Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 433 The catastrophe in Guanzhong

Zhao Yi began to prepare for the surrender. Although he dared to go to the city wall from time to time these days, most of the time he stayed in his room doing nothing.

After the news of the uprising of 70 prisoners in Lishan came, he suddenly felt relieved: once a riot of this scale occurred, even if the First Emperor had to urgently mobilize troops from Guanzhong when he was still alive, it would not be easy to suppress it, not to mention that the current second emperor is incompetent. of the monarch.

When he heard that the Lishan prisoners also planned to attack Hangu Pass to welcome King Qi to enter the pass, Zhao Yi was even more pleased: As long as there is a reason for this kind of thing, do I still need to wait for you to do it?
He tied a sharp sword around his waist to strengthen his momentum, and asked his personal guards to call the senior generals of Hanguguan to discuss surrendering and how to resolve the current crisis.

'The promised reinforcements from the Great Wall Legion have not arrived for a long time. Even though I am a famous general of Zhao State, I still have no soldiers at my disposal! '

Wu Chen and Zhou Wen fought bravely on the city wall to kill the enemy. They even spent the past few days sleeping on the city wall, showing their extraordinary loyalty to the empire.

Both of them are good masters in the martial arts world, and they have famous swords like Zhen Gang and Duan Shui. However, facing the nearly infinite surging Qi army, their internal energy is really unbearable.

What's more, there are also people in the Qi army such as Gai Nie and Da Siming. They are not the main attackers, but they focus on the brave men in the Qin army and carry out targeted killings, so that Wu Chen and Zhou Wen have to be careful to avoid them.

It was also under such circumstances that both of them were convinced that there was something wrong with the other party!
'The Qin State has fallen to this point, and this person is still fighting desperately for it. He must have evil intentions! '

Neither Wu Chen nor Zhou Wen thought that the other party was a good person. Even if they had a grudge against the peasant family, they could hide incognito. How could they be so stupid and willing to pay such a price for the sake of another country.

One of them is from the old Zhao and the other is from the old Qi. They are engaged in the killer business. They have worked together for many years and know the inside and out of each other. They know each other's thoughts very well.

After knowing the news of the Lishan Uprising, and waiting until Zhao Yi, the nominal general, summoned the order, Wu Chen and Zhou Wen looked at each other, ignored the messenger, and directly took Han Guguan to the west with the confidants they had cultivated, and they worked together in a tacit understanding. Return to Xianyang.

Zhao Yi is about to vote, his value ends here, but the military minister Zhou Wen still wants to strive for greater achievements.
There may be things in the world that people are willing to sacrifice their lives for, but to the civilian soldiers of Hangu Pass, it will never be the violent Qin court now.

Zhao Yi's suggestion of surrendering under attack from both front and rear was unopposed in the absence of Wu Chen and Zhou Wen, the two trap killers. Zhao Yi himself fearlessly climbed down the city wall in a simple hanging basket to express his intention to surrender to the Qi army.

Yingbu was a little annoyed, but he had to send someone to escort him to the rear to meet His Highness King Qi.

Seeing each other again after more than ten years, Zhao Yi was filled with sadness.

I recall that when they first met, the other party had to come to his house in person to ask for an audience. At that time, Zhao Yi refused for the first time and wanted to send him away with a bag of coins. Now, he has to kowtow to him respectfully with the etiquette of a defeated general. .

"The defeated general, please forgive me, Your Majesty."

In the lobby, after Zhao Yi finished his salute, Lu Wei smiled and said: "With the relationship between you and me, why is it necessary?"

After that, he motioned to Dianqing to help him up: his strong body trembled slightly as he walked on the ground, and Zhao Yi looked like a chicken in front of Dianqing, looking a little embarrassed.

"You and I have been friends for many years. We met on the battlefield because of the cruelty of the Qin Dynasty. Now that we are willing to surrender, how about we go to Linzi to rest first. I know you don't like the battlefield?"

Linzi is the real rear area with a comfortable environment. Zhao Yi, who is over fifty years old, his eyes lit up and he almost wanted to agree immediately, but after hesitation, his words changed before he spoke:
"The sinner dares to rest. I am willing to be the king's horse slave and serve the king into Xianyang."

"You are a member of the Zhao family, how can you be a slave? I am not Ying Zheng." He shook his head with a smile. Following Lu Wei's movements, the generals standing on both sides of the hall also laughed together. The air was filled with a happy atmosphere, and they didn't know it. Is it aimed at Ying Zheng who was pulled out or Zhao Yi?

"Forget it, you can become Sima of Zhang Er's army. He is also from Zhao. You can get along well with him."

"Thank you king!"

There were no surprises in the surrender of Hangu Pass. Under the leadership of Zhao Yi, Lu Wei successfully entered the pass and accepted this magnificent city that had blocked several coalition forces from the Six Nations. It took only a month in total.

Leaving the Zhu family to guard here, the Qi army officially set foot on the land of Guanzhong. The next step is Xianyang!

It was a smooth journey here, but the Lishan uprising army of Tian Guang, Sima Xin, and Dong Yi suffered heavy setbacks.

Within three hours of announcing the uprising, no less than tens of thousands of people fled from this rebel army. The fierce prisoners almost brazenly broke away from the team and fled to the wilderness.

After three days of marching, only less than 70 of the 20 prisoners were left. Most of these laborers from poor backgrounds did not want to get involved in this muddy water. They immediately looked for their own way out after escaping from Lishan Mausoleum.

This result was not what Tian Guang, Sima Xin, and Dong Yi had expected: this army was inherently unreliable, and its huge number could only serve as a powerful force. It was really difficult for them to rebel with the working tools in Lishan Mountain. Most of the labor companies Insurrection understands nothing.

If they were asked about 'rebellion', they would immediately turn pale with fright.

But the huge base is there, even if more people run away, what remains is still a powerful force.

But the next day, attacks came one after another, and this group of guerrillas encountered the Great Wall Army who hurriedly retreated from Shangjun to Guanzhong to support Hangu Pass.
Although the vanguard of this Great Wall Legion was small in number, only 5, it still easily defeated several times the number of prisoners. After the First World War, Tian Guang was left with only [-] guarding Qin troops and less than [-] Lishan prisoners. only.

This is the reason why the Great Wall Legion was anxious to support Hangu Pass and did not pursue too much.

But even so, Tian Guang, Sima Xin, and Dong Yi could no longer go to Hangu Pass as planned: all their food was lost with the disbandment of most of the prisoner army, and there was also the Great Wall Army ahead, so they could only turn around and return to Guanzhong to rob the granary.

The 70-strong army at the time of departure should not have been so fragile, but its composition determined that it would take at least half a year to rectify military discipline before this temporary rebel army could become combat effective.

This is the end of a hasty and immediate march.

But Tian Guang did not have half a year, so he could only achieve his goal at a huge cost:

There are more than [-] vicious refugees wandering in Guanzhong. Qin's grassroots rule in Guanzhong is going to have a big problem!
The remaining 5 people can also serve as a guerrilla force to deter counties with fewer soldiers.

Anyway, these people are not peasant disciples, even if the whole army is wiped out, Tian Guang will not feel bad!
Holding the engraved sword in his hand tightly, the former peasant hero thought cruelly:

'I'm here to bring you dire straits, and you will be compensated when Mr. Lu arrives! '(End of this chapter)

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