Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 437 The Last Act

Chapter 437 The Last Scene

On the Guanzhong side, the Great Wall Legion that broke into the Qi army's encirclement was defeated. Lu Wei did not stop and continued to move forward after cleaning the battlefield. From then on, the journey was smooth without encountering any obstacles.

The public security situation in the counties in Guanzhong was devastated by the scattering of the Lishan prisoners who fled. However, those bandits who became extremely vicious because of their predicament did not dare to take action against the neatly marched army, regardless of whether the army belonged to the Qin Dynasty. Still neat.

On the contrary, the counties and counties passed by the Qi army did not harm the people. His Highness the King of Qi also sent Li Shiqi and his younger brother Li Shang to assist the local public security, exempted them from harsh governance, and temporarily abolished corvee, which made the fearful old Qin people immediately Abandoned Qin Ting and became a disciple of Da Qi.

The rule of the Qin Empire created an unmanageable mess in the world, leaving behind a trembling people.

The result of this is that Lu Wei can win the hearts and minds of the people with just a little favor: they have been used as machines for too long, even if they loosen the rope a little and treat them as slaves who need normal food and clothing, they can be regarded as necessary Be grateful for the benevolent government.

Such a great gift is the common legacy of the first emperor Ying Zheng and the second emperor Hu Hai, so Lu naturally accepted it.

He did not dissuade the elders of the Qin people from eating wine to welcome them, but instead accepted all the rewards for the soldiers: Although the main body of the Qi army entering the pass was still peasant disciples, they were also composed of ordinary people. Covetousness for possessions and rewards is inevitable.

Lu Wei refused to let them massacre the city and harm the people, so he had to use the Qin government treasury along the way as rewards. He would reward them every time they passed through important areas to boost morale.

Xiao He and Chen Ping were responsible for distributing the rewards: not seeking 100% fairness was something that was impossible in this era. As long as there was more than half fairness, sporadic complaints from the soldiers would not be a big problem.

Lu Wei himself is not very interested in those gold and silver properties. After all, he is about to get the whole world. But because of his identity, he will definitely get the biggest share first, and then other generals can get it. So for a long time He also accumulated a lot of personal property in the military.

Not all Qin army treasuries are rich. When the reserves in the treasury are insufficient or a battle is won, Lu Wei will allocate part of the property of these private treasuries to his subordinates. This behavior is not only spread by Chen Ping Let the whole army be grateful to the King of Qi, and the accompanying historians will record the noble character of the King of Qi in the book for circulation.

The army stopped to rest at Bashang, which was only fifty kilometers away from Xianyang. Lu Wei sent an army south to take over Aoguan and Wuguan further to the southeast, while preparing to attack Xianyang.

There was no need for him to take the initiative to persuade him to surrender. The garrison of Xianyang in the Qin Dynasty was only [-], and the people in the city were in panic, because some time ago, the second emperor Hu Hai was killed, and not long after, the new prime minister Zhao Gao was also killed by nine tribes.
A few days before the Qi army came to Bashang, Hu Hai got up early that day, put on the black dragon robe under the care of his servants, put on the twelve-pin crown belonging to the emperor, and drove to Xianyang East City with high spirits to watch the crime minister's speech. penalty.

According to the proposal of Li Si, who died of five punishments, in order to ensure the authority of the emperor, the Qin law in the court was to impose severe punishments for small mistakes and capital punishment for big mistakes.

Under Zhao Gao's execution, this was intensified and became a capital punishment for every wrongdoing. Therefore, the number of people in the court dropped sharply, and no one dared to stand in for the successor. As a result, many state affairs were concurrently handled by the Prime Minister and the Government.

Prime Minister Zhao Gao was not an emperor, but he gained greater authority than the former First Emperor, which was limited to the Xianyang area.

However, Zhao Gao was far inferior to the First Emperor in terms of his ability to handle government affairs and his ability to work diligently. All the affairs accumulated in the country were judged by his trusted snare killer. The results can be imagined.

From Xianyang to Guanzhong, government affairs were handled in chaos.

Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer areas that can still be controlled by Xianyang. As the Qi army advances, more and more counties in Guanzhong no longer send official documents to Xianyang. Lu Wei helped Zhao Gao reduce a lot of his burden.

He should thank Lu Wei properly.

Hu Hai knew nothing about all this, and all his sources of information were controlled by Zhao Gao. Yan Le would not let any information enter Wangyi Palace without Zhao Gao's permission.At the execution ground in Xianyang East City earlier, he had crushed six brothers and ten sisters to death with a carriage earlier. The blood stains of the clan had long since turned into black stains and seeped into the cracks in the masonry. Today, the blood of the ministers will continue to cover it.

Hu Hai wanted to use severe punishment to warn the people and other ministers, so the execution was not only done in front of the people, but also required certain ministers to come and watch.

But for some reason, there were particularly many ministers watching today.

When he saw the snare killer standing guard at the execution ground in broad daylight wearing night clothes, His Majesty the Second Emperor immediately understood that this was Zhao Gao's arrangement and was very satisfied with it.

The larger the audience, the more exciting the performance.

Shusun Tong's official position was not high in the court, but because all the important officials were killed and there was no one to replace him, and he had the trust of Hu Hai and Zhao Gao, he stood in a front position.

Unintentionally watching the brutal execution of punishment, Shusun Tong felt more the sadness, pain, despair and even indifference of the other watching ministers around him.
There is no doubt that Hu Hai completely lost the support of the court. If Zhao Gao hadn't used force to control Xianyang, another king with the word "Hu" in his name would have learned from his mistakes.

King Zhou Li and Ji Hu were driven out of the capital by the people of the country.

"His Royal Highness the King of Qi's army arrived at Hangu Pass last month, and the teacher is in Linzi to manage the rear area for the King of Qi. My talents and learning can still be used by the new dynasty, and I cannot die now." '

Thinking of his teacher Kong Yu, Shusun Tong suppressed the human sadness caused by witnessing the tragedy, and forced himself to remain calm and calm: His Majesty the First Emperor conscripted him as a doctor, and also named the teacher Wentong Lord, which was considered a blessing to him. kindness.

But for His Majesty the Second Emperor, Shusun Tong had no attachment at all. Being able to witness the demise of the Qin Empire as a Qin minister was a repayment of his kindness to the First Emperor, and there was no need to do anything else.

Hu Hai noticed Shusun Tong's performance and was very happy. At the same time, he felt some disgust towards those ministers who couldn't bear to look directly at him: I'm not cutting you, why do you need to be so sad?
Let’s see how you look when it’s your turn!
The violence in his heart was still growing. Hu Hai temporarily suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. When he looked back at the screaming minister, happiness immediately surged into his heart again.

Ziying was also among the ministers watching. He had long been disappointed with Hu Hai, and now all his thoughts were focused on Zhao Gao at the front.

But after all, I didn't dare to hate him blatantly. I could only lower my head and use my peripheral vision to carefully remember Zhao Gao's figure in my mind.

The more he gains Zhao Gao's trust, the more opportunities he will have to take action against Zhao Gao.

However, little did he know that the hatred he thought he had hidden was clearly seen by Wu Chen and Zhou Wen, who were closely observing the movements of the ministers from high places:
'This person is available! 'The two of them had other agendas.
Zhao Gao at the front is also focusing on one person today, and that is Hu Hai.

He deliberately arranged such a drama to make the ministers despair of His Majesty the Emperor, so that he who killed the tyrant would not be accused of regicide.

'Yan Le has made arrangements. When Your Majesty returns to the palace, you will see another punishment~'

'You like to see punishments so much, so you must be looking forward to the punishments for the emperor~'

(End of this chapter)

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