Lu Wei came to the front line to command the military tent and boost the morale of the soldiers: His Highness the King of Qi's gaze made the Qi army excited again, and the defending Qin people were miserable.

That night when I was learning Confucian governance lessons from Zhang Liang, a piece of news came that almost announced that Hangu Pass had been breached in advance:

The Lishan prisoners have revolted and are approaching Hangu Pass from the inside! (End of chapter)

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