Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 436 The Overlord’s First Battle

Chapter 436 The Overlord’s First Battle
The hottest summer is over, the weather is getting cooler and the air is getting drier.

There have been severe droughts in summer in recent years, and the chill in autumn and winter has also increased. Xiang Yu rubbed his hands while riding on horseback, put on his armor, and his face was a little sore from the cool night breeze.

Long-distance running is extremely demanding on physical strength, but it also adds the biggest surprise to this war.

Now, it’s time to turn this accident into a gift.

"Xiang Yu, you lead two hundred cavalry to charge from the left side later. I will lead the large force to circle back and launch the second wave of offensive."

Yan Bing drove his horse to him and gave instructions calmly. Xiang Yu nodded heavily and accepted the order.

Although he did not declare his identity as the young master of the Xiang family when he joined the Qi army, he was quickly approached by the commander Yan Bing after he came to the front line and set off as a cavalry team.

According to Yan Bing, he recognized him from the beginning because of another living member of the Xiang family: Xiang Bo.

Xiang Bo has a close relationship with the farmer's family. He was rescued by Zhang Liang and came to Daze Mountain with him, but he left because of the secret of "Bear Heart". Since then, he has not severed this contact, even though the farmer's family has been unilaterally involved. touch.

Xiang Bo has been secretly spreading news about Xiong Xin for a long time to draw attention to the real Mi Xin and build momentum for the fallen Chu Kingdom. Therefore, he had to constantly move to remote places and wander around the world with little reputation.

When the news of the restoration of Qi and the annihilation of the Xiang family reached him, Xiang Bo only felt sad for a short time and then immediately left for Linzi.

There, Xiang Bo joined the Qi court, followed Ziwu and led his army back to the Chu region to open the channel connecting Jingxian County, and continued to clean up the local wealthy families who were not loyal enough in the Chu region.

Therefore, the Xiang family cannot be said to be dead.

Of course, telling the news about Xiang Bo was just an excuse. The reason why Yan Bing really knew about Xiang Yu was because of Xu Fu.

After that meeting in Licheng, Xu Negi, who was only seven years old, returned home and immediately informed the Moon God of Xiang Yu and Tianming's appearance. There was no need to send such trivial matters to the front line for Lu Wei to handle personally. She arranged everything casually.

Moon God didn't know what Xiang Yu and Tianming could achieve in today's current situation, but since they were destined to be extraordinary, it was better to throw them into the most dangerous place.

From this, Xiang Yu and Tianming came to the Northern Army and were selected as raiding cavalry.

However, Yan Bing did not reuse the two men solely because of the words of the Moon God. He also conducted a detailed inspection along the way and confirmed that the two young men were indeed extraordinary before handing over the important task of commanding [-] cavalry to Xiang Yu. .

The Great Wall Army had no idea that a group of Qi cavalry would appear behind them. The grain transport team did not send extra manpower to protect them. Most of the cavalry in the Anbei Town Army were also transferred to the front line. Only a small number of cavalry remained to fight against Qi. Not to mention that there is no advantage in riding, but the mentality is not vigilant enough.

The temporary granary camp was loosely guarded and opened wide to allow the grain transport team to enter. The campfire used for lighting shivered slightly in the semi-dark night.

These days, the grain transport team has to increase grain transportation day and night due to the advance of General Wang Li. Although it will be very tiring, it is not worth mentioning compared with the cost of not completing the requirements of the General.

The Yingkou guard shook his head tiredly and chatted with his companions about the war ahead:

"I heard that the rebels took the initiative to attack again not long ago, but were easily defeated by the general."

"Yes, I heard it was still a great victory." Another guard was equally concerned about the battle ahead: "This time the general secretly mobilized reinforcements from Shangjun to ambush on both sides of the battlefield, and took advantage of the situation to rush out. The rebels could not resist immediately. We had to abandon the front camp position and retreat behind the Wuyi River."

"Of course, of course." The previous guard nodded: "Although the general has a bad temper at ordinary times, he is still a famous general in the empire. He inherited the position of old Wuchenghou. Even if he defeated General Meng Tian, ​​he couldn't win quickly. The main force of the wolf clan, his military skills are unstoppable." "How can a mere bandit be his opponent?"

"It is said that Xianyang's order was originally for us to retreat, but if the general wins like this, maybe he can continue the pursuit and completely wipe out the rebellion, so that we can get a lot of military glory!"

"Hey, of course that's the best."

Before the answer was finished, a sudden vibration from the ground made the two of them look in the direction of the sound curiously: they judged that the person coming was a group of cavalry, but they didn't know what the reason was?
After all, the cavalry of this size in this location must be one of our own.

However, when they got close enough, they saw clearly that the people coming under the night were a group of cavalry with completely unfamiliar armor styles. Their expressions instantly froze: "Enemy, enemy, attack!"

"Drink!" Xiang Yu, the leader, held a long spear in his hand. He looked at the guards shouting coldly. With his other hand, he took out the two short spears on the side of the horse and threw them violently, killing two enemies immediately.

It was too late for the entire Qin army's grain and grass camp to wake up. It took too long for them to react and deploy their defenses.
Xiang Yu took the lead and rushed into the camp. He swept his spear across and stabbed several soldiers from the Qin army patrol who came in a hurry. When he turned around and saw a carriage carrying a grain transport team trying to block the entrance of the camp with his body, he jumped forward and killed them first. The coachman then glared angrily, thrust his spear into the wheel of the carriage filled with grain, unleashed all his muscle strength, and swung it with all his strength, throwing the carriage and horses away.

In mid-air, the screams of the two horses were so tragic that it was terrifying. After they landed heavily, they were pressed by the carriage behind them, and the sound was instantly silenced.
This powerful operation stunned the Qin army who came after him. Xiang Yu ensured that the camp door was wide open and turned around to sweep at the enemies. The latter opened his mouth wide and was completely stunned. Facing the rushing spear tip, he subconsciously wanted to He ran away without the slightest thought of resistance.

Xiang Yu continued to pursue, charging all the way, with nothing that could stop him.

The other two hundred cavalrymen saw how brave their leader was, their adrenaline surged, their blood boiled, and their morale was raised to the extreme.

The horse Xiang Yu rides is an extremely valuable prairie horse king in the army. For a cavalry general, the importance of horses is equal to life. With a good horse and a good general, it is difficult for other cavalry to keep up with Xiang Yu's speed.

Fortunately, there is still dawn.

Tianming calmly asked the fifty cavalry with the best riding skills to follow Xiang Yu to kill the enemy and disrupt the camp. The rest took out the small bucket hanging on the side of the horse, which contained special-effect kerosene processed with Mohist technology.

These are all produced in the workshops in Daze Mountain. Yan Di cannot produce them on its own in a short period of time, so they are very precious.

But for this raid, Han Xin handed them all over to Yan Bing.

Sprinkling kerosene all the way, a fire quickly rose from the Qin army's grain and grass camp.

Yan Bing, who arrived late, and hundreds of other cavalrymen, had just completed their maneuver around the rear. He just wanted Xiang Yu to attract the enemy troops in front with his bravery, but he didn't expect that they succeeded in the first attempt.

The scorching light of the fire inspired him, and he ordered an all-out charge, aiming directly at the Qin army from the rear who had finally managed to slow down and organize resistance.
"It's the direction of the grain and grass camp!"

On a hillside twenty kilometers away, an Anbei town army stationed to support the front line watched in horror as the flames soared into the sky. The military camp captain immediately ordered five thousand troops to go to support, and the following twenty thousand troops would be lined up in order. Go to.

Nothing happens to the food and grass camp that needs to be replenished on the front line every day. Although judging from the height of the flames, it is probably too late, but some food and grass can be saved.

The mountain road at night was difficult to walk, so the five thousand troops were running quickly in a long snake formation. Just when they passed through the mountains and forests and reached the plains, only a few kilometers away from their destination, the sound of galloping horse hooves rushed over from the side, causing the Anbei Town Military Academy to Wei's face turned pale.

Looking closely, he saw that the leading cavalryman was not wearing a helmet, his long hair was flowing behind him, and he was waving a spear towards him like a demon god.
It was Xiang Yu who keenly estimated the speed of Anbei Army's support. After disrupting the grain and grass camp, he quickly led his more than 100 cavalry to the only road to wait for work and carry out tonight's second round of charge.

(End of this chapter)

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