Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 434: Just Once

Chapter 434

After passing the steep Hangu Pass, the vast Guanzhong Plain spread out in front of Lu Wei.

Behind him was the elite [-]-strong Qi army, and beside him were Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Chen Ping, Zhang Er, Yingbu, Dianqing and other famous ministers and generals. In front of him, he could reach Xianyang directly along the river. These achievements immediately impressed the King of Qi. His Highness inevitably had some high aspirations.

From Zhao Jun's deserter to Luqiu Pavilion manager and acting pavilion master, Gonggong Hall general manager, hall master, peasant hero, and Qi King, these courageous climbs are about to come to an end, and he will stand at the pinnacle of power.

If you want to make progress again, you have to imitate Ying Zheng and seek immortality.

According to Donghuang's words during his lifetime, immortals and immortal mountains do exist. Canglong Qisu's boxes and phantom sound treasure boxes are all in Lu Wei's hands. The Yin and Yang family, which has the deepest research on immortality, has become his accomplice. Shang Lu Wei is much better than Ying Zheng.

But after the new empire is established, the first priority must be to cultivate one's health, eliminate shortcomings, and accumulate national strength.

Internal enemies can be rubbed at will with Lu Wei's authority.

Externally, the northern wolf clan was newly defeated. Even Touman Shanyu was killed by Wang Li. They were unable to move south within 20 years.

According to the news from Li Mu, Zhao Tuo in the south will not be a threat: Zhao Tuo did not defend Yue territory, and the [-] Qin troops taking the initiative to attack will make the situation develop for the better no matter what the purpose is.

Ying Zheng died several years earlier than in the original time and space, and the world situation was quickly controlled by him, so that it would not be corrupted to the end. Lu could create an unprecedented prosperous age in just ten years.

Thinking of this, Lu Wei couldn't help but feel proud and excited, and he read aloud on horseback: "When the wind rises again, the dust and smoke grow; when the heroes return, the years are barren; when the world is pacified, there is eternal peace and well-being; when the mountains and rivers are unified, the world is prosperous."

It was written casually and had little literary value, but the most important thing was that he openly stated his intention to inherit the Qin Empire's eternal foundation, which completely dispelled the thoughts of some of his subordinates who wanted to resume the Zhou Dynasty's enfeoffment.

In this uprising to destroy the Qin Dynasty, only Li Mu from Shu had enough merit to reach the threshold of enfeoffment. However, Lu Wei had already discussed this matter with Li Mu. He did not ask for enfeoffment. Others whose merits were not as good as Li Mu were not qualified to ask for enfeoffment.

"The Eternal Empire is only one step away. According to the scout's report, the Qin army under the banner of the Great Wall Legion was discovered. A serious encounter in the wild is about to take place."

Chen Ping, who was right next to His Royal Highness King Qi, took the military report from Zhang Liang. He glanced at it and then raised his hand to report: "The troop strength is expected to be more than [-], and it is an outpost force."

"Han Xin in Northern Xinjiang has held back Wang Li's armor-piercing troops and the Anbei Town Army. Now that the returning Great Wall Army is exhausted, it is a good opportunity to give them a head-on attack!"

Lu Wei analyzed the overall situation: "After disposing of this Qin army, Xianyang will only have 24 defenders left, and the rest of the temporarily recruited soldiers will not be of much use. Let Dianqing be deployed as a vanguard immediately to defend the enemy." , Yingbu and Fan Kuai each led their troops to surround from both sides, and Zhang Er served as a reserve force ready to support at any time."

"We, the Yin and Yang family, are here to serve as guides for the two generals who are retreating." Xinghun then drove his horse forward and took the initiative to ask for orders.

The Yin and Yang family used to have a high status in Qin, and they had a very clear grasp of the terrain.

"Yeah." Lu Wei naturally would not refuse. Following his orders, the entire army took action quickly.

The brave will win when they meet in a narrow road. This is the home court of the Qin army, but they cannot get any support from it.

Although no one outside knew that the escaped Wu Chen and Zhou Wen returned to Xianyang directly by a small road, the Qi army could analyze from their actions and see that this legion had not even received news that Hangu Pass had been breached, which meant that they had not received any news at all. I don't know what I'm going to face ahead.
Ziying is the younger brother of Ying Zheng and the uncle of Hu Hai. Because of this identity, he was able to survive Hu Hai's massacre of the clan and gain a certain amount of power.

Hu Hai's death list not only included his own brothers, but even the uncompetitive princesses of his generation. He used a crazy attitude to ensure that he was the only one who could nominally ascend the throne.As an elder of the previous generation, Ziying could not rest assured that he was lucky enough not to be killed. In order to survive or to leave a useful body, he tried his best to please Zhao Gao.

Hu Hai is a 16-year-old child. He has been completely blinded by the supreme power. The expenses in the palace are even more extravagant than when the First Emperor was alive. However, Zhao Gao satisfied all this and was not only directly appointed as the prime minister. The sky also staged a farce of "turning a deer into a horse".

Something that went against common sense happened in the court hall, but His Majesty the Second Emperor just clapped his hands and shouted "It's fun". How could this not make the minister feel chilled.

"The thieves from outside the pass have arrived at Hangu Pass, but no one in the court dares to ask about this matter. As time goes by, the hundreds of years of foundation created by our ancestor Feizi will be shattered to pieces!"

Wandering around the house anxiously, with only two sons and their trusted eunuch Han Tan in the hall, Ziying expressed all his worries.

The entire Xianyang was under surveillance, and the only people Ziying could trust were the three people in front of him.

He still didn’t know the news that Hangu Pass had fallen, but the information about the Lishan prisoner uprising could not be hidden from Xianyang ministers: “Although the Lishan prisoner uprising was suppressed by the Great Wall Army, the real result was only a defeat rather than a complete solution. , the escaped prisoners have become a major public security problem in the counties in Guanzhong."

"Li Xiangguo, Feng Xiangguo, and General Feng were all killed by Zhao Gao. If we want to save Ying Qin's foundation, we must get rid of these officials!"

"It's just that the net is heavily guarded. Zhao Gao himself has a deep inner spirit and is now in the position of prime minister. It's really rare for the young master to take action against him."

Han Tan was relatively familiar with Zhao Gao because of his status, and knew that ordinary assassination strategies were useless against the master of the dragnet, and the second emperor in the court protected him, making it even more difficult to do so.

"That's why I wanted to please him because I wanted to look for opportunities." Ziying was upset beyond words. He usually had to pretend to be obedient outside, but home was the only place where he could release his stress.

"Even if His Majesty the Second Emperor wants to kill me afterwards, I will still get rid of this huge harm to the empire!"

"In this case, we must find ways to get Zhao Gao to leave the place he is familiar with," Han Tan actively suggested for Ziying.

The secret conversation in the mansion did not spread, but what Ziying didn't expect was that Hu Hai, who he thought was Zhao Gao's protective talisman, had become the next target for Zhao Gao to get rid of.

"Has Hangu Pass been captured by Lu Wei?" Zhao Gao played with the black widow spider representing the snare in his hand. He glanced absently at the embarrassed Zhou Wen and Wu Chen, remained silent for a long time, and said, "Let's go down first. Others The four sword slaves are already in place, you can practice together."

The lowness in his tone was unbelievable, this was the master of the dragnet.

In the face of the general trend of the world, Zhao Gao was ultimately powerless, but he still didn't understand why he failed.
Why could Lu Wei's Qi army enter Guanzhong smoothly from Daze Mountain and trample on Qin, the only victor of hundreds of years of war?

It's obvious that Luo Wang has taken control of everything.
"Everything will be fine when the Great Wall Legion launches its attack."

The corner of Zhao Gao's mouth showed a confident smile that said he was "in control of everything", but he was no longer confident in his heart:
'No matter what, I must sit on the throne of Emperor Qin once! '

'Even if it's just a day, or even an hour! '

(End of this chapter)

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