Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 438 The Death of Hu Hai

Chapter 438 The Death of Hu Hai
"I don't want to. I would like to abdicate and take a county as my king. Is that okay?"

"The Prime Minister said, no."

"If I can't be a king, then let me leave Xianyang and become a Marquis of Ten Thousand Households in another place."

"The Prime Minister said, no."

"Please, Prime Minister, spare my life. I am willing to be the head of Guizhou together with my wife and children, without any servants or property in the palace."

In the Wangyi Palace, the golden curtain was torn off and fell to the ground. A sharp arrow was pierced at the head of the black wooden dragon bed. Hu Hai slumped in front of the bed, his right face red and swollen, and his tone gradually became whimpering and pleading.

A stick of incense had just returned from the Xianyang East Market Execution Ground a few minutes ago. After enjoying a great show, Hu Hai was contented to prepare for a while. The sudden arrow shot in and Yan Le rushing in caught him off guard.

"Hu Hai is debauched and tyrannical, and the whole world has rebelled against him. Now that the King of Qi has entered Guanzhong, he will be coming to Xianyang City soon. Your Majesty should make plans."

Yan Le first scolded him angrily. The second emperor, who had a lot of internal strength, wanted to jump up to resist, but he was the opponent of the newly formed Six Sword Slaves, and his right arm joint was easily removed.

Then Shuishui Zhou Wen destroyed his Dantian.

The moment he took action himself, Zhou Wen felt a bit of revengeful pleasure in his heart: the tragedy of his life began when he was framed by Tian Zhong 22 years ago, but the origin was due to the snare, and the further investigation was due to the violence of the Qin State.

It was because they wanted to unify the six countries that they made farmers the targets of their trap.

So now Zhou Wen, who had lost his right arm and only had two or three years left to live, had no qualms about taking back some of his hatred from the second emperor Hu Hai.

In his early years, he had no intention of revenge, because at that time the farmer's family was seriously threatened. As a child of Daze Mountain, Zhou Wen devoted all his energy to protecting the farmer's family.

Now that the peasant family is about to create a new empire under the leadership of Lu Wei, the peasant family no longer needs his protection, so the dying Zhou Wen no longer has to consider any foreign affairs and concentrate on avenging himself in this final stage.

When he was abolishing Dantian, he saw Hu Hai's subconsciously resentful eyes, raised his hand and slapped him to the ground.

Zhengang Wuchen turned a blind eye to this, and Yan Le did not think that he needed to conflict with Master Zhao Gao's Luowang Six Swordsman because of a dying deposed emperor, so he also ignored it.

Zhou Wen also gave up when he saw that Hu Hai was just a puppet, and there would be a real culprit behind the scenes later.

After seeing that he had no ability to resist, Yan Le took a step forward, announced Hu Hai's crime again, looked at him coldly, and then the subsequent conversation took place.

Seeing that Hu Hai still wanted to survive, Yan Le became very angry. There was only one chance to be so arrogant against the emperor of the Qin Empire. He said angrily: "The sword in my hand is the will of the world's people." , if you are willing to save face for yourself, you should know what to do."

"Otherwise, Your Majesty will not blame you for being disrespectful!"

Everything is developing too fast. Hu Hai's golden and blue eyes were watching the screams of the ministers in Xianyang East City two hours ago, but now he can only face the cold light sword.

Without leaving him any time to think, Yan Le raised his sword and stepped forward again. In despair, Hu Hai stood up and pulled out the 'Tianwen' that belonged to his father on the bedside, and killed himself with the supreme sword ranked first in the sword manual.
At this point, the last descendant of the First Emperor was killed by Hu Hai himself, and he single-handedly destroyed all the First Emperor's bloodline.

Yan Le stepped forward and cut off his head and put it into the wooden box prepared earlier in the morning. Together with the jade seal, the Six Sword Slaves took him to the court. He also had to take over the Xianyang Forbidden Army.

After the officials had to watch the punishment at the Dongshi Execution Ground, they did not get the chance to go home. Instead, they were held hostage in a net and brought back to the Xianyang Palace Hall.Zhao Gao stood at the highest level of the stamping. He said nothing, but the evil smile on his face made everyone feel more uneasy.

Time passed little by little, and the sky gradually became dark, but now no minister would stand up and ask Zhao Gao why. The last batch of ministers who could not stand the current atmosphere in the court had been executed earlier.

Those who leave behind may not all be afraid of death, but they certainly don’t want to die meaninglessly at such a time.

Zhao Gao was very satisfied with the court he trained: This is how other killers in the trap treat him!

Now, he has reproduced it in the court, turning the entire Qin Kingdom into a trap for him, and there will be no voice that questions him.

This is a prestige that even the First Emperor of the past did not have. Although Ying Zheng could not change the decree after he issued it, there were many suggestions from Li Si, Fusu and others before it was issued.

Now, looking at the silent ministers, Zhao Gao estimated that the time was almost up. After coughing twice to attract all the attention, Zhao Gao said softly:

"Everyone, the Qi army has entered the pass, and the Great Wall Army is blocking them. It is expected that General Wang Li will win after he returns, but now we have to deal with the source of everything."

'The source of the decline of such a huge empire began when you, Zhao Gao, took Hu Hai back to Xianyang from Songhai! '

Everyone knew this, and even Zhao Gao himself understood this: he could control the mouths of ministers, but he could not control their hearts.

But it doesn’t matter, as long as you can control your mouth.

"Now that the people of the world are in dire straits and full of resentment and resentment, they are pointing the finger at His Majesty the Second. Today you have also seen His Majesty's cruelty. As the Prime Minister, I must be worried about it."

"If the people's anger cannot be quelled, even if Qi is wiped out, there will still be traitors like Zhao and Chu."

"The Book of Changes said: 'If virtue does not match the position, there will be disaster; if virtue is weak but the position is high, if wisdom is small but the plan is big, if strength is small but the responsibility is heavy, it is rare to be inferior.'" As soon as Zhao Gao said this sentence, the ministers instantly woke up. Everyone was shocked by what he was going to do when he came over, but Zhao Xiangguo didn't care about it and continued:

"It has been one year since Your Majesty took the throne last year, but it has already been three years since Taijia. I want to do what Yi Yin did, dethrone him and temporarily take over his throne. What do you think?"

When he said this, the new Six Swordsmen headed by Wu Chen happened to come back, holding the wooden box and jade seal in their hands.

After presenting the jade seal to Zhao Gao and throwing the wooden box in the middle of the crowd of ministers, Hu Hai's head rolled several times, and the effect was like a thunderbolt hitting everyone's hearts. For a time, the air pressure in the court was very low.
Yi Yin didn't just chop off Taijia's head.

How long do you, Zhao Gao, want to take it on behalf of you?
Shusun Tong was so surprised that it was hard to describe, but soon he thought it had nothing to do with him: No matter how rampant Zhao Gao is, what will happen when His Highness King Qi comes to the city?
Although Ziying did not recognize Hu Hai, he was still heartbroken at this moment. The bloodline of the First Emperor was severed and Qin died.
The attitudes of the ministers were roughly divided into two categories like Shusuntong and Ziying, and the result of these two categories of people coming together was to bow their heads and remain silent.

Talking can lead to death, so use this attitude to express your opposition to Zhao Gao.

However, Zhao Gao was on the verge of madness. Seeing the court's behavior, he insisted on going his own way and said, "Since no one objects, it's settled."

"Master Ziying, you are the representative of the clan. The ceremony for me to act as emperor will be held in five days, and you will preside over it. How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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